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Possĭděo, ere, ēdi, essum, tr. (po sedeo), to have, hold, to own, to possess; to have possession of, to occupy. Possido, ěre, édi, essum, tr. (po sido), to take possession of, possess one's self of, to occupy. Possum, posse, potui, -, irreg. intr. (potis sum), to be able, to have power or ability. Potest

it is possible. Plus (amplius) posse, to be more powerful. Plurimum posse, to be most powerful. Minus posse, to be less powerful. Post, adv., after, afterwards; behind, backward.

Post, prep. with the accus., after, since, behind, in the rear of, next in order to. Postěa, adv. (post

is), afterward, after that, thereafter, hereafter, subsequently. Posteaquam or Postea quam, adv. (posteaquam), after, after that.

Posterior, us, gen. ōris, adj. (comp. of Postěrus), that comes after, posterior, later, too late. Postěrus, a, um, adj. (post), comp. Posterior, super. postrēmus or postumus, coming after, next, following, ensuing. Postěri, ōrum, m. pl., coming generations, descendants, posterity. Postquam or post quam, adv. (postquam), after, after that, when, as soon as. Postremo, adv. (properly ablat., sc. tempore), lastly, finally, at last; in fine, in short, in a word. Postrēmus, a, um, adj. (super. of postěrus), last, the last, hindermost, rear. Postrema acies, the rear. In postremo (postremis), in (at) the rear. Postulatum, i, n. (postulo), a demand, a request. Postulo, are, avi, ātum, tr. (posco), to demand, ask, request, require, desire; to arraign, accuse, prosecute.

Potens, tis, adj. (possum), able,

capable, efficacious, having power; powerful, influential. Potentia, ae, f. (potens), power, force, efficacy; authority, influence, political power. Potestas, atis, f. (possum), ability, power, force, efficacy; political power, rule, authority, magistracy; opportunity, permission, liberty.

Potior, iri, itus, dep. (potis), to become master of, take possession of; to get, acquire, obtain, possess, occupy.

Potior, us, gen. ōris, adj. (comp. of potis), better, preferable, more excellent or desirable.

Potis, indecl. adj., able, capable, possible.

Potissimum or Potissŭmum, adv.

(potis), chiefly, principally, especially, above all, most of all. Potissimus or Potissumus, a, um, adj. (super. of potis), the chief, principal, most important, most of all, first of all.

Potiundus, a, um, part. from Potior.

Potius, adv., comp. deg. (potior), rather, preferably, more. Poto, are, avi, âtum and potum, tr. and intr., to drink; to tope, tipple, be drunken.

Prae, prep., with the ablat., before, for, on account of, by reason of, in comparison with. Praeacão, ĕre, ui, ūtum, tr. (prae

acuo), to sharpen before or at the end, to sharpen to a point. Praeacutus, a, um, part. and adj. (praeacão), sharpened before or at the end, pointed, sharp-point


Praealtus, a, um, adj. (prae +

altus), very high, lofty or deep. Praebeo, ere, ui, itum, tr. (prae

habeo), to give, afford, furnish, provide, offer, proffer, supply; to cause, occasion. Praeceps, ipitis, adj. (prae + caput), head foremost, headlong, hasty, precipitate; steep, pre

cipitous; hasty, rash, inconsiderate; dangerous, hazardous, critical. Praeceps dari, to be carried headlong.

Praeceptum, i, n. (praecipio), an order, direction, command, instruction, precept; a maxim, rule.

Praeceptus, a, um, part. from Praecipio.

Praecido, ĕre, cidi, cisum, tr. (praecaedo), to cut off, to cut short, abridge, shorten ; to break off, finish abruptly. Praecipio, ĕre, cepi, ceptum, tr. (prae+capio), to take or seize beforehand, get the start; to receive in advance; to anticipate; to advise, admonish, warn, inform, instruct, teach; to order, enjoin, command. Praecipito, are, avi, ātum, tr. (praeceps), to precipitate,plunge, cast down headlong; to hurry, hasten. Se praecipitare, to rush headlong to ruin.

