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128 respecting such. They enforced the payment of fines due to the state, had the care of public prisons, and carried into effect the sentence of the law upon criminals. Dict. Antiqq.



2-39. Tullianum. A dungeon added to the prison by Servius Tullius, and named after him. Varro tells us that the Tullianum was also named "Lautumiæ," from some quarries in the neighborhood (see Plan of the Forum). In later times the whole building was called the "Mamertine," though this name is found in no classic author. In this prison tradition represents St. Peter to have been confined. Dict. Antiqq. 3. Ascenderis, i. e. within the carcer. 4. Humi, into the ground. 5. Camera-juncta, a vaulted roof composed (lit. joined) of stone arches. 6. Incultu, from want of care, neglect. 8. Vindices, the punishers, executioners acting under the orders of the triumviri. 17. Pro numero. Implying that the cohorts had not the full number of men. 18. Ex sociis, from among his accomplices. 20. Numero, with the (full) number. 21. Cum, although. Milibus is here ablat. governed by amplius. 27. In-vorsus (versus), towards Gaul. 31. Cujus, sc. generis. An exceptional construction, but not without example among good writers. 33. Rationibus, plans, views. Videri, sc. eum, that he should seem. 39. Illexerat, from illicio. 2-37. Eo consilio, with this design, purpose, view. 6. Rerum of his (Catiline's) situation. Eadem is the object of agitare. 8. Sub ipsis, close to the very. 11. Utpote qui, inasmuch as he. The relative, here strengthened by utpote, introduces a clause expressing a reason: hence sequeretur, subjunct. of cause. Exercitu. The ablat. of accompaniment often omits cum before words denoting military and naval forces, when limited by an adjective. 12. In fuga, (Catiline) in his flight. 19. Compertum - habeo = I have discovered. 22. Animo, dative. Cf. Cat. 20: cui virile ingenium inest. 29. Quoque modo: et quo modo. 30. Nequiverim, I have been unable. 31. Loco, condition. 32. Ab, in the direction of, on the side of. 33. Maxume, in the highest degree. 34. Ferat, impelled (us). 37. Memineritis, that you shall remember perf. subjunct. after ut, with the meaning of the present. 131 2-38. Metu, the earlier form of the dative, metui. 10. Potuistis nonnulli, some of you were able. 11. Alienas of others. 13. Haec, these things, the part which we have chosen. 14. Voltis vultis. Pace bellum: war for peace. 16. Avorteris = the later averteris. 23. Circumvenire, sc. nos. Queat. "Dietsch observes that this word, rarely used by other good writers, occurs six times in Sallust." 25. Cavete (ne). 26. Capti, (after) having


been taken prisoners. 29. Signa, the signals. 32. Animus amplior, greater courage. 33. Pedes, on foot: nom. sing. Pro, in accordance with. 34. Sinistros, on the left. Et- aspera, and a craggy rock on the right hand, rupe being ablat. absol. 36. Reliquarum, sc. cohortium. Signa, the standards, i. e. the men ranged under them. In subsidio, in reserve. Artius arctius. 37. Evocatos. Veterans discharged or entitled to their discharge, but continuing to serve, or returning to service, with higher pay and peculiar privileges. 38. Optumum quemque all the bravest.

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1-39. Partewing. 2. Libertis, i. e. his own freedmen. If 132 Sallust had been speaking of the class of men, he would have written libertinis. See note on line 14, p. 120. Colonis, i. e. the veterans of Sulla settled in colonies. Propter, near. 4. Ex, on. Parte, side. 5. Aeger, lame. 7. Tumultus is particularly applied by Latin writers to a war in Italy or to an invasion by the Gauls. 13. Amplius. Observe that this comparative does not here influence the case of annos. 15. Plerosque ipsos most of them personally. Noverat, he knew. 20. Ferentariis. These light-armed troops were so named because they carried what they threw. M. however thinks the word is of doubtful origin. 25. Vorsari (= versari), was active, busied himself. 26. Laborantibus, those hard pressed. 30. Contra ac contrary to what. Magna tendere, exerts himself with great power. 31. Cohortem praetoriam, i. e. a select body of troops forming the general's bodyguard. 32. Alios alibi: some here, some there. 33. Utrimque, i. e. from both sides of his own troops, who attacked the inner flanks (ex lateribus) formed by the breaking of the centre. 34. In- cadunt, may mean either, fall fighting among the foremost, or, fighting fall among the first. The former is doubtless the sense intended here. 35. Fusas (esse). 39. Cerneres you might have seen. Potential subjunct. A. & S. 2 260, II., Rem. 2; H. 486, III. 4; B. 1177-9; A. 60 1 ("Implied condition").


1-20. Vis animi Catilinae, the power of Catiline's mind. 2. Vi-133 vus=when living. 4. Medios=placed in the centre. 5. Divorsius= more scattered. Advorsis, in front. 10. Ingenuus, freeborn, and born of free parents. 12. Pepercerant, from parco. 17. Hostilia=of the enemy. Amicum-pars, some, a friend; others, etc. 20. Agitabantur=prevailed.



