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Caution. In pronouncing the following and similar words, avoid laying too much stress on the syllable next to the last. Touch the unaccented syllables distinctly but lightly.

[blocks in formation]

Direction. Illustrate the use of each word. The words are arranged alphabetically to aid in consulting the dictionary.



1æ o'li an

a'er o naut

2 æs thet'ic

å lac ri ty
al'ka li

al le go ry
å mal'ga mate
an æs thet'ic

å nal'o gy

å nat o my
an'gli cize

an ni ver'sa ry

ȧ nom'a ly

å non y mous

ap pa rā'tus

ap pren'tice

as sim i late

3 as sur ance

å troc i ty
aus'pi ces
au to mo'bile
bi'cy cle

[blocks in formation]

de lin e ate

de o dor ize

de plete

de rog a to ry
des'ic cate

det ri ment

Deu ter on'o my

di'o cēse

di plo'ma cy dis par i ty dis syl la ble dŏl'or ous dy na mo

ef fem'i na cy

ef fi cien cy

Brit ain

Brit on

e'go tism

cen ten'ni al

ĕl lipse'

Pronunciation. 1ē-ō'-. 2 ĕs-thět'-.

3 ȧ-shur'-.

fac sim'i le

fir'ma ment fis cal

fla grant

fu ne're al

gas'o line hel'le bore hem or rhage hi lar'i ty hon'or a ry

im plic'it in cen tive

in ci sive

in de cen cy in dig e nous

in oc u late

vac'ci nate

4 adj., con-sum'-.


Direction. Illustrate the use of each word.

[blocks in formation]

mar i time

1men ag'er ie

mer'ce na ry mis cre ant mis de mean'or mne mon'ics

mol❜li fy

mon e ta ry
mon o syl la ble

mo not'o ny
nec'es sa ry
ni hil ism

nul li fy
ob serv'ance

om'i nous


op'ti mist

pes si mist
os tra cize
2 pageant ry
pan a ce'a
par'ox ysm
Pen ta teueh

per cus'sion
pho'no graph
phosphor us
3 pi quan cy
plā ģiȧ rize
4 Ple ia des

pneu mat'ic

po lyg a my prep a ra'tion pre ten'tious

pri or i ty


rep ar tee'

re pug'nant 5 req'ui site

reş o nant re sus'ci tate rev e la'tion rhet'o ric

rum mage

sa gac'i ty

6 san'a tive

6san i tary

san i ty
sat el lite
scur ril ous
sol e cism

stē re o type
sup pli ant

sup pu rate

prom'on to ry

tel e graph

[blocks in formation]

4 plē'yȧ dēz. 5 rěk'wĭ zit.

te mer'i ty tran quil li ty tri syl la ble va'rĭ é gate zeal ous

3 pē'kan- or pĭk'-.

6 Sanative, tending to promote health; sanitary, pertaining to health.


239. Synonyms Discriminated

Definition. Synonyms are words of like significance in the main, but with a certain unlikeness as well. Trench.



bring, motion toward the speaker.

fetch, motion, first from, then toward, the speaker (go and bring).

haste denotes quickness of action and a strong desire for

getting on.

hur'ry is a confused or rash haste.

speed denotes the actual progress made.

dis patch' denotes the promptitude and rapidity with which things are done.

i'dle, unemployed; averse to doing anything useful.

3 in'do lent denotes a love of ease, or an aversion to effort. la'zy, averse to bodily effort more contemptuous than indolent.


in'dus try implies habitual devotion to labor.

dil'i gence denotes earnest application to some specific object or pursuit. (industrious, adj.; diligent, adj.)

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

- Bible. An

3. Why stand ye here all the day?-Bible.

mind is not capable of true enjoyment. Shall we stretch our

bodies on our beds while the world is hard at work?

4. A man is

who is actually employed, and if dis

posed always to be employed.

Direction. Learn to discriminate; give original illustrations.

The con niv'ance (winking) of public men at what is wrong is often the result of the basest col lu'sion (playing into each other's hands).

A few persons form a ca bal' or jun'to and intrigue secretly for power; a fac'tion works more openly.

Con ceal' facts or crimes; dis guise' sentiments; dis sem'ble feelings; se crete' goods.

Con sign' goods to an agent; in trust' money or goods to a servant.

A con temp'tu ous opinion expresses contempt; a con tempt'ible opinion deserves contempt. Egotism is con tempt'i ble; treachery is des'pi ca ble (stronger term). Pit'i ful excuse, pretense, or weakness; pal'try trifle, evasion, or subterfuge. He is con tent' who holds enough; he is sat'is fied who gets enough.

241. Synonyms Discriminated

Direction. Learn to discriminate; give original illustrations.

Clum'sy (lumpish, heavy) person, shape, or expression; awk'ward (ungraceful) movements or manners; un couth' (untrained) manners or language.

Droll fellow; com'ic al adventure; laugh'a ble incident; lu'dicrous scene or situation; fa ce'tious person or reply.

An error may be corrected; a mis take' may be rectified or overlooked; a blun'der is blamable or laughable.

I thought the attempt fool'ish at first, now I think it ab surd' and even pre pos'ter ous.

Youth'ful employments or aspirations; ju've nile performances or tricks; pu'er ile (usually in a bad sense) objections.

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