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black, double columns, 40 lines, device on title and Tudor arms on the colophon leaf, numerous small cuts of the Passion, etc., and a large one of the Crucifixion before the canon, numerous ornamental woodcut initials (headlines of 4 and 5 and bottom outer corner of 8 in fac., some plain margins slightly fingered, not subject to return), light crushed brown mor. ex., antique gt. ornaments, g.e., by F. Bedford, Paris, Hopylius pour Byrskman, 1515, 8vo. (601), Jan. 17, Sotheby Quaritch, £56 [An excessively rare Sarum Missal of King Henry VIII.'s reign, only three copies of which are recorded by Weale, one being imperfect. A note from Bedford the binder, inserted, declares that "this is the soundest, cleanest and most perfect copy I have ever Another copy of this Missal, Christie, April 26, £52.] Missale Pataviense (cum Calendario), gothic letter, printed in red and black, double columns, full-page cut of the Crucifixion and the Canon (= 6 11.), printed on vell., rous small woodcuts, musical notes, orig. stamped pigskin over wooden bds., Venetiis, in edibus Petri Liechtenstein, 1522, 4to. (502), April 18, Sotheby Tregaskis, LIO IOS. Missale ad usu ac cosuetudinē Sarū, black letter, printed in red and black, double columns, 42 lines, woodcut title, the first sheet (title and Calendar) water-stained at top, in the Calendar a few words inked over and one or two MS. additions, numerous woodcuts, including a full-page cut of the Crucifixion before the Canon, printed on vell., first leaf of the Canon printed on vell., square musical notation, black on a 4-line stave in red, lower half of the last leaf cut away (blank), old red mor., line tooling on sides, gt. panelled back (a little rubbed), In alma Parisiorum academia opera industrii viri Nicolai Preuost impensis vero Francisci Byrckman M.D.XXVIJ tertio calendas Martias [27 Feb., 1527], folio (131), June 28, Sotheby Ellis, £32


[Collation: 8, a 8-k 8, 16, m 8-t 8, v 6-y 6, A 8-H 8, I IO, A 8-H 8. In the foliation the numbers 87-8 are dropped. (Cf. Weale, Bibl. Lit. 186, who gives 314 leaves.] Missale ad usum ecclesie Eboracen, black letter, in red and black, two large woodcuts and a large number of small cuts, with music (a good many headlines shaved, woodcut border of title slightly shaved), blue mor., g.e., Parisiis, sumptibus Fracisci Regnault, 1533, 4to. (608), June 28, Sotheby Quaritch, £100

[Extremely rare. Collation: A 8, a 8-m 8, n 4, o 8z 8, followed by one sheet of 8 11. and one sheet of 10 ll. (= 206 11., cf. Weale, p. 66).]

Missale ad usum ecclesie Parisiensis, gothic letter, title in red and black, with a large printer's device, woodcuts, printed in red and black, fine copy, cf., Paris, Andre Rosset, 1543 (436), Feb. 23, Sotheby Leighton, £8 10s.

Missale secundum institutionem sanctissimi Pastoris Mediolanensiuz Ambrosij, gothic letter, printed in red and black, woodcut on title, full-page woodcut of the Crucifixion before the Canon, smaller woodcuts in the text, woodcut initials, crushed brown mor., gt. panel tooling on sides, with centre ornament, panelled back, g.e., Mediolani, per Jo. Ant. Castellionaeum, 1548, 4to. (503), April 18, Sotheby Lock, £6 5s. Missale ad Usum Ecclesiæ Sarisburiensis, black letter, printed in red and black, double columns, musical notes, on title a large woodcut of the Tree of Jesse, cut of the Crucifixion before the Canon, numerous woodcut initials (a few headlines shaved and some ll. wormed), brown mor. ex., g.e., by Rivière, autograph signature of Wm. Herbert, 1783, on title, Per Johannem Kyngstō et Henricum Sutton, 1555, 4to. (916), July 20, Sotheby Tyler, £17 Missale Romanum, with musical notation, printed in large gothic letter, crimson mor., Venet., apud Junctas, 1563 (574), July 12, Hodgson

[Sotheby, June 28, £3 15s.]

