Immagini della pagina

Schlegel (H.) and Verster (A. H.) Traité de Fauconnerie, fine col. plates, hf. red mor., gt., g.e., Leiden et Dusseldorf, 1844-53, atlas folio (109), July 25, Sotheby Wheldon, £22 Schlegel (H.) De Vogels van Nederlandsch Indië, monographie 1-3 (only), plates in colours, in 1 vol., no title, orig. front wrappers bd. in, cl., Haarlem, 1863-6, 4to. (918), March 1, Sotheby Edwards, £2 12s. 6d. Schmidt (A.) Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde, 316 plates, with Index to plates 1-240, 6 vol., strongly bd. in hf. mor. ex., t.e.g., by Zaehnsdorf, the last 5 parts unbd., Leipzig, 1874-1914, folio (343), May 11, Hodgson Quaritch, £20 Schomburgk (R. H.) Views in the Interior of Guiana, map and 12 beautifully col. plates after C. Bentley, with descriptions, hf. roan, Ackermann, 1841, imp. folio (318), Nov. 17. Hodgson Myers, £6 Schoolcraft (Henry R.) Information respecting the History, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States, steel and other engravings, 5 vol., cl., Philadelphia, 1853-1856, imp. 8vo. (715), Oct. 27, American Art Association


[This is a smaller ed. of the same work published in 6 vol. by the same publishers during the same years. It comprises, however, only the first 5 vol., the sixth vol. of this issue having never been published.] Schoutten (Guilliaume). Journal ou description du Merveilleux Voyage de Guilliaume Schouten, Hollandois natif de Hoorn, fait en Années 1615, 1616 & 1617, comme (en circumnavigeant le globe terrestre) il a descouvert vers le zud du Destroit de Magellan, etc., 3 maps and 6 plates (title slightly repaired), polished cf., s.e., Amst., 1619, sm. 4to. (945), Oct. 25, Sotheby Ellis, £20

[Anderson Galleries, Jan. 24, 1618 ed., $475; Sotheby, June 15, 1618 ed., £40.] Schrenck (Jac.) Augustissimorum imperatorum, regum atque archiducum . . . comitum, baronum, nobilium . . . verissimae imagines. . quorum arma, aut integra, aut horum partes in Ambrosianae arcis Armamentario conspiciuntur, front. and 125 copperplates (Brunet gives 126 ports.), each page of text within woodcut frame, mor. gt., g.e. (binding a little rubbed), Eniponti, 1601 (416A), July 25, Sotheby Edwards, £4

["Ce volume représente les armures anciennes de la collection appartenant alors à l'archiduc Ferdinand d'Autriche, et réunie dans l'arsenal de la citadelle d'Ambras, près d'Insprück, aujourd'hui conservées à Dresde Il paraît que les exemplaires n'ont pas tous le même nombre de planches. Celui de la vente Bearzi contenait . . un autre annoncé comme contenant 120.❞—


Brunet.] Schueren (Gerardus de). [On Ai.] Incipit Vocabulari q intitulatur Teuthonista. vulgarit' dicendo der duytschlend' easroe q t'mini i capite riga a theuthonico sut incepti.

Edicioq hmoi opis cpleta e de anno domini. M.cccc.lxxv. de mense marcij, Latine et Teutonice, gothic letter, double columns, 40 lines, 406 l., with signatures, including 2 blanks [not in Hain or Proctor], painted throughout in red and blue, modern thick boarded pigskin, with antique gt. ornaments, g.e., by Bedford, [colophon] Colonie per me Arnoldu ther horne diligentissime impressa, finita sub annis domini. M.cccc.lxxvii. die ultimo mensis maij (with device), folio (261), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries $200

