Berners (Dame Juliana). A Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle, being a facsimile reproduction of the edition by Wynkyn de Worde, 1496, edited by M. G. Watkins, panelled cf., 1880-Crawhall (J.) The Compleatest Angling Booke that ever was writ, being done oute of ye Hebrewe and other Tongues by a Person of Honour, plain and col. illustrations, russ. gt., Newcastle, 1881, together 2 vol., 4to. (182), March 17, Sotheby Hawley, £3 3s. Berners (Dame Juliana). The Gentlemans Academie, or the Booke of S. Albans . . . all compiled by Iuliana Barnes, in the yere... 1486, and now reduced into a better method, by G[ervase] M[arkham], woodcut coat-of-arms (one col., title and 2 11. of the dedication torn and slightly defective, the pagination and headlines of a few ll. cut into, a few slight stains, has the orig. blanks for L III. and L IV. and Dd IV.), cf. gt., Printed for Humfrey Lownes, 1595, 4to. (418), April 18, Sotheby Pickering, £15 10S. Beroalde de Verville. Le Moyen de Parvenir, vignettes (only a small number printed for subscribers), 2 vol., hf. vell. gt., t.e.g., Paris, 1870, 8vo. (49), Oct. 12, Hodgson £2 6s. [Sotheby, July 20, Lot 651, 1738, 18s.] Berquen (Robert de). Les Merveilles des Indes Orientales et Occidentales, ov Nouueau Traitté des Pierres precieuses & Perles, contenant leur vraye nature, dureté, couleurs & vertus, etc., front. port. of Mlle. d'Orleans by Larmessin, polished cf., gt. back, g.e., by Rivière, Paris, 1669, 4to. (78), Oct. 25, Anderson Galleries $10.50 Berquin (A.) Idylles et Romances, plates after Borel, green mor. gt., dentelle borders, g.e., by Thompson, Paris, Dufart, 1796-Gresset. Oeuvres Choisies, plates after Moreau le jeune, red mor. gt., g.e., Paris, Sangrain, L'An deuxieme (1794)-Gessner. Oeuvres Complettes, port. and plates, 3 vol., green mor. gt., Paris, 1767, etc., together 9 vol., 8vo. (334), March 1, Sotheby Bumpus, £10 IOS. Berquin (A.) Idylles par M. Berquin, 11e ed., 24 plates after Marillier, 2 vol., red mor. gt., g.e. (Paris, Ruault, 1775), n.d., 8vo. (339), Oct. 21, Sotheby Carlson, £5 Berquin (A.) Romances par M. Berquin, front. and 6 plates after Marillier, 6 11. of music, fine copy, red mor. gt., g.e., Paris, chez Ruault, 1776, 8vo. (338), Oct. 21, Sotheby J. Benson, £5 15s. Berry (W.) County Genealogies: Pedigrees of the Families of the County of Hants, cuts of arms, hf. roan, 1833, folio (547), July 27, Hodgson Bailey, £2 Berry (W.) County Genealogies: Pedigrees of the Families of the County of Kent, cuts of arms, with old MS. pedigree of the family of Digges inserted, buckram, 1830, folio (546), July 27, Hodgson R. Lepper, £4 IOS. [Sotheby, Oct. 25, Lot 182, £5 10s.] Berry (W.) County Genealogies: Pedigrees of the Families of Sussex, Kent and Hants, 3 vol., cf. gt., uniform, 1830-3, folio (120), March 1, Sotheby Harding, £10 5S. Berry (W.) Pedigrees of the Families of the County of Sussex, cf. gt., g.t., 1830, folio (183), Oct. 28, Sotheby Thorp, £5 [Hodgson, July 27, Lot 545, £2 13s.] Berry (W.) Pedigrees of Hertfordshire Families, hf. mor., m.e., n.d., folio (47), Jan. 24, Sotheby Thorp, £1 14S. Berry (W.) Encyclopædia Heraldica, or Complete Dictionary of Heraldry, numerous plates of arms, 3 vol., with vol. of extra plates, without title or text, together 4 vol. (title and some plates spotted), bds., Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, n.d., 4to. (816), April 25, Sotheby Mackeson, £1 