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habet = what the subject itself suggests, lit. that which the subject 122 has (in it). 28. Ultra- -esse. Caesar here avows his disbelief in a future state of existence. The same opinion was held by many of the more intelligent Romans. 30. In sententiam, to your opinion. 31. Animadvorteretur =punishment should be inflicted. 36. Levius est, e. being punished with stripes before execution. Qui convenit, how is it consistent. 37. Timere, to stand in awe of to regard. 38. At enim may be translated, but then. A formula for meeting a supposed objection. "But some one will say." M. 1-38. Tempus, dies, fortuna, sc. reprehendent. Lubido, caprice. 123 10. Pessumum quemque, all the bad. 11. Ea, in these things. The ablat. is more usual with laetor. 13. Lubidinose, at their pleasure, wantonly. Malo, by the misfortune. 23. Dabat operam he took care. 25. Trahebantur, were dragged away to execution. 27. In, in the case of. 34. Consili, in prudence. 35. Illis obstabat, quo minus stand in their way, so that (they should) not. 38. Insignia magistratuum. Such, perhaps, as the trabea, or white robe bordered or striped with purple, worn by the consuls and other magistrates; the curule chair, the fasces, and the lictors. M. 4-39. Animadvortebant in=they punished. 10. Causam in 124 primis magnam, a particularly strong reason. Quo minus why (we should) not. 14. Bene parta= happily obtained from them. Placet, sc. mihi, is it my wish. 16. Minume, by no means. 17. Per, among. 18. Neu quis, and that no one. 23. Alius alii, one to one (senator), another to another. This does not imply that there were more than two different opinions expressed. Each senator either arose and gave his own opinion, or, retaining his seat, assented to that of some other senator. 27. Et cum. In English we say, from what it (my opinion) is when I reflect, etc. some of the preceding speakers. 29. Aris atque focis. opinion seems to be that both these words refer to the citizens' private dwellings; the ara being the altar of the Penates, in the central court of the house (impluvium), the focus the hearth in the hall (atrium) around which the little images of the Lares were ranged. M. 30. Illis, the conspirators. 32. Tum, ubi, at the time when. Persequare, you may punish. 34. Judicia, the courts of justice. Nihil - reliqui nothing is left. 36. Tabellas, sc. pictas, paintings. Pluris, of more value. 37. Cujuscumque, of



28. Illi,

The best

1-38. Capessite - publicam, take the commonwealth in hand. 125 the question does not turn on. 6. Ea causa, on 7. Qui mihi, etc., I who have (lit. had) never allowed

Non agitur de that account.

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125 myself and my own mind indulgence for any fault, would not easily


pardon, etc. Fecissem is subjunct. of cause after qui cum ego. The pluperfect may be explained as referring to a resolution formed by Cato long previously. Condonabam is the imperf. of habitual action. 9. Parvi, of little importance. 10. Opulentia — tolerabat, her (the state's) resources bore (her up in spite of) your neglect. 11. Id agitur this is the question. 14. Order: sed utrum haec, cujuscumque modi (of whatever kind) videntur, futura sint (are to be, shall be) nostra, an nobiscum (futura sint) hostium (our enemies' the prey of our enemies). Futura sint, future subjunct. of indirect question. 18. Largiri is here the subject. 19. Eo, therefore. An. and M. make it agree with extremo. In- est—“is reduced to extremity." 20. Sint sane, by all means let them be. 22. In, in the case of. 24. Composite, elegantly. 26. Credo, I suppose, is thrown in parenthetically, and hence does not influence the construction. Inferis, the lower world, the infernal regions. 27. Order: malos diverso itinere (in a different direction) a bonis (apart from the good) habere (inhabit) loca, etc. 30. Videlicet, no doubt. 31. A-conducta, by a hired mob. 34. Plus possit, is more powerful. 38. Eo-me, on that account the more does it con

cern me.

