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Margate, a Humorous Poem, illustrations by R. Cruikshank, in two states, plain and col., polished cf., t.e.g., wrappers preserved, by Rivière and Son, 1831, 8vo. (272), June 15, Puttick Thomas, 1 28. Mariana (J. de). De Rege et Regis institutione Libri III. (a few ll. slightly col. and one leaf slightly defective in the printing), old red mor. gt., g.e., Toledo, apud Tetrum Rodericum, 1599, etc., together 2 vol., 4to. (484), March 1, Sotheby

£2 8s. [Rare. Original ed., most copies of which were burnt and suppressed in Spain at the request of the French Court.] Mariana (J. de). Historia general de España illustrada de tablas cronologicas, etc., port. and vignettes, 9 vol., red mor. gt., En Valencia, 1783-96, sm. folio (279), Dec. 2, Sotheby Parsons, II Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. A set of nine Road Maps prepared for the use of Marie Antoinette on the French section of her journey from Vienna to Versailles to marry the Dauphin, afterwards Louis XVI.; they are very beautifully and elaborately executed in pen and ink, on a large scale, by Tonnet, geographer to the King, and col. by hand; each section is cut up, like a modern road map, into detached panels for convenience of folding when in use, and backed with blue silk, on which the armorial bearings of the Dauphin, together with descriptive lettering, are very delicately drawn by hand; the maps are enclosed in the orig. red mor. case, finely tooled in gt. in a conventional pattern, with alternate dolphins and fleursde-lys in the corners and large fleurs-de-lys on top, bottom and sides; on the front is an achievement of the arms of the Dauphin and Dauphine (France and the Dauphiné quarterly, impaling Austria-Lorraine, the whole surmounted by a closed coronet and encircled by the collar and badge of the Holy Ghost), together with the following inscription, Cartes de la route de Madame la Dauphine de Strasbourg à Versailles (734), Jan. 17, Sotheby Pearson & Co., £120

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[The case is split at the edge in two places, otherwise in good condition; it retains the original silk lining, torn at one end. The maps are in remarkably fine condition, with a few minor stains. An extremely interesting relic of the unfortunate Queen. There is little doubt that she had these maps herself in her carriage when, as a girl of 15, she came for the first time to Paris.] Marie Antoinette. Procés de Marie Antoinette, veuve capet du 23 du premier mois l'An 2 de la Republique (Octobre 14, 1793), bds., uncut, 1793, 8vo. (129), March 14, Sotheby [Another copy, June 15, 1_14S.] Raphael, £3 3S. Marillier (H. C.) Dante Gabriel Rossetti, port. plates, illustrations in the text, 1899, folio (648), March 17, Sotheby [Puttick, Dec. 1, 11.]

Edwards, £1 25.

Markham (F.) Five Decades of Epistles of Warre, orig. limp vell. (George Dunn copy), A. Matthewes, 1622, folio (3436), Nov. 2, Sotheby Smedley, £13 Markham (Gervase). Ariosto's Satyres in seven famous Discourses, full polished cf., with the Bridgewater crest, London, Nicholas Okes for Roger Jackson, 1608, sm. 4to. (301), Nov. 29, Anderson Galleries $19 Markham (G.) Cavalarice, or the English Horseman, eight bookes, with separate woodcut titles to each, woodcuts, in I vol., old cf. gt., 1617, sm. 4to. (437), July 21, Hodg




[Markham (G.)] Covntrey Contentments, or the English Huswife, containing the inward and outward Vertues which ought to be in a compleate Woman, modern cf., rough edges (writing on some margins), London, I. B. for R. Iackson, 1623, sm. 4to. (394), Dec. 6, Anderson Galleries $95 [Markham (G.)] The Dvmbe Knight, an Historicall Comedy, brown mor., by Rivière, London, A. M. for William Sheares, 1633, sm. 4to. (226), Nov. 11, Anderson Galleries [Markham (G.)] Honovr in his Perfection, or a Treatise in Commendations of . . . Henry Earle of Oxenford, Henry Earle of Southampton [Henry Wriothesley, the Patron of Shakespeare], Robert Earle of Essex, first ed. [A 2 11., B-F in fours], unbd., Printed by B. Alsop for B. Fisher, 1624, sm. 4to. (337), Jan. 19, Hodgson Dobell, £5 10S. [Markham (G.)] Markham's farwell to Hvsbandry, or the inriching of all sorts of Barren and Sterrill Grounds in our Kingdome, hf. cf., London, I. B. for Roger Iackson, 1620, sm. 4to. (393), Dec. 6, Anderson Galleries $185 Markham (G.) Hungers Prevention, or the Whole Art of Fowling by Water and Land, containing all the Secrets belonging to that Art, etc., woodcut illustrations, old sheep (a few headlines trimmed into), London, 1655, sm. 8vo. (463), March 1, Anderson Galleries


