Immagini della pagina

g.e., orig. vell., covers bound in at end (leaves from a 15th century MS.), very rare, Impressum Arretij per Calixtum Simeonis, 1536, folio (2910), Nov. 2, Sotheby

[Probably the first book printed at Arezzo.] £7 10s. Ars Moriendi. Tracto delarte di ben morire, roman letter, long lines, fine woodcut border on first page (cut into at fore-edge), woodcut initials, vell., Impressus Venetijs [B. Pictor, E. Ratdolt and P. Lõslein, 1478], 4to. (2921), Nov. 2, Sotheby Leighton, £7 IOS. [Third ed. of the Ars Moriendi in Italian.] Art of Geomancy, transcribed from a MS. in the possession of the Earl of Essex, executed for High Treason, with drawings, 2 vol., old rough cf., with locks and keys (late 18th cent.), 4to. (432), Oct. 20, Puttick Heffer, £3 5s. Art Hermetique à decouuert, ou Nouvelle Lumiere Magique, 41 l., with front. and 3 pages of curious col. drawingsAbregé de la Philosophie Naturelle, 38 l., 2 vol. in 1, both 18th cent., old cf., 4to. (431), Oct. 20, Puttick

Heffer, £3 5s. Artesela [Articella]. Thesaurus Operum Medicorum Veterum, gothic letter, text surrounded by commentary, hf. cf. [Hain *1871], Impressus Venetiis per Philippus depinzis de Caneto, 1481, sm. folio (525), July 21, Hodgson

Maggs, £14 Arthur. Malory (Sir T.) La Morte Darthur, the text of Caxton, 1485, spelled in modern style, with introduction by Prof. Rhys, orig. designs by Aubrey Beardsley, edition on Dutch handmade paper, limited to 300 copies, 3 vol., hf. mor., uncut, g.t., 1893-4, 4to. (861), Nov. 15, Sotheby [Hodgson, Nov. 3, Lot 430, £19 10s.] Young, £24 Arthur. Malory (Sir T.) Le Morte Darthur, from Caxton's edition of 1485, with introduction and glossary by H. Oskar Sommer, and Essay by Andrew Lang, LARGE PAPER (limited to 108 copies), 3 vol. in 4, black mor. ex., uncut, t.e.g., 1889-91, 4tô. (521), Jan. 12, Hodgson £3 5s. Arthur. The Most Ancient and Famous History of the Renowned Prince Arthur, King of Britaine, as also all the Noble Actes and Heroicke Deeds of his Valiant Knights of the Round Table, in 3 parts, woodcut front. (the same) to each part, black letter, bound in 3 vol., red mor. ex., g.e., by De Coverly, W. Stansby, 1634, 4to. (239), Nov. 15, Sotheby Hoare, £22 Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the States of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, RhodeIsland and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, NewYork, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina and Georgia, pp. II, stitched, uncut (top margin of title-page cut off, stained), lettered on front cover, New-London, Timothy Green, 1777, sm. folio (43), Jan. 31, American Art Association


Arundel Club.

Publications for the years 1905-1916, 12 parts, plates of reproductions of the great masters, 1905-16, folio (252), March 17, Sotheby Leighton, £7 10S. Ascham (Anthony). A Lytel treatyse of Astronomy, declaryng the leape yere, and what is the cause thereof, and howe to know saynte Mathies day foreuer with the maruelous mocion of the sonne, both in his owne propre circle, and by the mouyng that he hath of the tenth, ninth and eight spere, withal the diuersities of days, houres and mynutes, etc., black letter, crushed olive mor., London, William Powell, 1552, sm. 8vo. (32), Nov. 22, Anderson Galleries $3,220