126 2-38. Quanto tanto


from being. 11. Quæ nulla

biassed, unfettered. Neque

the—the. 4. Jam, immediately. 6. Ex
none of which. 12. Liber, un-
obnoxius=biassed neither by (a

sense of) guilt nor by passion. 19. Hic, i. e. in the senate. 20. Gra-
tiae, to popularity, influence. Servitis, you are slaves. Eo fit,
therefore it happens. Vacuam, the unprotected. 24. Supra — est,
lit. is over our head (like the sword of Damocles)" is at our very
doors." 66
A phrase implying imminent, impending danger." M.
26. Hostibus, dative. A. & S. 3 250, 2; Rem. 3. Misereamini,
sc. ut. 28. Ne (or nae, the Greek vai), yes. 29. Ceperint, shall
(again) have taken up. 31. Immo vero maxume, nay indeed, most
exceedingly (do you fear it). Immo signifies no, but with this pecu-
liarity, that something stronger is put in place of the preced-
ing statement which is denied. 32. Alius alium one another.
37. Prospera cedunt turn out well. 38. Tradideris, perf. subjunct.
(in apodosis), ubi (when) having the force of if at any time; im-
plores, you will implore. A. & S. 2 261, 2; H. 509; B. 1265; A. 59,

IV. 1.

1-37. A. Manlius Torquatus. So nearly all the MSS. give the name. The correct name however was Titus Manlius Torquatus. Bello Gallico.

Other writers refer the act to a war with the Latins.


"Sallust's error arose probably from his confounding this occasion 127 with that on which Manlius won the collar (torquis) from the Gaulish champion." M. 6. Cetera, the rest of. Obstat, i. e. tends to mitigate. 7. Famae, reputation, character. 9. Nisi iterum, unless (now) for the second time, "referring probably to the former abortive conspiracy of Catiline." 11. Loquar, the deliberative subjunctive. Quibus fuisset if they had ever had any (thing of) reflection. 13. Mehercule. See note on line 31, p. 73. 14. Peccato locus, lit. room for error on our part; but we cannot now afford to err. Ipsa re, by the event itself. 16. Faucibus urget, fastens on your throats, like a wild beast. Faucibus is ablat. denoting in what respect (specification). 18. Neque parari, etc., because, as he would intimate, members of the senate were implicated in the conspiracy. 20. Cum, whereas. 24. De confessis = those that have confessed; to be connected with sumundum (esse), ought to be inflicted. 26. More majorum, i. e. to be strangled in prison; the ancient mode of execution in use before the abolition of capital punishment by the lex Sempronia. M. 27. Consulares, consulars, ex-consuls. 29. Increpantes agrees with alii. 32. Mihi fimits lubuit (=libuit) in line 34. 35. Maxume in particular. 37. Contendisse. Supply eum (=populum Romanum), that they, for subject.


1-38. Ante-fuisse had surpassed the Romans. 2. Agitanti, 128 reflecting. 3. Eoque (and from this) factum (est). 6. Rursus, on the contrary. 7. Sicuti-parente, the parent being, as it were, exhausted:"wie wenn eine Mutter durch viele Geburten geschwächt ist, so dass sie keine starken Kinder mehr zur Welt bringen kann." R. J. 8. Haud sane quisquam, certainly no one, in fact no one. 10. Moribus, characters. 11. Res, the subject. 15. Eis genus

their birth. 17. Alia alii, i. e. alia gloria alii, but to each a different kind (of renown); lit. another kind to the other. 19. Factus (erat). Severitas, austerity, an austere morality. 21. Nihil largiundo, by giving no largesses, to influence men's minds. 23. Illius facilitas, the obliging disposition of the former. 26. Quod has the force of dummodo id, provided it, and hence the subjunctive esset. A. & S. 2 264, 2; H. 513; B. 1280; A. 61, 3, Note. 28. Ubi= =ut ibi, hence posset, subjunct. of purpose. 30. Factione, in party spirit. 32. Abstinentia, in disinterestedness. 33. Quo minus the less-the more. 36. Discessit = came over, 38. Triumviros, sc. capitales, magistrates elected by the people, the comitia being held by the praetor. It was their duty to inquire into all capital crimes, and to receive information

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eo magis


128 respecting such. They enforced the payment of fines due to the state, had the care of public prisons, and carried into effect the sentence of the law upon criminals. Dict. Antiqq.



