(but wanting the blank 1., folio 9, Hain gives 212 ff. only), large painted and illuminated capital on f. 10, other capitals in red or blue, orig. Venetian stamped leather on oak bds., blind interlaced strap-work panels and other ornaments on sides, with 6 brass bosses only (back slightly defective, clasps missing and some margins stained), enclosed in plush-lined case, Venetiis, J. Rubeus [Le Rouge], 1476 (259), Dec. 1, Hodgson £7 15s. Valle (Pietro della). Viaggi, descritti da lui medesimo in 54 Lettere familiari, divisi in tre parti, cioè La Turchia, La Persia e l'India, port., etc., 4 vol., old straight-grained blue mor. gt., g.e. (Wilbraham copy), Roma, Vitale Mascardi, 1650-63, sm. 4to. (651), Jan. 17, Sotheby Quaritch, £5 [The first ed., inaccurately described by Röhricht (No. 947). The first book containing a reproduction of a cuneiform inscription (see Vol. iii., p. 286).] Valles (P.) Historia del inuictissimo . don Hernando de Analos Marques de Pescara, gothic letter, double columns, woodcut borders, printer's device, initials, etc. (many ll. foxed), orig. vell., Caragoça, A. Millan, por Miguel de Suelues, 1562, folio (3830), Nov. 2, Sotheby Dobell, £3 38. [Valturius (Robertus). De Re Militari libri x. ad Sigism. Pandulfum Malatestam, edente P. Ramusio], ed. princeps, roman letter, long lines, 37 to a full page, without marks [Hain *15847, Proctor 6912], a few letters defective from wormholes and repaired, large copy (133 in. by 9 in.), mor. stamped in blind, g.e., [colophon] Johannes ex uerona oriundus: Nicolai cyrugie medici filius: Artis impressorie magister: hunc de re militari librum elegantissimum litteris & figuratis signis sua in patria primus impressit. An M.CCCCLXXII., folio (139), Nov. 9, Sotheby Maggs, £410 It is [This vol. consists of 262 l., including blanks. The engravings are ascribed to Matteo Pasti of Verona. the first book printed in Italy with Italian woodcuts.] Vanbrugh (Sir John). The Mistake, a Comedy, polished cf., by Rivière, London, Jacob Tonson, 1706, 4to. (343), Nov. II, Anderson Galleries Vancouver (G.) Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and Round the World, plates, 3 vol., russ., 1798, 4to. (101), May 20, Puttick $23 Fuller, £8 [Oct. 20, £3 June 15, £6 5s.; Hodgson, June 23, cf., £7 10s.; Sotheby, Dec. 2, cf., £7; Hodgson, Dec. 1, cf., 1801 ed., £8 15s.] Van der Noodt (John). A Theatre wherein be represented as wel the miseries & calamities that follow voluptuous Worldlings, first ed., black letter, woodcuts (title-page remargined), red mor., g.e., Henry Bynneman, 1569, 8vo. (547), April 18, Sotheby Quaritch, £315 Van Dyck (Sir A.) Icones principum virorum doctorum, XXXV. (929) 30 Vanity Fair Album, col. cartoons by " Spy,” “ Ape,” etc., from the commencement in 1869 to 1912, in 45 vol., cl. gt. (623), May 4, Hodgson Weir & Co., LII Varthema (Ludovico de, Bolognese). Itinerario nello Egypto, nella Suria, nella Arabia deserta & felice, nella Persia, nella India & nella Ethiopia. La fede el vivere & costumi di tutte le prefate Provincie, etc., brown mor. ex., with rich and elegant gt. scroll tooling to an antique Italian design, g.e., by F. Bedford, fine copy, Roma, Steph. Guilliretus de Loreno & Hercules de Nani Bolognese, 1510, sm. 4to. (653), Jan. 17, Sotheby Quaritch, £23 [The very rare first ed. (Rohricht, No. 574). From the Gaisford library.] Vasari (G.) Le Vite de piu eccellenti