damaging a few letters), vell., Imprinted for Matherv Lovenes, Anno Domini 1605, folio (132), Nov. 9, Sotheby Dobell, 10 IOS. " [A rare ed. Some copies have on the title? Imprinted for Simon Waterson." Sotheby, July 13, £5: Anderson Galleries, Nov. 29, $110.] Sidney (Sir P.) The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia, with Supplement by Sir Wm. Alexander, title within woodcut border (a few ll. wormed), old cf., Dublin, 1621, folio (5), March 31, Hodgson Quaritch, £14 [Sotheby, July 13, £2 6s.] Sidney (Sir P.) L'Arcadie de la Comtesse de Pembroke, 3 vol., vell., Paris, 1625, 8vo. (490), March 17, Sotheby Quaritch, £8 Sidney (Sir P.) The Covntesse of Pembrokes Arcadia, now for the sixt time published, with some new additions, also a supplement of a defect in the third part of this historie, by Sir W. Alexander, orig. brown cf., London, W. S. for Simon Waterson, 1527 [? 1627], folio (314), Nov. II, Anderson Galleries $67.50 [With bookplates of Sirs Roger and Richard Newdigate, that of the latter dated 1702.] Sidney (Sir P.) The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia, now the ninth time published, with a two-fold supplement of a defect in the third book, cf. ex., r.e., by E. Rivière, bookplate of Baron C. J. Stuart, Printed for J. Waterson and R. Young, 1638, folio (1340), May 25, Sotheby Leighton, £3 5s. Sidney (Sir P.) Peplus, illustrissimi viri D. Philippi Sidnæi supremis honoribus dicatus, in verse, cf. gt., Oxonii, Iosephus Barnesius, 1587, sm. 4to. (1339), May 25, Sotheby Drake, £10 IOS. Sidonia the Sorceress, by Wm. Meinhold, translated by Lady Wilde, printed in red and black, woodcut border and initials, vell., uncut, 1893, folio (991), Feb. 23, Sotheby Hollings, £12 Sidonius Appolinaris. [On folio 1] Gaij Sollij Appollinaris Sidonij Aruerno episcopi Epistolarum liber primus Incipit, gothic characters (two types), long lines, 30 to a full page, 152 l., the first blank, without marks, painted initials in red and blue, crushed crimson mor., inside dentelles, g.e., by Clarke and Bedford [Utrecht, by Nicolas Ketelaer and Gerard de Leempt, about 1473], sm. folio (289), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries $205 [Editio princeps. Fine copy. Extremely rare. The volume contains the poems and other works of the author, as well as the Epistles. Campbell 1542, P. 8848, H. *1286.] Siebmacher (J.) Grosses und Allgemeines Wappenbuch, von Dr. Otto Titan von Hefner, numerous col. and other plates of arms, etc., complete to 1914, about 90 vol. bound in 60 (34 in hf. mor., 26 in cl. and 22 numbers unbd.), Nürnberg, 1856-1912-Manuscript Index of the same, which includes those volumes dealing with Family Names, completed to 1909 (an explanation of the Index will be found on page 1), together 2 vol., cl., folio (607), July 27, Hodgson £30 Siebold (Ph. Fr. de). Fauna Japonica. Aves (only), with French text, numerous col. plates of birds, hf. red mor., g.t., Lugd. Bat., 1850, folio (943), March 1, Sotheby Wheldon, £19 Sigismondo (Barone in Herbestain, Neyperg et Guttenhag, etc.) Comentari della Russia, etc., cut of arms on title (col.), woodcut initials and 6 interesting full-page woodcuts at end, old vell., a tall copy (but title ink-scored and a few margins stained), Venetia, 1550, sm. 4to. (502), Dec. 16, Hodgson Maggs, £2 10S. Signes from Heaven, or Several Apparitions seene and heard in the Ayre, in the Counties of Cambridge and Norfolke, on the 21 day of May last past in the afternoone, 1646, dark green mor., by Bradstreet, London, T. Forcet, 1646, sm. 4to. (569), Jan. 24, Anderson Galleries $40 Silver (George). Paradoxes of Defence, wherein is proved the true grounds of Fight to be in the short auncient weapons, and that the short sword hath advantage of the long Sword or long rapier, woodcut of arms on reverse of title, 2 woodcut illustrations (title and one leaf missing, other 11. stained), unbd., Edward Blount, 1599, 4to. (948), Nov. 24, Sotheby Pickering, £22 Silvester (Jo.) Panthea, or Divine Wishes and Meditations, reuised by I.