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Reed A plant; a small pipe; an arrow, 8.
To breed To hatch; to bring up; to contrive, v. &.
Breed A cast; kind; offspring, s.

Freed Made free, part. a.

Greed Covetousness, s.

A-greed' Settled by consent, part. a.

Seed The particle which produces plants and animals;
original; progeny; generation; offspring, &
Steed A horse for state or war, 8.

Weed A useless herb; a mourning habit for women, s
Fed Preterite and part. pass. of to feed.

Ker'-chief-ed Dressed; hooded, a.

Stuffed Filled with stuffing, a.

Coiffed Wearing a coif, a.

Stall-fed Fed not with grass, but dry food, a.
Hoof'ed Furnished with or having hoofs.
Loof'ed Gone to a distance, a.

A'ged Old, a.

Mid-dle-aged About the middle of life, a.

En-gaged Attached; embarked in any affair, a.
Dis-en-gaged Vacant; at leisure; easy, a.

Man'a-ged Broken by horsemanship; tutored, a
Edged Sharp; not blunt, a.

Fledg'ed Having wings or feathers, part. a.
Un-fledged Not covered with feathers, a.
Two-edg-ed Having an edge on either side, a.
Dis-edged Blunted; obtunded; dull, a.

A-bridg'ed Shortened, a.

A-bridg'ed (Used with of) deprived of, prep.

Snagged Rugged; hairy; rough, a.

Shagged Full of sharp protuberances, a.

Rag'ged Rent into tatters; uneven, a.

Cragged Full of inequalities and prominences, a.

Scragged Rough; uneven, a.

Duck'leg-ged Short-legged, a.

Bow'leg-ged Having crooked legs, a.

Ban'dy-legged Having crooked legs, a.

Dog'ged Sullen; sour; gloomy, a.

Rugged Rough; shaggy; stormy; sour, &.

Wing'ed Furnished with wings, a.

To'ged Gowned; dressed in a gown, or toga, a.

Beach'ed Exposed to the waves; stranded, a.

Breach'ed Broken, as fortified walls, a.

Stomach-ed Filled with passions of resentment, a.

High'stom-ach-ed Obstinate; lofty, a.

De-tach'ed Drawn off; disengaged, a.

Inch'ed Having inches, as two-inched boards, th

Un-blench'ed Not disgraced, a.

Un-staunch'ed Not stopped; not stayed, a.

Arched Bent in form of an arch, part. a.

Un-smirched Unpolluted; not stained, a.

Un-match'ed Matchless; having no equal, a.

Far-fetch's Brought from places remote; elaborately strained, a.

Wretched Miserable; unhappy, a.

Ca-pouch'ed Covered over as with a hood, a.
Sleigh'ed Furnished with a sleigh, a.
Weighted Experienced, a.

To shed To emit; to spill; to let fall, v.
Shed A slight covering of tiles, &c., s.

Blood shed Murder; slaughter, 8.

Un-flesh'ed Not fleshed; not seasoned to blood; raw, a. E-stablish-ed Fixed; settled firmly, a.

Anguish-ed Excessively pained, a.

Dis-tinguish-ed Eminent; extraordinary, a.

Am'bush-ed Placed in ambush, a.

In-breath'ed Inspired; infused by inspiration, a.

Faith'ed Honest; sincere, a.

Tooth'ed Having teeth, a.

Mouth'ed Furnished with a mouth, a.

Hard mouth-ed Not sensible of the bit, a.
Hum'ble-mouth-ed Mild; meek, a.

Foul mouth-ed Scurrilous, a.
Open-mouth-ed Greedy; ravenous, a.

Deep'mouth'ed Having a hoarse and loud voice, a
Mealy-mouth'ed Unable to speak freely, a.
Rubi-ed Red as a ruby, a.

Ed'sta-si-ed Ravished; rapturous, a.
Able-bod-i-ed Strong of body, a.

Close bod-i-ed Made to fit the body exactly, a.
Dis-em-bod'i-ed Divested of the body, a.

Studi-ed Learned; versed in any study, a.
Af-fed Joined by contract; affianced.

Mag'ni-fi-ed Exalted; made great, a.
Digni-fi-ed Invested with some dignity, a.
Trophi-ed Adorned with trophies, a.
Lili-ed Embellished with lilies, a.