8s. Bertholdus. Horologium devotionis circa vitam Christi, curious woodcuts illustrating events in the life of Christ, small gothic characters, title and 51 ll., 32 lines to a page, initials and capitals rubricated, dark blue mor., by Pratt (last leaf slightly damaged, affecting colophon), Parisius, Hohanne Gourmont [1490], sm. 4to. (81), Oct. 25, Anderson Galleries $33 Bertin (M.) China, its Costume, Arts, Manufactures, etc., translated, with observations, by M. Breton, illustrated with numerous fine col. plates, 4 vol., straight-grain maroon mor., g.e., London, 1813, 12mo. (82), Oct. 25, Anderson Galleries $18 Besant (Sir Walter). Early London, 1908-Mediæval London, 2 vol., 1906-London in the Time of the Tudors, 1904– London in the Time of the Stuarts, 1903-London in the 18th Century (and 19th Century), 2 vol., 1902-9, together 7 vol., numerous illustrations, blind stamps on 2 vol., orig. cl., g.t., 1902-9, 4to. (376), April 4, Sotheby Phillips, £4 15S. [Hodgson, May 26, Lot 134, 5 vol., 1902-6, £4.] Besant (Sir W.) London City, 1910-London north of the Thames, 1911-London south of the Thames, 1912, together 3 vol., numerous illustrations, orig. cl., g.t., 1910-12, 4to. (377), April 4, Sotheby Phillips, £2 15S Besant (Sir W.) The original autograph MS. of "Vashti," perfect, 500 pages, 3 vol., hf. green mor., g.e., roy. 4to. (31), Dec. 6, Anderson Galleries $175 [Beste (George).] A True Discourse of the late Voyages of Discoveries, for the finding of a passage to Cathaya, by the Northwest, under the conduct of Martin Frobisher Generall, devided into three Bookes, printed in gothic type, with 2 folded maps, the coat-of-arms of Sir Christopher Hatton, a woodcut of a fish (p. 15) and a large historiated initial, blue mor., London, Henry Bynneman, 1578, 4to. (47), Nov. 22, Anderson Galleries $4,600 [The present copy has the two rare maps, one a mappemonde and one of the most significant since Mercator's great map of 1568. There are at least two, and probably three issues of this work, of which this appears to be the second. Signature aiiij is here printed correctly; in the first it is printed aiii. Numerous errors are corrected on this page, showing it to have been reset. The maps have been skilfully repaired.] Betham (Sir William). Etruscan Literature and Antiquities Investigated, illustrated with numerous facs. and other plates of Etruscan and British coins, monumental inscriptions, antiquities, ruins, etc., 2 vol., hf. dark green mor., gt. tops, uncut, London, 1842, 8vo. (83), Oct. 25, Anderson Galleries $3 Betterton (Thos.) History of the English Stage, first ed., port., and ports. in the text, cf., E. Curll, 1741, 8vo. (458), March 14, Sotheby Leighton, £2 2s. Bettini (Antonio). Monte santo di Dio, roman letter (131 11.), long lines, 33 to a page, 3 copper cuts (a few ll. inlaid and 2 copperplates partly made up in fac., not subject to return), mor. gt., arms of the Curzon family, Nicolo de Lorenzo della magna Florentie . . . MCCCCLXXVIII., folio (60), Nov. 9, Sotheby Maggs, £63 Bettoni (Eugenio). Storia Naturale degli Uccelli che nidificano in Lombardia, col. plates by O. Dressler, 2 vol., hf. red mor. gt., g.t., Milano, 1865-8, imp. folio (584), May 9, Sotheby Quaritch, £12 Beust (Count von). Memoirs of Friedrich Ferdinand Count Von Beust, written by himself, with an introduction by Baron Henry de Worms, first ed., port., 2 vol., hf. blue mor., gt. backs, gt. tops, by