Immagini della pagina

translated out of French by R. C., orig. vell., Felix Kyngston, 1600, folio (63), Oct. 21, Sotheby Pickering, £16 Fur, Feather and Finn Series. The Partridge, 1893-The Grouse, 1894-The Pheasant, 1895-Red Deer, 1896The Hare, 1896-The Salmon, 1898-The Rabbit, 1898Pike and Perch, 1900, by various writers, together 8 vol., LARGE PAPER, 150 copies so done, hf. parchment, Longmans, 1893-1900 (56), July 18, Sotheby Maggs, £4 15s. Furber (R.) Twelve Months of Flowers, the 12 plates only, col. and attached to thin cardboards, hf. mor., not subject to return, 1730, roy. folio (637), May 9, Sotheby

Stokes, £8 5s. Furtwängler (A.) Die Antiken Gemmen, plates, 3 vol., leather gt., t.e.g., Leipzig and Berlin, 1900, folio (347), March 17, Sotheby Parsons, £7 [April 4, Lot 542, £6; Lot 581, £3 10s.; Hodgson, Dec. 16, Lot 637, £2 6s.]

Fyfe (Alexander). The Royal Martyr, K. Charles I., an Opera, crushed brown levant mor., by the French binders, Printed in the year 1795, sm. 4to. (111), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries

[ocr errors]


[First ed. The J. P. Kemble copy, with First Edition" in his hand on the title.] Gadbury (John). De Cometis, or a Discourse of the Natures and Effects of Comets as they are Philosophically, Historically and Astrologically Considered, with a brief (yet full) Account of the III. late Comets, or Blazing Stars, front. and diagrams, hf. mor., uncut (last 2 11. slightly damaged, w.a.f.), 1665, 4to. (402), Oct. 20, Puttick Heffer, £1 10s. Gadbury (John). Nauticum Astrologicum, or the Astrological Seaman, directing Merchants, Mariners, Captains of Ships, Ensurers, etc. how (by God's blessing) they may escape divers Dangers, unto which is added A Diary of the Weather for xxi. years, port. (inserted) and diagrams, hf. cf. (few headlines cropped), 1710, 8vo. (499), Oct. 20, Puttick Davis, £I IOS.

Gaffarel (James). Vnheard of Curiosities concerning the Talismanical Sculpture of the Persians, the Horoscope of the Patrarthes and the Reading of the Stars . . . Englished by Edmund Chilmead, 2 folding plates (torn and repaired and a corner off the leaf before the title, not damaging the text), cf., Printed by G. D., 1650, 8vo. (465), July 13, Sotheby Arthur, I IS. Gagarine (Prince Grégoire) and Stakelberg (Comte Ernest). Le Caucase Pittoresque, map and plates (some in col.), hf. red mor., g.t., 1847, folio (290), Jan. 24, Sotheby

Ellis, 10s. Gage (John). The History and Antiquities of Suffolk, Thingoe Hundred, plates, etc., cf. gt., 1838, 4to. (400), July 27, Fitzroy, £1 IOS.


Gage (T.) The English-American his Travail by Sea and Land, or a New Survey of the West-Indies (top rules of 2 or 3 pp. cut into), polished cf., gt. line tooling on sides, panelled back, gt. inside border, g.e., by Rivière, 1648, folio (677), March 1, Sotheby H. Stevens, £5 IOS.

[Anderson Galleries, Nov. 11, Lot 123, $50; Nov. 22, Lot 231, $30; May 16, Lot 64, $90.] Gaguinus (R.) De origine et gestis francorum perquam utile compendium, gothic letter, long lines, device on title in red, criblé initials, hf. bd., Impressi Parisii impensis Durandi gerlerij diligenti vero accuratione Andree Bocard, 1497, folio (3267), Nov. 2, Sotheby Maggs, £5 15S. Gainsford (Thomas). The Historie of Trebizond, in foure Bookes, with orig. blank for A1, vell. (upper cover defective), Tho. Downe and Eph. Dawson, 1616, sm. 4to. (64), Oct. 21, Sotheby Quaritch, £23 Galatini (P.) Opus de arcanis catholicae Veritas, roman letter, title within a woodcut border (a few 11. slightly stained), cf. gt., Impressum vero Orthonae maris per Hieronymum Soncinum M.D.XVIII. [Ortona, H. Soncinus, 1518], folio (228), May 9, Sotheby Ord, £3 5s.

[One of the first three books, all with the same date, printed at Ortona Abruzzo, Italy.]