[Scarce. With old writing on recto of front. and on fly-leaves at the end.] Markham (G.) Markham's Maister Peece, containing all Knowledge belonging to Smith, Farrier or Horse-leech, touching the curing of all Diseases in Horses, engraved title by Elstrack and woodcuts, sheepskin (rebacked, gt.), y.e., Printed by William Wilson and sold by G. Sawbridge, 1662, sm. 4to. (85), March 1, Sotheby Tregaskis, £3 15s. Markham (G.) and L.[awson] (W.) A Way to get Wealth, containing six Principall Vocations or Callings, woodcuts, old cf. (rebacked), 1657, sm. 4to. (138), March 31, HodgLeighton, £4 7s. 6d. Marlborough. The Better side of the Question, or an Attempt to rescue the Characters of the two Royal Sisters, Q. Mary and Q. Anne, out of the hands of the D... s of


by a Woman of Quality, first ed., old cf., 1742, 8vo. (806), March 14, Sotheby Benn, 15s. [Autograph of the Duchess of Marlborough inside cover.] Marlorate (A.) A Catholike Exposition upon the Revelation of Sainct Iohn, title within a woodcut border, old cf., H. Binneman, 1574, 4to. (440), June 15, Sotheby

Dobell, £2 Marlowe (Christopher). The troublesome raigne and lamentable death of Edward the Second, King of England, with the tragicall fall of proud Mortimer, and also the Life and death of Peirs Gaueston, the great Earle of Cornewall, and mighty fauorite of King Edward the Second, as it was publiquely acted by the right honorable the Earle of Pembrooke his seruants, device on title, crimson levant mor., g.e., by Rivière, Printed at London for Roger Barnes, 1612, sm. 4to. (189), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries $60 Marlowe (C.) The Troublesome Raigne and Lamentable Death of Edward the Second, King of England (wanting the blank 11. Ar and K4, headlines cut away), cl., H. Bell, 1622, sm. 4to. (187), May 4, Hodgson Dobell, £4 [Anderson Galleries, Nov. 11, $90.]

Marlowe (C.) Works, with Notes and Life, by Alex. Dyce, 3 vol., W. Pickering, 1850, 8vo. (505), Nov. 15, Sotheby [American Art Association, Jan. 25, $37.50.] Bain, £6 Marlowe (C.) and Chapman (G.) Hero and Leander, green mor., by Rivière, London, A. M. for Richard Hawkins, 1629, sm. 4to. (228), Nov. 11, Anderson Galleries $95 Marlowe (C.) and Chapman (George). Hero and Leander, decorations by Charles Ricketts and Charles Shannon, crushed rose levant mor., gt. ornaments on corners, gt. top, uncut, vell. doublures, orig. vell. covers bound in, by the Knickerbocker Press, Vale Press, London, 1893, 8vo. (318), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries $25 Marmion (Shakerley). The Antiquary, a Comedy, acted by Her Maiesties Servants at the Cock-Pit, olive mor., by Rivière, London, F. K. for I. W. and F. E., 1641, sm. 4to. (230), Nov. 11, Anderson Galleries Marmion (Shakerley). Hollands Leagver, an Excellent Comedy as it hath bin lately and often Acted with great applause, blue mor., by Rivière, London, I. B. for Iohn Grove, 1632, sm. 4to. (229), Nov. 11, Anderson Galleries


$50 Marmontel (J. F.) Comtes Moraux, engraved titles, plates, 3 vol., hf. blue mor., Paris, 1765, 8vo. (516), May 18, Sotheby Tregaskis, 1 65.

[Anderson Galleries, Dec. 6, $50.]

Marmontel (J. F.) Contes Moraux par M. Marmontel de l'Academic Francoise, front. ports. and plates by Boily, etc., hf. cf., Amsterdam, chez Marc Michel Rey, 1779, 8vo. (375), Oct. 21, Sotheby Joseph, £1 45.

[April 25, 3 vol., £1.]

Marmontel (J. F.) Les Incas, front. and 10 plates after

Moreau, 2 vol., red mor. gt., g.e., Paris, Lacombe, 1777, 8vo. (395), March 1, Sotheby Parsons, £2 15S. Marmontel (J. F.) Euvres, port. and plates, 11 vol., mottled cf., g.e., Liège, 1777, 8vo. (55), May 20, Puttick

[Sotheby, May 18, 13s.] Rimell, £7 10S. Marnix (P. de). The Beehiue of the Romishe Churche, translated out of Dutch by George Gilpin the Elder, chiefly black letter, folded woodcut, mor. gt., arms on sides of H. E. Bunbury, g.e., Thomas Dawson for Iohn Stell, 1580, 8vo. (720), Jan. 17, Sotheby Bull, £4 5s. Marot (C.) Les Euvres de Clement Marot, de Cahors, Vallet de Chambre du Roy (some margins discol.), 2 parts in I vol., old French blue mor. ex., with arms of Count Hoym on sides, gt. back, g.e. (joints slightly rubbed), a Lyon, par Iean de Tournes, 1546, 16mo. (730), July 27, Hodgson Pearson & Co., £18