A., an abbreviation of the praenomen Aulus.

A, Ab, Abs, prep. with the abl., from, of. Before the agent of a passive verb, by. Denoting position, on, at, in. Denoting order of time, after.

Abdico, are, avi, ātum, tr., to dis

own, lay down, resign, renounce, abdicate; to disinherit. Abditus, a, um, part. and adj. from

abdo, hidden, concealed, remote, retired, unknown.

Abdo, ĕre, didi, ĭtum, tr. (ab+

do), to hide, conceal, secrete,


Abdüco, ĕre, xi, ctum, tr. (ab+ duco), to lead away, withdraw, draw off, remove, lead aside. Aběo, īre, ii and īvi, ĭtum, irr. intr. (abeo), to go away, depart, escape, withdraw. Praeceps abire, to plunge headlong into crime. Integer abire, to come off safe, unharmed. Abjectus, a, um, part. and adj. from abjicio, downcast, disheartened, desponding; low, mean, abject, worthless, Abjicio, ĕre, jěcí, jectum, tr. (ab +jacio), to throw away, cast down, prostrate; to degrade, humble.

Abjūro, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (ab + juro), to deny anything on oath, to abjure; to forswear. Abnão, ĕre, ui, tr. (ab + nuo), to refuse by a nod or motion of the


head, to deny, refuse, decline.

Aborigines, um, m. pl. (ab + origo), the Aborigines, the original inhabitants of a country; the first inhabitants of Italy, in Latium, under Saturn and Janus, the ancestors of the Romans. Absens, tis, adj. (abs + ens, obso

lete, pres. part. of sum), absent, abroad, in one's absence. Absolvo, ĕri, vi, ɔlūtum, tr. (ab

+solvo), to loose, unloose; to free, release, discharge, liberate; to despatch, finish, complete. Paucis absolvere to relate in a few words. Abstinentia, ae, f. (abstineo), ab

stinence, self-restraint, moderation, temperance; freedom from


Abstinĕo, éri, ui, entum, tr. (abs

+teneo), to abstain from, to refrain from, to keep from. Abstrǎho, ĕre, xi, ctum, tr. (abs +

traho), to draw, drag, tear, or pull away; to withdraw, remove, separate from.

Absum, esse, fui, irr. intr. (ab+ sum), to be absent; to be distant; to stand aloof. Paulum abesse, to be not far from, to be on the point of. Absumo, ĕre, psi, ptum, tr. (ab +sumo), to take away; to ruin, consume, destroy, cut off. Absurdus, a, um, adj. (ab + surdus), harsh, rough, rude; ab224


surd, silly, senseless, stupid; in- | Accurro, ĕre, curri and cucurri,


Abundantia, ae, f. (abundans), abundance, fulness, plenty, profusior. Abunde, adv. (abundis, e, obsolete), abundantly, in abundance, sufficiently, amply, enough. Sometimes used as a subst. with gen. Abútor, i, ūsus, dep. (ab + utor), to abuse, make an improper use of, misuse.

Ac, conj. (in class. lang. only before consonants), and also, and berides, and even, and; than or as, after words expressing comparison, such as pariter, juxta, secus, similis, alius. Ac si, as if. Simul ac, as soon as. Accedo, ĕre, cessi, cessum, intr.

(ad + cedo), to approach, draw hear, come to; to accede; to attack; to be added to. Huc accedebat, to this there was added. Accendo, ĕre, endi, ensum, tr. (ad+candeo), to set on fire, to light up, kindle, burn; to inflame, incense, excite, rouse up. Accensus, a, um, part. and adj. from accendo, kindled, inflamed, stimulated, excited; exasper


Acceptio, onis, f. (accipio), a tak

ing, accepting or receiving. Acceptus, a, um, part. and adj. (accipio), agreeable, acceptable, welcome, grateful. Accerso, ĕre. See Arcesso. Accido, ĕre, cidi, intr. (ad + cado), to fall, fall upon, come upon; to befall, happen, occur. Accio, ire, ivi, itum, tr. (ad + cio), to call, summon, send for; to bring on, produce. Accipio, ĕre, epi, eptum, tr. (ad +capio), to receive, accept, take; to perceive, hear, learn; to bear, endure.

Accurate, adv. (accuratus), carefully, exactly, accurately, diligently, attentively. Accuratissime with the greatest attention. 15 Sal

cursum, intr. (ad + curro), to run, run to, hasten to. Accūso, åre, āvi, ātum, tr. (ad + causa), to accuse, arraign; to blame, find fault with, censure. Acer, cris, cre, adj., sharp, fine, piercing; violent, severe; vehement, passionate; subtle, acute, sagacious, shrewd; active, ardent, spirited, zealous; hasty, fierce.

