£21 orig. green cl., uncut (a clean set, but Vol. i. and ii. exlibrary copies), 1875-86 (718), July 6, Hodgson [Dec. 1, 22; Sotheby, May 9, 5 vol., £7 10S.] Symonds (J. A.) Sketches in Italy and Greece, first ed., cl., presentation copy, Edward Clifford from the author,' 1874, 8vo. (117), Dec. 1, Puttick Spencer, £7 [Sotheby, July 20, £1 128.] Symonds (J. A.) Sketches and Studies in Italy, first ed., front., cl., 1879, 8vo. (70), June 15, Puttick [Sotheby, June 15, 1 10s.] Bickers, £1 15S. Symonds (J. A.) Wine, Women and Song: Medieval Latin Students' Songs, now first translated into English verse, with Essay, one of 50 copies on LARGE PAPER, hf. vell., 1884 (946), Feb. 23, Sotheby Maggs, £6 5s. Anderson Galleries, Dec. 6, $215; Hodgson, May 26, £2 10s.; Oct. 27, £3 5s.] Symonds (J. A.) Biography, by Horatio F. Brown, ports., 2 vol., Nimmo, 1895, 8vo. (65), July 27, Sotheby Davis & Orioli, £1 13S. Synge (J. M.) The Aran Islands, first ed., col. plates by J. B. Yeats, LARGE PAPER COPY, signed by author and artist, buckram gt. (soiled), 1907 (4), April 29, Hodgson £5 2s. 6d. Synge (J. M.) The Playboy of the Western World, first ed., port. by J. B. Yeats, orig. cl., uncut, Dublin, 1907 (406), June 2, Hodgson Chaundy, £2 14S. [Another copy, June 16, £2 5s.] Tableaux des habillemens, mœurs et coutumes dans les Provinces Septentrionales du Royaume des Pays-Bas, front. and 24 fine col. plates by L. Portman, after Kuyper, Overman, Seidel, Greven and others, 6 additional col. plates at end, contemp. col. bds. gt., Amsterdam, 1823 (1029), April 25, Sotheby Joseph, £5 [Tabourot (F.)] Les Bigarrures et Touches du Seigneur des Accords, 2 parts in 1, illustrations, mor., g.e., Paris, 1662-Fougeret de Montbion]. Margot la Ravaudeuse, front., hf. red mor., t.e.g., Hambourg, 1774, 8vo. (503), March 17, Sotheby Davis & Orioli, £I IIS. Tacitus (C. Cornelius). Opera, roman letter, long lines, 33-38 to a page, large illuminated initial at the commencement of the work, with coat-of-arms painted in lower margin, hf. russ. (some II. slightly wormed), [Milan, C. Valdarfer (or Antonius Zarotus), c. 1475], folio (308), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries $80 [With bookplate of the Earl of Cromer.] Tacitus (C. C.) Opera, 3 vol., contemp. red mor. gt., Parmae, typis Bodonianis, 1795, folio (414), Dec. 2, Sotheby Tregaskis, £7 5s. Tacitus (C. C.) Traduction Nouvelle des Euvres Complètes de Tacite, par M. Gallon de la Bastide, 3 vol., worn old cf., a small engraving of the Imperial Eagle used as bookplate on the hf.-titles of Vol. ii. and iii., 1812, 8vo. (339), June 15, Puttick Eden, £52 [Contemporary inscriptions in Vol. ii. and iii. record that Major R. de Wesener Commandant d'Armée de Charleroy took these vols. from the "voiture de cabinet of Napoleon on the night of June 19, 1815, after the defeat of the French at Waterloo, when the Emperor "fait cadeau " (abandoned) his carriage to the Prince of Orange, and that De Wesener sold the books to Anatole de Lawoistine, who gave them to Auguste de Chambure at Brussels, May 14, 1817. The first volume having no authentication, and not being uniform, was probably added to complete the work. Napoleon's travelling library numbered nearly 800 vol., and he frequently spoke of Tacitus.] Taffin (Iohn). Of the Markes of the children of God, and of their comforts in afflictions, to the faithfull of the Low Countrie, ouerseene againe and augmented by the Author and translated out of French by Anne Prowse, blue straight-grain mor., London, printed Thomas Orwin for Thomas Man, 1590, sm. 8vo. (571), Dec. 6, Anderson Galleries $380 Tailfer (Patrick), Anderson (Hugh), Douglas (D. A.) and others. A True and Historical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia, in America, from the first Settlement thereof until this present Period, brown mor., uncut, CharlesTown, S.C., 1741, 8vo. (617), Jan. 24, Anderson Galleries $50 [With the errors in pagination from p. 79 to the end.] Tailor (Robert). The Hogge hath lost his Pearle, a Comedy, orig. ed., wanting blank for AI (a few headlines shaved), brown cf. ex., g.e., by F. Bedford, For Richard Redmer, 1614, sm. 4to. (280), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £90 Tajima (Shichi). Masterpieces selected from the Ukiyoye School, with Brief History of the Development of the School, Biographical Sketches of the Artists and some Critical Descriptions, numerous full-page illustrations, mostly col. and