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Library of Mr. Chas. J. Barnes. Part I.

Library of Mr. F. C. Adams and Miscel-
laneous. Amount realised, £1,445 3s. od.
Miscellaneous. Amount realised, £11,034
15s. 6d.

Miscellaneous. Amt. realised, £3,880 12s. 6d.
Library of Mr. Chas. J. Barnes. Part II.

Library of Mr. A. G. Snelgrove, and other
properties. Amt. realised, £2,143 6s. od.
Library of Mr. J. H. Cavender. Amount
j realised, $8,542.50.

Fourth portion of stock of the late W. J.
Leighton. Amt. realised, £3,193 6s. od.
Library of Sir Bruce M. Seton, and other
properties. Amount realised, £2,732.
Library of Baroness Zouche. Amount
realised, £7,176 9s. od.

Stock of the late George D. Smith. Part II.

Library of J. Ferguson, LL.D. Amount
realised, £5,949 IS. od.

Library of Sir P. Paunceforth-Duncombe,
Bt., and Miscellaneous. Amount realised,
£1,845 18s. od.

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Library of Mr. Herman le Roy Edgar. Part
JI. Amount realised, $74,000.

} Library of Chas. J.. Barnes. Part III.

Miscellaneous. Amt. realised, £4,207 7s. 6d.
French Armorial Bindings and Miscel-
laneous. Amount realised, £5,053 10s. od.
Library of Mr. John L. Clawson. Amount
realised, $73,000.

Library of Mr. H. G. Holden and Miscel-
laneous. Amount realised, £2,693 5s. 6d.
Quantock Lodge: E. A. V. Stanley.
Amount realised, £10,119 17s. 6d.

Library of Mr. P. Murray and other pro-
perties. Amount realised, £2,743 18s. od.
Library of Mr. R. Pariser and other pro-

Library of Mr. R. A. Rolfe and other pro-
perties. Amount realised, £1,761 11s. 6d.
Library of Mr. H. J. Heinz. Books on Cos-
tume, etc. Amount realised, $4,318.50.
Miscellaneous. Amt. realised, £6,070 15s. 6d.
Miscellaneous. Amt. realised, £1,059 3s. od.
Miscellaneous. Amt. realised, £3,863 15s. od.

Miscellaneous. Amt. realised, £519 1s. od.

Miscellaneous. Amt. realised, $24,946.15.
Miscellaneous. Amt. realised, £1,711 13s. 6d.
Miscellaneous. Amt. realised, £945 Is. od.
Miscellaneous. Amt. realised, £8,259 3s. 6d.
Longford Hall Library and other properties.
Amount realised, £2,464 12s. od.
Stock of late George D. Smith. Part III.
Amount realised, $55,226.

Library of Herman le Roy Edgar. Part II.
Amount realised, $54,387.50.

Mrs. Franklin Bartlett. Amount realised,

Miscellaneous. Amt. realised, £3,902 15s. 6d.
Library of Mr. G. W. Thompson. Amount
realised, $22,513.

Miscellaneous. Amt. realised, £572 7s. 6d.

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