Acerbe, adv. (acerbus), roughly, harshly, sharply, bitterly, severely.

Acerbus, a, um, adj. (acer), sour, unripe; cruel; bitter, harsh, rough; severe, hard, grievous; austere, morose.

Acerrime or Acerrůme. See Acriter.

Aciēs, ēi, f., the edge, the sharp edge, the point of a spear, etc.; keen look, the sight of the eye; the order of battle, battle-array; an army drawn up in order of battle; the line of soldiers; prima acies, the van-guard, van, the first line; a battle; acuteness, insight, genius.

Acquiro, ère, quisīvi, quisītum, tr. (ad quaero), to acquire, gain, obtain, procure. Acriter, adv., comp. acrius, sup. acerrime or acerrime (acer), sharply, keenly, vehemently, vigorously, severely, cruelly. Acta, ōrum, n. pl. (ago), acts, actions, deeds, exploits.

Actio, ōnis, f. (ago), an action, act;

an action at law, suit, process; an accusation, charge, indictment. Actus, a, um, part. from Ago. Ad, prep. with accus., to, unto, at,

near, towards, in, about; against; according to; besides, in addition to, in reply to; for, next to, after; in regard to. Adaequo, åre, āvi, atum, tr. (ad +aequo), to equal, to make equal, to level with. Adcurro. See Acourro.

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Addo, ĕre, dĭdi, dĭtum, tr. (ad+ do), to add, give, impart, bestow; to gain, acquire; to appoint, assign. Adduco, ĕre, xi, ctum, tr. (ad + duco), to lead, bring, conduct; to bring to, reduce; to induce, persuade.

Ademptus, a, um, part. from Adimo.

Aděo, adv. (ad +eo), so, so far, to such a degree, insomuch; besides, too; so much; indeed, even, nay even; therefore, accordingly.

Aděo, īre, ii or īvi, ĭtum, intr. (adeo), to go to, approach, come near; to attack; to undertake, to incur.

Adeptus, a, um, part. from Adipiscor.

Aderam, adero. See Adsum.
Adfĕro. See Affero.
Adfinis. See Affinis.

See Affinitas.

Adfligo. See Affligo.

Adfluo. See Affluo. Adfore. See Affore. Adherbal, ǎlis, m., a Numidian prince, son of Micipsa. Adhibĕo, ēre, ui, ĭtum, tr. (ad + habeo), to adopt, use, employ; to take, admit, receive; to give, to furnish.

Adhuc, adv. (ad + huc), hitherto,


thus far, as yet, still, even yet. Adigo, ĕre, egi, actum, tr. (ad + ago), to drive, force, impel, oblige, compel. Adjusjurandum adigere to bind by an oath. Adimo, ĕre, emi, emptum, tr. ad + emo), to take away, remove, deprive of. Adipiscor, i, adeptus, dep. (ad + apiscor), to obtain, attain, acquire, get, to reach, overtake. Aditus, ūs, m.(adeo), an approach, way or means of approach, access, entrance, avenue. Adjumentum, i, n. (adjuvo), assistance, help, aid. Adjungo, ĕre, nxi, nctum, tr.

(ad + jungo), to join to, add, annex, unite; to acquire, obtain; to apply to, direct to. Adjutor, ōris, m. (adjuvo), a helper, assistant, aider, abettor. Adjuvo, are, jūvi, jutum, tr. (ad +juvo), to help, aid, assist. Administer, tri, m. (ad + minister), an attendant, waiter, manager; an assistant. Administro, āre, āvi, atum, tr. (ad + ministro), to serve, furnish aid; to manage, conduct, guide, administer, execute, accomplish. Admirandus, a, um, part. and adj. from Admiror, admirable, that should be admiredor wonderedat, wonderful, worthy of admiration. Admiror, āri, ātus, dep. (ad +

miror), to wonder at, admire; to be astonished.

Admitto, ĕre, misi, missum, tr. (admitto), to send to or forward; to admit; to permit, allow; to commit, perpetrate. Admodum, adv. (ad+modus), very, wholly, greatly, much, exceedingly; with numerals, fully, about. Admoneo, ere, ui, ĭtum, tr. (ad + moneo), to remind, admonish, warn, advise; to encourage, incite.

Adnitor, i, īsus, and ixus, dep. (ad+nitor), to rest, lean upon; to strive, exert one's self. Ad

nitente Crasso, Crassus exerting himself in the matter. Adolescens, entis, adj. (adolesco),

young. Noun, c. g., a young man, or woman, a youth. Adolescentia, ae, f. (adolescens), youth, the period of youth. Adolescentulus, i, m.(adolescens), a young man, a youth. Adj.,


Adolesco, ĕre, adolēvi, adultum, intr. (adolesco), to grow, grow up, come to maturity; to increase, augment, become greater. Adoptatio, onis, f. (adopto), an adopting, adoption.

Adopto, are, avi, ātum, tr. (ad +

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