Immagini della pagina

plates, 2 voi., ci., Philadelphia, 1860, sm. 4to. (535), March 1, Sotheby Wheldon, £5 5s. Baird (S. F.) and Cooper (J. G.) The Land Birds of California, illustrated with figures of birds and many life-size figures of heads and other parts drawn from nature, hf. brown mor., gt. top, uncut, [Cambridge] 1870, thick 8vo. (32), Feb. 1, Anderson Galleries $21

[Baird's own copy, composed of the original proof sheets, with appendix by Baird of additional species, copious glossary of technical terms and a list of Spanish names of California birds, etc. There are many pencil corrections on the margins.]

Baker (G.) History and Antiquities of the County of Northampton, LARGE PAPER, proof plates, port. inserted, 2 vol., hf. mor., 1822-41, folio (598), July 13, Sotheby

Edwards, £2 14S. Baker (H. Clinton). Illustrations of Conifere, plates, 3 vol., hf. green mor., t.e.g., Hertford, privately printed, 1909-13 (2945), Nov. 2, Sotheby Quaritch, £4 5s. Bakst (L.) The Decorative Art of Léon Bakst, appreciation by Arséne Alexandre, notes on the ballets by Jean Cocteau, port. and numerous fine plates of ballet costume and scenery in gold and colours, with some in black and white, hf. vell. ex., t.e.g., Fine Art Society, 1913, folio (629), March 2, Hodgson F. W. Lawrence, £12 5s.

[Sotheby, July 27, Lot 98, £13.] Balbus de Janua (Joannes de). Incipit summa que vocatur catholicon, gothic letter, double columns [Hain *2252, Proctor 632], initial "P" on first page in gold and colours, with floreate scroll-work in margins, several other painted initials and numerous initials throughout in red and blue (margin of first two or three ll. stained), hf. cf. [Strasburg, printer of the 1483 Iordanus de Quedlinburg, c. 1482], folio (650), June 28, Sotheby Tregaskis, £14 Baldus de Ubaldis. Consilia, partes 1. et II. (only), cum tabula compilata per Ludovicum de Perego, 3 parts in 1 vol., •gothic letter, double columns (a few worm-holes, otherwise good large copy), orig. hf. stamped pigskin over wooden bds., clasps [Hain 2328, *2329 (i.), not in Proctor], [at end of tabula] impressis per Angelum et Jacobum de Britannicis [at end of pars. 1.] impressus M'li per Magistrum Leonardum Pachel, 1489 [pars. II. s.n., but Milan, L. Pachel, 1489], (2946), Nov. 2, Sotheby Maggs, £2 10s. Baldwin (T.) Airopaidia, containing the Narrative of a Balloon Excursion [in Lunardi's Balloon] from Chester, 8 Sept., 1785, col. plates (a few ll. slightly soiled), orig. bds., re-backed with cl., but entirely uncut, Chester, 1786 (579), June 2, Hodgson Hatchards, £3 15s. Bale (J.) The Apology of Johan Bale agaynste a ranke Papyst, black letter, with last blank leaf (H8), orig. limp vell., Jhon Day, 1550, 12mo. (309), July 12, Hodgson £6 Bale (J.) The first two partes of the Actes, or unchast

examples of the Englysh Votaryes, black letter, woodcut on title, 2 parts in 1 vol., orig. sheep-skin (binding slightly worn), A. Vele, 1551 (442), March 2, Hodgson