architetti, pittori et scultori italiani, 2 titles, 3 parts in 2 vol., brown mor. gt., g.e., fine copy, Florence, 1550, 8vo. (411), April 18, Sotheby Davis & Orioli, £8 10s. Vasari Society. Publications for the Reproduction of Drawings by Old Masters, Parts i. to x., plates, in portfolios, Oxford, 1905-15, folio (1044), July 13, Sotheby Maggs, 11 IOS. Vasco da Gama. Calcoen, a Dutch Narrative of the second Voyage of Vasco da Gama to Calicut, fac. of the unique original in black letter and English translation by J. Ph. Berjean, map and woodcut, only 50 copies printed, Antwerp, 1502-Pickering, 1874, 4to. (227), March 14, Sotheby Quaritch, £3 Vaughan (Henry). Olor Iscanus, a Collection of some select Poems and Translations, green mor., g.e., T. W. for Humphrey Moseley, 1651, sm. 8vo. (1460), May 25, Sotheby Ellis, £47 [This copy has an extra sheet A, 4 11., at the end, containing a list of books printed for Humphrey Moseley. Anderson Galleries, Jan. 20, $60; Nov. 29, $120.] Vaughan (H.) Poems, with the Tenth Satyre of Iuvenal Englished (front 11. a little cut into), G. Badger, 1646— Life of Faustus Socinus (stained), Richard Moone (with device), 1653-Reflections upon the use of the Eloquence of these Times, translated out of French, Oxford, 1672, 3 vol. in 1, hf. sheepskin-[La Sabliere (Ant. R. de).] Madrigaux de M. D. L. S., old red mor., g.e., Paris, 1680 -Paradin (Claude). Devises heroiques, engraved title and copper plate illustrations, cf., Paris, 1621, together 3 vol., 8vo. (289), Jan. 17, Sotheby Dobell, £40 Vaughan (H.) Silex Scintillans: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, second ed., in two books, 2 parts in 1 vol., wanting the blank 11. A1 and A2 of the second part, dark blue mor. ex., g.e., by F. Bedford, Henry Crips and Lodowick Lloyd, 1655, sm. 8vo. (1461), May 25, Sotheby Quaritch, £32 [Vaughan (Thos.)] A Brief Natural History Intermixed with variety of Philosophical Discourses, by Eugenius Philalethes, first ed., sprinkled cf. (some headlines cropped), 1669, 8vo. (444), Oct. 20, Puttick Tregaskis, £4 Vecellio (C.) Corona delle Nobili et Virtuose Donne libro terzo, 27 fine plates of lace designs, maroon mor. ex., Venetia, Cesare Vecellino, 1593, sm. oblong 4to. (365), July 25, Sotheby Sotheran, £7 Vecellio (C.) Degli Habiti Antichi et Moderni, first ed., 475 full-page engravings after Titian in the text (Brunet gives only 420), bookplate by Gavarni, etched by Jules de Goncourt, with note by E. de Goncourt on йly-leaf, red mor. ex., full gt. back, gt. initials on sides, edges marble gt., by Chambolle-Duru, Venet., Damian Zenaro, 1590, 8vo. (444), April 25, Sotheby Shirley, £11 [Hodgson, April 21, 1598 ed., £5 5s.; Sotheby, May 25, 1598 ed., £4 10s.] Vega (Lope Felix de). Coleccion de sus comedias, 44 vol., as detailed below:-Part I., Valencia, 1605; Valladolid, 1609—Part II., Madrid, 1609; Barcelona, 1611; Valladolid, 1611-Part III., Madrid, 1613, title neatly mended and first word in fac., margin of next 3 ll. mended, a few 11. slightly shaved; Barcelona, 1614-Part IV., Madrid, 1614, last leaf slightly defective and mended; Pamplona, 1614—Part v., Alcala, 1615-Part VI., Madrid, 1615, title mended; Madrid, 1616-Part vii., Madrid, 1617; Barcelona, 1617, corner of last leaf defective and mended -Part viii., Barcelona, 1617, a few ll. slightly defective and neatly repaired; Madrid, 1617-Part 1x., Madrid, 1617, title and corner of next