Nicolai Leoniceni Vicentini in libros Galeni e graeca in latinam linguam a se translatos, roman letter (a few words damaged by wormholes), bds., Ferrara, 1509, etc., together 2 vol., folio (221), May 9, Sotheby Ord, £2 15s. Galerie Armoricaine, Costumes et Vues Pittoresques de la Bretagne. Dessinés d'après Nature et Lithographiés : les Costumes par Hte. Lalaisse, les Vues par Fx. Benoist, avec texte par J. C. Le Meder, Loire-Inférieure, Morbihan, Ille-et-Vilaine, Finistère, Cotes-du-Nord, with col. or tinted lithographed plates, including 5 col. maps, titlepages, views, the greater number of the plates being costumes of the inhabitants of the various parts of Brittany, 2 vol., mor. gt., g.e. (margins of several plates slightly fox-marked), Nantes, Henri Charpentier, 1858, folio (135), Dec. 13, American Art Association $13 Galerie des Artistes-Dramatiques, illustrated with 80 lithographs by Rigo freres, on India paper, after Alexander Lacauchie, 2 vol., hf. cf. and bds. (bindings rubbed), Paris, n.d., 4to. (251), Dec. 13, American Art Association


[The plates are full-length ports., in character, of celebrated actors and actresses, and include Mlle. Giulia Grisi, Carlotta Grisi, Mlle. Rachel, Fanny Elssler, Duprez, Mlle. Taglioni, Monrose, Mejaud and others.]

Galerie du Musée Napoléon, par Filhol et Lavallée, good impressions of the numerous plates, 10 vol., contemp. straight-grain mor. ex. (backs of few vol. slightly rubbed), 1804-15, 8vo. (45), Feb. 16, Hodgson Walford, £4

Galerie du Palais Royal, avec un Description par l'Abbé de

Fontenai, plates, 3 vol., russ. gt., g.e., 1786-1808, folio (190), May 20, Puttick Parsons, £2 IOS. Galerie Françoise ou Portraits des Hommes et des Femmes célèbres qui ont paru en France, 2 vol. in 1, cf. gt., Paris, 1771-2, folio (699), Oct. 25, Sotheby

Davis & Orioli, £6 10s. Galerie Françoise de Femmes Célèbres par leur Talens, leur Rang ou leur Beauté, ports. en pied, dessinés par M. Lante, la plupart d'après des originaux inédits, gravés par M. Gatine, et coloriés, avec des notices biographiques et des remarques sur les habillenens, 70 full-page col. plates, hf. mor., gt. top (binding rubbed, few margins soiled), Paris, 1827, sm. folio (133), Dec. 13, American Art Association $32

[Original ed. The plates are ports. of celebrated French female characters, including Heloise, Jeanne de Sancerre, Marguerite de Beaujeu, Jacqueline de la Grange, Marie d'Anjou, Agnès Sorel, Anne de Bretagne, Marguerite de Valois, Diane de Poitiers, Anne de Boulen, Catherine de Médicis, Marie Stuart, Louise de Lorraine, Marie Touchet, Charlotte de Montmorency, Ninon de l'Enclose, Madame de Sévigné, Marie-Thérèse d'Autriche, Madame Maintenon, Mademoiselle d'Orléans, Sophie Arnould and others.]

Galerie (Le) Nazionali Italiane, plates, Vol. i.-v., hf. green mor., t.e.g., Roma, 1894-1902, folio (349), March 17, Sotheby Parsons, £6 10S. Galerie Théâtrale, ou Collection des Portraits en Pied des Principaux Acteurs des trois premiers Théâtres de la Capitale, 96 stipple ports. of actors and actresses in character costume, by Prudhon and Godfrey after Cœuré, Favart, Delacluse and others, printed in colours by Langlois, finished by hand, and many heightened with gold, 2 vol. contemp. red straight-grain mor., gt. back and borders on sides (slightly rubbed), g.e., Paris, chez Bance Ainé, n.d., folio (157), Jan. 19, Hodgson £32 Galileo (Galilei). Dialogo dove ne i congressi di quattro giornate si discorre sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo Tolemaico e Copernicano, engraved title, woodcut diagrams, old hf. marone sheep, Fiorenza, 1632 (399), July 25, Sotheby Dobell, £7 Galileo (G.) Sidereus Nuncius, ed. princeps, LARGE PAPER, engravings on copper, diagrams and figures of stars, mottled bds. (title backed), a fine copy of this rare book, Venetiis, apud T. Baglionum, 1610, sm. 4to. (394), Nov. 25, Hodgson £5 10s. Galland (A.) Recueil des Rits et Cérémonies du Pelerinage de la Mecque, contemp. crimson mor. ex., with the Rouvroy de Saint Simon-Grammont arms, Amsterdam, 1754, 12mo. (130), April 21, Hodgson £5 Galle (Cornelius). Effigies Sanctorum Patrum et Priorum Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini, series of 30 fine ports.,

