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Molo, molui, molitum, to grind. So com-, e-, per-molo. The compounds of cello, which itself is not in use, want the supine; as, ante-, ex-, præ-cello, -cellui, to excel. Percello, to strike, to astonish, has perculi, perculsum.

Pello, pepuli, pulsum, to thrust. So ap-, as-, com-, de-, dis-, ex-, im-, per-, pro-, re-pello; appuli, appulsum, &c.

Fallo, fefelli, falsum, to deceive. But refello, refelli, to confute, wants the supine. 3. Vello, velli or vulsi, vulsum, to pull, or pinch. So a-, con-, e-, inter-, præ-, re-vello. But de-, di-, per-vello, have rather velli.

Sallo, salli, salsum, to salt. Psallo, psalli, —, to play on a musical instrument, wants the supine.

Tollo, to lift up, to take away, in a manner peculiar to itself, makes sustuli, and sublatum; extollo, extuli, elatum; but attollo, to take up, has neither preterite nor supine.

MO has ui, itum; as,

Gěmo, gěmui, gemitum, to groan. So ad-, or ag-, circum-, con-, in-, re-gěmo. Fremo, fremui, fremitum, to rage or roar, to make a great noise. So af-, circum-, con-, in-, per-frěmo.

Võmo, ēvŏmo, -ui, -itum, to vomit or spew, to cast up.
Exc. 1. Dēmo, dempsi, demptum, to take away.
Promo, prompsi, promptum, to bring out.
So de-, ex-promo.

Sumo, sumpsi, sumptum, to take. So ab-, as-, con-, de-, in-, præ-, re-, tran-sūmo.
Como, compsi, comptum, to deck or dress.

These verbs are also used without the p; as, demsi, demtum; sumsi, sumtum, &c. Exc. 2. Emo, emi, emptum or emtum, to buy. So ad-, dir-, ex-, inter-, per-, redimo and co-ěmo, -emi, -emptum or emtum.

Premo, pressi, pressum, to press. So ap-, com-, de-, ex-, im-, op-, per-, re-, supprimo.

Trěmo, trěmui, to tremble, to quake for fear, wants the supine. So at-, circum-, con-, in-trěmo.


1. Pōno, posui, positum, to put, or place. So ap-, ante-, circum-, com-, de-, dis-, ex-, im-, inter-, ob-, post-, præ-, pro-, re-, se-, sup-, super-, superim-, trans-pōno. Gigno, genui, genitum, to beget. So con-, e-, in-, per-, pro-, re-gigno.

Căno, cecini, cantum, to sing. But the compounds have cinui and centum ; as, accino, accinui, accentum, to sing in concert. So con-, in-, prœ-, suc-cino; oc-cino, and oc-căno; re-cino, and re-căno. But occanui, recanui, are not in use.

Temno, to despise, wants both preterite and supine; but its compound contemno, to despise, to scorn, has contempsi, contemptum; or without the p, contemsi,


2. Sperno, sprēvi, sprētum, to disdain or slight. So desperno.

Sterno, strāvi, strātum, to lay flat, to strow. So ad-, con-, in-, præ-, pro-, sub


Sino, sivi or sii, situm, to permit. So desino, desivi, oftener desii, desitum, to leave off.

Lino, livi, or lēvi, litum, to anoint or daub. So al-, circum-, col-, de-, il-, inter-, ob-, per-, præ-, re-, sub-, subter-, super-, superil-lino.

Cerno, crēvi, seldom crētum, to see, to decree, to enter upon an inheritance. So de-, dis-, ex-, in-, se-cerno.


Verbs in po have psi and ptum; as, Carpo, carpsi, carptum, to pluck or pull, to crop, to blame. So con-, de-, dis-, ex-, præ-cerpo, -cerpsi, cerptum.

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Scalpo, to scratch or engrave: So circum-, ex-

Sculpo, to grave or carve. So ex-, in-sculpo.
Serpo, to creep as a serpent.

Exc. 1. Strepo, strěpui, strepitum, to make a noise. So ad-, circum-, in-, inter-, ob-, per-strepo.

Exc. 2. Rumpo, rūpi, ruptum, to break. So ab-, cor-, di-, e-, inter-, intro-, ir-, ob-, per-, præ-, pro-rumpo.

There are only two simple verbs ending in QUO, viz.

Coquo, coxi, coctum, to boil. So con-, de-, dis-, ex-, in-, per-, re-coquo.

Linquo, liqui,, to leave. The compounds have lictum; as, relinquo, reliqui, relictum, to forsake. So de-, and dérě-linquo.


1. Quæro, makes quæsivi, quæsitum, to seek. So ac-, an-, con-, dis-, ex-, in-, per-, re-quiro, -quisīvi, -quisitum.

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Tero, trivi, tritum, to wear, to bruise. So at-, con-, de-, dis-, ex-, in-, ob-, per-, pro-, sub-těro.

Verro, verri, versum, to sweep, brush, or make clean. So ā-, con-, dē-, é-, prœ-, rě-verro.