[A very fine copy. With the Huth bookplate.] Schulz (P. W.) Die Persisch-Islamische Miniaturmalerei, ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte Irans, over 200 fine reproductions of oriental drawings and paintings, some in colours, 2 vol., cl., Leipzig, 1914 (887), March 2, Hodgson Quaritch, £6 5s. Schwan (C. F.) Abbildungen derjenigen Ritter-Orden, 57 col. costume plates, russ. gt., Mannheim, 1791, 4to. (142), May 20, Puttick Brentano, £7 Science of Defence, connecting the Small- and Back-Sword ... with some Observations upon Boxing and the Characters of the most able Boxers, mor., g.e., by Zaehnsdorf, 1747, 4to., Oct. 20, Puttick Bath, £20 Sclater (P. L.) Argentine Ornithology, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Birds of the Argentine Republic, with Notes on their Habits by W. H. Hudson, col. plates, 2 vol., scarce, 1888-9, roy. 8vo. (740), May 9, Sotheby

[March 1, 16; July 25, 20 IOS.] Dean, £15 IOS. Sclater (P. L.) and Oldfield (Thomas). The Book of Antelopes, numerous plates in colours and illustrations in the text, 4 vol., hf. green mor., g.t., 1894-1900 (85), July 25, Sotheby Painter, £10 Sclater (P. L.) and Salvin (Osbert). Exotic Ornithology, containing figures and descriptions of new or rare species of American birds, 100 plates in colours, hf. red mor., g.t., wrappers dated 1866-9 bd. in, 1869, large 4to. (928), March 1, Sotheby Wheldon, £12 12S.

[Anderson Galleries, Feb. 1, $35.] Sclater (P. L.) Monograph of the Jacamars and Puff-Birds, col. plates, hf. mor., g.t., wrappers bd. in, 1879-82, 4to. (924), March 1, Sotheby Wheldon, £5 [Anderson Galleries, Feb. 1, $15; Sotheby, July 25, £5 5s.] Sclater (W. L.) Birds of South Africa, map and plates, 3 vol., 1900-3, 8vo. (1305), May 25, Sotheby Quaritch, £7 Scot (Reginald). The Discouerie of Witchcraft, black letter, curious woodcuts and large ornamental woodcut initials, red mor., by Rivière (title skilfully inlaid and upper and lower margins of a few ll. mended), London, William Brome, 1584, 4to. (558), Jan. 24, Anderson Galleries


[First ed. Anderson Galleries, Dec. 6, $77.50; Sotheby, April 18, 1651 ed., £3 15s.; Feb. 23, 1665 ed., £2 5s.;

Anderson Galleries, Dec. 6, 1576 ed., $75; Hodgson, Dec. 21, 1886 ed., £3 5s.] Scot (R.) A Perfite platforme of a Hoppe Garden and necessarie Instructions for the making and mayntenaunce thereof, black letter (wants A I), woodcuts, unbd., H. Denham, 1576, sm. 4to. (946), Nov. 24, Sotheby Last, £4 5s.

Scotland. A Short relation of the state of the Kirk of Scotland (water-stained, one leaf very slightly defective), 1638 -The Confession of Faith of the Kirk of Scotland, subscribed by the Kings Majestie, 1580, a few ll. stained (1638) The Confession of the Faith and Doctrine believed and professed by the Protestants of Scotland, woodcut on title, Edinburgh, G. Anderson, 1638-Reasons for a Generall Assemblie, 1638-Protestation of the Noblemen, Barrons, Gentlemen, Borrowes, etc., 1638-Generall Demands concerning the late Covenant, Edinburgh, R. Young, 1638-The Answeres of some Brethren of the Minitserie (sic), Aberdene, E. Raban, 1638-Newes from Ipswich, woodcut on title, wants one leaf, Printed at Ipswich, n.d.-Ramsay (Andrew). A Warning to come out of Babylon, Edinburgh, George Anderson, 1638Protestation of the Generall Assemblie, woodcut on title (one or two headlines shaved), Glasgow, G. Andersen, 1638, etc., in 1 vol., hf. cf. (worn), not subject to return, 4to. (632), June 28, Sotheby Quaritch, £13 Scots Observer (The), a Record and Review [afterwards known as the National Observer], from the commencement in 1888 to May, 1895 [containing many contributions by R. L. Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling, Thos. Hardy, Sir J. M. Barrie, W. E. Henley, W. B. Yeats, Alice Meynell, etc.], 13 vol., linen binding as issued, 1888-95, folio (604), Feb. 2, Hodgson £19 Scott (Alexander). Poems, from Geo. Bannatyne's manuscript, compiled A.D. 1568, only 50 copies privately printed on vell., lemon-col. mor., elaborately gt. and tooled sides and broad gt. inside borders, gt. end-papers, g.e., (Glasgow), 1882, 8vo. (731), Nov. 15, Sotheby Tregaskis, £7 Scott (Clement). The Drama of Yesterday and To-day, 2 vol., 1899, with presentation inscription to A. M. Broadley, signed by the author, extended to 7 vol., with speciallyprinted titles and illustrated by the insertion of numerous ports., views, playbills and upwards of 270 autographs, hf. mor., t.e.g., 1901, 8vo. (61), March 9, Puttick

