panel containing a design of fleurs-de-lys within borders, remains of clasps (rebacked), vell. end-leaves, fine copy [Norimberga, A. Koberger], 1474, folio (319), Dec. 20, Sotheby Hoare, £15 Duns Scotus (J.) Questiones in metaphysicam Aristotelis, lit. goth., double columns, 50 lines to a page, Venetiis per Joannem Hertzog de Landauu, 1499-Elenchi, lit. goth., double columns, 50 lines to a page, ib., 1499, in 1 vol., pig-skin ex., not in Proctor, folio (598), Dec. 20, Sotheby Heffer, £5 5s. Duns Scotus (J.) Tabula, manuscript on vell. [Italian, xvth century], 66 11., double columns of 34 lines, the first page of text with an illuiminated initial in gold and colours, other initials in red and blue-Opus Šummarum Scoti editum A. J. Rogerio Anglico. O. ff. Minor, manuscript on paper, 81 11., long lines, 35 to a page, the first page with a bar border in one margin in gold and colours, ending in elaborate floral ornaments delicately painted in gold and colours, other initials in red and blue, in 1 vol., hf. cf., xv. cent., 4to. (308), March 1, Sotheby Davis & Orioli, £8 15s. Dunton (John). The Dublin Scuffle, being a Challenge sent by John Dunton, Citizen of London, to Patrick Campbell, Bookseller in Dublin, to which is added the Billet Doux sent him by a Citizen's Wife in Dublin, tempting him to Lewdness, with his Answers to her, etc., first ed., contemp. mottled cf. gt., 1699, 8vo. (277), June 28, Sotheby Quaritch, £3 15s. [A MS. note at p. 129 is thought to have been written by Dean Swift.] Duperrey (M. L. I.) Voyage autour du monde sur la Corvette La Coquille," 1822-5-Zoologie par MM. Lesson et Garnot, I vol. 4to. text and folio Atlas of col. plates, hf. cf. and hf. red mor., Paris, 1826-Histoire Naturelle des Crustacés, Arachnides et Insectes recueillis dans le voyage par F. E. Guerin, col. plates, hf. red roan, ib., 1832-26, together 3 vol., 4to. and folio (633), March 1, Sotheby Quaritch, £10 Duplessi-Bertaux (J.) Recueil de Cent Sujets de divers Genres, Composés et Gravés à l'eau-forte, crimson mor., Paris, chez les éditeurs, 1814, oblong 4to. (202), Dec. 6, Anderson Galleries Durandi (G.) Rationale Divinorum Officiorum [Hain *6490], woodcut initials, gothic letter (a few margins wormed), contemp. tooled cf. (clasps missing), Venetiis, E. Ratdolt, 1485, sm. folio (569), Aug. 10, Hodgson Tregaskis, £5 Durandus (Guil.) Rationale divinorum officiorum, gothic letter, double columns, 50 lines, 218 11. (including blank third leaf), [Hain *6472, Proctor *1523], on the first page of text following the Table a large initial Q (slightly damaged) in blue on a black and gold ground within a red and green frame with floreate decorations in the margins, $75 large initials in green, blue and pink, numerous small initials in red, orig. blind stamped cf. over wooden bds., brass centre and corner-pieces, catches and clasps, Augsburg, Günther Zainer, 22 Jan., 1470, folio (510), April 18, Sotheby Leighton, £26 [June 28, Lot 673, 1475, £7 5s.; Jan. 24, Lot 363, 1478, II; Feb. 23, Lot 420, 1480, £2 8s.; Feb. 23, Lot 421, 1485, £3 10s.] Durante (P.) Libro darme e damore chiamato Leandra, nel quale se tratta delle battaglie e gran fatti delli Baroni di Francia, etc., gothic letter, olive mor., by Bedford, Vinetia, per F. Bindoni e M. Pasini Compagni, 1536 (85), July 21, Hodgson £10 Dürer (A.) Figuræ Passionis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, title and 37 woodcuts by Albert Dürer, laid down in a vol., vell., c. 1520 (683), Feb. 23, Sotheby Last, £2 2s. Dürer (A.) Geometria, woodcuts, printer's device at end, hf. bd., Lutetiæ, 1532, folio (317), March 17, Sotheby Hancock, £3 Dürer (A.) [The Life of the Virgin], a series of 20 engravings upon wood, brilliant impressions, before the text [Bartsch 76-95], mounted