Bull, £4

Missal. Missale Romanum, roman letter, title in red and black, with Aldine device, numerous small and two fullpage woodcuts, musical notation (a few 11. discoloured), old red mor. gt., with the letters G. V. in gold on the sides, thumb registers, Venice, ex Bibliotheca Aldina, 1574, 4to. (159), April 18, Sotheby Tregaskis, £3 Missale Romanum ex Decreto SS. Concilii Tridentini restitutum, engraved title, two full-page engravings (the first slightly defective), 11. of the Canon stained and slightly defective, orig. wooden bds. covered red mor. richly tooled and gt., g.e., not subject to return, Venetiis, 1641, folio (483), July 18, Sotheby Howell, £1 Missale mixtum secundum regulam beati Isidori dictum Mozarabes notis ab Alexandro Lesleo ornatum, 2 parts in 1 vol., hf. cf., uncut, Romae, 1755, 4to. (612), June 28, Sotheby Dobell, I IOS. Mistere de la Passion, gothic letter, 207 11., on the verso of the title leaf a cut from the Petites Heures (wants n8, probably a blank, and a few words damaged by wormholes), red mor. gt., g.e., Paris, for Antoine Verard, 1499, folio (1077), May 25, Sotheby Ellis, £30 Mitchell (Donald Grant). [“Ik Marvel.”] Works, with front ports. on India paper and other ports. and illustrations, 16 vol., hf. vell. and bds., uncut, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1907, 8vo. (180), Feb. 8, Anderson Galleries

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[One of 204 sets printed on Ruisdael paper. With port. in volume one, signed by the author.] Mitford (A. B.) [Baron Redesdale.] Tales of Old Japan, first ed., woodcut illustrations by Japanese artists, 2 vol., hf. dark green mor., g.e., 1871, 8vo. (1079), May 25, Sotheby [Hodgson, May 4, £3 7s. 6d.] Quaritch, £4 15S.

Mitford (Capt. John). The Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy, 20 col. plates by Williams (slightly soiled and margins of some plates cut down), diced cf., 1819 (479), Feb. 16, Hodgson £5 7s. 6d. [Sotheby, June 9, 1823 ed., £3.] Mitford (M. R.) Our Village, LARGE PAPER, illustrations by Hugh Thomson, green mor., the back and sides tooled with leafy sprays in gold and flowers in red, inside panels similarly tooled, g.t., Macmillan, 1893 (91), July 18, Sotheby Hollings, £3 15S. Mitra (Rájendralála). Antiquities of Orissa, 97 plates, 2 vol., Calcutta, 1875-80 (612), Feb. 2, Hodgson £8 Mitra (R.) Buddha Gayá, the Hermitage of Sakya Muni, plates, cl. gt., Calcutta, 1878 (218), April 21, Hodgson [Feb. 2, £4 17s. 6d.] Heffer, £5 17s. 6d. Mivart (St. George). A Monograph of the Lories, or Brushtongued Parrots, composing the Family Loriidae, 61 col. plates, cl., g.t., 1896, 4to. (824), March 1, Sotheby Wheldon, £3 15s. Mocquet (J.) Voyages en Afrique, Asie, Indes Orientales et Occidentales, 9 curious plates (some loose), old limp vell., Paris, J. de Heuqueville, 1617, 12mo. (392), Dec. 1, Hodgson Heffer, £3 3s. Modern-Bibliothèque, illustrations, 134 vol., russ., cl. (1914, etc.), 8vo. (86), Oct. 20, Puttick Danielson, £5 5s. Modern London, map, plates, with a series of 31 col. plates of London cries, hf. red mor., full gt. back, g.t., by Rivière, Printed for Richard Phillips, 1805, 4to. (386), April 4, Sotheby Bain, LII Modes de Paris, 1837-1843, a series of 322 engraved plates, col., 3 vol., cf. (binding rubbed, lower margin with inscription of 3 plates missing), [London, S. & J. Fuller, 1837-1843], 8vo. (134), Dec. 13, American Art Association



[A collection of col. plates taken from a fashion magazine, Modes de Paris, Petit Courrier des Dames." The plates bear Fuller's imprint.]