2-39. Tullianum. A dungeon added to the prison by Servius Tullius, and named after him. Varro tells us that the Tullianum was also named "Lautumiæ," from some quarries in the neighborhood (see Plan of the Forum). In later times the whole building was called the "Mamertine," though this name is found in no classic author. In this prison tradition represents St. Peter to have been confined. Dict. Antiqq. 3. Ascenderis, i. e. within the carcer. 4. Humi, into the ground. 5. Camera-juncta, ɑ vaulted roof composed (lit. joined) of stone arches. 6. Incultu, from want of care, neglect. 8. Vindices, the punishers, executioners acting under the orders of the triumviri. 17. Pro numero. Implying that the cohorts had not the full number of men. 18. Ex sociis, from among his accomplices. 20. Numero, with the (full) number. 21. Cum, although. Milibus is here ablat. governed by amplius. 27. In-vorsus (= versus), towards Gaul. 31. Cujus, sc. generis. An exceptional construction, but not without example among good writers. 33. Rationibus, plans, views. Videri, sc. eum, that he should seem. 39. Illexerat, from illicio. 2-37. Eo consilio, with this design, purpose, view. 6. Rerum of his (Catiline's) situation. Eadem is the object of agitare. 8. Sub ipsis, close to the very. 11. Utpote qui, inasmuch as he. The relative, here strengthened by utpote, introduces a clause expressing a reason: hence sequeretur, subjunct. of cause. Exercitu. The ablat. of accompaniment often omits cum before words denoting military and naval forces, when limited by an adjective. 12. In fuga, (Catiline) in his flight. 19. Compertum habeo = I have discovered. 22. Animo, dative. Cf. Cat. 20: cui virile ingenium inest. 29. Quoque modo: et quo modo. 30. Nequiverim, I have been unable. 31. Loco, condition. 32. Ab, in the direction of, on the side of. 33. Maxume, in the highest degree. 34. Ferat, impelled (us). 37. Memineritis, that you shall remember perf. subjunct. after ut, with the meaning of the present. 131 2-38. Metu, the earlier form of the dative, metui. 10. Potuistis nonnulli, some of you were able. 11. Alienas of others. 13. Haec, these things, the part which we have chosen. 14. Voltis vultis. Pace bellum war for peace. 16. Avorteris the later averteris. 23. Circumvenire, sc. nos. Queat. "Dietsch observes that this word, rarely used by other good writers, occurs six times in Sallust." 25. Cavete (ne). 26. Capti, (after) having

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been taken prisoners. 29. Signa, the signals. 32. Animus am-131 plior, greater courage. 33. Pedes, on foot: nom. sing. Pro, in accordance with. 34. Sinistros, on the left. Et - aspera, and a craggy rock on the right hand, rupe being ablat. absol. 36. Reliquarum, sc. cohortium. Signa, the standards, i. e. the men ranged under them. In subsidio, in reserve. Artius arctius. 37. Evocatos. Veterans discharged or entitled to their discharge, but continuing to serve, or returning to service, with higher pay and peculiar privileges. 38. Optumum quemque all the bravest.

1-39. Parte wing. 2. Libertis, i. e. his own freedmen. If 132 Sallust had been speaking of the class of men, he would have written libertinis. See note on line 14, p. 120. Colonis, i. e. the veterans of Sulla settled in colonies. Propter, near. 4. Ex, on. Parte, side. 5. Aeger, lame. 7. Tumultus is particularly applied by Latin writers to a war in Italy or to an invasion by the Gauls. 13. Amplius. Observe that this comparative does not here influence the case of annos. 15. Plerosque ipsos most of them personally. Noverat, he knew. 20. Ferentariis. These light-armed troops were so named because they carried what they threw. M. however thinks the word is of doubtful origin. 25. Vorsari (= versari), was active, busied himself. 26. Laborantibus, those hard pressed. 30. Contra ac contrary to what. Magna- tendere, exerts himself with great power. 31. Cohortem praetoriam, i. e. a select body of troops forming the general's bodyguard. 32. Alios alibi =some here, some there. 33. Utrimque, i. e. from both sides of his own troops, who attacked the inner flanks (ex lateribus) formed by the breaking of the centre. 34. In-cadunt, may mean either, fall fighting among the foremost, or, fighting fall among the first. The former is doubtless the sense intended here. 35. Fusas (esse). 39. Cerneres you might have seen. Potential subjunct. A. & S. 2 260, II., Rem. 2; H. 486, III. 4; B. 1177–9; A. 60 1 ("Implied condition").


1-20. Vis animi Catilinae, the power of Catiline's mind. 2. Vi-133 =when living. 4. Medios placed in the centre. 5. Divorsius more scattered. Advorsis, in front. 10. Ingenuus, freeborn, and born of free parents. 12. Pepercerant, from parco. 17. Hostilia of the enemy. Amicum-pars, some, a friend; others, etc. 20. Agitabantur=prevailed.

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