PUC PRINCES. When the majesty of the people was a favourite term in the House of Commons, a celebrated wit, seeing chimney sweepers dancing on a May-day, styled them the young princes. PRINCOD. A pincushion. Scotch.---Also a round plump man or woman. PRINCOX. A pert, lively, forward fellow. PRINCUM PRANCUM. Mrs. Princum Prancum; a nice, precise, formal madam. PRINKING. Dressing over nicely: prinked up as if he came out of a bandbox, or fit to sit upon a cupboard's head. PRINT. All in print, quite neat or exact, set, screwed up. Quite in print; set in a formal manner. PRISCIAN. To break Priscian's head; to write or speak false grammar. Priscian was a famous grammarian, who flourished at Constantinople in the year 525; and who was so devoted to his favourite study, that to speak false Latin in his company, was as disagreeable to him as to break his head. PRITTLE PRATTLE. Insignificant talk: generally applied to women and children. PROG. Provision. Rum prog; choice provision. To prog; to be on the hunt for provision called in the military term to forage. PROPS. Crutches. PROPERTY. To make a property of any one; to make him a conveniency, tool, or cat's paw; to use him as one's own. PROUD. Desirous of copulation. A proud bitch; a bitch at heat, or desirous of a dog. PROVENDER. He from whom any money is taken on the highway: perhaps providor, or provider. Cant. PROPHET. The prophet; the Cock at Temple Bar so called, in 1788, by the bucks of the town of the inferior order. PRUNELLA. Mr. Prunella ; a parson: parson's gowns being frequently made of prunella. To PRY. To examine minutely into a matter or business. A prying fellow; a man of impertinent curiosity, apt to peep and inquire into other men's secrets. PUBLIC MAN. A bankrupt. PUBLIC LEDGER. A prostitute: because, like that paper, she is open to all parties. PUCKER. All in a pucker; in a dishabille. fright: as, she was in a terrible pucker. Also in a Риск PUM PUCKER WATER. Water impregnated with alum, or other astringents, used by old experienced traders to counterfeit virginity. PUDDINGS. The guts: I'll let out your puddings. PUDDING-HEADED FELLOW. A stupid fellow, one whose brains are all in confusion. PUDDING SLEEVES. A parson. PUDDING TIME. In good time, or at the beginning of a meal : pudding formerly making the first dish. To give the crows a pudding; to die. pudding, to settle your love. You must eat some cold PUFF, or PUFFER. One who bids at auctions, not with an intent to buy, but only to raise the price of the lot; for which purpose many are hired by the proprietor of the goods on sale. PUFF GUTS. A fat man. PUFFING. Bidding at an auction, as above; also praising any thing above its merits, from interested motives. The art of puffing is at present greatly practised, and essentially necessary in all trades, professions, and callings. To puff and blow; to be out of breath. PUG. A Dutch pug; a kind of lap-dog, formerly much in vogue; also a general name for a monkey. PUG CARPENTER, An inferior carpenter, one employed only in small jobs. PUG DRINK. Watered cyder. PUGNOSED, or PUGIFIED. A person with a snub or turned up nose. PULLY HAWLY. To have a game at pully hawly; to romp with women. PELL. To be pulled; to be arrested by a police officer. To have a pull is to have an advantage; generally where a person has some superiority at a game of chance or skill. PUMP. A thin shoe. To pump; to endeavour to draw a secret from any one without his perceiving it. Your pump is good, but your sucker is dry; said by one to a person who is attempting to pump him. Pumping was also a punishment for bailiffs who attempted to act in privileged places, such as the Mint, Temple, &c. It is also a piece of discipline administered to a pickpocket caught in the fact, when there is no pond at hand. To pump ship; to make water, and sometimes to vomit. Sea phrase. PUMP WATER. He was christened in pump water; commonly said of a person that has a red face. PUNCH. PUZ PUNCH. A liquor called by foreigners Contradiction, from its being composed of spirits to make it strong, water to make it weak, lemon juice to make it sour, and sugar to make it sweet. Punch, is also the name of the prince of puppets, the chief wit and support of a puppet-show. To punch it, is a cant term for running away. Punchable; old passable money, anno 1695. A girl that is ripe for man is called a punchable wench. Cobler's Punch. Urine with a cinder in it. PUNK. A whore; also a soldier's trull. See TRULL. PUNY. Weak. A puny child; a weak little child. A puny stomach; a weak stomach. Puny, or puisne judge; the last made judge. PUPIL MONGERS. Persons at the universities who make it their business to instruct and superintend a number of pupils. PUPPY. An affected or conceited coxcomb. PURL. Ale in which wormwood has been infused, or ale and bitters drunk warm. PURL ROYAL. Canary wine; with a dash of tincture of wormwood. PURSE PROUD. One that is vain of his riches.. PURSENETS. Goods