Marot (Clement). Euvres, woodcuts (a few 11. faintly stained, first word of title slightly shaved, three or four marginal notes just touched, wormhole through inside bottom corner of some 11.), old cf., gt. back, A Lyon, chez Guillaume Rouille, 1551, 8vo. (40), June 28, Sotheby Dobell, £2 Marot (J.) and others. L'Architecture Françoise, ou Recueil des Plans, Elevations, Coupes et Profils des Eglises, Palais, Hôtels et Maisons particulieres de Paris, etc., 474 plates, mostly folding, 3 vol., old rough sheepskin, lettered on back, Euvres de Marot, tom 1," and Nouveaux Bâtiments," Vol. i. and ii., Paris, chez Jean Mariette, 1727, folio (250), Nov. 25, Hodgson Quaritch, £48 Marozzo (A.) Opera nova de Achille Marozzo Bolognese, maestro generale de l'arte de l'Armi, title within woodcut compartment and numerous large woodcuts illustrating duelling, etc., title, a few headlines at end and fore-edges of two or three 11. shaved, slight defect in one leaf (sign. o), hf. vell., No place or date [15], 4to. (651), April 18, Sotheby Pickering, £3 10S.

[Another copy, March 17, £3 15s.] Marquino (F.) A Politique Discourse

against those of the League which went about to perswade the King to breake the Allyance with England and to confirme it with Spaine (shaved), Iohn Woolfe, 1589-A Discourse vpon the Declaration published by the Lord de la Noue (slightly shaved), ib., 1789, unbd., 4to. (315), March 1, Sotheby Dobell, £5 5s. ed., woodcuts,

Marryat (Capt. F.) Masterman Ready, first

James, £9

3 vol., orig. cl., uncut, 1841-45, 12mo. (254), June 10, Hodgson Drake, £3 5s. Marryat (F.) Novels, etchings, 22 vol., orig. cl., g.t., uncut, 1896, 8vo. (307), Dec. 13, Sotheby [American Art Association, Jan. 25, 24 vol., $85.] Marryat (F.) The Pirate and the Three Cutters, first ed., port. and 19 plates by J. C. Edwards and others after C.

Stanfield, on India paper, LARGE PAPER, yellow cf., 1836 (158), April 29, Hodgson £3 7s. 6d. Marryat (F.) Poor Jack, first ed., illustrated by Clarkson Štanfield, hf. blue mor., gt. top, fine copy, 1840 (311), June 28, Sotheby Bumpus, 18s. Marryat (Joseph). Čollections towards a History of Pottery and Porcelain in the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries, plates on India paper, col. plates mounted, LARGE PAPER, rough Turkey mor. gt., g.e., by F. Bedford, 1850, 4to. (485), March 1, Sotheby £2 12S. [Marsan (M.)] Tradition Catholiq ou Traicte de la croyanne des chrestiens d'Asie d'Europe et d'Afrique ez dogmes principalement controversez en ce teps, par Th. A. J. C., old red mor. gt., with borders of gt. lions on the sides and back, No place or printer, 1609, 8vo. (936), May 25, Sotheby Tregaskis, £4

[J. Brereton's copy, with notes in his handwriting. The book is dedicated to Prince Henry, son of James I.] Marsden (W.) Numismata Orientalia: Ancient and Modern Oriental Coins described and historically illustrated, plates, 2 vol., hf. mor., presentation copy to M. Trattle, 1823-5, 4to. (344), July 13, Sotheby Quaritch, £I IOS. [July 13, 3 vol., 1874, £2 5s.]

Marshall (C. H. T. and G. F. L.) A Monograph of the Capi(Č. tonidae, or Scansorial Barbets, 73 col. plates, red mor., gt. panelled sides and back, inside border, g.e., fine copy, Published by the authors, 1871, 4to. (810), March 1, Sotheby

Wheldon, £11

The Butterflies and 29 plates, 2

[Anderson Galleries, Feb. 1, $19.] Marshall (G. F. L.) and Nicéville (Lionel de). of India, Burmah and Ceylon, fronts. fronts. and I plate in colours, 3 vol., hf. mor., Calcutta, 1882-90, 8vo. (812), March 1, Sotheby B. F. Stevens, £9 Marshall (G. W.) The Genealogist's Guide, 1903, with an interleaved copy, containing many thousand additions in MS., 2 vol., hf. bd. (worn and no title), (453), July 27, Hodgson Hollings, £4 Marsollier (Jacques). Henry VII. d'Angleterre, Histoire de, par De Marsolier (titles backed), 2 vol., contemp. blue mor. ex., gt. over marbled edges, with the arms of Louis Charles de Machault (1667-1750), from the Beckford library, 1700, sm. 8vo. (113), Nov. 25, Hodgson

Quaritch, £14 Marston (John, Dramatist and Divine). Autograph Manuscript Poem, In Ducem Reducem, or a Welcome from the Isle of Ree, 1627," 4 PP. 4to., bds. (190), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries


[Preceding this poem is a sonnet without a title, but evidently written to the Duke of Buckingham on his sailing to relieve Rochelle.]

Marston (John). The Insatiate Countesse, a Tragedie, acted at White-Fryers, green mor., by Rivière, London, I. N.

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