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Direction. Practice on the following words till you can pronounce them rapidly in succession without error.

Caution. Final a unaccented has generally an obscure sound like å in ask. Avoid a or ì.

[blocks in formation]

Caution. Avoid adding the sound of r to words like the following; as, sawr 'er for saw her.

[blocks in formation]

Caution. Do not give ow and ou (= åoo) the drawling sound ǎoo, and do not sound ow (= ↓) like ur.

[blocks in formation]

Caution. In the endings ent, ant, and ance, do not make the ĕ and ă prominent, and do not change them to й.

[blocks in formation]

To the Teacher. It would be profitable to take this lesson up occasionally in review. See remark to teacher, Less. 31.

To the Pupil. The name of the type is printed in the type named.

Direction. Spell the words. Copy the punctuation marks.

[blocks in formation]

To the Pupil. Contractions like these are allowable in poetry or in familiar speech, but not in formal prose composition.

[blocks in formation]

RULE I. Final e is dropped before a vowel.

Direction. Drop the final e from the root word, and add the suffixes, defining each new derivative as in the model.

Model. admired, did admire; admiring, continuing to admire; adʼmira ble, fit (worthy) to be admired; admirer, one who admires.

(The "model" must be varied to fit the different words and the different meanings of the suffixes.)

[blocks in formation]

(Why is the e not dropped in the following words?)




To the Teacher. Let the pupils construct short oral sentences containing these derivatives.

108. Adding Suffixes

Direction. Drop the final e and add the suffixes. Define the last

[blocks in formation]

RULE II. In monosyllables and words accented on the last syllable, a final consonant after a single vowel doubles before a suffix beginning with a vowel (x, k, and v are never doubled).

Direction. Add the suffixes as in preceding lessons. Be sure to double the final consonant of the root word. Define all derivatives as in preceding "models," except those in ed and ing.

(Why is the final consonant here doubled?)

[blocks in formation]

(Why are 1, r, and t not doubled in the following words?)

con cealed'

vig'or ous

ben'e fit ed

par'al leled


110. Adding Suffixes

Form derivatives according to the rule. Use the words.

(What part of the rule applies in this lesson that did not in the preceding lesson?)

[blocks in formation]

1 These first four words come under the rule, for ui and ua are not true diphthongs; u after q = the consonant w.

RULE III. y after a consonant becomes i before a suffix not beginning with i.


to change y to i.

Join the suffixes and define as in the "model." Be sure

Model. tardier, more tardy; tardiest, most tardy; tardily, in a tardy manner; tardiness, state of being tardy.

[blocks in formation]

Direction. Join the suffixes and define as above. Be sure to change

[blocks in formation]

(Why is y not changed in the following words?)

[blocks in formation]

1 Instead of defining, put he or it before the verb when es is added; as, it modifies.

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