200 reproductions in 4 portfolios, ed. of 150 copies, buckram, London-Berlin, 1888-92, folio (706), Jan. 24, Sotheby [Another copy, Lot 302A, 7 portfolios, £26.] Witt, £29 Remesal (Antonio de). Historia Géneral de las Indias ocidentales, y particular de la Gouernacion de Chiapa y Guatemala, hole in blank part of title (backed), orig. vell., Madrid, 1620 (at end, 1619), folio (880), March 1, Sotheby Quaritch, £16 Renoult. Les Avantures de la Madona et de François d'Assise, front., plates, green mor., gt. ornamental borders, g.e., Amsterdam, 1701, 8vo. (741), May 18, Sotheby T. Ball, 1 125. Repository (The) of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Fashions, Politics, etc., plates, many col., Vol. i.-viii., 8 vol., hf. russ., Ackermann, 1809-12, 8vo. (133), July 27, Sotheby Spencer, £3 10S. Repton (H.) Designs for the Pavilion at Brighton, col. plates with movable slips showing the original and proposed improvements, and inserted 3 large col. plates of the hunt in Windsor Park and King George travelling, by Dubourg, after Pollard, 3 col. plates of Brighton Pier, etc., by Sutherland, and several plain plates, hf. mor., g.e., Boydell and Co., etc., 1808, folio (188), March 1, Sotheby Parsons, £19 Repton (H.) Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, port., col. plates with movable slips, fine copy, russ. gt. (joints slightly cracked), 1803, folio (309), Oct. 21, Sotheby A. Hawley, £17 10S. [Hodgson, Dec. 1, 15; March 31, 11 5s.; Sotheby, May 9, 14 10s.] Repton (H.) Odd Whims and Miscellanies, 10 col. aquatint plates by Stadler, 2 vol., contemp. cf. (worn), 1804, 8vo. (192), Nov. 25, Hodgson £5 5s. Repton (H.) Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening, col. plates with moveable slips, cf. (1794), oblong folio (247), Oct. 20, Puttick Bain, £21 [Hodgson, Dec. 1, £18.] Repton (H. and J. A.) Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, numerous fine col. aquatint plates with moveable slips and other illustrations, contemp. cf., 1816, roy. 4to. (539), Dec. 1, Hodgson Quaritch, £14 IOS. Restif de la Bretonne (N. E.) Les Contemporaines, 278 plates only, after Binet, etc., 42 vol., hf. cf., Imprimè a Leipsick et se trouve a Paris, chez le Dame Ve Duchesne, 1780-5, 8vo. (383), Oct. 21, Sotheby Carson, £9 IOS. Restif de la Bretonne (N. E.) L'Ecole des Pères, 3 vol., cf., Paris, 1776, 8vo. (465), March 17, Sotheby Davis & Orioli, £1 14S. Restif de la Bretonne (N. E.) La Famille Vertueuse, 4 vol. in 2, Paris, 1767-La Malediction Paternelle, Leipsick, 1780, together 3 vol., hf. citron mor. gt., g.e., 8vo. (744), May 18, Sotheby Heffer, £1 15S. Restif de la Bretonne (N. E.) Le Paysan Perverti, ou les Dangers de la Ville, plates, 4 vol., cf. ex., g.e., La Haie, 1776 (497), Feb. 23, Sotheby Neumayer, £8 5s. [Another copy, Nov. 15, £8.] {Restif de la Bretonne (N. E.)] La Paysane Pervertie, ou les Dangers de la Ville, complete with the ninth part, "Les Figures de la Paysane Pervertie," fine fronts. and plates after Binet, 4 vol., contemp. tree cf. gt. (small hole in one page of Vol. ii.), La Haye, 1784 (471), Jan. 19, Hodgson Cassidy, 10 10s. [Restif de la Bretonne (N. E.)] Monument du Costume physique et moral de la fin du 18me siècle, ou Tableaux de la Vie, 24 plates after Moreau le jeune and 2 after Freudeberg, russ. gt., Neuwied sur le Rhin, 1789, folio (170), May 20, Puttick Bumpus, £130 [Sotheby, July 18, 26 plates, £98.] Returne from Pernassus, or the Scourge of Simony, publiquely acted by the Students in Saint Iohns Colledge in Cambridge, old hf. cf., extremely rare, G. Eld for Iohn Wright, 1606, sm. 4to. (257), March 10, Sotheby Quaritch, £190 [A dramatic satire reflecting upon the chief poets of the time. There were two editions published in the same year, and this (with signatures A-H in fours) appears to be the second.] Reutlingen (Hugo de). Flores Musice Omnis Catus Gregoriani, first ed., lit. goth., with full-page diagram of the musical hand on A7, the rare folding leaf of musical notation between D2 and D3, full-page cut at end [Hain 7174, Proctor 538], old bds., Argetine per Johannem pryss, 1488, sm. 4to. (1261), May 25, Sotheby Quaritch, £49 [One of the first books with printed musical notation.] Revue Celtique, dirigée par H. Gaidoz, etc., Vol. i.-xxxvii., Vol. i.-xxiv. bd. in hf. mor., Vol. xxv.-xxxvii. in parts as issued, Paris, 1870-1919 (789), April 25, Sotheby Quaritch, £9 15S. Revue Zoologique par la Société Cuvierienne Journal publié sous la direction de F. E. Guérin-Méneville, 1838-79, plates (some col.), tom. 1 (1838), has hf.