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Landor (Walter Savage). Fra Rupert the last of a Trilogy, first ed., orig. bds., with paper label (back strip slightly defective at top), Saunders and Otley, 1840, 8vo. (602), June 15, Sotheby Last, £1 14s. Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen, second ed., corrected and enlarged, 5 vol., hf. mor., m.e., 1826-9 (601), June 15, Sotheby

Landor (W. S.)

Edwards, £1 14S. [American Art Association, Oct. 27, $29.] Landor (W. S.) Imaginary Conversations, Longer Prose Works, Poems, etc., edited by C. G. Crump, fronts., 10 vol., cl. ex., uncut, Dent, 1891-2, 8vo. (324), Oct. 27, Hodgson Heffer, £2 14s. [Oct. 12, £2 12s.; Sotheby, July 18, 9 vol., £7 5s.] Landor (W. S.) Poems, first ed., with the errata slip at end, cf., a fine copy, T. Cadell, junr., and W. Davies, 1795, 8vo. (80), Dec. 13, Sotheby Meynell, £16 Landor (W. S.) Works, and Life by J. Forster, Library ed., port. and plates, 8 vol., polished tree cf. gt., m.e., by Rivière, 1874-6 (76), Dec. 1, Hodgson

£8 10s.

[March 16, £6 5s.; Sotheby, May 18, £5.] Landseer (Sir E.) Etchings, 25 plates on mounts (no title or text), LARGE PAPER, tree cf. gt., g.e. (1848), folio (631), March 17, Sotheby E. Heseltine, £5 Lane (John). Tom Tel-Troths Message and his Pens Complaint, a poem in 120 six-line stanzas, orig. ed., woodcut ornaments above and below text, cf. gt., scroll borders, g.e., from the Heber library, not more than two or three copies known, Printed for R. Howell, 1600, sm. 4to. (123), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £400 Lane (J.) Gainsborough. Studies of Figures by Gainsborough, port. and 22 plates (including 3 inlaid and inserted), hf. vell., 1825, folio (348), March 17, Sotheby

La Neufville. See Neufville

Witt, £1 125.

Lanfrey (P.) History of Napoleon I., 4 vol., crimson cf. ex., t.e.g., 1871 (532), June 2, Hodgson Edwards, £5 5s. [American Art Association, Jan. 24, $15.] Lang (Andrew). Fairy Books. Blue, Green, Red, Yellow and Pink Fairy Books, illustrations, 5 vol., 1889-97, 8vo. (466), Nov. 15, Sotheby B. F. Stevens, £5 7s. 6d. [Hodgson, 13 vol., 1890-1905, £5 2s. 6d.; IO vol., 1891-1910, £3; Sotheby, 3 vol., 1889, 1890, 1892, 16s.] Lang (A.) Helen of Troy, first ed., blue mor. ex., plain, doublure of brown mor., with broad gt. dentelle borders, joints, g.t., by Zaehnsdorf, 1882, 8vo. (863), May 25, Sotheby Edwards, £1 2S. Lang (A.) Prince Charles Edward, one of 350 copies on Japanese paper, with 2 series of plates, wrappers, in lettered slip-case, Goupil & Co., 1900, 4to. (635), May 18, Sotheby Mackay, 1 15S.

[July 18, fine paper ed., 16s.]

Langbaine (G.) Account of the English Dramatick Poets, old cf., with the errata and sign. Oo8 with title, Oxford, 1691, 8vo. (150), Feb. 9, Puttick Last, £2 25. [Anderson Galleries, Nov. 11, $28; Hodgson, March 31, 2 IIS.; Sotheby, May 25, £3 3s.] [Langlande (Robert).] The Vision of Pierce Plowman, now fyrste imprynted by Robert Crowley, dwellyng in Ely Rentes in Holburne, Anno Domini 1505 [i.e., 1550], black letter, vell., old red mor. gt. (joints cracked), rough edges, sm. 4to. (521), July 20, Lord Gerard's sale, Eastwell Park, Ashford £145

[There are only two known copies of this work on vellum, one of which is in the Grenville collection in the British Museum. See Times Literary Supplement,” May 11, 1922.]

Langlande. Piers Ploughman. The Vision of Pierce Plowman, nowe the second tyme imprinted by Roberte Crowlye, whereunto are added certayne notes and cotations in the mergyne gevyng light to the reader, black letter, dark mor. ex., g.e., 1550, 4to. (884), Nov. 15, Sotheby

Hoare, 11 IOS. [July 18, defective, first ed., £3; Oct. 21, second ed., £11.] Langley (B.) New Principles of Gardening, folding plates, old cf. (rebacked), 1728, 4to. (557), March 17, Sotheby [July 25, £3 15s.] Batsford, £4 Langsdorff (G. H. von). Voyages and Travels, 1803-7, port., map and plates, 2 vol., cf. and cl., 1813-14-Forster (G.) A Voyage round the World, 1772-5, map, cf., 1777, together 4 vol., 4to. (775), March 1, Sotheby

