Immagini della pagina

Charter, with numerous illustrations, orange mor., by R.
W. Smith, New York, De Vinne Press, 1893, 8vo. (51),
April 18, Anderson Galleries

[One of ten copies on Japan paper.]


Andrews (William Loring). The Old Booksellers of New York and other Papers, 3 views and a fac., cl., uncut, New York, 1895, 8vo. (137), Feb. 1, American Art Association $20

[One of 142 copies printed. Presentation copy from the author, with inscription, also an engraved presentation plate from William Loring Andrews.] Andros. Oppression and the Revolution in New-England. The Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants and Inhabitants of Boston and the Countrey adjacent, April 18th, 1689, pp. 4, folded, uncut edges, time spotted, in cl. folder, lettered, [colophon] Boston, printed by Samuel Green, and sold by Benjamin Harris at the London CoffeeHouse, 1689, sm. folio (101), March 22, American Art Association $1,300

[The very rare original issue, of which we know of but one other copy. For an account of the Revolution in Boston, caused by Governor Andros's oppressive measures, see Byfield's narrative of "The Late Revolution in New-England," where the above is reprinted. The same will also be found in "Sabin's Reprints," quarto series, No. 1.]

Angas (George French). South Australia Illustrated, 60 col. plates of the scenery, natives, natural history, costume, etc., with descriptions, hf. mor., M'Lean, 1847, folio (104), Dec. 13, Sotheby Thorp, II IOS. Angas (G. F.) The Kaffirs Illustrated, port. and col. plates, hf. mor., 1849, imp. folio (277), Feb. 23, Sotheby Quaritch, £15 10s. Angas (G. F.) The New Zealanders, illustrated with 60 fullpage finely col. lithographs of the inhabitants, costumes, implements, views, etc., hf. cf., London, 1847, large folio (201), Dec. 13, American Art Association $60 Angell (Christopher). 'EIXEIPAION, etc. [Enchiridion de Institutis Graecorum (Græce)], Ex-officina C. Legge Academiae Cantabrigiensis typographi, 1619—HIEPI ΤΗΣ ΑΠΟΣΤΑΣΙΑΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ, etc., 1624-Labor de apostasia Ecclesiae et de homine peccati, scilicet Antichristo, 1624, in 1 vol., red mor., g.e., by R. de Coverly, sm. 4to. (25), May 25, Sotheby Gaston, £12 Angelo (Domenico). L'Ecole des Armes, plates, cf. (worn), 1763, oblong folio (505), May 4, Puttick Lane, £1 12s. 6d. [Another copy, Sotheby, Jan. 24, Lot 281, £2.]

Angelus (Christopher). Ilovnous, 2 curious woodcuts, cf. gt., from the Heber library, Iohn Lichfeild and William Wrench, 1617, sm. 4to. (26), May 25, Sotheby Gaston, £11 Angelus (Joh.) Astrolabium planu in tabulis Ascendens cötinens qualibet hora atqz mito. Equationes domoruz celi, gothic letter, long lines, 40 to a page, 174 ll. [Hain