[This is the fifth book printed in English relating to the discovery of America. Lowndes does not locate a single copy, and, under date of Oct. 18, 1916, Mr. Robert H. Dodd, writing to Mr. Edgar, states: Of your little book there seems to be no copy in the British Museum, nor, as far as I know, is there any copy in this country."] Ascham (Roger). Toxophilus, the schole or partitions of shooting contayned in ii. bookes, black letter, title within a woodcut border, T. Marshe, 1571-The Scholemaster, or plaine and perfite way of teaching children the Latin tong, black letter, woodcut border to title, J. Daye, 1571A Report and Discourse of the affaires and state of Germany and the Emperour Charles his Court, black letter, woodcut border to title, ib., n.d., in I vol., contemp. brown mor., sm. 4to. (44), May 25, Sotheby Dobell, £21 Ashbee. Essex House Song Book, made for the Singers of the Guild of Handicraft, by C. R. and J. E. Ashbee, printed in black and red, with musical notation, complete in 10 sm. 4to. buckram covers, 1903-5 (424), Oct. 27, Hodgson Davis & Orioli, £3 3s. [Ashbee (Henry Spencer).] Centuria Librorum Absconditorum, by Pisanus Fraxi, first ed., etched front., bds., mor. back, gt. top, uncut, London, privately printed, 1879, 4to. (III), Oct. 25, Anderson Galleries [Ashbee (H. S.)] Catena Librorum Tacendorum, etched front., bds., mor. back, gt. top, uncut, London, privately printed, 1885, 4to. (118), Oct. 25, Anderson Galleries


$97.50 [Ashbee (H. S.)] Index Librorum Prohibitorum, etc., Notes on Curious and Uncommon Books, by Pisanus Fraxi, etched fronts. on India paper, and facs. (limited ed.), 3 vol., hf. light green crushed mor. gt., art-linen sides, t.e.g., a fine set, Privately printed, 1877-85, sm. 4to. (198), Nov. 25, Hodgson £35 Ashendene Press. Dante's Inferno, Purgatorio and La Paradiso, printed in black and red, initials in gold, red and blue, inserted by hand, woodcuts, 3 vol., vell., with ties enclosed in open cardboard cases, 1902-5, sm. 4to. (250), April 4, Sotheby Bain, £37

Ashendene Press. Lo Paradiso di Dante Alighieri, woodcut illustrations [from the Venice ed. of 1491], hand-written initials in colours, limp vell., silk ties, 1905 (76), June 10, Hodgson Quaritch, £9 Ashendene Press. Tutte le Opere di Dante Alighieri Fiorentino, nuovamente Rivedute nel Testo e diligentemente Emendate dal Reverendo Dottore Edoardo Moore, woodcuts by W. H. Hooper after C. M. Gere and initials by Graily Hewitt, printed in red and black, hf. stamped pigskin, plain beech-wood sides, with clasps, Nella Stamperia Ashendeniana, Chelsea, 1909, folio (123), Jan. 19, Hodgson J. Bain, £56 Ashendene Press. Un Mazzetto Scelto di Certi Fioretti del Glorioso Poverello di Cristo San Francesco di Assisi, insieme col Cantico al Sole del Medesimo, woodcuts by W. H. Hooper after C. M. Gere, printed in red and black (limited to 150 copies), green crushed levant mor. ex., title on side in gt., g.e., 1904, 4to. (124), Jan. 19, Hodgson Quaritch, £15


Ashmole (Elias). The Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the most Noble Order of the Garter, port. of King Charles II. by Sherwin, 14 double-page, 2 folding and 11 other full-page engravings, many by Hollar, and numerous smaller engravings, contemp. mottled cf. (rebacked and new corner-pieces), red edges (corner of title torn), London, printed by J. Macock, for Nathaniel Brooke, 1672, sm. folio (64), Dec. 13, American Art Association Ashmole (Elias). Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, containing Severall Poetical Pieces of our Famous English Philosophers who have written the Hermetique Mysteries in their owne Ancient Language, copperplates, folding plate (a few ll. cut into, slightly affecting the text, and a few letters damaged by rust and other stains), dark green mor., stamped in blind, Printed by J. Grismond for Nath. Brooke, 1652, 4to. (508), July 13, Sotheby

Maggs, £4 7s. 6d. Ashwell. History of Hai Eb'n Yockdan, an Indian Prince, or the Self-Taught Philosopher, written originally by Abi Jaafar Eb'n Tophail, trans. (by G. Ashwell), first ed., cl. (a few headlines cropped), 1686, 8vo. (492), Oct. 20, Maggs, £1 15s.

