42 vol.), etc., 43 vol., hf. cf. (some broken), and in Nos. from 1887 to 1905 (being Nos. 258 to 506, 37 nos. missing), with 251 nos. of A and B series between Nos. 508 and 691, 1905-1920 (some years complete), 1832-1920 (390), June 16, Hodgson Bailey, £20 IOS. Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, plates, from 1846 to 1874, in 59 parts, wrappers, and continued from 1875 (Vol. clxv.) to 1914 (Vol. ccxiv.), in 89 vol., cl. (wanting 1877, Vol. clxviii., 1880, Part 2 and 3, 1881 and 1882), also from 1915 to 1920, in 81 nos., with Abstracts, Vol. i., ii. and iv., 1800-43, in 3 vol., cl., together 92 vol. and 140 nos., 8vo.-Proceedings, Vol. iii., v. and vi., cl., 1830-54, Vol. vii. to xxxix., in 242 nos., 1855-85, Vol. xl. to lxxv., in 36 vol., hf. cf., 1886-1905, and Series A," Vol. lxxvi. (1905) to Vol. xcvi., No. 680 (1920), and Series "B," Vol. lxxv. (1905) to Vol. xci., 1920 (Vol. xcv., A, No. 676 and 90, B, Nos., 627 and 630 wanting), 4to. (741-742), Oct. 27, Hodgson Quaritch, £88 Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions, from the commencement in 1665 to 1800, abridged by Hutton, Shaw and Pearson, 18 vol., bds. (broken), the first vol. bearing the autograph of Robert Southey, 1809, and (at large) from 1830 to 1880, 52 vol., hf. bd., also from 1893 to 1920 (A and B Series), in 352 vol. or nos., unbd. (some missing), 1800-1920 (389), June 16, Hodgson Sotheran, £33 Royal Society of London. Philosophical Transactions, a complete series from 1849 to 1912 [A Series, Vol. ccxi., and B Series, Vol. ccii.], numerous plates and diagrams, 26 vol., hf. cf., and 92 vol. cl., with Extra Publications, 4 vol., together 122 vol., 1849-1912, 4to. (778), Nov. 3, Hodgson Heffer, £61 IOS. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, with Abstracts of Papers, complete from the commencement in 1800 to 1908 [Series A, Vol. lxxxi., and Series B, Vol. lxxx.], numerous plates and cuts, 75 vol., hf. cf., the rest in parts as issued, 18[00]32-1908, 8vo. (777), Nov. 3, Hodgson £41 Roye (Guy de). Le Doctrinal de Sapience, gothic letter, 42 long lines to a page, woodcut initials (wants 2 11., the first 5 11. mended and some 11. water-stained, not subject to return), hf. cf., Lyons, Claude Dayge of Saluis, March 17th, 149, folio (216), April 18, Sotheby Hope, £7 15s. Royle (J. Forbes). Illustrations of the Botany and other Branches of the Natural History of the Himalayan Mountains and of the Flora of Cashmere, col. front., plan and 97 plates (mostly col.), 2 vol., hf. russ., 1839 (137), Feb. 23, Sotheby Dearden, £7 Rubens. L'Euvre de P. P. Rubens. Histoire et Description de ses Tableaux et Dessins par Max Rooses, plates, 5 vol., hf. mor., t.e.g., Anvers, 1886-92, folio (707), March 17, Sotheby Rimell, £4 IOS. Rudder (Samuel). New History of Gloucestershire, map and plates, the Hartley copy, with postscript leaf dated April 3, 1783, a fine copy of Speed's Map of Gloucestershire, 1610, and additional plates from Lysons' "Antiquities," Bigland's Collections," etc. have been inserted, also (1) The scarce" Proposals for Printing," 8 pp., dated Feb. 1, 1767, issued by Rudder; (2) Receipt for subscription deposit from Richard Bigland, dated March 2, 1769, signed by Rudder; (3) Transcript of the inscription on the tablet to Rudder's memory in Cirencester churchyard, brown mor., panelled