following title, hf. mor., m.e., C. and J. Ollier, 1820, 8vo. (516), April 25, Sotheby Spencer, £4 [June 28, £5; Hodgson, Feb. 16, £4; Anderson Galleries, Nov. 29, $400; Nov. 29, imperfect, $165.] Shelley (P. B.) Queen Mab, a Philosophical Poem, with Notes, dark green mor., uncut, by Rivière, with the Jester" bookplate of Frederick Locker, London, P. B. Shelley, 1813, 8vo. (423), Nov. 29, Anderson Galleries $310 [First ed., and an unmutilated copy, with the points, including Printed by P. B. Shelley, No. 23, Chapel Street, Grosvenor Square, London"; the dedication "To Harriet ******* and the notes. Sotheby, June 28, £5; Jan. 17, £5; Anderson Galleries, March 1, $25.] Shelley (P. B.) The Revolt of Islam, first ed., wants hf.-title, blue mor. gt., For C. and J. Ollier, 1818, 8vo. (318), June 28, Sotheby Gregory, £3 5s. [Puttick, May 4, £2; Anderson Galleries, Nov. 29, $25.] Shelley (P. B.) Rosalind and Helen, a modern eclogue, with other Poems, first ed., hf. green mor., uncut, For C. and J. Ollier, 1819, 8vo. (515), April 25, Sotheby Spencer, £11 [Hodgson, Feb. 16, mor., £3 10s.; Sotheby, July 13, vell., ; June 28, mor., £10 10s.; July 20, cf., £7; Anderson Galleries, Nov. 29, mor., $62.50; March 1, mor., $37.50.] Shelley (P. B.) St. Irvyne, or the Rosicrucian, a Romance, by a Gentleman of the University of Oxford, brown mor., by Rivière, with the Hoe bookplate, London, J. J. Stockdale, 1811, 12mo. (421), Nov. 29, Anderson Galleries $145 [Another copy, Jan. 20, $70.] Shelley (P. B.) The Cenci, a Tragedy, first ed., in the orig. [Feb. 23, £50; Hodgson, April 29, £10 10s.; Anderson Galleries, Nov. 29, $175.] Shelley] (P. B.) Zastrozzi, a Romance, first ed., orig. bds., leather back, entirely uncut (but the hf.-title wanting and the pages soiled throughout), London, G. Wilkie and J. Robinson, 1810, 8vo. (92), Dec. 9, Hodgson Spencer, £37 [Anderson Galleries, Jan. 20, $190; Nov. 29, $380.] Shelley (P. B.) Poetical Works, edited by Mrs. Shelley, first authentic collected ed., port. (foxed), 4 vol., orig. cl., uncut, 1839 (647), Jan. 19, Hodgson Edwards, £3 12s. 6d. [Sotheby, May 25, £2 4s. 6d.; June 15, £4; Hodgson, May 11, 2 18s.; American Art Association, Jan. 25, 1847 ed., $50; Hodgson, Jan. 12, 1847 ed., £2 9s.] Shelley (P. B.) Poetical and Prose Works, edited by H. Buxton Forman, best Library ed., fronts., 8 vol., cl. ex., in fine clean state, 1876-80 (42), June 2, Hodgson £13 [Sotheby, May 9, 4 vol., £4; Dec. 20, 4 vol., £5; Hodgson, June 2, 20; July 21, 13 5s.; Anderson Galleries, Feb. 8, $135.] Shelley (P. B.) Poems, overseen by F. S. Ellis, 250 copies, printed in red and black, with borders and initials, 3 vol., vell., Kelmscott Press, 1894-5 (1001), Feb. 23, Sotheby Bain, £33 Shelley (P. B.) The Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley, decorations by C. Ricketts, 3 vol., buckram, uncut, Vale Press, 1901-2, 8vo. (3822), Nov. 2, Sotheby Edwards, £5 15s. Shelley (P. B.) Poems, selected and arranged by T. J. CobdenSanderson, in black and red, vell., Doves Press, 1914, 4to. (827), Nov. 24, Sotheby Quaritch, £15 IOS. Shelley (P. B.) Selected Poems, with "Note on a Passage in Shelley's Ode to Liberty" loosely inserted, 1914 (117), Jan. 19, Hodgson Shelley (P. B.) Note Books of Percy Bysshe Shelley from the originals in the Library of W. K. Bixby, edited by H. Buxton Forman, 250 copies privately