Puttick Aspin (J.) Naval and Military Exploits, col. plates, cf., w.a.f., 1820, 8vo. (167), Oct. 20, Puttick Spencer, £4 5s. Assemanus (J. S.) Bibliotheca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana, front., 3 vol. in 4, old cf. (a sound copy, but small stamp on title), Roma, 1719-28, folio (941), Oct. 27, Hodgson Heffer, £18 1OS. Astesanus de Ast. Summa de casibus conscientiæ, gothic letter, 424 11., double columns, 64 lines to a full column, without marks, capitals supplied in red (a few ll. torn and mended, small hole in last leaf), pigskin thumb-pieces, orig. stamped leather over wooden bds. (rebacked), [Hain

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*1891, Proctor 337, Pellechet 1403], [? Argentina, J. Mentelin, seu Eustadii M. Peyser, 147--], folio (2924), Nov. 2, Sotheby Tregaskis, £10 Astesanus. Summa de Casibus, gothic letter, double columns, a few capitals at the beginning painted in red, orig. oak bds. and stamped leather (rebacked), Nurembergae, A. Koburger, 1482, folio (261), Dec. 20, Sotheby Hoare, £7 7s. Astrolabe. Voyage de la corvette l'Astrolabe, 1826-9, sous M. J. Dumont D'Urville. Histoire du voyage, plates, 5 vol., Paris, 1830-3; Zoologie par MM. Quoy et Gaimard, plates, 4 vol., ib., 1830-3; Entomologie par le Docteur Boisduval, 2 parts in 1 vol., ib., 1832-3; Botanique par MM. A. Lesson et A. Richard, 2 parts in 1 vol., ib., 1832-4; Philologie par M. D'Urville, 2 parts in 1 vol., ib., 1833-4, together 12 vol., 8vo.-Observations nautiques, météorologiques, etc., I vol. 4to., ib., 1833-Eight folio Atlases of plates, 3 vol. "Historique," 2 vol." Mollusques," I vol. Mammifères and Oiseaux," 1 vol. Botanique," I vol. "Poissons," "Zoophytes," "Entomologie,' many plates on India paper, some col., ib., 1833-1 vol. atlas folio of maps, ib., 1833, together 12 vol. 8vo., I vol. 4to., 9 vol. folio, hf. cf., Paris, 1830-4, 8vo., 4to. and folio (525), March 1, Sotheby Stevens & Brown, £70 Athenæus. Banquet des Savans, traduit par Lefebvre de Villebrune, LARGE PAPER, 5 vol., straight-grained green mor., gt. border round edges, gt. back, g.e., by Bozerian, Paris, chez Lamy, de l'imprimerie de Monsieur, 1789-91, folio (23), Dec. 2, Sotheby Maggs, £7 10S. Athenæus. [Deipnosophistae, lib. xv., graece, ex recens. Marci Musuri], first ed., ruled in red, a fine copy, with the blank leaf and leaf with anchor at end, green mor. gt., g.e., Venetiis, Aldus, 1514, folio (22), Dec. 2, Sotheby Tregaskis, £28 Athenian Society. Aristophanes, the Eleven Comedies, now for the first time literally and completely translated (limited to 600 copies), 2 vol., hf. parchment, uncut, t.e.g., 1912, 8vo. (383), March 2, Hodgson T. Croshaw, £4 IOS. Atkinson (J. A.) Costumes of Great Britain, 33 col. plates, Vol. i. only, hf. bd., 1807, roy. folio (594), Feb. 2, Hodgson £34 Atkinson (J. A.) and Walker (J.) Picturesque Representation of the Manners, Customs and Amusements of the Russians, port. and 100 col. plates, with explanations in English and French, 3 vol. in 1, old cf. (worn), 1803 (263), April 29, Hodgson Edwards, £10 Atkyns (Sir Robert). The Ancient and Present State of Glostershire, port. and plates, red mor. gt., g.e., Printed by W. Bowyer, 1712, folio (434), July 20, Sotheby £11 10S. [Sotheby, June 9, Lot 233, £20.]