*1100, Proctor *1876, Pellechet 759], numerous spirited astrological woodcuts, horoscopes, etc., red mor. gt., a good copy, Augsburg, Erhard Ratdolt, 1488, 4to. (348), April 18, Sotheby Leighton, £16 Anglo-Saxon Gospels. The Gospels of the fower Evangelists [in] the vulgare toung of the Saxons [with dedication to Queen Elizabeth by John Foxe], the marginal notes in black letter, cf., J. Daye, 1571, sm. 4to. (513), Feb. 16, Hodgson Tregaskis, £20 Angus (W.) Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, 63 fine views, with descriptions, contemp. crimson straight-grain mor. ex., gold-tooled panels on sides, g.e., in remarkably fresh state, 1787, 8vo. (84), Nov. 17, Hodgson Myers, £2 4s. Annales de Chimie et de Physique, complete from commencement to 1909, premier série, 96 vol. in 48, hf. cf., nearly all a little rubbed :-Deuxième Série, 75 vol. in 43, hf. mor., uniform-Troisième Série, 69 vol., hf. mor., uniform -Quatrième Série, 30 vol., hf. cf.-Cinquième Série, 30 vol., hf. cf., uniform with the Quatrième Série-Sixième Série, 30 vol., hf. mor., g.t.-Septième Série, 30 vol., hf. mor., g.t.-Huitième Série, Vol. i.-xviii., hf: mor., g.t., uniform with the two preceding series-9 vol. of tables, together 388 vol. bound in 308 vol., numerous_folding and other plates, Paris, 1789-1909, 8vo. (428), Jan. 24, Sotheby Quaritch, £230 Annales Poetiques ou Almanach des Muses, depuis l'origine de la Poésie, ports., 27 vol. only, contemp. green mor. gt., a three-line fillet border and corner fleurons, g.e., Paris, 1778-83, 12mo. (525), Oct. 25, Sotheby Maggs, £13 Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova pubblicati per cura di G. Doria, etc., plates (plain and in colours), Vol. i.-xl. (with general index), 40 vol., hf. marone mor., Genova, 1870-1901, 8vo. (521), March 1, Sotheby

Heffer, £20 Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, plates (plain and col.), Vol. i.-xi., 11 vol., hf. mor., New York, 1824-76, 8vo. (522), March 1, Sotheby Quaritch, £8 Annals of Sporting, by Caleb Quizem, Esq., first ed., col. plates by Rowlandson, Woodward and Bunbury, russ. gt., 1809, 8vo. (200), Jan. 12, Puttick Slocock, £7 7S. Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette, col. and plain plates, 13 vol. in 7 (without the number for June, 1828), (some leaves foxed), 1822-8 (862), Feb. 23, Sotheby Spencer, £100 Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette (The), with a large number of col. and plain plates by Alken, Cruikshank, Herring, Thomas and Edwin Landseer and others, and with many woodcut illustrations, Vol. i. to xiii., 13 vol.— The Turf Herald, or Annual Racing Calendar, 1824-27, 2 vol., together 15 vol., full bevelled red mor., London, Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1822-28, 8vo. (14), May 9, Anderson Galleries


Anne of Denmark. Academiæ Oxoniensis Funebria Sacra, æternæ memoriæ Reginæ Annæ Monarchæ Jacobi Regis desideratissimæ Sponsæ dicata, vell., Oxoniæ, 1619, sm. 4to. (1), May 25, Sotheby Maggs, £10 Annual Register, from the commencement in 1758 to 1919, with Index to 1819, 110 vol. hf. bd. (bindings defective) and 53 vol. cl., together 163 vol. (68), May 11, Hodgson E. G. Allen, £14 IOS. Annunzio (G.) Novelle, 5 vol., hf. dark brown mor. gt., g.t., Milano, 1903-4, 8vo. (897), March 14, Sotheby

Maggs, 1 8s. Anselme (P.) and Fourny (M. du). Histoire généalogique et chronologique de la maison royale de France, des pairs, etc., front. and numerous woodcuts of arms, 9 vol., contemp. French cf., three-line fillet in gold round edges, gt. panelled back with flowers and stars, Paris, 1726-33, folio (11), Dec. 2, Sotheby Harding, £6 1OS. Anson (George). Voyage round the World in 1740-4, compiled by Richard Walter, plates, cf. (rubbed), 1748Foster (G.) A Voyage round the World, map, 2 vol., cf., 1777, together 3 vol., 4to. (329), April 25, Sotheby