taken up at thrice their value, by young spendthrifts, upon trust. PURSER'S PUMP. A bassoon: from its likeness to a syphon, called a purser's pump. PURSY, OF PURSIVE. Short-breathed, or foggy, from being over fat. PUSHING SCHOOL. A fencing school; also a brothel. PUT. A country put; an ignorant awkward clown. To put upon any one; to attempt to impose on him, or to make him the but of the company. PUZZLE-CAUSE. A lawyer who has a confused understanding. PUZZLE-TEXT. An ignorant blundering parson. QUA QUACK. An ungraduated ignorant pretender to skill in physic, a vender of nostrums. QUACK-SALVER. A mountebank: a seller of salves. QUAG. Abbreviation of quagmire; marshy moorish ground. QUAIL QUE QUAIL-PIPE. A woman's tongue; also a device to take birds of that name by imitating their call. Quail pipe boots; boots resembling a quail pipe, from the number of plaits; they were much worn in the reign of Charles II. QUAKERS. A religious sect so called from their agitations in preaching. QUAKING CHEAT. A calf or sheep. QUANDARY. To be in a quandary: to be puzzled. Also one so over-gorged, as to be doubtful which he should do first, sh---e or spew. Some derive the term quandary from the French phrase qu'en dirai je? what shall I say of it? others from an Italian word signifying a conjuror's circle. QUARREL-PICKER. A glazier: from the small squares in casements, called carreux, vulgarly quarrels. QUARROMES, OF QUARRON. A body. Cant. or QUARTERED. Divided into four parts; to be hanged, drawn, and quartered, is the sentence on traitors and rebels. Persons receiving part of the salary of an office from the holder of it, by virtue of an agreement with the donor, are said to be quartered on him. Soldiers billetted on a publican are likewise said to be quartered on him. TO QUASH. To suppress, annul or overthrow; vulgarly pronounced squash: they squashed the indictment. QUEAN. A slut, or worthless woman, a strumpet. QUEEN DICK. To the tune of the life and death of Queen Dick. That happened in the reign of Queen Dick; i.e. never. QUEEN STREET. A man governed by his wife, is said to live in Queen street, or at the sign of the Queen's Head. QUEER, OF QUIRE. Base,roguish, bad, naught or worthless. How queerly the cull touts; how roguishly the fellow looks. It also means odd, uncommon. Cant. QUEER AS DICK'S HATBAND. Out of order, without knowing one's disease. TO QUEER. To puzzle or confound. I have queered the old full bottom; i.e. I have puzzled the judge. To queer one's ogles among bruisers; to darken one's day lights. QUEER WEDGES. Large buckles. QUEER BALL. Insolvent sharpers, who make a profession of bailing persons arrested: they are generally styled Jew bail. from that branch of business being chiefly carried on by the sons of Judah. The lowest sort of these, who borrow or hire clothes to appear in, are called Mounters, from their mounting particular dresses suitable to the occasion. Cant. QUEER BIRDS. Rogues relieved from prison, and returned to their old trade, QUEER QUEER BIT-MAKERS. Coiners. Cant. QUEER BITCH. An odd, out-of-the-way fellow. QUEER BLUFFER. The master of a public-house the resort of rogues and sharpers, a cut-throat inn or alehouse keeper. QUEER BUNG. An empty purse. QUEER CHECKERS. Among strolling players, door-keepers who defraud the company,by falsely checking the number of people in the house. QUEER COLE FENCER. A putter off, or .utterer, of bad money. QUEER COLE MAKER. A maker of bad money. QUEER COVE. A rogue. Cant. QUEER CUFFIN. A justice of the peace; also a churl. QUEER DEGEN. An ordinary sword, brass or iron hilted. QUEER KEN. A prison. Cant. QUEER KICKS. A bad pair of breeches. QUEER MORT. A diseased strumpet. Cant. QUEER PLUNGERS. Cheats who throw themselves into the water, in order that they may be taken up by their accomplices, who carry them to one of the houses appointed by the Humane Society for the recovery of drowned persons, where they are rewarded by the society with a guinea each; and the supposed drowned persons, pretending he was driven to that extremity by great necessity, is also frequently sent away with a contribution in his pocket. QUEER PRANCER. A bad, worn-out, foundered horse; also a cowardly or faint-hearted horse-stealer. QUEER ROOSTER. An informer that pretends to be sleeping, and thereby overhears the conversation of thieves in night cellars. QUEER STREET. Wrong. Improper. Contrary to one's wish. It is queer street, a cant phrase, to signify that it is wrong or different to our wish. QUITAM. A qui tam horse; one that will both carry and draw. Law wit. TO QUIBBLE. To make subtle distinctions; also to play upon words. QUICK AND NIMBLE. More like a bear than a squirrel. Jeeringly said to any one moving sluggishly on a business. or errand that requires dispatch. QUID. The quantity of tobacco put into the mouth at one time. To quid tobacco; to chew tobacco. Quid est hoc? hoc est quid; a guinea. Half a quid; half a guinea, The |