Lewis, £8 15s. Scott (J.) Bibliography of Works relating to Mary Queen of Scots, 1544-1700, fac. plates, one of 20 extra copies, hf. mor., g.t., Printed for the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, Edinb., 1896, 4to. (1306), May 25, Sotheby

Ewing, LII Scott (J.), Every (G. H.), Sanders (G.) Gainsborough. Engravings from the Works of Thomas Gainsborough and

other eminent engravers, 125 plates, proofs on India paper, bd. in 2 vol., hf. mor., g.t., H. Graves, n.d., folio (1008), Dec. 20, Sotheby Thorp, £10 IOS. Scott (J.) The Sportsman Repository, comprising a series of highly-finished engravings representing the Horse and the Dog in all their varieties, engravings by Scott after Marshall, Reinagle, Gilpin, Stubbs and Cooper, and woodcuts by Bewick, hf. dark green_mor., gt. back and top, uncut, London, 1845, 4to. (309), Jan. 24, American Art Association $12.50 Scott (T.) Robert Earle of Essex his Ghost, sent from Elizium to the Nobility, Gentry and Communaltie of England, 2 parts, first ed., polished cf. ex., g.e., by Lloyd, Printed in Paradise, 1624, sm. 4to. (1308), May 25, Sotheby Smedley, £710S. Scott (Sir Walter). Border Antiquities of England and Scotland, plates, 2 vol., mor. ex., m.e., 1814-17, 4to. (973), March 14, Sotheby Atkinson, I IOS. Scott (Sir W.) Guy Mannering, first ed., 3 vol., cf., 1815, 8vo. (110), June 15, Puttick Oppenheim, £2 17s. 6d.

[Another copy, March 9, £1 IOS.] Scott (Sir W.) Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, addressed to J. G. Lockhart, illustrated, full red mor., by Wood, London, 1830, 12mo. (1216), Nov. 22, Anderson Galleries


[Extra illustrated by the insertion of the Cruikshank plates in triplicate, one set in colour and two sets plain, one being on India paper.] Scott (Sir W.) Lay of the Last Minstrel, plates after Westall, red straight-grain mor. ex., g.e., with fore-edge painting of Warkworth Hermitage, Northumberland, 1809, 8vo. (693), Feb. 16, Hodgson £4 Scott (Sir W.) Marmion a Tale of Flodden Field, with illustrations by R. Westall and inserted an A.L.s., 4 pp., dated Edin., 1st April, 1809, referring to the death of Miss Anna Seward and the publication of a miscellaneous ed. of her works under his superintendence, together with a copy of a posthumous letter from Miss Seward regarding copyright, etc., straight dark blue mor. gt., panelled sides, g.e., 1809, 4to. (101), Dec. 13, Sotheby

[Hodgson, Feb. 16, £4 17s. 6d.] Bain, £15 10S. Scott (Sir W.) Marmion, Lady of the Lake, etc., plates by Westall and Stothard, 6 vol., 1810-15, and 3 others, together 9 vol., straight-grain mor. ex., g.e. (391), Jan. 19. Hodgson Shipton, £7 78. Scott (Sir W.) Peveril of the Peak, 4 vol., hf. mor., Edinburgh, 1822, 8vo. (503), Dec. 6, Anderson Galleries $25 [First ed. Inserted are two important autograph letters, signed, of the author to James Ballantyne, Sir Walter Scott's printer, and to R. Cadell, the author's publisher, both referring to "Peveril."]