Cash, £3 10S. Anthropological Society. Publications, viz.: Anthropological Review and Journal of Anthropology, 9 vol., 1863-70Anthropologia, 1873-5, 1 vol.-Journal of the Institute, from the beginning in 1872 to December, 1904 [Vol. i.xxxiv.], plates and cuts, with Man, Parts 2-4, and Bloxam's Index, together 37 vol. hf. cf. (a few bindings defective) and 18 parts sewn, with Memoirs, 3 vol., 1865-70, and Extra Publications, 5 vol., 1863-5, in cl., 1863-1904, 8vo. (785), Nov. 3, Hodgson Hermann, £25 Antonio (N.) Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus et Novus, 4 vol., contemp. tree cf., Matriti, 1788, folio (565), Jan. 12, Hodgson Heffer, £2 10S. Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius). Somma dello Arciuescouo Antonino omnis mortalium cura, roman letter, first page of text within woodcut border-piece (shaved at fore-edge), 3 woodcut devices on last leaf, wants a (with title and woodcut) and a8 (the former supplied in fac., hf. bd.), Firenze, ad petitione di fer Piero Pacini da Pescia, 1507, 4to. (2894) The Golden Boke of Marcus Aurelius (trans. out of Frenche into Englysshe by John Bourchier knyghte lorde Barners), black letter, title within Holbeinesque border, woodcut device on the verso of the 4th leaf, hf. cf., the copy of R. Farmer, T. Berthelet, 1535, 4to. (2895), together 2 vol., Nov. 2, Sotheby Quaritch, £25

[Hazlitt Iv., describing the latter copy, says: "Sotheby's, July 30, 1894, in Lot 1101, from Farmer's Library, with his autograph and a long MS. note by him on fly-leaf; it appears to have been Ratcliff's. I have seen no other. A-Uu 3 in fours, Uu 4 having been blank, or with a device."]

Antoninus (M. A.) Tractato uolgare di frate Antonino arciuescouo di Firenze e intitolato Curam illius habe, roman letter, long lines, woodcut on title and another at the end, hf. bd. [not seen by Hain 1214, Proctor 6355], Impresso in firenze per Sen Lorenzo de Morgiani & Ianni di Piero di Maganza, 1493, 4to. (2893), Nov. 2, Sotheby Hertzberger, £7 15s. Apianus (P.) Astronomicum Cæsarum, fine woodcut title, coats-of-arms and 35 curious full-page woodcut astronomical designs, with moveable volvelles and pointers by Estendorfer, col. by a contemp. hand, a fine copy, collated and perfect (with the exception of a few volvelles, therefore sold not subject to return), vell. gt., Ingolstadii, 1540 (414), June 16, Hodgson Stevens, Son & Stiles, £19 10S. Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica, cum Scholiis graecis (graece), editio princeps, red mor., g.e., fine copy, from the Firmin Didot Library [H.-C. *1292], Florence, Laurentius Franciscus de Alopa, 1496, 4to. (32), May 25, Sotheby Maggs, £21 Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica, cum commentariis, contemp. Venetian binding of dark brown mor., Venetiis in aedibus Aldi, 1521, 8vo. (33), May 25, Sotheby Olschki, £5 [Apperley (C. J.)] The Analysis of the Hunting Field, being a series of Sketches forming a slight Souvenir of the Season, 1845-6, title and 6 col. plates by H. Alken, crimson cl., uncut, R. Ackermann, 1846, roy. 8vo. (190), April 29, Hodgson £19 [Apperley (C. J.)] The Chace, the Turf and the Road, by Nimrod, port. after Maclise, plates by H. Alken, orig. cl. bds. gt., 1837, 8vo. (479), April 25, Sotheby

Walford, 1 8s. [Apperley (C. J.)] Hunting Reminiscences, first ed., plates by Wildrake, Henderson and Alken, orig. cl., with 4 11. of advts. at end, 1843, 8vo. (217), Dec. 1, Puttick