[ames] M. [artin], Master of Arts, whereunto is added an Appendix, containing an excellent Elegy, written by the L. Viscount St. Albans, late Lord High Chancelour of England, etc., polished cf., gt. back, g.e. (margins cut into), London, printed for F. Coules, 1630, sm. 4to. (290), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries $32.50 [Very rare. Dedicated by Martin, who styles himself as one of King James's preachers, to Sir Richard Houghton, of Houghton-tower, Baronet. With the Huth bookplate.] Simcoe (Lieutenant-Colonel). A Journal of the Operations of the Queen's Rangers from the end of the year 1777 to the conclusion of the late American War, by LieutenantColonel Simcoe, Commander of that Corps, orig. bds., totally uncut, with paper label in crimson mor. solander case, with the Hoe bookplate, Exeter, printed for the author, 1787, 4to. (178), May 16, Anderson Galleries $310 Simeoni (G.) and St. Thomas (F. de). Cæsar Renouvelle, 2 vol. in 1, old cf., rehinged, Lyons, Jean Marcorelle for Jean Saugrain, 1569-70, 8vo. (549), Dec. 6, Anderson Galleries $25 Simpson (Christopher). The Division-Viol, or the Art of playing ex-tempore upon a ground, divided into three parts, engraved music and other plates, old sheep, autograph signature, " Ja. Kent," on title-page and his book label, W. Godbid for H. Brome, 1667, folio (246), Nov. 24, Sotheby Quaritch, £7 5S. Simpson (W.) The Seat of War in the East, both series, col. plates, with the key plates, 2 vol., red mor. ex., full gt. backs and richly gt. ornamental sides, g.e., joints, 1855-6, imp. folio (227), June 15, Sotheby Dane, £6 5s. [April 25, £5; Dec. 20, £4 15s.; Puttick, March 9, 12s. 6d.] Singleton (Esther). The Furniture of our Forefathers, with critical descriptions of plates by Russell Sturgis, numerous plates, 2 vol., buckram, New York, 1901, roy. 8vo. (156), Jan. 24, American Art Association $25 Sire Degrevaunt, edited by F. S. Ellis, printed in Chaucer type in red and black, woodcut front. by Sir E. BurneJones, borders and initials, bds., canvas back, Kelmscott Press, 1896 (3), June 10, Hodgson Chaundy, £5 " " [Sotheby, Dec. 20, £4 15s.; Feb. 23, £3 15s.] Sir Gyles Goosecappe Knight, a Comedie presented by the Chil: of the Chappell, red mor., by Rivière, London, Iohn Windet, 1606, sm. 4to. (316), Nov. 11, Anderson Galleries $310 Syr Perceval le Galloys. Tresplaisante et Recreative Hystoire du Trespreulx et vaillant Chevallier Perceval le galloys Jadis chevallier de la Table ronde. Le ql. acheva les adventures du Sainct Graal, etc., lettres bâtardes, with the 4 extra 11., "Elucidation de Lhystoire du Graal" (some 11. waterstained), blue mor., Paris, pour Jehan sainct denys et Jehan Longis, 1530, sm. folio (80), July 21, Hodgson £13 Syr Perecyvelle of Gales, printed in black and red, woodcut borders, front. and initials, autograph signatures and bookplate of Ellen Terry, orig. bds., Kelmscott Press, 1895, 8vo. (504), June 15, Sotheby Quaritch, £4 [Lot 496, £3 10s.; Lot 977, £3; April 25, £2; Dec. 13, £6 5s.; Feb. 23, £3.] Syr Ysambrace, edited by F. S. Ellis, printed in black and red, full-page woodcut by Sir E. Burne-Jones, borders and initials, 1897 (941), April 25, Sotheby Quaritch, £4 [June 15, £3 10s.; Feb. 23, £3 15s.; Dec. 20, £5 5s. ; Anderson Galleries, March 1, $27.50.] Sirigattus (F.) De ortu et occasu signorum libri II., orig. vell., two-line fillet round edges, with arms in centre of J. A. de Thou within a wreath, monogram four times on back, g.e., Neapoli, 1531, 4to. (72), Dec. 2, Sotheby Burns, £7 15s. S. (J.) The True Fortune-Teller, or Guide to Knowledge, front. and woodcuts, etc. (a few ll. cut into, damaging the text), cf., stamped in blind, E. Tracy, 1698, 8vo. (367), June 28, Sotheby Pickering, I IS. [On I 7 is a curious advertisement of a balsam from "Chily, a Province in America."] Skeat (W. W.) Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, Oxford, 1882, 4to. (1340A), May 25, Sotheby [Puttick, Feb. 9, 1897 ed., 12s. 6d.] Shaw, I Skelton (John). Here after foloweth certaine bokes cōpyled by mayster Skeltō, Poet Laureat, whose names here after shall appere. Speake Parot, The death of the noble Prynce Kynge Edwarde the fourth, A treatyse of the Scottes, Ware the Hawke, The Tunnynge of Elynoure Rummyng, black letter (cropped copy, some letterpress cut into), crimson mor., blind scroll borders within gt. lines, corner ornaments gt., joints, g.e. (Roger Payne), from the collection of G. Steevens, with his name stamped on title-leaf, note on fly-leaf in the autograph of Joseph Ritson, Imprynted . . in Crede Lane by John Kynge and Thomas Marche, n.d. [before 1554], 12mo. (270), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £330 Skelton (J.) Here after foloweth a litle booke whiche hath to name Whi come ye not to courte, black letter, woodcut