-title only (? as issued), 41 vol., hf. roan, Paris, 1838-79, 8vo. (882), March 1, Sotheby Quaritch, £26 10S. Reynard the Fox. Here beginneth the booke of Raynarde the Foxe, conteining diuers goodlye historyes and Parables, with other dyuers pointes necessarye for al men to be marked, black letter, long lines, with signatures A-T4 in eights (a few wormholes), cf. (rebacked), Imprinted in London in Saint Martens by Thomas Gaultier, 1550, sm. 8vo. (3637), Nov. 2, Sotheby Quaritch, £58 Reynard the Fox. The Most Delightful History of Reynard the Fox in heroic verse [by John Shurley], much illus trated and adorned with allegorical phrases, engraved title (mended) and several woodcuts, brown mor. ex., gt. line borders, with Miller monogram at corners, g.t., other edges uncut, Printed for Thomas Passinger, 1681, 4to. (258), March 10, Sotheby Pickering, £21 Reynard the Fox. History of Reynard the Foxe, woodcut title, borders and large decorative capitals, the chapter headings in red, autograph presentation copy "To Phyllis Ellis from William Morris, February 3rd, 1893," vell., silk ties, Kelmscott Press, 1892, folio (35), April 29, HodgMaggs, £12 17s. 6d. son [Sotheby, July 25, £4 10s.] Reynardson (Č. T. S. B.) Down the Road," or Reminiscences of a Gentleman Coachman, col. plates after H. Alken, cl. gt., 1875 (58), Jan. 19, Hodgson Maggs, £2 [Sotheby, June 15, 1 18s.; March 9, 1 1S.; Anderson Galleries, May 9, $13.] Reynoldes (E.) A Treatise of the Passions and Faculties of the Soule of Man, with leaf of errata at end, old black mor. gt., full gt. back, in 9 compartments, sides elaborately tooled with ornamental panels, enclosing corner ornaments and lozenge-shaped centrepieces made up of numerous small tools, g.e., enclosed in a padded case, R. H. for R. Bostock, 1640, 4to. (3640), Nov. 2, Sotheby Quaritch, 18 Reynolds (G. W. M.) Mysteries of the Court of London, the four series, many woodcuts, 8 vol., n.d., roy. 8vo. (704), Nov. 15, Sotheby Atkinson, £2 10S. Reynolds (G. W. M.) Works, illustrations in two states, one being on Japan paper and one state of the fronts. in colours. 20 vol., hf. brown levant mor., floral inlays on backs, gt. tops, London, privately printed for Members of the Oxford Society, n.d., 8vo. (214), Feb. 8, Anderson Galleries $80 [Connoisseur ed., one of 150 copies printed. A handsome set of this celebrated series. Comprising Pauline Clarendon; Rose Foster, 2 vol.; Mrs. Fitzherbert; Caroline Walters; Venetia Trelawney, 4 vol.; Lady Saxondale's Crimes, 5 vol.; The Fortunes of the Ashtons, 5 vol.] Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Engravings from the Pictures and Sketches painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, comprising the whole of his Works, fine impressions of the proof plates by S. W. Reynolds (a few slightly spotted), 3 vol., beautifully bd. in 4 vol., contemp. green mor. ex., richly gt. backs and broad gt. borders, g.e., with an orig. col. miniature of the artist inlaid in the inner cover of Vol. i., Published by S. W. Reynolds, Bayswater, 1820[24], folio (487), Nov. 25, Hodgson Meuleneere, £64 [March 31, 3 vol., £25 10s.; Sotheby, Oct. 25, 3 vol. £41.] Reynolds (Sir J.) The Painted Window of New College Chapel, Oxford, executed by Jervaise, from the original pictures after Sir J. Reynolds, engraved by S. G. and G. S. Facius, printed in colours on 14 plates (the title and descriptions mounted), (binding worn), J. Boydell, 1785, imp. folio (479), July 21, Hodgson Spencer, £21 Reynolds (Sir J.) History of the Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, by A. Graves and W. V. Cronin, many ports. on India paper, 4 vol., printed on cardboard, hf. mor., g.t., Published by subscription, 1899-1901 (948), Feb. 23, Sotheby Quaritch, £42 Rhasis [s. Abubecher] (Mohammed). Tractatus x. Medici, first ed., gothic letter (a few 11. wormed), unbd. [H.