gt. back, gt. line border on sides, inside line panels, g.t., other edges uncut, by Rivière, Cirencester, 1779, folio (239), June 9, Sotheby H. T. Bruton, £14 Rudimentum Noviciorum [Epithoma Partes in sex juxta mundi sex aetates divisum, prius alibi non receptum quod placuit rudimentum nociciorum intitulari], gothic letter, double columns, 47 lines, 423 11. only [Hain gives 474 11.], numerous woodcuts, initials in red and blue [Hain *4996, Proctor *2610], bds. (broken and back gone, not subject to return), Lubeck, Lucas Brandiss, 5 Aug., 1475, folio (721), June 28, Sotheby Butler, £16 1OS. Rucllius (Jo.) De Natura Stirpium libri III., fine woodcut title, old cf., Parisiis, Simonis Colinaei, 1536, folio (614), Jan. 24, Sotheby Davis & Orioli, £2 15s. Rugendas (Maurice). Voyage Pittoresque dans le Bresil, traduit par Mr. de Golbery, 100 plates on India paper, hf. cf. (worn), Paris, Engelmann, 1835 (323), Jan. 24, Sotheby Spencer, £5 Rump Songs, or an exact collection of the choycest Poems and Songs, engraved title and plate of the roasting of the rump (wormhole through a few ll., in some cases affecting a letter or so of text), neatly mended, red mor., g.e., fine copy, with the rare leaf before the front. containing the words Rump Songs" printed perpendicularly, For H. Brome, 1662, 8vo. (383), Dec. 2, Sotheby Bain, £10 [May, 25, £7; July 20, £6 10s.; April 18, £4 10s.] Rupert (Prince). Exact Relation of the several Engagements and Actions of his Maiesties Fleet under the command of Prince Rupert, polished cf. ex., g.e., by Rivière, Printed for J. B., 1673, sm. 4to. (1288), May 25, Sotheby Ellis, £3 Rüppell (Ed.) Atlas zu der Reise im nördlichen Afrika. Erste Abtheilung, Zoologie, numerous col. plates of mammals,. birds, fish and reptiles, hf. cf., Frankfurt am Main, 1826-8, folio (905), March 1, Sotheby Quaritch, £5 15s. Rüppell (Ed.) Nene Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig, numerous col. plates (a few plain), hf. cf., Frankfurt, 1835-40, folio (906), March 1, Sotheby Quaritch, £9 15s. Ruskin (John). A Series of Manuscripts of John Ruskin, from the Brantwood Collection, formed part of the sale at Sotheby's, July 26, 1921 (see sale catalogue), 206 folio pages. Ruskin (J.) Fors Clavigera: Letters to the Workmen and Labourers of Great Britain (472), July 25, Sotheby Hale, £31 Ruskin (J.) Fors Clavigera, Letters 1 to 36, first ed., in the nos., with autograph corrections and annotations by the author, 1871-3, 8vo. (84), June 15, Puttick Thomas, £4 Ruskin (J.) Fors Clavigera, Vol. i.-iii. in parts, Vol. iv.-viii. and Index bd. in bds., 1871-87-Arrows of the Chace, 2 vol. in 3, bds., 1880, etc., together 20 vol., 8vo. (398), July 20, Sotheby Newton, £2 5s. Ruskin (J.) Modern Painters, plates, 5 vol., 1848-60, roy. 8vo. (1290), May 25, Sotheby Edwards, £1 16S. Ruskin (J.) Modern Painters, plates (some foxed), 5 vol., mor. gt., arms on sides, g.e., 1857, 8vo. (766), May 18, Sotheby Maggs, £3 35. Ruskin (J.) The Nature of Gothic, a Chapter of the Stones of Venice, woodcut border and ornamental initials, vell., 1892, sm. 4to. (933), April 25, Sotheby Hollings, £3 12s. 6d. [Lot 934, Danielson, £3 12s. 6d.; Lot 980, Feb. 23, £3 15s.] Ruskin (J.) Poems, with notes by W. G. Collingwood, plates, 2 vol., hf. vell., 1891, 4to. (228), July 22, Puttick Blythe, 55. Ruskin (J.) Roadside