SaleAnderson Galleries, 1903 |
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Address Albany American autograph Balt blue crushed boards Book Bost Boston bound in full Brattleboro Capt Charles Church circa colored containing crimson crushed Crown 8vo crushed levant morocco Currier and Ives edition England English engravings Essay etchings facsimiles Family finely bound front full-page Genealogy George gilt edges gilt top Grolier Club half calf half cloth half morocco half roan gilt half sheep Hartford Henry Historical Sketch History india paper Indians James Japan Vellum Paper John Large folio Letters Lincoln Lithograph Lond Mass Memoirs morocco gilt name on title Notes Numerous illusts Numerous portraits old calf original cloth pamphlets Paris Phil pieces plates Poems Portraits and illusts Post 8vo Privately printed rare Robert Samuel Scarce Sermon Settlement sewed Silk Small 4to Society stitched Thick 8vo Thomas tion Town uncut vellum Vermont views vols volume Wash Washington William woodcuts York City