Modius (F.) Cleri totius Romanæ Ecclesiæ subiecti seu Pontificiorum Ordinum omnium omnio utriusque sexus, habitus, artificiosissimis figuris, numerous woodcuts, including a cut of the Pope on title-page, brown mor. ex., g.e. (some headlines shaved), Francofurti, 1585 (384), July 25, Sotheby Maggs, £1 10S. Moffat (Thomas). The Silkewormes and their Flies: Liuely described in verse, by T. M., a Countrie Farmer, and an apprentice in Physicke, for the great benefit and enriching of England, full crimson levant, gt. back, panels and inside borders, g.e., by Bedford, Printed at London by V[alentine] S[ims] for Nicholas Ling, 1599, sm. 4to. (210), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries $100

[First ed. The title has woodcut of the silk-worm, the fly and the cocoon, and the book is not in Black Letter,

as stated in the collation given by the Grolier Club. Although published with initials only, this interesting and learned old treatise has long been accepted as the work of Thomas Moffat, a distinguished physician of the Elizabethan period. A lengthy description of Moffat and this poem will be found in Collier's Early English Literature.] [Mogridge (G.)] Sergeant Bell and his Raree-Show, front., vignette on title and some woodcuts by G. Cruikshank and other illustrations, orig. cl., from the Truman collection, Thomas Tegg, 1839, 12mo. (308), June 9, Sotheby Edwards, 1 6s. Molière (J. B. P.) Œuvres, first Elzevir ed., engraved title and cut of sphere on printed titles, 5 vol., old cf. (one joint of Vol. ì. broken), with signature of Matthieu Petit [1659-1728], Amst., J. Le Jeune, 1675, fcap. (468), Jan. 19, Hodgson Maggs, £6 10S. Molière (J. B. P.) Euvres, reveuës, corrigées & augmentées (par Varlet et Vinot), engravings after B. Brissart, by J. Sauvé, 8 vol., red mor., three-line fillet on sides, gt. panelled back, g.e., inside dentelle border, by V. Niedrée, Paris, chez Denys Thierry, etc., 1682 (425), July 25, Sotheby Maggs, £28

Molière (J. B. P.) Select Comedies of Mr. de Molière, in French and English, numerous plates (one to each comedy), by Hogarth, Dandridge, Hambleton, Coypel and Rysbeck, engraved by Van der Gutch, 8 vol., orig. cf., London, printed for John Watts, MDCCXXXII., 8vo. (292), April 18, Sotheby Edge, £3 5s.

[The first illustrated English ed. There is a separate title to each play, printed in red and black. The text is in both French and English.] Molière (J. B. P.) Euvres, port. after Coypel, plates after F. Boucher, engraved head and tail-pieces (fore-margin of one leaf slightly defective and 3 or 4 wormed a little (Vol. v.), some ll. and 2 or 3 plates slightly discol.), 6 vol., old cf. gt., r.e. (rubbed and some joints weak), Paris, 1734, 4to. (831), Oct. 25, Sotheby Quaritch, £72 [The first issue, with the reading "Comteese Comtesse, Vol. vi., p. 360, line 12. Sotheby, March 1, £54; July 18, £51; March 17, £30; Jan. 24, worn, £30; Jan. 24, rubbed, £24; Anderson Galleries, Nov. 11, $280 Dec. 6, $225.]


