Cereal supply and demand balance for sub-Saharan African countries: Situation as of November 2021Food & Agriculture Org., 2 dic 2021 - 62 pagine This statistical report contains a subset of CCBS data and presents updated cereal supply and demand balances for all sub-Saharan African countries. It complements the information of the FAO/GIEWS Crop Prospects and Food Situation report and is published four times a year with the same schedule. This report is based on information available as of November 2021. |
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2021 Comparison 2021 Domestic Availability 2021 Import Requirements 2021 MARKETING 2021 production compared 2021 production Expected 2021/22 Domestic Availability 2021/22 Import Requirements Additional Information Population Availability 000 tonnes average imports 2021 average production 2021 Calendar major foodcrop Caput Consumption kg/year Cassava CEREAL SUPPLY/DEMAND BALANCE cereals Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total compared to average Crop Calendar major Domestic Availability 000 Estimated stock build-up Estimated stock drawdown Expected stock build-up Expected stock drawdown FAO/GIEWS Food grains Total cereals Harvesting J Source Import Requirements 000 Import requirements compared imports 2021 Import imports Previous five Information Population mid-2020 January/December of second Lean period Sowing MARKETING YEAR January/December ND Lean period Non-food period Sowing Growing Previous year's imports Previous year's production Production 000 tonnes production 2021 production production Expected stock production Previous five Requirements 000 tonnes Rice marketing second year shown Sowing Growing Harvesting Total cereals Wheat Utilization 000 tonnes year's imports Previous year's production Previous