mounted, 5 vol., silk, with designs on front covers, g.e., each vol. enclosed in cl. portfolio, Tokyo, The Shimbo Schoin, 1907-1909, folio (178), Dec. 13, American Art Association $110 [Special ed., only 200 copies printed. Complete set.] Tale of Beowulf, done out of the Old English Tongue by W. Morris and A. J. Wyatt, fine woodcut front., broad border to title, capital letters, etc., vell., Kelmscott Press, 1895, folio (190), Nov. 24, Sotheby Quaritch, £16 [See also Morris (W.), p. 673.] Tale of the Emperor Coustans and of Oversea, done out of the French by William Morris, woodcut borders, bds.. canvas back, Kelmscott Press, 1894, 8vo. (402), Oct. 27, Hodgson [Sotheby, Feb. 23, £4. See also p. 674.] Bain, £4 Tamerlane the Great. Sainctyon (Sieur de). Histoire du Grand Tamerlan, vignette on title, fine copy, contemp. French red mor. gt., line borders and frames, with fleurons at corners, back richly gt. in compartments, g.e., Paris, 1677, 8vo. (154), June 28, Sotheby` Kidson, £1 8s. Tanner (T.) Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica, port., russ. gt., 1748 (237), April 21, Hodgson Quaritch, £9 Tapestries. Etat general des Tapisseries de la Manufacture des Gobelins depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours 16001900, publie par M. Maurice Fenaille (et Ferdinand Calmettes), illustrated with numerous reproductions, 4 vol., hf. mor., Paris, 1904-1912, 4to. (572), Dec. 6, Anderson Galleries Sloan, $150 Tapisseries du Roi, ou sout representez les Quatre Elemens et les Quatre Saisons, engravings, old mottled cf., 1670 (299), July 6, Hodgson £2 IOS. Tarkington (B.) Works. The Magnificent Ambersons-In the Arena, etc., together 14 vol., autograph ed., etched fronts., orig. bds., 1918-19 (25), June 2, Hodgson £5 10s. Tarleton (Lt.-Col. B.) A History of the Campaign of 1780-81 in North America, orig. ed., maps, hf. cf., entirely uncut, 1787 (596), June 23, Hodgson Maggs, £3 12s. 6d. [April 29, £2; Sotheby, July 20, £2 2s.] Tartaglia (Nicolo). La Noua Scientia, numerous woodcuts, including a large one below title, old hf. vell. (title shaved), Vinegia, 1558 (378), July 25, Sotheby Plummer, £2 2s. [Another copy, July 25, 1562, £4.] Tasso (Torquato). Aminta, Favola boschereccia, red mor., gt. line tooling on sides, g.e., by Bozerian, Crisopoli, Co tipi Bodoniani, 1793, etc., folio (415), Dec. 2, Sotheby Tregaskis, £6 5s. Tasso (T.) Godfrey of Bulloigne, done into English heroicall verse, by E. Fairefax, first ed., old hf. parchment, 1600, folio (402), Dec. 1, Puttick Carbon, £6 Tasso (T.) La Gerusalemme, Figurata da B. Castello, engraved title and plates (small holes through first few 11., a few 11. at beginning and end water-stained), brown mor., with arms on sides of Jac.-Aug. de Thou and his second wife, Gasparde de la Chastre, monogram in six panels on back, g.e., In Genova, G. Pavoni, 1617, folio (73), Dec. 2, Sotheby Burns, £5 10S. Tasso (T.) Godfred abo Jeruzalem Wyzwolona, przekladania Piotro Kochanowskiego (Polish), old cf. gt., Whrakowie, 1618, 4to. (908), Nov. 15, Sotheby Edwards, £8 [Another copy, March 10, 1624 ed., £10.] Tasso (T.) La Gerusalemme Liberata, LARGE PAPER, port. and plates after Gravelot, 2 vol., red mor. gt., g.e. (very slightly rubbed), by Derome le jeune, Paris, Delalain, etc., 1771, 4to. (501), March 1, Sotheby Parsons, £33 [June 28, £15; Anderson Galleries, Nov. 11, $40.] Tasso (T.) La Gerusalemme Liberata, 2 vol., red mor., line tooling on sides, g.e., by Bozerian, 1794, folio (417), Dec. [Lot 418, £8 5s.; Lot 416, £37.] Tasso (T.) Godefrey of Boloyne and of the Conquest of Iherusalem, printed in black and red, woodcuts, borders, initials, etc., orig. vell., ties, uncut, Kelmscott Press, 1893 (240), Dec. 20, Sotheby Maggs, II IOS. Tassoni (Alessandro). La Secchia Rapita. Poema eroicomico, 2 vol., contemp. red mor. gt., gt. back, g.e., Paris, Lorenzo Prault, 1766, 8vo. (438), March 1, Sotheby Edwards, £8 Tate (Nahum). Poems, full green levant mor., gt. back, gt. fillet border on sides, inside dentelles, g.e., uncut, by Ruban, London, T. M. for Benj. Tooke, 1677, 8vo. (472), Nov. 29, Anderson Galleries $57.50 Charles Cotton's (the angler) copy, with his autograph on the margin of the title-page. With bookplates of Edward H. Bierstadt and H. V. Jones.] Tate (N.) The History of King Richard the Second, acted at the Theatre Royal under the name of the Sicilian Usurper, hf. blue mor., the Bridgewater copy, London, Richard Tonson and