Parallel Patterns of Shrinking Cities and Urban Growth: Spatial Planning for Sustainable Development of City Regions and Rural AreasProfessor Robin Ganser, Professor Rocky Piro Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 28 gen 2013 - 306 pagine Focussing particularly on urban fringe and rural areas, this book addresses the parallel phenomena of growth and decline. In doing so, it not only broadens a debate which generally concentrates on urban municipalities, especially inner city areas, but also covers new ground by starting to build a new theoretical framework for the spatial planning related assessment of these phenomena. Bringing together contributions from internationally renowned authors, such as Sir Peter Hall, Steve Ward and Johann Jessen, the book compares international case studies and highlights their relationships with one another. It concludes by emphasizing common themes that are addressed, as well as showing applicability to other urban and rural regions. Overall, the book provides a timely and comprehensive analysis of the spatial consequences and related spatial planning concepts in theory and practice which aim to further sustainable development of city regions, urban fringe and rural areas experiencing growth and decline. |
1887 | |
Introduction | 1920 |
Balancing European Territory The Challenge of the Post | |
Conceptualizing Shrinking Cities A Challenge for Planning | |
Towards | |
Urban Transformations The Dynamic Relation of Urban | |
The Importance of Strategic Spatial Goals for the Planning | |
Regional Land use Management under Shrinkage Tendencies | |
Sustainable Suburbia through the Perspective of Lower | |
Population Growth and Change in NonMetropolitan Coastal | |
Counterurbanisation and Subjective WellBeing | |
SocioEnvironmental Impacts of New Housing Development | |
Redeveloping the Redundant Defence Estate in Regions | |
Portsmouth | |
Conclusions Spatial Planning for the Dichotomy of Growth | |
Altre edizioni - Visualizza tutto
Parallel Patterns of Shrinking Cities and Urban Growth: Spatial Planning for ... Rocky Piro Anteprima limitata - 2016 |
Parallel Patterns of Shrinking Cities and Urban Growth: Spatial Planning for ... Rocky Piro Anteprima limitata - 2016 |
Parallel Patterns of Shrinking Cities and Urban Growth: Spatial Planning for ... Robin Ganser,Rocky Piro Anteprima non disponibile - 2012 |