[Scott (Sir W.)] Waverley, first ed., with the hf.-titles, 3 vol.,

binder's cl., some rough edges, Edin., 1814, 8vo. (132), Dec. 16, Hodgson £25 Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, a complete set of first eds., 74 vol., uniform polished cf. ex., t.e.g., the other edges uncut (Waverley, Guy Mannering and Rob Roy with gt. edges, the first series of Tales of my Landlord bearing Constable's imprint, and a few hf.-titles wanting), Edinburgh, 1814-32 (196), June 10, Hodgson £59

[Sotheby, May 9, 48 vol., 1829-33, £7; Nov. 15, 48 vol., 1829-33, £24 IOS.; Hodgson, June 2, 48 vol., £10.] Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, Abbotsford ed., ports. and plates and numerous illustrations in the text, 12 vol., in the orig. cl., a very clean bright copy, Edinburgh, 1842-7, 8vo. (326), June 28, Sotheby Joseph, £2 8s.

[Hodgson, June 16, mor., £2 17s. 6d.; Sotheby, Oct. 25, mor., £3 15s.; Dec. 13, mor., £9 10s.; March 1, mor., £6; American Art Association, Oct. 27, mor., $18.] · Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, Library ed., plates, 25 vol., hf. cf., 1852-3, 8vo. (331), Oct. 20, Puttick Green, £3 15s. [American Art Association, Jan. 25, $200; Anderson Galleries, Nov. 22, $155; Hodgson, March 22, £4 7s. 6d.] Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, Centenary ed., fronts., 25 vol.-Life, by Lockhart, 2 vol., together 27 vol., hf. cf. gt., m.e., 1870-72 (151), June 16, Hodgson

[Another copy, May 26, £6 10s.] W. Chorley, £3 15s. Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, illustrated ed., plates and woodcuts, 48 vol., hf. cf., uncut, g.t., Edinb., 1877-9, 8vo. (1), Dec. 20, Sotheby Bumpus, £15 10S. [American Art Association, Jan. 24, $25.] Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, with Introductory Essays and Notes by Andrew Lang, LARGE PAPER Border Ed. (limited to 365 copies), etchings by D. Y. Cameron, Wm. Strang, Lalauze and others, 48 vol., cl., uncut, a clean set of this beautiful ed., 1892-94 (240), June 2, Hodgson

[Sotheby, Jan. 24, 11; July 18, 11.] Bumpus, £16 Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, edited by A. Lang, re-issue of the Border ed., illustrations, 24 vol., green cl. gt., 1898 (381), Feb. 2, Hodgson £4 2s. 6d. Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, Dryburgh ed., LARGE PAPER, plates, 25 vol., Edinb., 1892-4, 8vo. (877), Dec. 20, Sotheby Case, £3 15s.

Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, 48 vol.-Poems and Ballads, 6 vol., with introductory Essays and Notes by Andrew Lang, together 54 vol., illustrations in two states, one being on Japan paper, three-quarter red levant mor. gt., gt. tops, uncut, Boston, Estes and Lauriat, 1893-1900, 8vo. (223), Feb. 8, Anderson Galleries $180

[Connoisseur ed. One of only 70 copies printed.] Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, Edinburgh ed., ports., 48 vol., Edinb., Jack, 1901-3, 8vo. (744), May 9, Sotheby Anderson, £16 10S. [July 13, £7 15s.; Hodgson, June 2, £14 15s.]

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