Atlas Major sive Geographia Recens qua Orbis Terrarum, col. maps, 2 vol., old cf., Amstelaedami, Nicolai Visscher, n.d., folio (265), Oct. 20, Puttick Quaritch, £18 10s.

Aubery (A.) Histoire du Cardinal Mazarin, 2 vol., contemp. cf. ex., richly gt. backs, red edges, with the arms of CharlesHenri, Comte d'Hoym (obit. 1736), 1688, sm. 8vo. (109), Nov. 25, Hodgson Maggs, £5 5s. Aublet (F.) Histoire des Plantes de la Guyane francoise, orig. ed., front. and 392 plates, 4 vol., old cf., 1775, 4to. (953), March 14, Sotheby Lenis, £3 5s. Audebert (J. B.) and Vieillot (L. P.) Histoire naturelle et générale des Colibris, Oiseaux-Mouches, Jacamars et Promerops (with the "Supplément "), 190 col. plates, 2 vol., cf. gt., g.e., by Kalthoeber (one cover loose), Paris, 1802, folio (526), March 1, Sotheby Sotheran, £8 Audsley (G. A.) and Bowes (J. L.) Keramic Art of Japan, col. and plain plates, 2 vol. (1 vol. text, I vol. plates), hf. mor., gt. sides, g.e., Liverpool, 1875, 4to. (207), Jan. 17, Sotheby Lewis, £6 10S. Audsley (G. A.) Ornamental Arts of Japan, nearly 100 plates, mostly col. and heightened in gold, 2 vol., hf. mor., g.t., 1882-4, 4to. (208), Jan. 17, Sotheby

Goldsmidt, £6 15s. Audubon (John James). Birds of America, from original drawings, 435 magnificent col. plates representing the subjects in life size, 4 vol., newly bd. in hf. pigskin, London, published by the author, 1827-38, elephant folio(15), Feb. 1, Anderson Galleries $2,600

[A handsome copy of the orig. ed. With very few exceptions, the plates are in absolutely unspotted condition, and the colouring is very brilliant. The first and last plates are on heavier paper than the remainder, which has served to prevent the curling up of the end plates, a blemish which so frequently occurs. Accompanying the set are the five volumes of Ornithological Biography," Edinburgh, 1831-39, royal 8vo., uncut. There is also included a copy of "A Synopsis of the Birds of North America," Edinburgh, 1839, 8vo., which is a companion volume to the foregoing. These volumes have been bound uniformly with the above.]

Audubon (J. J.) The Birds of America, from original drawings by John James Audubon, with 435 full-page finely col. plates representing the birds in life-size, 4 vol., hf. green mor., gt. backs, gt. edges, London, published by the author, 1827-1830, elephant folio-Ornithological Biography, or an Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States of America, 5 vol., hf. russ. (bindings. slightly rubbed), Edinburgh, Adam Black, 1831-1839, roy. 8vo., together 9 vol. (44), Jan. 31, American Art Association $3,000 [Complete set of the original folio ed. of Audubon's plates, with a complete set of the Edinburgh ed. of the text.]

Audubon (J. J.) The Birds of America, from original drawings, the first 250 of the splendid col. plates, engraved and

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