vell., by Galle after I. Francquart, contemp. black mor. [c. 1625], 4to. (645), May 25, Sotheby Ellis, £14 IOS. [Galloway (Joseph).] Letters to a Nobleman on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies, folding map, hf. mor., London, 1779, 8vo. (233), Nov. 22, Anderson Galleries $8 Gallucius (J. P.) Theatrum mundi et temporis, woodcut diagrams, some with volvelles, new vell., Venetiis, 1588, 4to. (612), Dec. 20, Sotheby Quaritch, £4 IOS. Gallwey (Sir R.) The Cross-bow, its Construction, History, etc., illustrations, presentation copy, buckram gt., 1903, 4to. (917), Oct. 27, Hodgson Brunton, I 18s. Galt (John). Novels and Tales, first eds., 41 vol., uncut, 1820-33, 8vo. (378), Nov. 15, Sotheby Grant, £15 Galvani (L.) De Viribus Electricitatis in Motu Musculari Commentarius, cum J. Aldini, Notes, orig. ed., 3 plates, old hf. cf., a tall copy of this famous treatise and the first work published on the discovery of animal electricity (but title slightly defective and mended), Mutinæ, 1792, 8vo. (392), Nov. 25, Hodgson £2 6s. Galvano (Antonie). The Discoveries of the World from their first originall vnto the yeere of our Lord 1555, briefly written in the Portugall tongue by Antoine Galvano, Gouernour of Ternate, the chiefe Island of the Malucos, corrected, quoted and new published in English by Richard Hakluyt, printed in black letter, title within a beautiful ornamental type border, blue mor., g.e., by Zaehnsdorf (leaf B3 extended), Londini, impensis G. Bishop, 1601, sm. 4to. (65), May 16, Anderson Galleries


[The exceedingly rare first English ed. In this work is a valuable chronological list of all the discoveries, ancient and modern, made down to the year 1555. The original Portuguese version was printed in Lisbon in 1563, but so rare was it, even in Hakluyt's time, he says in his preface: "I have made much inquirie, and sent to Lisbon, where it seemeth it was printed, yet to this day I could never obtaine the originall copie, whereby I might reforme the manifold errours of the translator." With the Church bookplate. Anderson Galleries, Jan. 10, Lot 317, $405.] Gand (Ludovicus de). Parallelum Õlivae nec non Olivarii Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ que Dei Gratia Protectoris, etc., port. of the Protector, woodcuts, blue mor. ex., g.e., by F. Bedford, R. I., 1656, folio (647), May 25, Sotheby Last, £2 10S. Garcilasso de la Vega. The Royal Commentaries of Peru, in 2 parts, rendred into English by Sir Paul Rycaut, 2 vol., polished cf., by Rivière, London, Miles Flesher, 1688, folio (149), Oct. 13, Anderson Galleries


[First ed. of Rycaut's translation.] Gardiner (Ralph). Englands Grievance discovered in relation to the Coal Trade, with a map of the River of Tine and situation of the Town and Corporation of Newcastle (the

map is in fac.), numerous ports. and engravings in the text by Peter Stent, russ. ex., g.e., For R. Ibbitson, 1655, sm. 4to. (648), May 25, Sotheby Ellis, £7 Gardiner (Stephen, Bp. of Winchester). De Vera Obedientia, an Oration made in Latyne . with the Preface of Ed

munde Boner . . . touching True Obedience . . . and nowe
translated into English and printed by Michael Wood,
with the preface and conclusion of the translator, roman
letter, hf. bd., clean and sound copy, From Roane, xxvi.
of Octobre, MDLIII. [Geneva], 1553, sm. 8vo. (568), Jan.
17, Sotheby
Dobell, £5 10S.

[First ed. of this translation. It was probably printed at Geneva.] Gardiner (Bp. S.) A Declaration of suche true articles as George Toye hath gone about to confute as false, black letter, second issue (margins of a few ll. stained), crushed levant mor., Johannes Herforde Robert Toye, 1546, 12mo. (484), July 12, Hodgson £3 10S. Gardiner (Bp. S.) A Detection of the Devil's Sophistrie, wherwith he robbeth the unlearned people of the true byleef in the most blessed Sacrament of the aulter, black letter (margins of title and a few 11. repaired), crushed mor., Jhon Herforde, at the costes and charges of Roberte Toye, 1546, 12mo. (483), July 12, Hodgson

£5 10s.

[Sotheby, May 25, Lot 649, £4 15s.] Gardiner (S. R.) History of England, 1603-16, 2 vol., 1863Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage, 1617-23, 2 vol., 1869-History of England under Buckingham and Charles I., 1624-8, 2 vol., 1875-Personal Government of Charles I., 1628-37, 2 vol., 1877, together 8 vol., cf. gt., uniform, 1863-77, 8vo. (700), Oct. 25, Sotheby

Bumpus, £12 5S.

[American Art Association, Jan. 25, Lot 113, 16 vol., 1863-1901, $190; Hodgson, June 2, Lot 253, 13 vol., 1869-1901, £18.] Gardner (J. S.) Old Silver Work, chiefly English, from the 15th to the 18th Centuries, a Catalogue of the unique loan collection exhibited in 1902 at St. James's Court, plates, 1903, folio (208), Oct. 25, Sotheby Thorp, £3 10S. Gardner (J.) Views taken on and near the River Rhine at Aix la Chapelle and on the River Maese, aquatint plates by W. and E. Ellis, russ. gt., 1788, folio (210), May 20, Puttick Spencer, £3 15s.

[Sotheby, May 9, Lot 640, £3; Hodgson, Dec. 9, Lot 479, mor., £5.] Gardyne (Alexander). The Theatre of the Scottish Kings, by Alexander Garden, Professor of Philosophy at Aberdeen, done from the original manuscript, limp vell., Edinburgh, James Watson, 1709, 4to. (341), April 18, Sotheby

Carey, £19 IOS. [Only three other copies are known. The volume is in verse and is dedicated To The King's most Sacrat

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