-C. 13891], Mediolani, L. Pachel et U. Scinzenceller Teuthonicos, 1481, folio (65), July 21, Hodgson Quaritch, £23 Rhead (A.) A Description of the Body of Man, old cf. (binding and one leaf defective), W. Jaggard, 1616 (543), July 21, Hodgson £3 Rhead (G. W.) History of the Fan, 27 beautifully col. plates and numerous other illustrations (limited to 450 copies), buckram gt., t.e.g., 1910, 4to. (210), Nov. 17, Hodgson £2 10S. Rhead (G. W. and F. A.) Staffordshire Pots and Potters, many plates, some col., 1906, 4to. (845), May 9, Sotheby Stokes, 18s. Rheticus (Joan-Joachimus). Opus Palatinum de triangulis, engraved title, old cf. (worn), 1596-Magnus Canon doctrinae triangulorum (somewhat soiled), cf. (one cover gone), n.d., etc., together 3 vol., folio (431), Jan. 17, Sotheby Sotheran, £5 5s. Rhetorica en lengua Castellana, en la qual se pone muy en breve lo necessario para saber bien hablar y escrivir, y conoscer quien habla y escrive bien, etc., lit. goth., title in red and black within woodcut ornamental border, ornamental and figured initials, orig. limp vell., with ties, fine large and clean copy, rare, Impressă . . en Alcala de Henares en Casa de Joan de Brocaria 1541, 8. Feb., sm. 4to: (627), Jan. 17, Sotheby Stanford, LII Rhymers' Club. The Book of the Rhymers' Club, both series [contributions by Ernest Dowson, Lionel Johnson, W. B. Yeats and others], cl. and buckram, 1892-4, sq. 8vo. (131), Jan. 12, Hodgson £2 2s. Rhys (Ernest) and Yeats (Jack B.) The Great Cockney Tragedy, illustrated by Jack B. Yeats, orig. wrappers, uncut, London, 1891, 4to. (912), Oct. 4, Anderson Galleries $29 [First ed. Presentation copy from the author. Accompanying the volume are the original India ink drawings of all the illustrations, together with an additional drawing not used in the book.] Ricci (Corrado). Antonio Allegri da Correggio, his Life, his Friends and his Time, Japanese vell. ed. (100 so done), plates, orig. hf. cl., 1896, folio (593), April 4, Sotheby [Another copy, March 17, 20s.] Owen, £2 15S. Rich (Barnaby). A New Description Ireland, wherein is described the disposition of the Irish whereunto they are inclined, no lesse admirable to be perused then credible to be beleeved, neither unprofitable nor unpleasant to bee read and understood, by those worthy Cittizens of London that be now undertakers in Ireland, first ed., unbd., a good copy, very scarce, Printed at London for Thomas Adams, 1610, sm. 4to. (725), Jan. 17, Sotheby Quaritch, £25 [Rich (B.)] A New Irish Prognostication, or Popish Callender, wherein is described the Disposition of the Irish with the manner of their Behaviour... with the superstitions supposall of St. Patricks purging of Ireland of all venemous things, etc (this is really Rich's New Description of Ireland re-issued without the author's name and without the dedications), a small defect in K3 and a few headlines slightly shaved, Printed for Francis Constable, 1624Prynne (W.) and Nudigate (M.) The Whole Triall of Connor Lord Macguire with the perfect copies of the Indictment and Evidences against him . . . with many remarkable passages of the grand Rebellion (last page slightly defective), Printed for Robert Austin, 1645—The Speech of Sir Audley Mervyn, Knt., delivered to James, Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant, in the Presence Chamber in the Castle of Dublin, a few paginations slightly cut into (a very scarce Dublin imprint), Dublin, printed for Samuel Dancer, 1663, and one other, together 4 vol., sm. 4to. (727), Jan. 17, Sotheby Quaritch, £9 1OS. Rich (B.) A True and Kinde Excuse, written in Defence of that Booke, intituled "A New Description of Ireland," wherein is freely confessed: (1) The Cause of the writing of that Booke; (2) How that Booke was brought into obloquy and slander; (3) A Revocation of all oversightes that through ignorance were published in that Booke; (4) A Bulwarke or Defence of all truthes contayned in that Booke; pleasant and pleasing both to English and Irish, first ed. (small hole at foot of title, taking away the date), unbd., London, printed for Thomas Adams (1612), sm. 4to. (726), Jan. 17, Sotheby Quaritch, £20 Richardson (C. J.) Studies from Old English Mansions, plates, 4 vol., hf. mor., 1841-8, folio (425), Dec. 1, Puttick Batsford, £4 " Richardson (John) and Gray (J. E.) The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Erebus and Terror' under Captain Sir J. C. Ross, 1839-43, Vol. i., Mammalia, Birds ; Vol. ii., Reptiles, Fishes, Crustacea, Insects, Mollusca, chart and numerous plates, plates of the birds of New Zealand, etc., and some of the other plates col., one plate in Vol. ii. defective, hf. mor., 1844-75, 4to. (883), March 1, Sotheby Quaritch, £27 Richardson (John), Swainson (W.) and Kirby (W.) Fauna Boreali-Americana, 4 parts in 4 vol., containing (i.) The Quadrupeds, (ii.) The Birds, (iii.) The Fish, (iv.) The |