in a vol., blue mor., g.e., by Lloyd, n.d., folio (446), May 25, Sotheby Olschki, £52 Dürer (A.) Passio Christi cum varii generis carminibus Fratris Benedicti Chelidonii Musophili, first ed., full-page woodcuts, old blue mor. gt., g.e., with bookplate of Ĵ. Ï. Simes, an engraving by Barbe inserted as a front. [Bartsch 16-52], Nurnberge, 1511, sm. 4to. (444), May 25, Sotheby [June 15, Lot 1052, £37.] Quaritch, £76 Dürer (A.) Underweysung der messung mit dem zirckel uñ richtscheyt in Linien ebnen unnd gantzen corporen, gothic letter, woodcuts, numerous woodcut diagrams, port. inserted, Nuremberg, 1525, folio (323A), March 17, Sotheby Hancock, £10 IOS. Dürer (A.) Zeichnungen, herausgegeben von F. Lippmann, 588 plates, many col., ed. limited to 300 copies, 5 vol., blue buckram, with special design in blue and gold, g.e., Berlin, 1883-1905, roy. folio (693), April 25, Sotheby Dürer (A.) Euvre de Albert Dürer, Parsons, £31 réproduit et publié par Duplessis, 106 plates, marone mor. ex., g.e., 15, Sotheby Parsons, £12 15S. Dürer Society. Publications, with Introductory Notes by Campbell Dodgson and S. Montagu Peartree, numerous facs. of drawings and engravings, the ten series, with Index and Supplementary Notes, in 10 portfolios, as issued, and Index, 1898-1911, roy. folio and roy. 8vo. (259), Dec. 9, Hodgson Maggs, 14 15s. Durfey (Thomas). Wit and Mirth, or Pills to purge Melan choly, port., one of 100 LARGE PAPER COPIES, reprinted, Durfey (Thomas). Wonders in the Sun, or the Kingdom of $25 [Ed. de grand luxe, limited to 250 copies, printed on imperial Japanese vell. paper.] Duruy (V.) History of Rome, illustrations, 6 vol., 1883-6, 8vo. (181), May 18, Sotheby Winter, £2 6s. [Puttick, Jan. 12, Lot 146, £2.] Dutch Painters of the 19th Century, edited by Max Rooses and translated by F. Knowles, etchings by Ph. Zilcken, photogravures and numerous other illustrations, 4 vol., cl. ex., 1898-1901, 4to. (272), Dec. 1, Hodgson O'Kelly, £5 17s. 6d. Duthé. Galanteries d'une demoiselle du monde ou Souvenire de Mlle. Duthé, 4 vol., hf. bd., Paris, 1833, 8vo. (121), March 17, Sotheby Ash, £I IOS. [Inserted is an A.L.s. of Mdlle. Duthé, I p. 4to., written to Monsieur Perregaux, and dated from Coldworth, 27, 7he, 1790.] Dutt (Shoshee Chunder). Works, port., 10 vol., polished cf., gt. backs, gt. tops, uncut, by Rivière, London, 1884-86, 12mo. (472), Oct. 25, Anderson Galleries $45 Du Val (J.) et Fairmaire (L.) Genera des Coléoptères d'Europe, col. plates by J. Maigneaux, 4 vol., hf. mor. gt., g.t., Paris, 1854-63, roy. 8vo. (44), June 15, Sotheby Herman, £4 Du Val (Michael). The Spanish-English Rose, or the EnglishSpanish Pomgranet, engraved Latin title, containing fulllength ports. of Prince Charles and the Infanta (cropped along 3 sides), red mor., g.e., N. pl. or d. [John Haviland, 1623], 4to. (447), May 25, Sotheby Ellis, 10 IOS. Dyer (G.) History of Cambridge, plates, 2 vol., mor., g.e., 1814, 8vo. (199), March 9, Puttick Walford, 12s. 6d. Dyer (Jacques). Un Abridgement de toutes les Cases, belonged to James I., bound in dark brown cf., with a blind tooled fillet running round the edges of the covers, in the centre of each side is a stamp of the royal arms as first used after the junction of Scotland and England under one king, London, Thomas Wight, 1602 (243), June 28, Sotheby Dobell, £5 Earwaker (J. P.) East Cheshire, Past and Present, illustrations, 2 vol., cl., 1877-80, 4to. (234), July 22, Puttick Glaisher, 15S. East Anglian Notes and Queries, edited by S. Tymms [with contributions by E. Fitzgerald], 4 vol., hf. mor., 1864-87 -New Series, 12 vol., cl., 1885-1908 (353), July 27, Hodgson H. Wright, £3 7s. 6d. Eastburn (Robert). A Faithful Narrative of the many Dangers and Sufferings, as well as wonderful and