printed, port. and facs., 3 vol., presentation copy to W. M. Rossetti, hf. vell., St. Louis, Mo., 1911 (233), April 4, Sotheby £7 Chaundy, £6 6s. of Shortwriting, 8vo. (158), July Lane, £3 10s. Shelton (T.) Zeiglographia, or a New Art engraved title and last page, cf., 1650, 22, Puttick Shemseddin Mohammed Hafiz of Shiraz, The Poems of, done into English by J. Payne, 3 vol., vell. gt., uncut, t.e.g., Villon Society, 1901, 8vo. (896), May 18, Sotheby Quaritch, £5 Sheraton (T.) The Cabinet Maker's and Upholsterer's Drawing Book, first ed., III plates, Vol. ii. only (binding broken), 1794, 4to. (144), May 4, Hodgson Thorp, £9 15s. Sherburne (Sir Edward). Medea, a Tragedie, written in Latine by Lucius Annæus Seneca, Englished by E. S., Esq., with Annotations, contemp. cf., London, Humphrey Moseley, 1648, sm. 8vo. (281), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries [First ed. Fine copy, with the Bridgewater bookplate.] [Sheridan (Richard Brinsley).] The Critic, or a Tragedy Rehearsed, first ed., first issue (98 pp.), engraved title, cl., For T. Becket, 1781, 8vo. (257), March 1, Sotheby $5 [Another copy, Nov. 2, I IOS.] Tregaskis, £1 165. Sheridan (R. B.) The Rivals, first ed. (with errata but no hf.title), J. Wilkie, 1775, and 7 other plays, in 1 vol., old cf. (256), Aug. 10, Hodgson Spencer, £9 [Anderson Galleries, Dec. 6, $25; March 1, $37.50; Oct. 4, $25.] Sheridan (R. B.) The School for Scandal, a Comedy, as it is performed at the Theatres-Royal, in London and Dublin, new wrappers, Dublin, printed in the year M.DCC.LXXX., 12mo. (759), Dec. 20, American Art Association $102.50 [Most probably the genuine first ed. of this famous comedy. This copy (M.DCC.LXXX.) is one year earlier than any issue hitherto recorded for sale. It is a matter of record that a MS. copy of the play was sent over to Mr. Thomas Ryder, of the Dublin Theatre, and as he himself assumed the character of Sir Peter in the representation given at his own theatre, the presumption is strong that his publication of the play preceded the usually accepted first ed. published by Mr. Ewling, which bears no date. Another copy, Hodgson, May 4, n.d., £28.] Sheriffs. In this Boke is conteyned the offices of Shryiffes, baylyffes of liberties, Escheatours, Constables and Coroners . . . drawen out of bokes of the common lawe and of the statutes, black letter (some headlines cut into), red levant mor. ex., g.e., by R. de Coverly, Jhon Wight, 1556, 12mo. (1338), May 25, Sotheby Drake, £18 10S. Sherley (Anthony). Witts New Dyall, or a Schollers Prize, orig. ed., woodcut of arms on back of title-page, crimson mor. ex., g.t., other edges uncut, by W. Pratt, the Miller arms in gold on sides, formerly in the Lamport Hall library, very fine copy, W. W. for Iohn Browne, 1604, sm. 4to. (269), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £1,000 [A collection of verses in 4-line stanzas. Only one other copy known, and that is imperfect, lacking a leaf.] Shipman (Thomas). Carolina, or Loyal Poems, first ed. (A-R in eights + A, 8 1., A Catalogue of Books), orig. cf., Samuel Heyrick, 1683, 8vo. (370), March 14, Sotheby Ellis, £5 Shipton (Mother). A True Coppie of a Prophesie which was found in old ancient house of one Master Truswell, hf. mor., g.e., with the Huth bookplate, London, Henry Marsh, 1642, sm. 4to. (441), Nov. 29, Anderson Galleries $40 