leaf mended; Barcelona, 1618-Part X., Madrid, 1618; Barcelona, 1618-Part XI., Madrid, 1618; Barcelona, 1618-Part XII., Madrid, 1619, title slightly defective and mended—Part XIII., Madrid, 1620-Part XIV., Madrid, 1620, title and next leaf defective and mended; Madrid, 1621-Part xv., Madrid, por Fernando Correa de Montenegro, 1621; Madrid, por la viuda de Alonso Martin, 1621-Part xvI., Madrid, 1621— Part xvII., Madrid, 1621, a few ll. mended; Madrid, 1622 -Part xvii., Madrid, 1623—Part XIX., Madrid, 1624— Part xx., Madrid, 1625; Madrid, 1629; Barcelona, 1630 -Part xxi., Madrid, 1635, MS. note inlaid in fly-leaf, "Richard Heber, May 14, 1820. The gift of Ld. Holland -Part XXII., Caragoça, 1630, title, next leaf and last 2 11. defective and' mended, wants 2 11. in sign. R (supplied in MS.), several other ll. slightly defective and mended, margins cropped; Madrid, 1635, title mended-Part XXIII., Madrid, 1638-Part XXIV., Caragoça, 1633, title cut out and mounted, margin of next 2 11 mended; Zaragoza, 1641-Part xxv., Caragoça, 1647, several headlines shaved. La Vega del Parnaso, Madrid, 1637, together 44 vol., uniform green mor., 2-line fillet round edges, g.e., by Charles Lewis, with his ticket, sold as a collection and not subject to return (435), Dec. 2, Sotheby Jaschke, £155 [An exceptionally complete set collected by Richard Heber. Several of the volumes contain a note by him inlaid in the fly-leaf. Brunet notes that the collection is usually given as consisting of 25 vol., but that there are three different parts of Vol. xxiv. (of which this collection has two only, wanting the Madrid edition). Brunet calls special attention to this collection: "Le célèbre bibliophile Richard Heber était parvenu à réunir, à grands frais, un exemplaire des comédies du Fenix de España, consistant en 43 (sic) vol. dont 15 doubles, mais d'éditions différentes. N'ayant pu se procurer le 5e vol. Édition de Madrid, il l'avait remplacé par l'édition d'Alcala, 1615. Cet exemplaire, dont plusieurs volumes étaient plus ou moins tachés, et même incomplêts, avait coûté plus de 200 guinées. With this collection is a catalogue of the Comedies of Vega, compiled by J. R. Chorley, with MS. additions by the author and presented by him to the library at Stoke Park" in acknowledgement of the courtesy with which, while preparing it in 1857, he was allowed... to examine in that library the precious set (i.e., the present one) of the Comedias de Lope by which it is adorned."] Venables (Robert). The Experienc'd Angler, or Anglying Improv'd, being a general Discourse of Angling, imparting many of the aptest wayes and choicest Experiments for the taking of most sorts of Fish in Pond or River, engraved title and copperplate vignettes of fish, crushed purple mor., inside dentelles, g.e., by Bedford, London, printed for Richard Marriot, 1662, sm. 8vo. (320), Jan. 20, Anderson Galleries $62.50 [Fine large copy of the rare first ed. With the Huth bookplate.] Venturinius (F.) Rudimenta grammaticæ, roman letter, with passages in Greek, long lines, illuminated initial on aı, with marginal elongations, lower margin of a (with signature) cut off, p4 slightly defective and mended, a few small wormholes, hf. bd., Impressum . florentiæ per me Antonium_bartholomei mischomini, 1482, folio (3835), Nov. 2, Sotheby Leighton, £4 Verdier (Le Sieur). The Love and Armes of the Greeke Princes, or the Romant of