Jacob Tonson, 1681, sm. 4to. (476), Nov. 29, Anderson Galleries $17.50 Tatham (J.) The Rump, or the Mirrour of the late Times, a new Comedy, the second impression, newly corrected, with additions, sprinkled cf. ex., Miller arms in gold on sides, g.e., by W. Pratt (small hole in 1 2, sign. A has 3 ll. only, but apparently nothing is wanting save a blank), W. Godbid for R. Bloome, 1661, sm. 4to. (281), March 10, Sotheby Quaritch, £5 Taverner (Richard). The garden of wysedome, conteyning pleasant floures, drawen forth of good authours, black letter, 2 parts, Part I., Edward Whytchurche, n.d.; Part II., Richard Bankes, 1539-Flores aliquot sententiarum gathered out of sundry wryters by Erasmus in Latine and Englished by R. Taverner, roman and black letter, Ex ædibus R. Taverner, 1540-Proverbes or Adagies, with new addicions gathered out of the Chiliades of Erasmus, hereunto be also added Mimi Publiani, black letter, Ricardum Bances, n.d., in 1 vol., contemp. stamped leather, sm. 8vo. (1416), May 25, Sotheby Pickering, £75 Tavernier (Baron). Travels in India, edited by V. Ball, plates, 2 vol., buckram, 1889 (171), June 16, Hodgson Ellis & Keene, £2 17s. 6d. Taylor (Jeremy). The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying, first ed., the binding is an example of the Puritan style found on devotional books of this period, black mor., and the sides are framed with a double-line gt. fillet within a narrow ornamental roll, an interior panel is made by a frame of the same roll, which is joined to the outer frame by lines from the corners, the back is flat, with gt. bands forming panels, with a small ornament in each panel, a small gt. emblem tool is stamped in the centre of each cover, a winged skull surmounted by an hour-glass, Richard Royston, 1651, 12mo. (248), June 28, Sotheby Tall, £4 Taylor (John). A Brave Memorable and Dangerous Sea Fight foughten neere the Road of Tittawan in Barbary, where the George and Elizabeth (a Ship of London) was encompass'd and encountred by nine great Turkish pyrat ships [in verse and prose], woodcut beneath title, which is repeated as a front. and at end (imprint shaved), crimson mor. ex., g.e., by Rivière, Miller arms in gold on sides, Printed for Henry Gosson, 1636, sm. 4to. (284), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £110 [Taylor (J.) A Briefe Relation of the Gleanings of the Idiotismes and Absurdities of Miles Corbet, Esquire, Councellor at Law, Reorder (sic) and Burgesse for Great Yarmouth, by Antho. Roily, Student in the Mathematicks, first ed., in verse, blue mor. ex., g.e., by Rivière, Miller arms in gold on sides, 1646, sm. 4to. (309), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £75 Taylor (J.) A Cluster of Coxcombes, or a Cinquepace of five sorts of Knaves and Fooles, namely, The Donatists, Publicans, Disciplinarians, Anabaptists and Brownists, large oblong woodcut beneath title, crimson mor. ex., g.e., by Rivière, Miller arms in gold on sides, July 13, Printed for Richard Webb, 1642, sm. 4to. (302), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £30 Taylor (J.) A Delicate, Dainty, Damnable Dialogue between the Devil and a Jesuite, first ed., in verse, woodcut below title, cf. ex., g.e., by Rivière, Miller arms in gold on sides, Printed by I. H. for Thomas Banks, 1642, sm. 4to. (303), March 10, Sotheby Pickering, £16 Taylor (J.) A full and compleat Answer against the Writer of a late Volume set forth, entituled A Tale in a Tub, or a Tub-Lecture, with a Vindication of that ridiculous name called Round-Heads, together with some excellent verses on the defacing of Cheap-side Crosse, by Thorny Ailo, Annagram, in verse, woodcut beneath title, cf. ex., g.e., by Rivière, Miller arms in gold on sides, Printed for F. Cowles, T. Bates and T. Banks, 1642, sm. 4to. (298), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £30 Taylor (J.) An Armado, or Nauy, of 103 Ships, first ed. (imperfect), 1627-Englands Safety in Navie and Fortifications, 4 ll., 1642, 2 vol. in 1, cl., w.a.f., and another, sm. 4to. (87), Feb. 9, Puttick Dobell, £1 2s. 6d. Taylor (J.) An Honest Answer to the late published Apologie for Private Preaching, wherein is justly refuted their mad forms of Doctrine (title-page stained), cf. ex., g.e., by Rivière, Miller arms in gold on sides, July 7, printed for R. Wood, T. Wilson and E. Christopher, n.y., sm. 4to. (282), March 10, Sotheby Rosenbach, £20 Taylor (J.) An Answer to a Foolish Pamphlet, entituled A |