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to give, present, bestow; to reward, honor.

Donum, i, n. (do), a gift, present. Dignum dono worth giving. Dona militaria, military rewards.

Dormio, ire, īvi, ītum, intr., to sleep, be asleep, slumber. Dubie, adv. (dubius), doubtfully, dubiously. Haud dubie without doubt, undoubtedly. Dubitatio, onis, f. (dubito), a doubt, doubting, hesitation, irresolution, indecision, uncertainty. Per dubitationem in


Dubito, are, avi, ātum, intr., to doubt, be in doubt, be uncertain, hesitate, waver; to be reluctant or backward.

Dubium, i, n. (dubius), doubt, uncertainty.

Dubius, a, um, adj. (duo), doubtful, dubious, uncertain; doubting, hesitating, wavering; dark, gloomy, dangerous.

Ducenti, ae, a, num. adj. (duo + centum), two hundred. Duco, ĕre, xi, ctum, tr., to lead, conduct, draw; to protract; to acquire, attract; to think, consider, regard, reckon; to impute, ascribe, attribute; to marry. Ducto, are, avi, atum, tr. freq. (duco), to lead, conduct, command.

Dum, adv. and conj., while, as long as, until, provided. Duo, ae, o, num. adj., two. Duodecim, num. adj. (duo+ decem), twelve. Duritia, ae,

(durus), hardness, roughness; hardiness, austerity, severity.

Duûm duorum, gen. of duo. Dux, ducis, m. and f., a leader, guide, general, conductor.


E, or Ex, prep. with the ablat.,

from, of, out of, after, on account of, among, according to, in, on, at, from being.

Ea, adv. (properly ablat. from is sc. via or parte), that way, in that way, through that place. Eadem, adv. (properly ablat. from idem, sc. via or parte), in the

same way.

Ecce, inter., lo! behold! see! Edico, ĕre, xi, ctum, tr. and intr. (edico), to declare publicly, speak out, make known, publish; to relate, tell, order. Edictum, i, n. (edico), an edict, proclamation, charge, order. Editus, a, um, part. and adj.

(edo), published, proclaimed; raised, elevated, high, lofty. Edo, ĕre, edidi, editum, tr. (e + do), to put forth, utter, speak, declare, publish, make known; to show, exhibit, set forth; to tell, relate; to raise, elevate. Edocěo, ere, cui, ctum, tr. (e+ doceo), to teach, instruct, inform, direct, show, relate, make known.

Educo, ĕre, xi, ctum, tr. (e+ duco), to lead forth, draw out, draw.

Effemino, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (ex

femina), to effeminate, enervate, render soft. Effero, ferre, extuli, elatum, tr. (exfero), to bring or carry out; to produce, yield; to publish, say, speak; to raise, exalt, advance, promote, reward. Se efferre to be elated, puffed


Effetus, a, um, adj. (ex

fetus), past bearing young; worn out, exhausted, weak, feeble. Efficio, ĕre, feci, fectum, tr. (ex

facio), to bring to pass, cause, effect, accomplish, execute, make, perform, complete; to


Effringo, ĕre, fregi, fractum, tr. (ex frango), to break, break open or in pieces.

Effugio, ĕre, ügi, ugĭtum, tr. and intr. (exfugio), to fly, flee, escape, avoid, shun, evade. Effundo, ĕre, fūdi, fūsum, tr. (ex

fundo), to pour out, spill, shed; to scatter, spread, disperse; to rush forth. Effuse, adv. (effusus), scatteringly, loosely, in loose order, irregularly.

Effūsus, a, um, part. and adj. (effundo), poured out, scattered, dispersed, poured forth; irregular, disorderly.

Egĕo, ére, ui,

Egens, tis, adj. (egeo), needy, poor, destitute, wanting. intr., to need, want, be in want of, be destitute of, lack, require. Egestas, atis, f. (egeo), want, poverty, indigence, destitution, beggary.