Praecisus, a, um, part. and adj. (praecido), cut off, broken; steep, abrupt, precipitous. Praeclarus, a, um, adj. (prae + clarus), very clear, very bright; splendid, noble, beautiful, distinguished, excellent, celebrated, illustrious.

Praeda, ae, f., prey, booty, spoil, plunder, pillage; gain, profit. Bellicae praedae, the spoils of


Praedabundus, a, um, adj. (praedor), ravaging, pillaging, plundering.

Praedator, ōris, m. (praedor), a plunderer, pillager. Praedatorius, a, um, adj. (praedator), predatory, plundering, rapacious.

Praedico, are, avi, atum, tr. (+dico, are), to make known, to publish, proclaim; to tell, relate, declare; to praise, commend, laud, extol, vaunt.

Praedico, ĕre, xi, ctum, tr. (prae

+dico, ĕre), to say or mention beforehand, to premise; to foretell, predict; to appoint, fix, give notice of; to advise, warn, admonish, charge, enjoin,command. Praeditus, a, um, adj. (prae +

datus), endowed or provided with, possessed of, endued with. Praedoceo, ere, cui, ctum, tr. (praedoceo), to teach, instruct, or inform beforehand. Praedor, āri, ātus, dep. (praeda), to rob, plunder, pillage, spoil,


Praefectus, a, um, part. from Praeficio.

Praefectus, i, m. (praeficio), a superintendent, overseer; a prefect, a commander; a commander of the cavalry of the Roman allies; a governor, prefect. Praefĕro, ferre, tuli, latum, tr. (praefero), to carry before, past or by; to prefer, choose rather; to display, exhibit, expose.

Praeficio, ĕre, feci, fectum, tr. (praefacio), to set over, appoint to the command of; to appoint. Praegrědior, ědi, gressus, dep. (prae+gradior), to go before, to precede; to pass by, go past. Praemitto, ĕre, misi, missum, tr. (praemitto), to send before or forward.

Praemium, i, n., profit, advan

tage; reward, recompense; prerogative, distinction. Praepědio, ire, ivi, itum, tr. (praepes), to shackle, bind, fetter, impede, hinder, obstruct. Praepostěrus, a, um, adj. (prae

+postěrus), reversed, inverted, perverted, distorted, absurd, preposterous.

Praerumpo, ĕre, rūpi, ruptum, tr. (prae+rumpo), to break off before or in front. Praeruptus, a, um, part. and adj. (praerumpo), broken, torn off; steep, abrupt, rugged.

dep. (praeter + gradior), to go past, by or beyond, to pass by; to surpass.

Praesens, tis, adj. (prae + ens), | Praetergredior, ědi, gressus, present, at hand, in person; immediate, instant, ready, direct; collected, resolute. In praesens, at present, for the present. Presentia, ae, f. (praesens), pres


Praesertim, adv., especially, particularly.

Praesĭděo, ère, ēdi, essum, intr. (praesedeo), to guard, protect, defend; to preside over, superintend, direct, command. Praesidium, i, n. (praesideo), a defence, protection, safeguard, security, help, aid, assistance; a guard, garrison, escort. Praestabilis, e, adj. (praesto), excellent, distinguished, noble, pre-eminent.

Praesto, adv., at hand, ready, present. Praesto esse, to be at hand, to attend on, serve, aid. Praesto, are, iti, itum and atum, tr. and intr. (prae+sto), to stand before; to be superior, distinguish one's self; to surpass, outstrip, exceed, excel; to warrant, vouch, or answer for; to discharge, perform, execute; to show, exhibit; to give, offer, furnish. Praestat, impers., it is better.

Praesum, esse, fui, —, irreg. intr. (praesum), to be set over, to preside or rule over, to have the charge of, superintend, direct. Praeter, prep. with the accus., before, along, by, past; near; over, beyond, above, more than, besides, except; against, contrary


Praeter, adv., past, by, beyond;

before, above, more than; except, unless, save. Praeterea, adv. (praeteris), besides, moreover, elsewhere; hereafter, thereafter. Praetereo, ire, ivi and ii, ĭtum, intr. (praetereo), to go by or past, to pass by; to leave out, omit, not to mention, pass over.