[Sotheby, Nov. 9, Lot 2, £2 10s.] Dobell, £5 7s. 6d. Bale (J.) Illustrium Maioris Britanniæ Scriptorum Summarium, large woodcut on title and a smaller one, ornamental capital letters, cf., Gippeswici (Ipswich), J. Overton, 1548, 4to. (244), Nov. 15, Sotheby Pickering, £16 10s. [Sotheby, May 25, Lot 60, Antwerp, 1543, 14.] Bale (J.) The Image of God, black letter, wants title and A1, but has the colophon, old red mor., John Daie and W. Serres, 1550, 8vo. (485), March 14, Sotheby Black, £3 158. [Bale (J.)] Yet a course at the Romyshe foxe, a dysclosynge or openynge of the Manne of Synne, contayned in the late Declaratyon. . . by Edmonde Boner . . . compyled by Iohan Harryson [i.e., John Bale] (title repaired and a few 11. stained), old cf., g.e., Zurik, Olyuer Iacobson . . . 1543, 12mo. (488), July 12, Hodgson Tregaskis, £4 15s. Balestier (J. N.) The Annals of Chicago, a lecture delivered before the Chicago Lyceum, January 21, 1840, woodcut on title, polished cf., gt. top, by Rivière, Chicago, 1840, 8vo. (13), Oct. 13, Anderson Galleries


[First ed. of what is perhaps the rarest of Chicago imprints. There is no copy in the Chicago Historical Society Library, and but one copy has appeared at auction in a quarter century.]

Ballad Society. Publications, edited by Furnivall and Ebsworth-Roxburghe Ballads, 9 vol. in 27 parts (Part 23 wanting)-Bagford Ballads, 4 parts, etc., cuts, together 38 parts, wrappers, uncut, Hertford, 1869-99, 8vo. (290), Oct. 27, Hodgson Edwards, £11 Balzac (Honoré de). Le Comédie Humaine, with Memoir, translated by K. P. Wormeley, numerous plates, with replica illustrations on India paper, 250 sets so done, 40 vol., orig. buckram, g.t., 1898, 8vo. (718), Dec. 20, Sotheby Bumpus, £21 Balzac (Honoré de). Comedie Humaine, edited by George Saintsbury, with numerous etched plates on Japan paper, 40 vol., cl., gt. tops, uncut, London, J. M. Dent & Co., 1895-98, 8vo. (10), Feb. 8, Anderson Galleries


Illustrated limited ed. One of 300 copies printed for America.] Balzac (Honoré de). Comédie Humaine, edited by George Saintsbury, 40 vol., purple mor., uncut, by Sangorski & Sutcliffe, Dent, 1895-1898, 8vo. (12), Jan. 25, American Art Association $280 Balzac (Honoré de). La Peau de Chagrin, with engravings after Gavarni, Lange, Baron and others, black straightgrain mor., backs and sides most unusually decorated with brilliant red and blue inlays, by de Samblaux, Paris, Delloye et Lecou, 1838, roy. 8vo. (23), Dec. 6, Anderson Galleries


Balzac (Honoré de). Works, University ed., plates, 18 vol., hf. cl. gt., t.e.g., Philadelphia, 1901 (757), Jan. 12, Hodgson £5 5s. [Balzac (Honoré de).] Physiologie du Mariage, first ed., 2 vol., citron mor. gt., g.e., by Chambolle Duru, Paris, 1830, 8vo. (13), March 17, Sotheby Maggs, £7 Balzac (M. de). Œuvres Diverses, Leide, chez les Elseviers, 1651-Lettres Familières à M. Chapelain, Amsterdam, chez Louis & Daniel Elzevier, 1661-Socrate Chrestien, et Autres Euvres, front. (inserted) representing_Aristotle, from the Arnheim ed., 1675, Rouen, 1661-Les Entretiens, engraved title, Amsterdam, L. et D. Elzevier, 1663Aristippe, ou de la Cour, engraved title by P. Philippe depicting Aristippe, Amsterdam, chez D. Elzevier, 1664Lettres à Monsieur Conrart, engraved title, Amsterdam, chez les Elzeviers, 1664-Lettres Choisies, engraved title, Amsterdam, chez les Elseviers, 1678, the first complete ed., together 7 vol., brown mor. ex., by Hering and Muller, from the famous Pieters collection, 1651-1678, 12mo. (233), June 28, Sotheby Richards, £6 5s. Bamfeild (Colonel Joseph). Apologie written by himselfe, cf., g.e., by F. Bedford, from the Huth library, 1685, 4to. (61), May 25, Sotheby Drake, £5 10S.