Ego, mei, pers. pron., Egomet, intensive pers. pron., myself. Nosmet, we ourselves. Egredior, i, gressus, dep. (e+ gradior), to go out, depart, set forth, leave; to ascend, mount, climb; to pass over, cross, go beyond.

Egregius, a, um, adj. (e + grex),

excellent, eminent, remarkable, surpassing, noble, singular, rare, egregious.

Egressus, ūs, m. (egredior), a going out, egress. Eheu, inter., ah! alas!

Ejicio, ĕre, jeci, jectum, tr. (e + jacio), to cast or throw out, eject, expel; to banish, drive out. Eleganter, adv. (elegans), elegantly, gracefully, nicely. Elephantus, i, m., an elephant. Eloquentia, ae, f. (eloquens), eloquence.

Ementior, iri, itus, dep. (e+ mentior), to lie, fabricate, feign, falsify, state falsely. Emerěo, ere, ui, ĭtum, tr., and Emerĕor, eri, itus, dep. (e + mereo), to merit, deserve; to serve out.

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Emo, ĕre, ěmi, emptum, tr., to buy, purchase.

Emŏrior, i, mortuus, dep. (e + morior), to die, perish, utterly perish. Emori per virtutem to die bravely.

Emptor, ōris, m. (emo), a buyer, purchaser.

En, inter., lo! see! behold! Enim, conj., for, now, indeed; but. At enim, but still, but indeed. Enimvero or Enim vero, conj., yes truly, yes indeed, in truth. Enisus, a, um, part. from enitor. - intr. incho. (eniteo), to shine forth, be radiant; to become famous, distinguished.

Enitesco, ĕre, nitui,

Enitor, i, nisus, dep. (e+nitor), to strive, struggle, endeavor, try,

exert one's self. Enisum estan effort was made. Enuměro, are, avi, atum, tr. (e +numero), to enumerate, count up, reckon, recite. Enuntio or Enuncio, are, avi, atum, tr. (e+nuntio), to announce, proclaim, pronounce, declare, divulge, disclose, reveal.

Eo, ire, ivi, itum, irreg. intr., to go, proceed, march.

Eo, adv. (is), thither, to that place, to this; so far, to such a pitch or degree, to such a pass; there, in that place; on that account, for that reason, therefore. Eodem, adv. (idem), to the same

place, thither; to the same end | Escendo, ĕre, di, sum, tr. and

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Equidem, adv. and conj. (e+quidem), indeed, truly, in truth, surely.

Equitatus, ūs, m. (equito), the

cavalry, horsemen.

Equito, are, avi, atum, intr.

(eques), to ride on horseback. Equus, i, m., a horse, steed. Equo, on horseback.

Erectus, a, um, adj. (erigo), erect, confident, encouraged, animated, roused, cheered. Ergo, conj., therefore, then. Erigo, ĕre, exi, ectum, tr. je + rego), to raise, erect, elevate, lift up, set up; to encourage, cheer,


Eripic, ĕre, ipui, eptum, tr. (e + rapio), to take away violently; to extort, wrest; to liberate, rescue, free; to extricate, deliver. Erratum, i, n. (erro), an error, mistake; fault, offence. Erro, are, avi, atum, intr., to wander about, go astray, stray; to err, mistake, be mistaken, go

wrong. Erudio, ire, ivi and ii, itum, tr. (e+rudis), to teach, instruct, inform; to educate, bring up. Eruditus, a, um, adj. (erudio), learned, instructed, skilled, versed, erudite. Erumpo, ĕre, upi, uptum, tr. (e rumpo), to break or burst forth, sally forth.

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intr. (escando), to climb, ascend, mount.

Et, conj., and, even, also. Et - et,

both and, not only but also. Etěnim, conj. (et + enim), for, be


Etiam, adv. and conj. (et +jam), also, likewise, besides, even; yet, still, as yet. Etiam atque etiam, again and again. Etiamsi or Etiam si, even if, although, though.

