243 244 245 GAY, JOHN. Trivia: or, The Art of Walking the Streets of London (Cut of cross-keys on title.) 8vo, maroon morocco extra, gilt edge, by Riviere. London: Lintott, N. D. $37.50 The First Edition. GAY, JOHN. Polly: an Opera, being the Second Part of the Beggar's Opera. (Engraved music to the opera at the end.) 4to, brown levant morocco, blind tooling, g. e., by Riviere. London: Printed for the Author, 1729. The First Edition. $32.50 GAY, JOHN. Achilles. An Opera. As it is Performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent Garden. With the musick prefix'd to each Song. 8vo, red crushed levant morocco extra, back richly gilt, the sides tooled in an elaborate_geometrical design, inside dentelles, uncut, by Lortic. London: J. Watts, 1733. THE FIRST EDITION. The Hoe copy brought $125.00. $50.00 246 GAY, JOHN. The Shepherd's Week, in Six Pastorals. (ILLUSTRATED WITH 7 PLATES BY DU GUERNIER.) 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, g. e., by Riviere. London: Ferd. Burleigh, 1714. 247 248 249 THE FIRST EDITION. $42.00 GAY, JOHN. The Fan. A Poem. In Three Books. Small folio, sewed. ENTIRELY UNCUT, enclosed in cloth case. London: J. Tonson, 1714. A superb copy, probably unique in this state. THE FIRST AMERICAN DRAMA $235.00 GODFREY, THOMAS. Juvenile Poems of Various Subjects. With the Prince of Parthia: A Tragedy by the late Mr. Thomas Godfrey, Jun., of Philadelphia. To which is Prefixed some Account of the Author and his Writings. Small quarto, original calf binding, rebacked. Philadelphia: Printed by Henry Miller, in Second Street, 1765. $37.50 The first play by an American to be published in this country. A sound unwashed copy. THE FIRST EDITION OF "THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD" GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. The Vicar of Wakefield. A Tale. THE FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION, with the error, "Waekcfield" in the headline of page 95, Vol. II. A SUPERB COPY IN PRISTINE CONDITION. SEE ILLUSTRATION. THE VIC AR OF WAKEFIELD: A TA LE. Supposed to be written by HIMSELF. Sperate miferi, cavete falices. VOL. I. SALISBURY: Printed by B. COLLINS, For F. NEWBERY, in Pater-Nofter-Row, London. MDCCLX V I. Facsimile title page of No. 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 ANOTHER COPY, as above, bound in red levant morocco, by Riviere, with an A. L. S. of Benjamin Collins, owner of the copyright and the printer of the volumes. $600.00 [GOLDSMITH, OLIVER.] The Life of Richard Nash of Bath, Esq.; Extracted principally from His original Papers. (PORTRAIT OF NASH BY WALKER.) 8vo, sprinkled calf, gilt, by Riviere. London: Printed for J. Newberry, 1762. $25.00 THE FIRST EDITION. With the leaves of advertisement of "Books just Published by J. Newberry." FINE ASSOCIATION COPY GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. The Traveller, The Deserted Village, and Other Poems. By Dr. Goldsmith. WITH VIGNETTE TITLE PAGE. 8vo, original boards, paper label, uncut, in morocco trimmed slip case by Zaehnsdorf. Dated 1821, Bungay, 1826. $100.00 On the inside of front cover is the autograph of Charles Lamb, together with three others. The supposition is that Lamb was dining with three friends and one of them produced this volume during the meal and obtained the signatures of all the diners. THE FIRST APPEARANCE OF "THE DESERTED VILLAGE” GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. The Deserted Village, a Poem (VIGNETTE ON TITLE). 4to, old black morocco, g. e. London: Printed for W. Griffin, 1770. $175.00 THE FIRST QUARTO EDITION, with the Fourth Edition of Retaliation bound in. From the Goldsmith Collection of Lt. Col. F. R. C. Grant, with book-plate. THE RARE FIRST ISSUE OF "THE HAUNCH OF VENISON" GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. The Haunch of Venison, a Poetical Epistle to Lord Clare. With a Head of the Author drawn by Henry Bunbury, Esq.; and Etched by Bretherton. 4to, full brown levant morocco, gilt, g. e., by Riviere. London: Printed for G. Kearsly and J. Ridley, 1776. $250.00 THE FIRST EDITION, with the half-title. Excessively rare. THE CONFESSIO AMANTIS OF 1554 GOWER, JOHN. Jo. Gower de confessione Amantis. (Title WITHIN BORDER.) BLACK LETTER. Small folio, olive levant morocco extra, g. e., by De Coverly. Imprinted at London: by Thomas Berthelette . 1554. $150.00 This Edition (the third) contains a dedication to Henry VIII. It is very rare. 256 257 258 259 260 GOWRIE CONSPIRACY. The Earle of Gowries conspiracie against the King's Maiestie of Scotland Small 4to, full maroon levant morocco, by Riviere. London: Valentine Simmes, 1600. $125.00 King James instigated the printing of this pamphlet in defense of his conduct, and with the hope of increasing his chances of succeeding Elizabeth. A copy recently sold for £20. GRAY, THOMAS. Odes by Mr. Gray. (VIGNETTE.) 4to, purple levant morocco, gilt, by Riviere. Printed at StrawberryHill, for R. and J. Dodsley, 1757. $90.00 The First Edition of the first book printed at Strawberry-Hill. It contains the half-title, usually lacking. THE QUAINT, EXCESSIVELY RARE TRACTS OF ROBERT GREENE, ROBERT. THE SPANISH MASQUERADO. Wherein under a pleasant deuise, is discouered effectuallie, in certaine breefe sentences and Mottos, the pride and insolencie of the Spanish estate: with the disgrace conceiued by their losse, and the dismaied confusion of their troubled thoughtes. Small 4to, full green levant morocco extra, by Riviere. Printed at London by Roger Ward, for Thomas Cadman, 1589. $250.00 One of the rarest tracts by Robert Greene. The Hoe copy brought $225.00 and the Huth copy, £43. THE 1592 "QUIP FOR AN UPSTART COURTIER,” GREENE, ROBERT. A Quip for an Upstart Courtier: or a quaint dispute between Velvet breeches and Cloth-breeches. Wherein is plainly set downe the disorders in all Estates and Trades. Small 4to, blue morocco, by Riviere. London: Imprinted by John Wolfe, 1592. $850.00 Excessively rare and a beautiful copy. Mr. Huth and Mr. Hoe, in fifty years of collecting were unable to secure it. It was not in the Huth sale catalogue, although Mr. Huth possessed the finest collection of Greene tracts ever brought together. The earliest edition obtainable by Mr. Huth, that of 1606, brought £49 at his sale. THIS TRACT WAS WELL KNOWN TO SHAKESPEARE. Douce cites it with reference to the "Merry Wives of Windsor" and the "Taming of the Shrew"; Dyce mentions it in his notes to the "Merry Wives of Windsor," "Comedy of Errors" and "Midsummer Night's Dream." The woodcut on the title page has been reproduced in the New Shakespeare Society's Transactions (1879) and a portion of the book reprinted in Capell's School of Shakespeare. See Illustration. GREENE, ROBERT. triumph of Pallas morocco, gilt. London: sonbie, 1593. Mamilia, The Second Part of the Small 4to, old red straight-grained Printed by Th. C. for William Pon$250.00 No first part of "Mamilia" is known, nor is there any earlier edition of this part. This copy is from the Jolley, Freeling and Locker Collections, and has all three book-plates. The Huth copy brought £30 at auction. |