Shipton (Mother). The Life and Death of Mother Shipton, woodcuts, full. russ., g.e., the George Daniel-Huth copy, London, B. Harris, 1677, sm. 4to. (442), Nov. 29, Anderson Galleries $390 Shirley (E. P.) Some Account of the Territory or Dominion of Farney, in the Province and Earldom of Ulster, illustrations, cl., 1845, 4to. (293), March 9, Puttick Lewis, 1 12s. 6d. Shirley (H.) The Martyr'd Souldier, first ed. (title cut and mounted, wanting blank leaf at end), hf. roan, I. Okes, 1638, sm. 4to. (208), May 4, Hodgson Tregaskis, £4 Shirley (James). Hide Parke, a Comedie, brown mor., by Rivière, London, Tho. Cotes, for Andrew Crooke, etc., 1637, sm. 4to. (312), Nov. 11, Anderson Galleries $62.50 Shirley (J.) Honoria and Mammon. Scene Metropolis, or New Troy, whereunto is added the Contention of Ajax and Ulisses for the Armour of Achilles, engraved port. of the author by R. Gaywood, 1658, inserted, old red straightgrain mor., gt. back and borders, g.e. (margins of port. and title repaired), London, printed for John Crook, 1659, sm. 8vo. (287), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries $17.50 [The rare first ed. With the separate title to "The Contention." The Halsey copy.] Shirley (J.) Six New Playes, port. by W. Marshall, separate titles to each, cf. (some headlines cut into, margins of port. and general title slightly faulty), some MS. players' alterations in The Sisters, Moseley's 16 pp. list at end, For H. Robinson and H. Moseley, 1653, 8vo. (121), Dec. I, Puttick Niel, £8 10s. Shirley (J.) The Constant Maid, a Comedy, crushed blue levant mor., by the French Binders, London, printed by J. Raworth, 1640, sm. 4to. (285), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries $17.50 [First ed. The J. P. Kemble copy, with First Edition" in his hand on the title.] Shirley (J.) The Dvkes Mistris, as it vvas presented by her Majesties Servants at the private House in Drury Lane, printer's ornament on title, full polished cf., gt. fillet borders on back and sides, g.e., by Rivière, London, printed by John Norton for Andrew Crooke, 1638, sm. 4to. (284), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries $42.50 [First ed. A very fine copy of this rare play. With the H. V. Jones bookplate.] Shirley (J.) The Example, as it was presented at the private House in Drury Lane, first ed. (one shoulder-note cut), hf. cf., J. Norton, 1637, sm. 4to. (192), May 4, Hodgson Tregaskis, £5 Shirley (J.) The Gratefull Servant, a Comedie, as it was lately presented with good applause at the priuate House in Drury Lane, first ed. [with dedicatory poems by Massinger, Habington and others], [A 2 11., A 6 ll. and B-K in fours, L 2 l., hf. cf. (stained at end), B. A. and T. F. for John Grove, 1630, sm. 4to. (190), May 4, Hodgson Pickering, £5 5s. Shirley (J.) The Humorous Courtier, a Comedy, first ed., hf. cf. antique, T. C. for W. Cooke, 1640, sm. 4to. (194), May 4, Hodgson £3 [Another copy, Lot 195, mor., £5.] Shirley (J.) The Lady of Pleasure, a Comedie, as it was acted by her Majesties Servants at the private House in Drury Lane, mottled cf. gt., g.e., by Rivière, London, by Tho. Cotes, 1637, sm. 4to. (282), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries $62.50 $37.50 Shirley (J.) The Schoole of Complement, blue mor., by Rivière, London, A. E. for Francis Constable, 1631, sm. 4to. (311), Nov. 11, Anderson Galleries Shirley (J.) The Yovng Admirall, blue mor., by Rivière, London, Tho. Cotes for Andrew Crooke, etc., 1637, sm. 4to. (313), Nov. 11, Anderson Galleries [Another copy, Jan. 20, $32.50.] $30 Shoberl (Frederic). The World in Miniature, col. plates. Hindoostan, 6 vol., orig. pictorial wrappers, n.d.