Etruria, ae, f., Etruria, a district north of the Tiber. Eundo, gerund from eo. Europa, ae, f., Europe. Evado, ĕre, si, sum, intr. (e+ vado), to go out, get away, escape from; to penetrate, pass; to ascend, mount, climb; to end, turn out, result; to become. Evadere huc to end in this. Evěnio, ire, ēni, entum, intr. (e +venio), to come out, proceed; to happen, turn out, occur, come to pass; to fall by lot, fall to the lot of.

Eventus, ūs, m. (evenio), an event, occurrence, accident, result, issue, end.

Evocatus, a, um, part. from evŏco. Evocati, ōrum, m. pl., reenlisted veterans, who, having completed their term of service, were induced to enlist again.

Evoco, are, avi, atum, tr. (e + voco), to call out, summon, invite; to reënlist.

Ex. See E. Exactus, a, um, part. from exigo. Exaedifico, are, avi, atum, tr. (ex aedifico), to build up, build. Exaequo, are, āvi, ātum, tr. (ex +aequo), to equal, make equal or even; to equalize. Exagito, are, avi, atum, tr. (ex

agito), to harass, vex, agitate, disturb; to excite, move, stir up; to inveigh against, censure,

attack; to debate, discuss, noise abroad.

Excedo, ĕre, cessi, cessum, intr. (excedo), to go forth, depart, withdraw, retire, leave. Excelsus, a, um, adj. (excello), high, lofty, elevated. In excelso, in an elevated station. Excio, ire, ivi, itum, tr. (ex+ cio), and

Excieo, ere, ivi, ĭtum, tr. (ex + cieo), to raise, excite, rouse; to call out; to incite, stimulate, induce, lead.

Excipio, ĕre, ēpi, eptum, tr. (ex

capio), to receive, take up, pick up, accept; to except. Excito, are, āvi, ātum, tr. freq. (excito), to stir up, excite, rouse, incite, spur on, stimulate; to call out, move.

Excitus, a, um, part. from excio. Excitus, a, um, part. from excieo. Exclamo, are, avi, ātum, tr (ex

clamo,) to cry or call out, exclaim. Excrucio, are, āvi, ātum, tr. (ex

crucio), to torture, torment, rack, distress, afflict, pain, vex. Excubo, are, ui, itum, intr. (ex

cubo), to sleep out of doors; to keep watch, guard, stand sentry.

Exemplum, i, n. (exĭmo), an example, instance, precedent; a copy, transcript.

Exercěo, ere, ui, ĭtum, tr. (ex + arceo), to exercise, employ, occupy; to practise, train; to conduct, prosecute, carry on; to use, make use of.

Exercito, are, avi, ātum, tr. freq. (exerceo), to exercise, practise, train.

Exercitus, ús, m. (exerceo), an army.

Exigo, ĕre, égi, actum, tr. (ex +ago), to drive out, send forth; to pass, spend, lead; to finish, complete, perform.

Existimo or Existŭmo, are, avi, atum, tr. (ex + aestimo), to

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Exitus, ūs, m. (exeo), a going out, exit; an issue, end, event, result, close, termination.

Exopto, are, avi, ātum, tr. (ex + opto), to wish, desire greatly, covet; to choose.

Exorior, iri, ortus, dep. (ex+

orior), to rise, arise, spring up. Exorno, are, avi, atum, tr. (ex + orno), to adorn, embellish, deck out; to furnish, supply, equip, accoutre; to arrange, dispose, prepare, provide; to make preparations.

Exortus, a, um, part. from exorior.

Expědio, ire, ivi and ii, itum, tr. (expes), to free, set free, liberate, disentangle, extricate, discharge, unloose, disengage; to expedite, dispatch, finish; to accomplish, bring about; to prepare, make ready; to explain, unfold, relate, set forth. Expeditio, ōnis, f. (expedio), a military expedition. Expeditus, a, um, adj. (expedio), light armed, unencumbered, unimpeded, without baggage. Expello, ĕre, půli, pulsum, tr. (expello), to drive out or away, expel. Expergiscor, i, experrectus, dep. (expergo), to awake, rouse one's self, rouse up. Experimentum, i, n. (experior), experiment, trial, proof; experi


Experior, iri, expertus, dep., to try, make trial of, test, prove, ex

perience; to find; to use, attempt. Experrectus. See Expergiscor. Expers, tis, adj. (ex pars), having no part in, free from, destitute of, without.