Songs of Tuscany, translated and illustrated by Francesca Alexander and edited by John Ruskin, 20 plates, slate mor., with a design of carnations in colours and gold on sides, inside panels with leafy scrolls, g.t., George Allen, 1884 (162), July 18, Sotheby Edwards, £2 Ruskin (J.) Tracts. Osservazioni della Basilica di San Marco, Venezia, 1877-Letters to The Times' on the Principal Pre-Raphaelite Pictures in the Exhibition of 1854, 1876-The Relation between Michael Angelo and Tintoret, 1872-Pre-Raphaelitism, 1851-The Bibliography of Ruskin, 1878, etc., together 24 tracts, all bd. in hf. mor., 8vo. (378), Dec. 20, Sotheby Chandy, £3 10s. Ruskin (J.) Unto this Last: Four Essays on the First Principles of Political Economy, 1907 (109), Jan. 19, Hodgson Quaritch, £3 5s. Ruskin (J.) Complete Works, edited by E. T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn, the beautiful Library ed., with numerous reproductions, some in col., photogravures, facs. of orig. MSS., etc., finely printed in large type, 39 vol., buckram gt., uncut, 1903-1912 (90), March 22, Hodgson LII 5S. [June 2, 16; April 29, £12 5s.; Sotheby, Jan. 24, £14; Anderson Galleries, Dec. 6, $120.] Ruskin (J.) Works, uniform ed., 12 vol., with Fors Clavigera, illustrations by the author, etc., 8 vol., together 20 vol., blue cf., g.e. (slightly rubbed), each vol. (with one excep tion) having an autograph letter from John Ruskin in serted, 1871-84 (476), July 21, Hodgson Shipton, Ltd., £10 5s. [Russell (G. W.)] (A. E.) By Still Waters, Lyrical Poems, old and new, printed in black and red, bds., unopened, author's signed autograph inscription on the title, Dun Emer Press, 1906, 4to. (521), June 15, Sotheby Maggs, £5 [Hodgson, June 16, 2 6s.; April 29, £2 4s.] [Russell (G. W.)] (A. E.) The Nuts of Knowledge, Lyrical Poems, old and new, printed in black and red, mor. gt., ornamental frame sides, with inlaid border of green leaves, g.e., inside borders, joints, Dun Emer Press, 1903, 4to. (526), June 15, Sotheby Ord, £6 5s. [Hodgson, April 29, Lot 12, £3 7s. 6d.; June 10, Lot 51, £3.] Ruvigny and Raineval (Marquis of). The Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal, being a complete table of all the Descendants now living of Edward III., the Anne of Exeter vol., ports., 1907, 4to. (848), May 9, Sotheby Marsh, I 18s. Rüxner (G.) Anfang ursprung und herkomen dee Thurniers inn Teutscher nation, gothic letter, numerous woodcuts (upper blank margin cut away from title, some 11. wormed, blank margin of penultimate leaf mended, last leaf with colophon and woodcut armorial device cut closely round and mounted), cf., Siemern, 1532, folio (703), March 17, Sotheby Davis & Orioli, £5 Rylands (John) Library, Manchester. Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts, 3 vol., brown levant mor., deep inside borders, with joints, t.e.g., by Fazakerley, 1899-Catalogue of English Printed Books to the end of the year 1640 in the John Rylands Library, Manchester, brown levant mor., t.e.g., with monogram J.R. on sides, ib., 1895, together 4 vol., 4to. (237), Dec. 20, Sotheby Allen, £8 15S. Rymer (T.) Foedera, 20 vol., old cf. (rubbed, and covers of several vol. loose), 1704-35, folio (385), Dec. 2, Sotheby Harding, £6 5s. [The first 17 vol. are from the library of George Holmes, who edited the second ed., and contain many