surprizing Deliverances of Robert Eastburn, during his late Captivity among the Indians, preface by Rev. Gilbert Tennent, full maroon mor., gt. top (margins repaired), Philadelphia printed, Boston reprinted by Green & Russell, 1758, 8vo. (50), May 16, Anderson Galleries [With bookplate of Henry F. De Puy.] Eastlake (C. L.) Pictures in the National Gallery, London, plates, hf. mor., uncut, t.e.g., Munich, etc., n.d., folio (324), March 17, Sotheby Mellaart, £2 5S. Eburne (Richard). A Plaine Path-way to Plantations: that is, a Discourse in generall, concerning the Plantation of our English people in other Countries, dark red mor. gt., gt. inside borders, g.e., with the Miller arms on the sides, by F. Bedford, [London], printed by G. P. for John Marriot, 1624, sm. 4to. (51), May 16, Anderson Galleries $1,100 $120 [Only one other copy is recorded in American sale catalogues, and that is the Barlow copy [1890, $10], which lacked the last 6 pages. No copy in Church or the British Museum collection. Sabin records the wrong date, and probably got this title from Lowndes. This copy contains the orig. first and last blanks. A copy sold for £70 at Hodgson's, Nov., 1907, and the Pembroke copy for £420 in March, 1920. See also Notes & Queries, Dec. 7, 1907.] Eckhel (l'Abbé). Choix des Pierres Gravées du Cabinet Impérial des Antiques, LARGE PAPER, 40 beautiful engravings of gems, contemp. green mor. ex., broad gold-tooled borders on sides, purple silk linings and fly-leaves, mor. joints, g.e., in fine state, Vienne, 1788 (259), Nov. 25, Hodgson Leighton, £5 5S. Eckius (J.) Chrysopassus Prædestinationis, fine woodcut title and device at end, Augustæ Vindel, 1514-Noguera de Ecclesia Christi, Dilinga, 1560, in 1 vol., contemp. oak bds., pigskin back, with clasps (602), Aug. 10, Hodgson £3 3s. Economic Journal, edited by Edgeworth and Keynes, the first 29 vol., with Indexes to Vol. i. to xx., clean in parts, as issued, 1891-1919 (429), Feb. 16, Hodgson Harding, £4 Eden (Sir F. M.) The State of the Poor, a History of the Labouring Classes in England, 3 vol., cf., 1797, 4to. (939), Dec. 20, Sotheby Thorp, £5 10S. [Hodgson, Jan. 12, Lot 532, £4 12s. 6d.; Feb. 2, Lot 239, £5.] Eden (R.) The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes gathered in parte, and done into Englyshe by Richarde Eden, newly set in order, augmented and finished by Richarde Willes, black letter (title mended in blank margin, small hole in next leaf, slightly injuring catchword on verso, a few ll. dampstained, old names on title, otherwise a good copy), old sheep, R. Jugge, 1577, 4to. (939), June 15, Sotheby H. Stevens, £38 [Anderson Galleries, May 16, Lot 52, $155.] Edgeworth (Maria). Tales and Novels, engraved fronts. and vignette titles after W. Harvey, clean and unspotted, 18 vol., hf. green crushed levant mor., t.e.g., by Morrell, 1832-3, 12mo. (77), Dec. 1, Hodgson Edwards, £6 6s. [American Art Association, Jan. 25, Lot 86, $62.] Edinburgh Review, from the commencement in 1802 to 1916, with Indexes to 1889, Vol. i. to 224, 198 vol., including indexes, in uniform hf. mor. gt., the remainder in 64 nos. (798), Aug. 10, Hodgson Bailey, £6 Edmondson (J.) Complete Body of Heraldry, port. by Bartolozzi and plates of arms, all col., LARGE russ., 1780, folio (196), May 20, Puttick [Sotheby, March 1, Lot 147, £1 2s.] PAPER, 2 vol., Edwards (Bryan). History of the British West Indies, with the 4to. Atlas, 6 vol., hf. mor., full gt. backs, g.t., by De Coverly, bookplate of W. E. Gladstone, 1819, 8vo. (282), June 15, Sotheby Maggs, £2 8s. Edwards (E.) Old Inns, 135 fine etchings of the Inns of Eastern and Southern England on Japanese vell., the three series (limited to 150 sets), orig. wrappers, 1873-81, imp. 4to. (934), Feb. 16, Hodgson Batsford, £3 |