Big'bel-li-ed Pregnant, a.

Pot'bel-li-ed Having a swoln paunch, a.
Cran'ni-ed Full of chinks, a.

Hon'i-ed Covered with honey, sweet, a.

A-ston'i-ed A word used for astonished, Isaiah.
Pied Variegated; party-coloured, a.

Can'o-pi-ed Covered with a canopy, a.

Un-weari-ed Not tired; not fatigued, a.

Un-vari-ed Not changed; not diversified, a.

Sto'ri-ed Adorned with historical pictures, ao

Mar'ri-ed Conjugal; connubial, a.

Un-mar'ri-ed Having no husband or wife, &
Pal'si-ed Diseased with a palsy, a.
Drop'si-ed Diseased with a dropsy, a.

Tongue ti-ed Having an impediment of speech, a.
Ditti-ed Sung; adapted to music, a.

Dari-ed Besprinkled with daisies, a.

Dough bak-ed Unfinished; not hardened to perfection, a.
Beak'ed Having a beak, a.

Ring streak-ed Circularly streaked, a.
Un-sla'ked Not quenched, a.

Naked Wanting clothes; uncovered; bare, a

Hunchback-ed Having a crooked back, a.

Crook back-ed Having bent shoulders, a.

Un-backed Not tamed; not countenanced, a

Stiff neck-ed Stubborn; obstinate, a.
Hen'peck-ed Governed by the wife, a.
Un-lick'ed Shapeless; not formed, a.
Pick'ed Sharp; smart, a.

Wicked Given to vice; not good, a.
Landlock-ed Shut in or inclosed with land, a
Cherry-cheek-ed Having ruddy cheeks, a.
Welk'ed Wrinkled; wreathed, a.
Trunk'ed Having a trunk, a.

Hooked Bent; caught with a hook, a.
Un-look'ed Unexpected; unforeseen, a.


Down'look-ed Having a dejected countenance; sullen, a.

Crook'ed Bent; not strait, a.

Forked Opening into two or more parts, a.

Un-masked Naked; open to the view, a.

Un-asked Not sought by solicitation, a.

Husked Bearing or covered with a husk, a.
Musk'ed Scented with musk, a.

Tusk'ed Furnished with tusks, a.

Hawk'ed Formed like a hawk's bill, a.
Led Part. and pret. of to lead.

Fabled Celebrated in fables, a.

Pebbled Sprinkled or abounding with pebbles, &
Carbun-cled Set with carbuncles; spotted, a.

Circled Having the form of a circle; round, a
Un-bridled Licentious; not restrained, a.
Brin'dled Brinded; streaked, a.
Swin'dled Defrauded, a.

Un-par al-lel-ed Not matched; having no equal, a.
Fled Pret. and part. of to flee.

Un-ruf fled Calm; not tumultuous, a.
Fangled Contrived ridiculously, a.
New fan-gled Vainly fond of novelty, a.

Man'gled Lacerated, a.

Hobnail-ed Set with broad-headed nails, a.

Bob'tail-ed Having the tail cut, a.

Cur'tail-ed Contracted, a

Un-rec'on-ci-led Not reconciled, a.

Ir-recon-ci-led Not atoned, a.

Un-de-filed Not polluted, a.

Three pi-led Set with a thick pile; piled one on another, a

Tackled Made of ropes; tacked together, a.

Peck'led Spotted; varied with spots, a.

Speckled Marked with speckles, a.

Freckled Spotted; maculated, a.
Cockled Shelled or turbinated, a.
Knuckled Jointed, a.

Un-galled Unhurt; unwounded, a.
Spur gal-led Hurt with a spur, a.
Un-ap-parel-led Not dressed; not clothed, a.
Un-travel-led Never trodden by passengers, &
Dis-em-bow'el-led Taken from out the bowels, a.
Skilled Knowing; dextrous, a.

Un-skilled Wanting skill or knowledge, a.
Un-trolled Not bowled; not rolled along, a
Thick'skull-ed Dull; stupid, a.

Num'skull-ed Dull; stupid, a.

Un-schooled Uneducated; not learned, a. Un-prin'ci-pled Devoid of principles; flagitious, a. Un-ex-ampled Not known by any precedent or example, a Dim'pled Set with dimples, a.