[A very interesting tract, illustrating the Civil War period, and describing the personal share which Bamfeild had in the transactions of those stirring times. fought on the side of the king.] Bancroft (Hubert Howe). Works, Library ed., port., maps and illustrations, 39 vol., cl., San Francisco, 1883-90, 8vo. (536), March 1, Sotheby Edwards, £4 4S. [Bancroft (R.)] A Survay of the Pretended Holy Discipline, brown crushed mor. ex., g.e., Iohn Wolfe, 1593, sm. 4to. (319), July 12, Hodgson Bancroft (Thomas). Two Books of Epigrammes, and Epitaphs dedicated to two top-branches of Gentry: Sir Charles Shirley, Baronet, and William Davenport, Esquire, first ed., title within ornamental border, stamped brown mor., Hoe copy, London, printed by I. Okes for Matthew Walbancke, 1639, sm. 4to. (8), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries

£4 45.

$90 Bandello (M.) La Prima (la Seconda e la Terza) Parte delle Novelle, engraved titles, 3 vol., Lucca, per il Busdrago, 1554-La Quarta Parte delle Novelle, Lione, A. Marsilii, 1573, together 4 vol., olive mor. ex., broad floreate borders gt., g.e., arms of the Bibliothèque de Mello in gold on sides, bookplate in each vol. of E. V. Utterson, 1554-73, 8vo. (385), July 25, Sotheby Quaritch, £28 Bandello (M.) Novelle nuovamente ristampato, 4 vol. (title to Vol. i. and ii. mended and a letter or so defective, a few 11. at end of Vol. iii. stained and margins mended, some slight stains and rust-holes), old red mor., one-line fillet

round edges, gt. back, g.e., Milano, 1560-Lione, 1573, 8vo. (30), Dec. 2, Sotheby Davis & Orioli, £9 15s. Bandello (M.) Novels, Englished by John Payne, 6 vol., orig. parchment, g.t., Villon Soc., for private circulation only, 1890, 4to. (347), Dec. 13, Sotheby Bromlee, £8 15s. [Hodgson, March 22, Lot 59, £9 Ios.]

Banister (J.) A Needefull . . treatise of Chyrurgerie [with several preliminary and dedicatory poems], black letter, cf. (rebacked, wormhole in margins and title and a few 11. soiled), T. Marsh, 1575, 12mo. (381), June 16, Hodgson Pickering, £5

Banville (Théodore de). Les Princesses, with the magnificent series of etchings by Decisy after Georges Rochegrosse, hf. red levant mor., gt. top, uncut, orig. wrappers bound in, by René Kieffer, Paris, 1904. imp. 8vo. (24), Dec. 6, Anderson Galleries


[Choice copy. One of a small number on grand velin d'arches.]

Baptista Mantuanus (F.) [Opera varia], woodcut head on title, contemp. English binding of oak bds. covered leather, with five stamps on each cover of rose, turreted gateway with portcullis pomegranate, fleur-de-lys and binder's mark GG, identified by Weale (English Rubbings, No. 141) as the work of Garret Godfrey, of Cambridge, formerly in the Bindley and Heber libraries, sold as a binding, In Lugdunensi Civitate, in officina B. Lescuyer, 1516, 8vo. (106), May 25, Sotheby Quaritch, £10 Baptista Mantuanus. Carmina de beate virgine Marie quae et Parthenice dicuntur, gothic letter, 50 Il., 31 long lines [Campbell 223], Deventer [Richard Pafraet], 1492Champier (Symphorien). Dialogus in magicarum artium destructionem, gothic letter, 20 Il., 28 long lines (title defective and backed) [Copinger 1510], Lyon, Guillaume Balsarin, n.d. (circa 1498), in 1 vol., dark blue mor. gt., g.e., 1492-8, 4to. (62), May 25, Sotheby Olschki, £8 5s. Baptista Mantuanus (F.) Secunde Parthenices Opus, lit. goth., 32 verse lines to a page (frayed) [Campbell 245], old hf. cf., Swollis impressum [Peter van Os, of Breda], 1497, sm. 4to. (63), May 25, Sotheby Wheldon, £3 5s. Bar (Jacqués Charles). Mascarades Monastiques et Religieuses de toutes les Nations du Globe, representées par des figures coloriées dans la plus exacte vérité, par Giacomo Carlo Rabelli, 26 col. plates of monastic costumes designed and engraved by Bar, en manière de lavis," and col. by hand by the author, hf. brown mor., gt. top, uncut, Paris, 1793, 8vo. (25), Dec. 6, Anderson Galleries