Praetor, ōris, m. (praeeo), a praetor, a Roman judicial officer, charged with the administration of justice. Pro praetore, as propraetor, as acting commanderin-chief.

Praetorium, i, n. (praetorius), the

praetorium, the general's tent; a council of war (held in the general's tent).

Praetorius, a, um, adj. (praetor), of or belonging to the praetor, praetorian. Cohors praetoria, the praetorian cohort, or general's body-guard.

Praetura, ae, f. (praetor), the praetorship, the dignity or office of praetor.

Praevěnio, ire, vēni, ventum, tr. (prae venio), to come before, get the start of; to outstrip, anticipate, prevent.

Pravitas, atis, f. (pravus), crookedness, deformity; perverseness, depravity, wickedness, vicious


Pravus, a, um, adj., crooked, distorted, misshapen, deformed; perverse, vicious, depraved, wicked, improper, wrong, bad. Premo, ĕre, pressi, pressum, tr., to press, press upon, weigh down, oppress, overwhelm; to press hard upon, pursue closely; to hold, grasp, to repress, hide, conceal.

Pretium, i, n., price, worth, value; money, money's worth; pay, wages, reward, hire. Operae pretium est,. it is worth while. Prex, precis, f., a prayer, entreaty, request; a curse, imprecation.

Pridem, adv., long since, long ago. Primo, adv. (primus), at first, in the first place. Primum, adv. (primus), first, in the first place, for the first time.

Quam primum, as soon as possible. Cum (quum) primum or ubi primum, when first, as soon as. Primus, a, um, adj. (super. of prior), first, the first, the foremost. In primis (= imprimis), above all, especially, particularly; also, lit., among the first. Princeps, ipis, adj. (primus+ca

pio), first, the first, in front, in advance, foremost; most eminent, most noble. As a noun, a chief, head, leader, author, director, promoter, adviser, principal. Princeps senatus, the first of the senate (on the censor's list). Principes, um, m. pl., the second line of soldiers, between the hastati and the triarii. Principium, i, n. (princeps), a beginning, commencement. Principia, ōrum, n., first principles, elements; also, the foremost ranks, the front line of soldiers, the front, the van. Prior, us, gen. ōris, (super. pri

mus), former, previous, prior, first; superior.

Pristinus, a, um, adj., pristine, former, early, primitive. Prius, adv. (prior), before, sooner, before that, rather; first, previously.

Priusquam, or, more correctly, Prius quam, adv., before, before that, sooner than, rather than. Privātim, adv. (privātus), privately, in private, in a private capacity, as an individual. Privātus, a, um, adj. (privo), private, individual, particular, one's own. As a noun, a private person, one who is not in any public office.

Privignus, i, m., a step-son. Privo, are, avi, atum, tr. (privus),

to deprive, bereave; to free, release, deliver.

Pro, prep. with the ablat., before, in front of, in presence of, in, on; according to, in proportion to, considering, befitting; for, on

account of, by reason of, in consideration of; in place of, instead of; as, as if; in behalf of, in favor of; in comparison with. Pro or Proh! inter., Ó! ah! alas! Probitas, atis, f. (probus), prob. ity, goodness, worth, uprightness, honesty.

Probo, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (probus), to try, test, examine; to approve, express approbation; to make acceptable, recommend; to show, prove, demonstrate. Probrum, i, n., a shameful, disgraceful act; unchastity, lewdness, adultery; shame, reproach, dishonor, disgrace, infamy. Probus, a, um, adj., good, upright, worthy, virtuous, chaste, modest, honorable, excellent. Procax, acis, adj. (proco), bold, shameless, impudent, insolent, forward, pert, wanton.

Procedo, ĕre, cessi, cessum, intr. (procedo), to proceed, go forward, advance; to pass, elapse; to happen, turn out, result, succeed, prosper; to benefit, be serviceable to.