MS. notes by him.] Rymer (T.) and Sanderson (R.) Fœdera, Conventiones Literae et cujuscunque generis Acta Publica inter Reges Angliæ et alios quos vis Imperatores, etc., ab anno 101 ad nostra tempora, third ed., by G. Holmes, 10 vol., old russ. ex., by J. Wright, Haga Comitis, 1739-45 (249), April 21, Hodgson Harding, £15 5S. Sabellicus (A. C.) Decades rerum Venetarum, beautifully printed in roman letter, long lines, with the 2 rare 11. of errata at end in gothic letter, capital in gold and colours on f. Ai [Proctor 4713], old sprinkled cf. gt., a fine copy (but a few slight stains or wormholes), Venetiis, A. Torresanus, 1487, roy. folio (262), Dec. 1, Hodgson Quaritch, £6 10s. [Sotheby, Oct. 21, 24; Jan. 24, £10.] Sabellicus (M. A.) De Venetis Magistratibus, roman letter, long lines (b 4 slightly defective), hf. mor., Venetie, per Antonium de Strata, 1488, 4to. (453), Dec. 20, Sotheby Dobell, £3 18s. Sabunde (Raymundus de). [Liber Creaturarum.] [At the end] et sic explicit liber creaturarum seu liber d hoie ppt que aut alie creature ichoat & icept e a reuerado raymodo sebeide i artib & medicina mgro & i sacra pagina egregio pfessore regete i alma vniversitate studij tholosani. Anno dni m.cccc.xxxiiii. et cplet & teriat i eade vniversitate. Anno dni M.cccc.xxxvi. xi. die mensis februarii, gothic characters, double columns, 37 lines, 274 ll., wanting title and blank for a8, irregularly paged, the last leaf paged cclv., with signatures, mottled cf., antique gt. ornaments, g.e., by Bedford [Lugduni, G. Balsarin, c. 1495, with device]. sm. folio (258), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries $30 [Fine copy of the very rare first ed. H. *14066, not in Proctor.] [Sachsenspiegel.] [On the recto of the first leaf] (G) ot gebe seiner sele rat Der dys buch getichtet hat Ecke von Repchaw Seine pflege vnser frawe, etc., crushed brown mor., with antique gt. ornaments, g.e., by Bedford, N. p., n.d., s. folio (259), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries $225 [This edition appears to have been unknown to Panzer, Hain, Ebert, Brunet, Graesse, or Proctor, the earliest described by any of these bibliographers being that of Basle, 1474. This has every appearance of being earlier, but is without any indication of date, place, or printer. It begins as above with 12 short lines of rhyme, printed as prose, space being left at the side for a large initial letter. The volume consists of 148 11. of text, 38 lines to a page, and 2 ll. of table, which ends on the verso of the 150th leaf. It is printed in a semi-roman type, without marks of any kind, space being left for initials. This copy is in particularly fine condition, and is rubricated throughout. Had the edition been known to Panzer, it would, of course, have been included in his list of books without date. With the Huth bookplate.] Sacred Books of the East, translated by various Scholars and edited by F. Max Müller, with Index, 50 vol., a complete set, orig. cl. (clean), Oxford, 1879-1910 (370), June 16, Hodgson Heffer, £33 Sacred Books of the East, edited by Max Müller-The Zend Avesta, by Darmstetter, 2 vol.-The Lî Kî and Yî King, by Legge, 3 vol.—Vedic Hymns, Part 1, by Max Müller, etc., together 9 vol., cl., Oxford, 1880-91 (359), Feb. 16, Hodgson Heffer, £3 158. Sacro Bosco (Giovanni di). Sphera Volgare novamente tra |