—Africa, 4 vol., bds., n.d.-Persia, 3 vol., bds., n.d.-Turkey, 6 vol., bds., n.d., together 19 vol. (206), Feb. 23, Sotheby [Another set, 45 vol. (817), May 9, 19.] Maggs, £25s. Shore (T. J.) Appendix to Latham's Birds, in manuscript, with 194 orig. water-colour drawings of birds, with descriptions, 3 vol. in 2, hf. mor., 1827-8, 4to. (198), Jan. 24, Sotheby Edwards, £7 5s. Short (F.) On the Making of Etchings, plates, bds., 1888, sm. 4to. (378), March 16, Hodgson Kirkpatrick, £1 10S. [Sotheby, July 18, vell., £2 4s.] Shorthouse (J. H.) John Inglesant, a Romance, ed. de luxe, port. on Japanese vell., 3 vol., art cl. gt., uncut, 1902 (247), June 2, Hodgson Maggs, I IIS. Shotterel (R.) and Durfey (T.) Archerie reviv'd, or the BowMan's Excellence, an Heroick Poem (pagination and headlines of two or three pages slightly shaved), orig. cf. (one cover a little damaged), Thomas Roycroft, 1676, 8vo. (294), Nov. 24, Sotheby Dobell, £2 10S. Shropshire. Pedigree of the Family of Dod of Cloverley, compiled by Sir William Dugdale, 25 copies, hf. brown mor. gt., Privately printed, 1867, with numerous documents added, 2 vol., folio (288), April 18, Sotheby Cardy, £6 5s. Sidney (Sir Philip). The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia, written by Sir Philippe Sidnei (fore-edge of sign. Ii 3 verso cut close, just touching the text, one letter cut off in margin of sign. м 6 verso, two or three letters just touched on sign. x 4 verso and sign. нh 5 verso, a slight flaw in the paper of sign. Nn 6, one letter in the headline of sign. 1 3 recto has failed to print, inner margin of a few 11. slightly wormed, excepting these trifling defects, a clean and good copy), 18th century cf. gt. (back slightly damaged), London, printed by Iohn Windet for william Ponsonbic, Anno Domini 1590, sm. 4to. (7 in. by 5 in.), (95), June 28, Sotheby Sabin, £750 In [First ed. Extremely rare, with the title in its rarest state, having "Printed by Iohn Windet for william Ponsonbic" instead of "Printed for William Ponsonbie." Collation: A 3 (wants sign. A 1, blank); B 8-zz 8. this issue the verso of the last leaf of the dedication “ To my deare ladie and sister, the Countesse of Pembroke " (sign. A 4) is blank, and has not got the notice by "the ouer-seer of the print" that he is responsible for the division and summaries of chapters, which occurs in the issue with imprint "Printed for William Ponsonbie" (see Grolier Club Catalogue). Portrait of Sidney and three other prints inserted, which, according to a note on the fly-leaf in an old hand, were taken out of a French translation of this work print'd at Paris 1625, in 3 volumes, large 8vo." Signature of Harry Trelawny in 18th century hand on fly-leaf.] " Sidney (Sir P.) The Covntesse of Pembrokes Arcadia, written by Sir Philip Sidney, Knight, now the fourth time pvblished with svndry Nevv Additions of the same Author [Sonnets, Defense of Poesie, Astrophel and Stella, etc.], fine woodcut title (I. B. J.), woodcut ornaments (one margin torn slightly damaging the text, a few rust-stains |