Edwards, £2 IOS. Languet (H.) Epistolæ Politicæ et Historicæ, old cf. gt., Francofurti, Gul. Fitzeri, 1633, sm. 8vo. (891A), May 25, Sotheby Maggs, £5 5s. La Noue (Odet de). The Profit of Imprisonment, a Paradox, written in French by O. de la Noue, Lord of Teligni, being prisoner in the Castle of Tournay, translated by Iosuah Silvester, orig. ed., orange_mor. ex., g.e., by Č. Lewis, fine copy, Peter Short for Edward Blunt, 1594, sm. 4to. (124), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £220 Lanquet (Thomas). An Epitome of Cronicles, gathered out of most probable auctours, firste by T. Lanquet, to the incarnacion of Christe, secondely to the reigne of Edward the sixt by T. Cooper, and thirdly to Quene Elizabeth by R. Crowley, black letter (f. 41 torn and slightly defective, some side-notes cut into and some headlines shaved), old russ., T. Marshe, 1559, sm. 4to. (472), July 18, Sotheby [Lot 400, defective, £2.] Last, £4 Lanyer (Æmilia). Salve Deus Rex Iudæorum, containing, I The Passion of Christ, 2 Eues Apologie in defence of Women, 3 The Teares of the Daughters of Ierusalem, 4 The Salutation and Sorrow of the Virgine Marie, written

by Mistris Æmilia Lanyer, wife to Captain Alfonso Lanyer, Seruant to the Kings Majestie, in verse, purple mor. ex., gt. scroll borders, g.e., by Mackenzie, Valentine Simmes for Richard Bonian, 1611, sm. 4to. (867), May 25, Sotheby Sabin, £22 La Pérouse (Picot, Baron de). Figures de la Flore des Pyrénées, 44 fine col. plates and duplicate col. plates of Nos. I-II, with MS. inscription, mis en couleurs par Rédouté," Vol. i. (all published), cf., gt. border on sides, gt. panelled back, g.e., fine copy, rare, Paris, 1795, large folio (267), Jan. 24, Sotheby Quaritch, £41 La Pérouse (Picot, Baron de). Voyage autour du Monde, LARGE PAPER, 4 vol., tree cf., 1797, 4to. (179), June 15, Puttick H. Stevens, 1 IOS.

[ocr errors]

[Hodgson, 3 vol., 1799 ed., £2 4s.] La Perrière (Guil. de). Le Theatre des bons engins, title within border, 100 woodcuts of emblems, old citron mor., 3-line fillet in gold round edges, with arms of Comte d'Hoym on sides, gt. back, g.e., A Lyon, par_lean de Tournes, 1546, 8vo. (36), June 28, Sotheby Case, £21 Lapide (J. de). Resolutorium dubiorum circa celebrationem Missarum Occurentium [Proctor 1320], gothic letter, long lines, large woodcut on title, capitals in blue, hf. bd. (a few 11. at end stained), Colonie, H. Quentell, 1493 (230), Dec. 1, Hodgson Thorp, £2 10S. La Rochefoucauld. Reflexion on Sentences Morales, old cf. gt., tooled sides, g.e., Paris, 1693, 8vo. (87), March 14, Sotheby

Hall, £2 [Original ed., printed after the author's death, having 50 new maxims now printed for the first time; tall copy. Rare.] Larwood (Jacob) and Hotten (John Camden). The History of Signboards, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, fourth ed., with 100 illustrations in fac., hf. roan, gt. back and top, uncut, London, 1868, 4to. (239), Dec. 13, American Art Association


[Large Paper. Edition limited to 100 copies, containing, besides the whole of the text and pictures given in the small paper ed., 72 additional illustrations of ancient signboards, with other reminiscences of Old London.] La Salle (Antoine de). Les quinze joyes de mariage, unusual French red mor. of the early xviiith century, the sides are enclosed in an elaborate frame built up by a combination of six rolls and fillets, the back is flat with gt. bands and the panels are filled with a formal ornament_between straight and wavy lines, The Hague, A. de Rogissart, 1726, 12mo. (257), June 28, Sotheby Berthel, £2 La Salle (R. de) and Joutel (Capt.) A Journal of the last Voyage perform'd by Monsr. de la Sale to the Gulph of Mexico to find out the Mouth of the Missisipi River, folded map, orig. sheep (joints cracked), 1714, 8vo. (294), July 18, Sotheby H. Stevens, £19 10S.

Las Casas (Count de). Life of Napoleon at St. Helena, maps and plates, 4 vol., hf. russ. gt., Colburn, 1823 (538), Feb. 16, Hodgson Walford, £2 6s.

[Feb. 2, 1824, £4; Sotheby, June 15, 1835, £2 18s. See also Casas.] Latham (John). A General Synopsis of Birds, 3 vol., with Index, 2 vol., and 2 Supplements in 1 vol., together 6 vol., col. plates, cf. (joints cracked), 1781-1801, 4to. (776), March 1, Sotheby Wheldon, £2 IOS. Latham (John). A General History of Birds, with Index, col. plates, II vol., cf. gt., Winchester, 1821-8, 4to. (777), March 1, Sotheby G. H. Brown, £5 Latimer (Dr. Hugh). A Notable Sermon preached in the Shroudes of Paules Church in London the xvIII. daye of Januarie, black letter, brown mor. ex., g.e., by W. Pratt, large copy, but stained and title mended, John Daye, 1548, 12mo. (593), Jan. 17, Sotheby Dobell, £4 IOS.