[The book was never completely published, and the present Volume i. is all that was printed.] Barbaro (D.) La Practica della Perspettiva, italic letter, woodcut device on title and at end, numerous woodcuts in

text, hf. vell., Venetia, C. & R. Borgominieri, 1569, folio (2948), Nov. 2, Sotheby Quaritch, £5 5s.

[Another copy, £3 10s.] Barbon (N.) Discourse concerning Coining the New Money Lighter, in Answer to Mr. Lock, old cf., 1696, 12mo. (131), Dec. 1, Hodgson £7 7s. Barbour (John). The Actes and Life of the Most Victorious Conqueror, Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, black letter (the catchwords of a few ll. slightly cut into), brown mor. ex., g.e., bookplate of Sir John Anstruther, Edinb., Andro Hart, 1616, 8vo. (48), Nov. 15, Sotheby Pickering, £67 [The only known ed. of earlier date is that of 1571, an imperfect copy of which was sold in the Laing sale for £142. The only other copy of this ed. is in the Bodleian Library.] [Barbour (J.)] Acts and Life of the most Victorious Conqueror, Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, black letter, dark blue mor. ex., g.e., Glasgow, 1672, 8vo. (49), Nov. 15, Sotheby Hopkins, £14 IOS. Barboza du Bocage (J. V.) Ornithologie d'Angola, 10 col. plates, hf. mor., Lisbonne, 1881, imp. 8vo. (537), March 1, Sotheby Bumpus, £I 14S. Barclay (John). Argenis, first ed. [Brunet gives 1622], cf., Thuanus' copy, with his arms in gold on sides and his cypher repeated on back, Paris, Nicolaum Buon, 1621, 8vo. (50), Nov. 15, Sotheby Pickering, £7 Barclay (John). Barclay His Argenis, or the Loves of Poliarchvs and Argenis, faithfully translated out of Latine into English by Kingesmill Long, Gent. (the bottom margin of 8 11. torn, slightly damaging the text), cf., Printed by G. P. for Henry Seile, 1625 (68), Nov. 9, Sotheby Smedley, £5

Barclay (John). Argenis, or the Loves of Polyarchus and Argenis, translated out of Latin by Kingsmill Long, with a Key to unlock the whole Story, port., engraved title and plates, russ. ex., g.e., 1636, 4to. (245), Nov. 15, Sotheby Hoare, £6

[ocr errors]

[Sotheby, July 13, Lot 746, 18s.; Hodgson, March 16, Lot 153, £3 5s.] [Barham (Rev. R. H.)] The Ingoldsby Legends, the three series, all first ed., 3 vol., Vol. i. with p. 236 blank, and Vol. iii. with the misprint topot on p. 350, plates by G. Cruikshank, Leech and Buss, brown mor., panelled gt. backs, a three-line gt. fillet on sides, inside dentelles, g.t., covers bound in, by Rivière, enclosed in open cl. cases, Richard Bentley, 1840, 42, 47, 8vo. (36), June 9, Sotheby Sawyer, £60

[Inserted in Vol. i. is an A.L.s. (initials only) from Thackeray to Barham, containing a characteristic penand-ink sketch, the preface to the second ed., with woodcut of "Tappington Everard," which does not appear in the first issue, the etched front. to the 1870 ed., and a

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