of two figures on reverse of title-page, straight-grain crimson mor., blind tooled scroll borders within gt. lines, corner floreate ornaments gt., interspersed with gt. dots, joints, g.e. (Roger Payne), fine copy, Imprynted. in Paules churche yarde at the Sygne of the Rose, by John Wyght, n.d. [c. 1560], 12mo. (272), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £350 Skelton (J.) Here after foloweth a litle boke of Phillip Sparow, black letter, straight-grain red mor. ex., g.e., by F. Bedford, Imprinted... in poules churchyard, at the sygne of the Lamb, by Abraham Veale, n.d. [c. 1560], 12mo. (271), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £350 [This edition is not mentioned by Mr. H. R. Plomer in the "Handlists of English Printers."] Skelton (J.) Pithy, Pleasant and profitable workes of maister Skelton, Poete Laureate, nowe collected and newly published, black letter, title red ruled, cut round and inlaid (imprint slightly damaged, some fore-margins cropped close and some text cut into, a few headlines shaved), old red mor. gt., m.e., extremely rare, Imprinted in Fletestreate neare unto saint Dunstones churche by Thomas Marshe, 1568, sm. 8vo. (157), Oct. 21, Sotheby Quaritch, £375 Skelton (Sir John, K.C.B.) Mary Stuart, limited ed., col. front. and other reproductions, hf. crimson crushed levant mor. ex., t.e.g., with emblematic stamps, Goupil, 1898, 4to. (218), Nov. 17, Hodgson Chaundy, £4 Skene (Sir John). The Auld Laws and Constitutions of Scotland, faithfullie collected furth of the Register, and other auld authentic bukes, fra the dayes of King Malcolme the second, untill the time of King James the first, orig. cf., with arms on the sides, Edinburgh, Thomas Finlason, 1609, folio (358), April 18, Sotheby Quaritch, £8 Skene (W. F.) Celtic Scotland, a History of Ancient Alban, maps, 3 vol., cf., full gt. backs, m.e., Edinb., 1876-80, 8vo. (111), Nov. 24, Sotheby Brown, £1 15s. Skene (W. F.) The Four Ancient Books of Wales, facs. and map, 2 vol., Edinb., 1868, 8vo. (110), Nov. 24, Sotheby Harding, £2 4s. Skidmore (M. and G.) Designs of Stoves, Ranges, Virandas, etc., engraved title and 96 plates, several col., hf. cf., 1811, sm. oblong 4to. (270), Jan. 19, Hodgson Batsford, £3 12s. 6d. Skinner (J.) Present State of Peru, 20 col. plates of costume, russ. gt., 1805, 4to. (111), May 20, Puttick David, £3 15S. [Hodgson, Jan. 29, £2 18s.; Sotheby, Jan. 24, 1 8s.] Slade Collection of Glass. Catalogue of the Collection of Glass formed by Felix Slade, with Notes on the History of Glass Making by Alexander Nesbitt and an Appendix, 22 col. plates and 18 plain plates, hf. mor., panelled gt. back, Printed for private circulation, 1871, folio (325), Jan. 17, Sotheby Edwards, £5 108. Slater (J. H.) Engravings and their Value, illustrations, cl., 1912 (144), July 20, Sotheby Thorp, £2 15s. [Another copy, May 9, £2 5s.] Sleeman (W. H.) Rambles and Recollections of an Indian [Another copy, May 25, £2.] Sleeping Beauty and other Fairy Tales, from the old French, by Sir A. Quiller-Couch, col. illustrations on mounts by E. Dulac, cl. gt., in a cardboard box, n.d., 4to. (535), April 25, Sotheby Bumpus, £1 IOS. Slezer (J.) Theatrum Scotia, containing the Prospects of Castles, Palaces, Towns, Colleges, etc. within the said Kingdom, plates and arms in the text, russ. gt. (joints cracked), arms of Sir William Burrell on sides, m.e., 1693, folio (937), Nov. 15, Sotheby Hopkins, £9 [Another copy, Lot 938, 1718 ed., £5 10s.] Sloane (Sir Hans). Natural History of Jamaica, map and plates, 2 vol., hf. red mor. gt., g.e., 1707-25, folio (942), May 9, Sotheby Quaritch, £8 Sloane (William Milligan). Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, numerous full-page illustrations, a number in colours, 4 vol., cl., uncut, New York, The Century Co., 1896, 4to. (967), Oct. 27, American Art Association $21 [Hodgson, June 2, mor., £5 2s. 6d.; Feb. 16, cl., £3 14s.; Feb. 2, mor., £4 15s.] Sloane (W. M.) Napoleon I. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, col. and plain plates, 4 vol., orig. cl. gt., g.t., New York, 1901, 8vo. (356), April 4, Sotheby Beaumont, LI 14S. Sloane (W. M.) Napoleon. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, col. plates, 4 vol., hf. vell., g.t., New York, 1906, 4to. (834), May 9, Sotheby Edwards, £4 10s. [Hodgson, Dec. 1, £5 5s.; March 16, £5 5s.] Smedley (F. E.) Frank Fairlegh, first ed., illustrations by G. |