Spencer, LII [Apperley (C. J.)] Memoirs of the Life of the late John Mytton, Esq., of Halston, Shropshire, formerly M.P. for Shrewsbury . . with notices of his Hunting, Shooting, Driving, Racing and Extravagant Exploits, by Nimrod, with 12 col. plates by Henry Alken, orig. cl., rebacked, some foxmarks, London, Rudolph Ackermann, 1835, 8vo. (14), April 20, American Art Association


[First ed. Fine untrimmed copy, with brilliant impression of the plates. Contains the two plates, "Mytton Masters the Savage Dog" and "Blood and the BullDog," not included in later editions. With pencilled signature," John P. Trotter, 1836," at head of title; bookplate of J. P. Trotter Cranstoun, Harvieston.] [Apperley (C. J.)] Life of John Mytton, second ed., with additions, 18 fine col. plates by H. Alken and T. J. Rawlins, orig. green cl., g.e. (some 11. slightly soiled and the

cl. cover renovated), in cl. slip-case, R. Ackermann, 1837 (489), June 2, Hodgson £16 IOS. [Apperley (C. J.)] Memoirs of the Life of the late John Mytton, Esq., with Notices of his Hunting, Shooting, Driving, Racing, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits, by Nimrod, third ed., 18 fine col. aquatints by H. Alken, T. J. Rawlins and E. Duncan, orig. maroon cl. gt., g.e., R. Ackermann, 1851 (150), Jan. 19, Hodgson £20 [Apperley (C. J.)] The Life of a Sportsman, by Nimrod, with 36 col. plates, including title, by Henry Alken, orig. dark blue cl., decorated, gt. edges (hinge and small portions at head and foot of back repaired, corners slightly rubbed), enclosed in three-quarter crimson crushed levant mor. case (scratched), with cl. inner wrapper, London, Rudolph Ackermann, 1842, roy. 8vo. (15), April 20, American Art Association


[First ed., first issue, with the four mounted plates in the first part of the volume, which are peculiar to the first issue; with the eight pages of advertisements of Ackermann publications at end, and one leaf containing advertisement of other works by Nimrod.]

[Apperley (C. J.)] Life of a Sportsman, first ed., col. plates by H. Alken (Nos. 3, 5 and II mounted), orig. red cl., g.e., with 5 11. of advts. at end, 1842, 8vo. (216), Dec. 1, Puttick Pickering, £74 Apperley (C. J.) The Life of a Sportsman, by Nimrod, with 36 col. plates by Henry Alken, orig. pictorial red cl., gt. edges, London, Ackermann, 1842, 8vo. (7), Nov. 29, Anderson Galleries $315 Apperley (C. J.) Nimrod's Hunting Tours, interspersed with Characteristic Anecdotes, Sayings and Doings of Sporting Men, including Notices of the principal Crack Riders of England . . . to which are added Nimrod's Letters on Riding to Hounds, bds. (hinges cracked), paper label, uncut, London, 1835, 8vo. (17), May 9, Anderson Galleries $15 Appian of Alexandria. An Avncient Historie and exquisite Chronicle of the Romanes warres, both Ciuile and Foren .. with a continuation . 2 parts (last 2 11. of index slightly defective from wormholes, etc.), cf., Henrie Bynniman, 1578, 4to. (412), March 14, Sotheby Ellis, £4 Appianus. De bellis civilibus romanis, latine a P. Candido Decembrio, Vol. i., 210 ll., roman letter, 32 lines to a page, the first page with a fine border printed in red; Vol. ii., 132 ll., roman letter, the first page with an ornamental border in black, cr verso, 23 lines only, c2 recto, blank, 2 vol., cf. gt., fine copies, Venice, Erhard Ratdolt, 1477, folio (62), Nov. 9, Sotheby Tregaskis, £50 Apuleius. Opera, first ed., roman letter, 176 11. only, long lines, 38 to a page (wants one leaf and 4 blanks), dark red mor. gt., g.e., from the Peel Library, Rome [Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz], 1469, folio (34), May 25, Sotheby

Maggs, £90

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