Poems and Songs of Robert BurnsBoD – Books on Demand, 25 set 2019 - 892 pagine Reproduction of the original: Poems and Songs of Robert Burns by Robert Burns |
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aboon amang auld baith Bard birks of Aberfeldy blast blaw blest blythe bonie lass bosom braes braw breast brunstane Burns canna cauld charms claut dear Dearie deil e’en e’er Ellisland Ev’n ev’ry fair Farewell fate fear flow’rs flowers Footnote Fortune’s frae glen grace gude hame heart Heav’n Highland Highland laddie honest ilka Jamie laddie laird lassie life’s lo’es Lord Mauchline maun meikle mony morn mourn muse nae mair Nature’s ne’er never night o’er owre pleasure poor pow’r pride rhyme roar Robert Burns sang Scotland sing skelpin soul sugh sweet Syne Tarbolton tear tell thee There’s thine thou thro thyme unco weary weel Whare Whigs whistle wild Willie wind winna wither’d ye’ll ye’re