Expilo, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (ex + pilo), to plunder, rob, pillage.

Explāno, åre, āvi, ātum, tr. (ex | plano), to make plain, even, smooth; to explain, make clear, interpret, relate.

Explĕo, ere, evi, ētum, tr. (ex + pleo), to fill, load, fulfil, satisfy, gratify, satiate; to complete, accomplish.

Exploro, are, avi, atum, tr. (ex

ploro), to search diligently, scrutinize, examine, explore; to reconnoitre, spy out, ascertain ; to make sure. Expōno, ĕre, posui, positum, tr. (expono), to set out, expose, display; to explain, describe, narrate, relate, declare. Expugno, āre, avi, ātum, tr. (ex +pugno), to storm, assault, carry by assault; to conquer, subdue, vanquish, overcome. Expulsus, a, um, part. from expello.

Expurgo, are, āvi, ātum, tr. (ex + purgo), to purge, purify, cleanse; to exculpate, clear, justify, excuse. Exquiro, ère, quisivi, quisitum, tr. (exquaero), to search out, inquire into, examine, investigate, ask, explore.

Exsanguis, e, adj. (ex + sanguis), bloodless, pale, pallid, lifeless, exhausted, weak. Exsecratio, önis, f. (exsequor), an execration, imprecation, curse; an oath. Exsecror, ari, ātus, dep. (ex + sacro), to execrate, curse, detest. Exsequor, i, cutus, dep. (ex + sequor), to follow, pursue; to prosecute, execute, perform, accomplish; to follow, imitate. Exsilium, i, n. (ex + solum), exile, banishment.

Exspectatio, onis, f. (exspecto), a looking for, expectation, anticipation.

Exspecto, åre, āvi, ātum, tr. and intr. (exspecto), to look for, await, wait for, expect; to hope for, desire.

Exspolio, āre, ävi, âtum, tr. (ex +-spolio), to spoil, rob, strip, plunder, pillage, despoil. Exstinctor, ōris, m. (exstinguo), an extinguisher, destroyer, murderer.

Exstinguo, ĕre, nxi, nctum, tr. (exstinguo), to put out, extinguish, quench; to extirpate, cut off, kill, destroy. Exstrão, ĕre, uxi, uctum, tr. (ex +struo), to build up, raise, rear, construct, heap up.

Exsul, ǎlis, m. and f. (ex + solum), an exile.

Exsulto, are, āvi, ātum, intr. freq. (exsilio), to leap, bound, frisk, leap for joy; to rejoice, exult.

Exsupěro, are, āvi, ātum, tr. and intr. (ex supero), to surpass, excel, exceed, outdo, go beyond,


Exsurgo, ĕre, surrexi, surrectum, intr. (ex + surgo), to rise, rise up; to take courage. Extenŭo, are, avi, atum, tr. (ex +tenuo), to make thin, small, or slender; to attenuate, thin; to extenuate.

Exter and Extěrus, a, um, adj., outward, external, foreign. Comp. exterior, sup. extrémus. Extollo, ĕre, —, —, tr. (ex + tollo), to lift up, raise up, elevate; to exalt, promote; to rear, erect. Extollere verbis (laudibus) = = to extol, magnify, praise. Extorqueo, ere, orsi, ortum, tr. (ex torqueo), to extort, wrest, wrench, force away, tear away. Extorris, e, adj. (ex + terra), exiled, banished.

Extra, prep. with the accus., without, out of, outside of, beyond. Extremum,i,n. (extremus), the ex

tremity, end, close, verge, brink. Eo in extremo in so critical a condition.

Extremus, a, um, adj., super. of exter or exterus, extreme, the end of, last, latest, final, farthest,

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