Zaehnsdorf, London, 1887, 8vo. (84), Oct. 25, Anderson Galleries $3.50 B[everley] (R.) The History and Present State of Virginia, first ed. [Sabin 5112], front. and 14 copperplates of natives, etc. by Gribelin, old cf. gt. (upper margins slightly wormed), 1705 (471), Aug. 10, Hodgson Tregaskis, £7 [Hodgson, Jan. 19, Lot 403, £7.] B[everley] (R.) The History of Virginia, second ed., front. and 14 plates engraved by S. Gribelin, old cf., 1722 (398), Dec. 1, Hodgson H. Stevens & Sons, £6 Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, 2 vol., 1797-1804History of Quadrupeds, 1800-Fables of Æsop, 1818Select Fables, 1820, together 5 vol., first eds. of the Birds and Fables and first imp. 8vo. ed. of the Quadrupeds, numerous woodcuts by Bewick, many untrimmed edges, green mor., full gt. backs, a two-line fillet border on sides, inside panels, g.t., by Rivière, a very fine set, Newcastle, 1797-1820, imp. 8vo. (55), June 9, Sotheby I H. T. Bruton, £68 [Mr. Bruton, in his notes, loosely inserted, says: believe this to be the finest set of Bewick's Quadrupeds, Birds and Fables extant." On the title of the Quadrupeds, in Jane Bewick's hand-writing, is "Presented by T. Bewick to his daughter, Jane Bewick." Vol. i. of the Birds is the early issue with the sea eagle before the inscription on the rock on which the bird stands, and with two branches on the stump which appears by the magpie, whilst the cut on p. 285, Vol. i., is "before the bar," and the last leaf advertises the third ed. of the Quadrupeds. The supplement, in 2 parts, is also on imperial paper, and is bound up with each vol. of the Birds. In addition to the supplement, in Vol. ii. are the addenda and the additamenta, both on imperial paper, and uncut-in this state very rare. Loosely inserted in Vol. ii. of the Birds is a small paper copy of the addenda. Anderson Galleries, Dec. 6, Lot 32, $115, and Feb. 1, Lot 44, $100; Hodgson, Nov. 3, Lot 133, 4 vol., 1805-20, £6.] Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, first issue of the first ed., numerous woodcuts, illustrations on pp. 11 and 75 in the earliest state, that on page 285 before the bar and the advertisement of the third ed. of the Quadrupeds on last leaf, Vol. i. only, orig. bds., rebacked with vell., uncut, a fine copy, Newcastle, 1791, imp. 8vo. (56), June 9, Sotheby Robson, £2 25. [Mr. Bruton says: "The only copy in boards I have ever seen."] Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, first issue of the first ed., 2 vol., thin paper, numerous woodcuts, orig. bds., with label, uncut, enclosed in an olive mor. case, 17971804, roy. 8vo. (60), June 9, Sotheby Robson, £14 Bewick (T.) [Figures of] British Birds [and fourteen Foreign Land Birds], without the letterpress, first ed., fine impressions of the beautiful woodcuts, port. on India paper (mounted) inserted, and loosely inserted, A.L.s. from William Harvey referring to Bewick, only 25 copies printed, light green mor., full gt. back, line side borders, with floreate corners, g.e., by Rivière, from the Jupp and Pinkney collections, Newcastle, E. Walker, 1817, 4to. (68), June 9, Sotheby H. T. Bruton, £6 10s. Bewick (T.) British Birds, a complete set of plates without text, proofs before letters, two coloured by Robert Eliot Bewick, and the whole with inscriptions by him, fine impressions, cf. gt., g.t., Newcastle, printed by Edward Walker, Pilgrim St., 1817, 8vo. (174), April 25, Sotheby