Molière (J. B. P.) Œuvres, port. and plates after Boucher, 6 vol., citron mor. gt., gt. back, g.e., Amsterdam, Arkstee & Merkus, 1765, 8vo. (402), Mar. 1, Sotheby Sabin, £11 5s. Molière (J. B. P.) Euvres de Molière, avec des remarques grammaticales, par M. Bret, port. and 33 plates after Moreau, pp. 66-67 and 80-81 of Vol. i. in duplicate, 6 vol., contemp. French red mor. gt., g.e., Paris, par la Compagnie des Libraires Associés, 1773, 8vo. (375), July 27, Sotheby Parsons, £132 Sotheby, Dec. 22,

[Anderson Galleries, Nov. 22, $310;

£105; April 25, £74; March 1, Vol. ii. damaged, £60; March 17, cf., 36; Puttick, May 20, cf., £50; Hodgson, Jan. 19, rubbed, £30; Nov. 25, £30 10s.]

Molière (J. B. P.) Euvres, avec des remarques grammaticales par M. Bret, port. after Mignard and plates after Moreau, 6 vol., contemp. green mor., line tooling on sides, g.e., Paris, 1788, 8vo. (8), May 9, Sotheby Hermann, £20 Molière (J. B. P.) Œuvres Complètes, par M. J. Taschereau, plates after Moreau on India paper (only 100 copies printed), 6 vol., hf. mor. ex., t.e.g. by David (backs faded), 1863, roy. 8vo. (126), Feb. 16, Hodgson Maggs, £4 7s. 6d. Molière (J. B. P.) Dramatic Works, rendered into English by Henri Van Laun, with a Prefatory Memoir, Introductory Notices, Appendices and Notes, with etchings by Lalauze on India paper, 6 vol., cl., uncut, Edinburgh, William Patterson, 1875, imp. 8vo. (182), Feb. 8, Anderson Galleries $23 Best English

[Large Paper, one of 150 copies printed. ed. Sotheby, May 9, £2 2s.; April 25, £14.] Molière (J. B. P.) Euvres, par M. Bret, port. after Mignard and plates after Moreau, 6 vol., mottled cf. ex., full gt. backs, g.e., by Morrell, Paris, 1804 (450), July 21, Hodg


£8 8s. [Jan. 12, £5; Sotheby, April 25, £3 5s.] Molinier (Emile). Royal Interiors and Decorations of the XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries, their History and Description, illustrated in most sumptuous fashion with full-page photogravure plates on India paper, many beautifully col., vignettes, etc., 10 parts, orig. wrappers, uncut, in two satin portfolios, Paris, Goupil and Co., n.d., roy. folio (183), Feb. 8, Anderson Galleries Warner, $115

[Unique ed. One of 100 copies, with the text in English.] Molisi (G. B. di Nola). Cronica dell' Citta di Crotone, e della Magna Grecia, red mor. ex., monogram of Prince Eugène of Savoy on back and his arms in gold on sides, g.e., Napoli, 1649, 4to. (869), Nov. 15, Sotheby

Edwards, £7 15S. Moll (H.) The World Described, or a New and Correct Sett of Maps, 30 maps, old cf., n.d., narrow folio (384), Jan. 12, Puttick Stevens, £3 15s. Mollet (André). Le Jardin de Plaiser contenant plusiers desseins de Jardinage tant Parterres en Broderie, Compartiments de Gazon, que Bosquets et autres, title within woodcut border, port. and plates, name on title (title and a few ll. of text slightly stained), orig. vell., Stocholme, chez Henry Kayser, 1651, folio (710), June 15, Sotheby [Hodgson, Nov. 25, £14 10s.] Parsons, 15 10s. Mommsen (T.) History of Rome, trans. by W. P. Dickson, 4 vol., cf., 1864-6, 8vo. (340), May 4, Puttick [March 14, 4 vol., 1868, £3 3s.] Monardes (Nicolas). Ioyfvll Nevves ovt of the newe founde

17s. 6d.

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