[First ed. of Latimer's celebrated sermon on the plough, which is full of curious anecdotes of the times and severe remarks on the bishops, etc.] Latimer (Dr. H.) A Sermon of Master Latimer preached at Stamford the Ix. day of October anno M.CCCCC. and fyftie, orig. ed., black letter, title within woodcut border, blue mor. gt., inside dentelles, by Rivière, rare, Imprinted by Jhon Daye dwelling over Aldersgate beneth Saint Martins (1550), 12mo. (594), Jan. 17, Sotheby Dobell, £6 Latimer (Dr. H.) Certayn Godly Sermons made uppon the lords Prayer: 27 Sermons preached by the ryght Reverende father in God. . . Maister Hugh Latimer, olive mor., by Larkin, London, John Day, 1562, sm. 4to. (349), Dec. 6, Anderson Galleries $310 Latimer (Dr. H.) Fruitfull Sermons, chiefly black letter, unbd., 1596, 4to. (906), June 15, Sotheby

Leighton, 1 IOS. Laud (Archbishop W.) Sermon preached on the sixt of February at Westminster at the Opening of Parliament, B. Norton and I. Bill, 1625-Sermon preached xIx. of June at Whitehall, ib., 1625, two tracts, hf. purple mor., and another, sm. 4to. (868), May 25, Sotheby Drake, £15 Laud (Archbp. W.) A new Play called Canterburie his Change of Diot which sheweth variety of wit and mirth, privately acted neare the Palace-yard' at Westminster, woodcut beneath title (repeated on verso of A 3) and two other cuts in the text, hf. cf., 1641, sm. 4to. (127), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £20 Laud (Archbp. W.) Mercuries Message or The Coppy of a Letter sent to W. Laud, now Prisoner in the Tower, in verse, woodcut port. beneath title, hf. brown mor., g.e., Printed in the yeare of our Prelates feare, 1641, sm. 4to. (126), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £10 Laud (Archbp. W.) The Discontented Conference betwixt the two great Associates William Archbishop of Canter

bury and Thomas late Earle of Strafford, in verse, hf. brown mor., g.e., 1641, sm. 4to. (125), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £10

Laud (Archbp. W.) A Rreasonable (sic) Motion in the behalfe of such of the Clergie as are now questioned in Parliament for their Places, in verse, woodcut port. beneath title of Laud and Strafford, hf. brown mor., g.e., Printed in the unfortunate Yeare to Priests, 1641, sm. 4to. (128), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £10 William, Lord Arch

Laud (Archbp. W.) An Elegie on

bishop of Canterbury, attached the 18 of Decemb., 1640, beheaded the 10 of Ianuary, 1644, hf. brown mor., 1644, sm. 4to. (129), March 10, Sotheby Quaritch, £10 Lauder (G.) Caledonias Covenant, or Ane Panegyrick to the World, wherein is brieflie set doune the trew caus and occasioune of the present trubles of the Kingdome of Scotland, orig. ed., in verse, old hf. buff cf., No place [? Edinburgh], 1641, sm. 4to. (132), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £100

Lauder (G.) The Scottish Sovldier, by Lawder-Wight, two Poems, the latter relating to the Expedition to the Isle of Rhe, orig. ed., with separate titles but continuous signatures, old dark blue mor. ex., g.e., Edinburgh, Iohn Wreittoun, 1629, sm. 4to. (130), March 10, Sotheby

Rosenbach, £300 Lauder (G.) Tears on the Death of Evander, occasioned by the Lamentable losse of the truelie Noble and Generous Sir John Svynton Knight, Collonel of an Regiment of 2000 Nedderlanders, going for Venize, who was cast away by storme on the coast of England, upon Goodwin sands, the 13 of Octob., 1630, in verse, printed mainly in italic letter, 4 ll., buff cf. gt., g.e., from the Skegg collection, apparently the only copy known, Hagh, 1630, sm. 4to. (131), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £500 Laudes Beatæ Mariæ Virginis [Poems from a Thirteenth Century MS. Psalter], beautifully printed in red, black and blue (the first book so printed at the Kelmscott Press), borders, with the slip dated Dec. 28th, 1896, at end, bds., canvas back, 1896, 4to. (4), June 10, Hodgson

Chaundy, £7 Laurence (H. W.) and Dighton (B. L.) French Line Engravings of the late 18th Century, 81 plates, blue mor., line borders, a doublure of brown mor., with ornamental borders and watered silk end 11., g.e., enclosed in an open lined case, 1900, 4to. (154), July 18, Sotheby

Thorp, £14 IOS. Lausania (J. de). Sermones dominicales et festi, manuscript on vell., neatly written in gothic characters, on 217 11., double columns, 52 lines to a full column, 2 illuminated initials, with borders along three margins, other capitals painted in blue and red alternately, with slight pen

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