Stokes, £2 Bewick (T.) Figures of British Land Birds (with the vignettes), engraved on wood by T. Bewick, to which are added a few foreign birds, with their vulgar and scientific names, with the curious vignette in the first state at end and 4 plates in duplicate, Vol. i. (all published), green mor., panelled gt. back, inside dentelles, g.t., by Rivière, 1800, 8vo. (66), June 9, Sotheby Maggs, 1 15S. Bewick (T.) The Fables of Æsop and others, first ed., LARGE PAPER, Woodcuts by T. Bewick, with thumb-mark receipt and autograph signature, orig. cl. bds., uncut, Newcastle, 1818, 8vo. (800), April 25, Sotheby Edwards, £5 [Sotheby, March 14, Lot 254, £2 7s. 6d.; Sotheby, June 15, Lot 384, £2 10s. ; Sotheby, May 25, Lot 95, I IOS.; Hodgson, March 31, Lot 157, £4 4s.] Bewick (T.) Select Fables, with cuts designed and engraved by Thomas and John Bewick and others, with Memoir and descriptive catalogue of the works of Messrs. Bewick, port. and woodcuts, LARGEST PAPER, crushed marone mor. ex., gold tooled sides and broad inside borders, g.e., by Tout, Newcastle, 1820, 8vo. (62), Nov. 15, Sotheby [Sotheby, March 17, £1 16s.] Ryland, £7 Bewick (T.) The Fables of Æsop and others, first ed., woodcuts by T. Bewick, cf. ex., r.e., by Rivière, Newcastle, 1818 (297), Feb. 23, Sotheby Fleming, 1 8s. [Jan. 24, Lot 901, hf. cf., £1 IOS.] Bewick (T.) A General History of Quadrupeds, first ed., numerous woodcuts, orig. bds., 1790-No. 223 of All the Year Round, Aug. 1st, 1863, containing an article on Bewick's Birds and an A.L.s. from Charles Dickens, junior, relating thereto, enclosed in an envelope, together 2 vol., 8vo. (52), June 9, Sotheby David, £7 5s. Bewick (T.) A General History of Quadrupeds, first ed., LARGE PAPER, numerous woodcuts, inserted at front are the " Proposals for publishing," unknown to Hugo, orig. bds., uncut, enclosed in a lined cl. case, very rare in this state, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1790, 8vo. (51), June 9, Sotheby Pickering, £18 10s. [Sotheby, July 20, Lot 358, mor., £4 5s.; Lot 208, bds., £1 14s.; June 9, Lot 53, bds., £9 5s.] [Bewick (T.)] A Description of more than Three Hundred Animals, including quadrupeds, birds, fishes, serpents and insects, revised, corrected and considerably augmented by A. D. M. H. F. S. A., illustrated with numerous woodcuts by Bewick, full polished cf.. gt. back, gt. top, uncut, London, B. and R. Crosby & Co., 1812, 8vo. (25), Nov. 11, Anderson Galleries $12 Bewick (T.) Works and Memoir, Memorial ed., cuts, 5 vol., hf. roan gt., 1885-7, roy. 8vo. (379), May 26, Hodgson £3 2s. 6d. Bewick (T.) Vignettes [to Thos. Bewick's various works] without the letterpress, with pencil memorandum on title, "for home (perfect)," written by Miss Bewick, fine impressions of the beautiful woodcuts on thin office paper, printed under Bewick's personal inspection, A.L.s. (one page) from Bewick to W. Kell inserted, only a few copies printed, light green mor., by Rivière, from the Hugo and Pinkney collections, 1827, 4to. (69), June 9, Sotheby H. T. Bruton, £12 Beza (Theodore de). An Oration made by Master Theodore de Beze, Minister of the word of God, accompanyed with XI. other Ministers and xx. deputies of the refourmed Churches of the Realme of Fraunce, in the presence of the king, the Quene mother, Tuesday the Ix. day of September, 1561, in the Noonnery Poyssi, truely gathered and set forth in such sorte as it was spoken by the said |