Proconsul, is, m. (pro + consul), a proconsul, one who at the close of his consulship in Rome became governor of a province, or military commander under a governor.

Procul, adv., far, far off, aloof, at a distance; from afar. Procuratio, onis, f. (procuro), a

charge, superintendence, admin

istration, management, care. Prodigium, i, n., a prodigy, portent, omen, token. Proditio, onis, f. (prodo), a discovery, betrayal, treason, treachery.

Prodo, ĕre, didi, ditum, tr. (pro

do), to give or bring forth; to publish, proclaim, make known, report; to disclose, discover, betray; to surrender, abandon, desert. Prodere fidem, to betray confidence, break one's word.

Produco, ěre, xi, ctum, tr. (pro | +duco), to bring forth, lead out, to bring before; to draw out, extend; to prolong, pro


Proelior, āri, ātus, dep. (proe

lium), to join battle, engage, fight, contend, combat. Proelium, i, n., a fight, battle, en

gagement, combat, contest. Profānus, a, um, adj. (pro + fanum), profane, not sacred, unholy, common.

Profectio, onis, f. (proficiscor), a

setting out, departure. Profecto, adv. (pro + factus), certainly, surely, indeed, actually, really, truly.

Profectus, a, um, part. from Proficiscor.

Profĕro, ferre, tŭli, latum, tr. (profero), to carry or bring out; to publish, make known, produce, reveal, discover; to lengthen out, prolong; to put off, defer, postpone. Proficiscor, i, profectus, dep. (pro +facio), to set out, depart; to go, proceed; to arise, spring, originate.

Profiteor, ēri, fessus, dep. (pro + fateor), to declare openly, profess, own, acknowledge, avow; to declare one's self a candidate. Profligo, are, avi, âtum, tr. (pro +fligo), to dash to the ground, cast down; to overthrow, overcome, conquer, rout, defeat; to ruin, destroy. Profugio, ĕre, fugi, fugitum, intr. (profugio), to flee, fly, run away, escape. Profugus, a, um, adj. (profugio), fleeing, fugitive, roving, wandering; banished, exiled. Profundo, ĕre, füdi, fūsum, tr. (profundo), to pour out; to lavish, squander, waste, consume; to expend, exert, employ. Profundus, a, um, adj. (pro+ fundus), deep, profound; boundless, ir satiable.

Profuse, adv. (profūsus), profusely, lavishly, extravagantly, immoderately, excessively. Profúsus, a, um, part. and adj. (profundo), profuse, lavish, extravagant, immoderate, excessive.

Profuturus, a, um, part. from Prosum.

Progenies, ei, f. (progigno), descent, lineage; progeny, offspring, descendants.

Prohibĕo, ere, ui, ĭtum, tr. (pro +habeo), to hold back, restrain, hinder, prevent, debar, ward off; to forbid, prohibit; to preserve, defend, protect.

Proinde, conj. and adv. (pro + inde), just so, in the same manner, in like manner, equally, just, even; hence, therefore, then. Proinde quasi, just as if. Projicio, ĕre, jěci, jectum, tr. (pro+jacie), to throw forth or away; to drive out, expel, banish; to yield, renounce, reject. Prolato, are, āvi, ātum, tr. (profĕro), to lengthen, extend; to prolong, delay, defer, put off, postpone. Promiscue, adv. (promiscuus), promiscuously, indiscriminately, indifferently, without distinc


Promiscăus, a, um, adj. (pro+

misceo), promiscuous, indiscriminate, in common, without distinction.

Promissum, i, n. (promitto), a

promise, proposal, proposition. Promitto, ère, misi, missum, tr. (promitto), to promise, en


Promptus, us, m. (promo), an exposing to view, visibility; readi

ness. In promptu, in readiness, at hand; present, easy, evident.

Promptus, a, um, adj. (promo), visible, evident, manifest; ready, prepared, quick, prompt; brave, courageous; easy, practicable.

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