Whim'pled Distorted with crying, a.

Pimpled Having red pustules; full of pimples, a
Coppled Rising in a conic form.

Pearl'ed Adorned or set with pearls, a.

Gnarled Knotty, a.

Sled A carriage drawn without wheels, a.
Meas'led Infected with the measles, a.
High'met-tled Proud or ardent of spirit, a.
Souled Furnished with mind, a.
Grizzled Interspersed with grey, a.
Famed Renowned; celebrated, a.
A-sha'med Touched with shame, a.
Forenam-ed Nominated before, a.
A-forenamed Named before, a.

Di'a-dem-ed Adorned with a diadem, a.

Helm'ed Furnished with a head-piece, a
Full bot-tom-ed Having a large bottom, a.
Armed Furnished with arms, a.
Un-arm'ed Deprived of arms, a.
Diform-ed Compounded of two forms, a.
Plumed Having feathers, a.

Im-plu'med Without feathers, a.

Turban-ed Wearing a turban, a.

Un-skreened Not covered; not protected, a.

Omen-ed Containing prognostics, a.

Un-leaven-ed Not mixed with fermenting matter, a

Un-feign'ed Not counterfeited; real, a.

Brain'ed Endowed with brains; destroyed, &

Shatter-brain-ed Inattentive; not consistent, a.

Hare'brain-ed Wild; irregular, a.

Grain'e Rough, made less smooth; painted in imitation of wood, a.

Cross' grain-ed Having the fibres transverse; perverse, a.

Strained Stretched, a

Half'strain-ed Half-bred; imperfect, a.

Un-strained Easy; not forced, a.
Cab'in-ed Belonging to a cabin, &.
Rein'ed Governed by a bridle, a.

Un-rein'ed Not restrained by the bridle, a.
Vein'ed Full of veins; streaked, a.
Af-fined Related to another, a.

Bus kin-ed Dressed in buskins, a.

Un-de-clined Not grammatically varied by termination, a.
Ermin-ed Clothed with ermine, a.
In-de-ter'min-ed Uusettled; unfixed, a.
Un-de-ter'min-ed Unsettled; undecided, a.

Dam'ned Hateful; detestable; condemned, a.
Fin'ned Furnished with fins, a

Raw bon-ed Having bones scarcely covered with flesh, a
Un-para-gon-ed Unequalled; unmatched, a.
Cushion-ed Seated on a cushion, a.
Im-passion-ed Seized with passion, a.
Un-im-passion-ed Not affected by emotion, a.

Con-dition-ed Having qualities, or properties, a
Fordmen-tion-ed Mentioned, or recited before, a.
A-foremen-tion-ed Mentioned before, a.

A-bovemen-tion-ed Cited before, a.

A'pron-ed Wearing an apron, a.

High'sea-son-ed Piquant to the palate, a.
Un-les'son-ed Not taught, a.

Un-zo'ned Not bound with a girdle, a.

Learn'ed Versed in science and literature, skilful, a.

Un-learn'ed Ignorant; not learned, a.

Cavern-ed Full of caverns; hollow, a

Un-strait'ned Easy; not forced, a.

For'tu-ned Supplied by fortune, a.

Gown'ed Dressed in a gown, a.

Crown'ed Honoured with a crown, a

Drown'ed Suffocated in water, a.

Re-nown'ed Famous; celebrated, a.

Fin'to-ed Having a membrane between the toes; palmi
pedous, a.

Be-neap'ed Left on the ground by a neap tide, a.
Waped Dejected; crushed by misery, a.

Y-clep'ed Called; termed; named, a.

Biped An animal with two feet, s.

Ali-ped Wing-footed, 8.

Par-al-lel-o-piped A prism whose base is a parallelogram, a.
Plumi-ped Feather-footed, s.

Chap'ped Cracked; cleft, a.

Blob'lip-ped Having swelled or thick lips, a.

Blob'ber-lipp-ped Having swelled or thick lips, a.

Copped Rising to a top or head, a.

Stop ped Hindered, a.

Sped Pret. and part. pass. of speed.

Thorough-sped Finished in principles; thorough paced, a
Quad'ru-ped An animal that goes on four legs, s.

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