Fishes of the Western North Atlantic, Edizione 1,Parte 6John Tee-Van Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale Univ., 1948 |
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Risultati 1-3 di 87
Pagina 15
... caudal skeleton ( that is , the skeleton sup- porting the caudal fin ) is the lack of any obvious correspondence between the haemal arch , neural arch , and central elements . Primitively in teleosts ( 11 , 12 ) there are three centra ...
... caudal skeleton ( that is , the skeleton sup- porting the caudal fin ) is the lack of any obvious correspondence between the haemal arch , neural arch , and central elements . Primitively in teleosts ( 11 , 12 ) there are three centra ...
Pagina 254
... fin ray into head length 1.9-2.6 times . Peninsular Florida to Mexico ... caudal peduncle coarsely laciniate ; pelvic fins normally developed ... fin rays 11-13 ; pectoral fin rays 18-20 . Floridichthys carpio . 25 b . Dorsal fin ...
... fin ray into head length 1.9-2.6 times . Peninsular Florida to Mexico ... caudal peduncle coarsely laciniate ; pelvic fins normally developed ... fin rays 11-13 ; pectoral fin rays 18-20 . Floridichthys carpio . 25 b . Dorsal fin ...
Pagina 294
... Pectoral fin : length 33.7-38.5 ( 26.2-32.8 ) . Ventral fin : length 31.8-41.4 ( 29- 34.4 ) . Caudal fin : lobes broken on all specimens so not measured . Scale : rows between upper edge of gill opening and base of caudal about 95-105 ...
... Pectoral fin : length 33.7-38.5 ( 26.2-32.8 ) . Ventral fin : length 31.8-41.4 ( 29- 34.4 ) . Caudal fin : lobes broken on all specimens so not measured . Scale : rows between upper edge of gill opening and base of caudal about 95-105 ...
Order Heteromi Notacanthiformes By S B MCDOWELL I | 30 |
Family Notacanthidae | 124 |
Family Lipogenyidae | 208 |
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2nd dorsal adults Aldrovandia anal fin anal rays anus arch barbel base Bean body bone branchial branchiostegal membranes branchiostegal rays Bull caeca canal Caribbean caudal fin Caudal peduncle cavity Coelorhynchus depth descr distr dorsal fin dorsal ray dorsal spine FIGURE fin rays Florida FMNH frontal genus Gilbert and Hubbs Gill rakers gnathoproctal length Gulf of Mexico Günther Halosauropsis halosaurs head length Heteromi Hist hyomandibular Interorbital width Jordan and Evermann lateral line lateral-line scales Lipogenys lower jaw macrourids Madeira margin maxilla maxillary median Melamphaes mouth nostril Notacanthidae Notacanthus oceanogr opercular orbit OREGON St orig palatine pectoral fin pectoral rays pelvic fin pelvic rays Polyacanthonotus pores posterior premaxilla preopercle preopercular Proc pyloric range ridges rissoanus scale rows South spec specimens spinules suborbital supratemporal swim bladder synon teeth tooth patch trawl U.S. nat upper jaw USNM Vaillant ventral vertebrae western North Atlantic Zool