Romants, translated for Philip, Earle of Pembroke and Montgomery, 3 vol. in 1 (title to Vol. i. backed, a few words slightly defective, some initials col.), hf. cf., Printed by Thomas Harper, 1640, folio (142), Nov. 9, Sotheby Quaritch, £10 5s. Vergerius (P. P.) De Ingeniis Moribus [Basilius Magnus. De Legendis antiquorum libris, Leonardi Arretini traductio], gothic letter, 24 11., with signatures ab6, c4, d8, long lines, 32 to a full page, woodcut device at end, cf. gt. [not seen by Hain 16002, not in Proctor], (George Dunn copy), [on C4 verso] Impressum Mutine per Dominicum Rocociolum, 1500 (3836), Nov. 2, Sotheby Ellis, £10 Verlaine (P.) Jadis et Naguère, one of 500 copies, hf. mor., t.e.g., orig. wrappers bd. in, Paris, 1884-Fêtes Galantes, hf. mor., t.e.g., orig. wrappers bd. in, ib., 1886, and others by the same, uniformly bd., all with orig. wrappers bd. in, together 7 vol., 8vo. (890), May 18, Sotheby Danielson, £7 2s. 6d. Vernet (Horace et Carle) and Lami (Eugène). Collection des Uniformes des Armées françaises de 1791 à 1814--IIe Partie de 1814 à 1824, 2 vol., col. lithographs on tinted paper, hf. crushed red mor., Paris, 1822-5, large 8vo. (340), July 25, Sotheby Thornton, £12 10S. Versailies. Plans, Vues et Ornemens de Versailles, 74 fine double-page and other engravings of buildings, fountains, statuary, etc. by Le Pautre and others (no title), old cf., [1674-84], (296), July 6, Hodgson £5 5s. Versor (Joannes). Questiones super celo et mundo, etc., cum textu Aristotelis, lit. goth., double columns, 44 and 53 lines to a page [Hain 16047, Proctor 1295], [Cologne, H. Quentell], 1489-Tractatus sancti Thome de ente et effentia seu de quidditatibus rerum intitulatus, lit. goth., double columns, 53 lines to a page, ib., 1489, in 1 vol., pigskin ex., clasps, folio (700), Dec. 20, Sotheby Edwards, £6 [Verstegan (Richard).] Theatrum Crudelitatum Hæreticorum nostri temporis, engraved title and plates, russ., blind stamped, from Aldenham Abbey library, with bookplate and crest on upper cover, Antverpiae, apud Hadrianum Huberti, 1604, 4to. (1463), May 25, Sotheby Ellis, £7 5s. [The last part of the book describes the persecutions of the Roman Catholics under Queen Elizabeth, and includes a plate of the execution of Mary Queen of Scots.] Vesalius (A.) De Humani Corporis Fabrica libri septem, orig. ed., fine woodcut title and 17 full-page anatomical woodcuts [by John Calcar] and numerous small cuts, contemp. stamped cf., Basilea, Joh. Oporinus, 1543, folio (581), July 21, Hodgson Maggs, £26 Vesputius. Paesi Nouamente Ritrouati per la Nauigatione di Spagna in Calicut, et da Albertatio Vesputio Fiorentino intitulate Mondo Nouo, nouamente impressa, red mor., g.e., by Bedford, Venetia per Zorzi de Rusconi, 1517, 12mo. (200), May 16, Anderson Galleries $280 Vicary (T.), Bremer (W.), Turner (W.), etc. The Englishman's Treasure, with the True Anatomy of a Man's Body, etc., black letter, old cf., B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, 1641, sm. 4to. (545), July 21, Hodgson Maggs, £3 35. Victoria History of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, plates, 5 vol., and Index, cl., t.e.g., 1900-14-Victoria History of Berkshire, plates, 2 vol., hf. mor., t.e.g., 1906-7, 4to. (436-437), May 4, Puttick Thorp, £6 Victoria County Histories: Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, edited by Doubleday, Gotley and Hardy, numerous |