Úro, ussi, ustum, to burn. So ăd-, amb-, comb-, de-, ex-, în-, pĕr-, sub-ūro.
Gero, gessi, gestum, to carry. So ag-, con-, di-, in-, prō-, re-, sug-gĕro.

2. Curro, cucurri, cursum, to run. So ac-, con-, de-, dis-, ex-, in-, oc-, per-, præ-, pro-curro, which sometimes doubles the first syllable, and sometimes not; as, accurri, or accucurri, &c. Circum-, re-, suc-, trans-curro, hardly ever redouble the first syllable.

3. Sěro, sēvi, sătum, to sow. The compounds which signify planting or sowing, have sevi, situm; as, consĕro, consevi, consitum, to plant together. So as-, circum-, dē-, dis-, in-, inter-, ob-, pro-, rě-, sub-, tran-sĕro.

Sero,, to knit, had anciently serui, sertum, which its compounds still retain ; as, assĕro, asserui, assertum, to claim. So con-, circum-, dē-, dis-, ēdis-, ex-, in-, inter-sĕro.

4. Furo, to be mad, wants both preterite and supine.

SO has sīvi, sītum; as,

Arcesso, arcessivi, arcessitum, to call, or send for. So căpesso, to take; făcesso, to do, to go away; lacesso, to provoke.

Exc. 1. Viso, visi,

to attack, to seize.

to go to see, to visit. So in-, re-viso. Incesso, incessi,

Exc. 2. Depso, depsui, depstum, to knead. So con-, per-depso.
Pinso, pinsui or pinsi, pinsum, pistum or pinsitum, to bake.


1. Flecto, has flexi, flectum, to bow. So circum-, de-, in-, re-, retro-flecto.

Plecto, plexi and plexui, plexum, to plait. So implecto.

Necto, nexi and nexui, nexum, to tie, or knit. So ad-, vel an-, con-, circum-, in-, sub-necto.

Pecto, pexi and pexui, pexum, to dress, or comb. So de-, ex-, re-pecto.

2. Měto, messui, messum, to reap, mow, or cut down. So de-, e-, præ-měto.

3. Pěto, pětivi, pětītum, to seek, to pursue. So ap-, com-, ex-, im-, op-, re-, sup-pěto.

Mitto, misi, missum, to send. So a-, ad-, com-, circum-, dē-, di-, ē-, im-, inter-, intro-, ō-, per-, præ, præter, prō-, rè-, sub-, super-, trans-mitto.

Verto, verti, versum, to turn. So a-, ad-, animad-, ante-, circum-, con-, de-, di-, en-, in-, inter-, ob-, per-, præ-, præter-, re-, sub-, trans-verto.

Sterto, stertui,

to snore. So de-sterto.

4. Sisto, an active verb, to stop, has stiti, stătum; but sisto, a neuter verb, to stand still, has stěti, stătum, like sto. The compounds have stiti, and stitum; as, assisto, astiti, astĭtum, to stand by. So ab-, circum-, cor-, de-, ex-, in-, inter-, ob-, per-, re-, sub-sisto. But the compounds are seldom used in the supine.


There are three verbs in vo, which are thus conjugated :

1. Vivo, vixi, victum, to live. So ad-, con-, per-, pro-, re-, super-vivo.

Solvo, solvi, solūtum, to loose. Volvo, volvi, võlutum, to roll. rě-, sub-volvo.

So absolvo, to acquit, dis-, ex-, per-, re-solvo.
So ad-, circum-, con-, dē-, é-, in-, ob-, per-, prō-,

2. Texo, to weave, (the only verb of this conjugation ending in xo,) has texui, So at-, circum-, con-, de-, in-, inter-, ob-, per-, præ-, pro-, re-, sub-texo.


Fourth Conjugation.

Verbs of the fourth conjugation make the preterite in ivi, and the supine in ītum ; as, Mūnio, mūnīvi, munitum, to fortify.

Exc. 1. Singultio, singultivi, singultum, to sob.

Sepelio, sepělivi, sepultum, to bury.
Věnio, vēni, ventum, to come.

So ad-, ante-, circum-, con-, contra-, de-, e-,

in-, inter-, intro-, ob-, per-, post-, præ-, sub-, super-věnio.

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Salio, sălui, and sălii, saltum, to leap. The compounds have commonly silui, sometimes silii, or silivi and sultum; as, transilio, transilui, transilii and transilivi, transultum, to leap over. So ab-, as-, circum-, con-, de-, dis-, ex-, in-, re-, sub-, super-silio.

Exc. 2. Amicio, has amicui, amictum, seldom amixi, to cover or clothe.
Vincio, vinxi, vinctum, to tie. So circum-, de-, e-, re-vincio.

Sancio, sanxi, sanctum; and sancīvi, sancitum, to establish or ratify.

Exc. 3. Cambio, campsi, campsum, to change money.

Sepio, sepsi, septum, to hedge or enclose. So circum-, dis-, inter-, ob-, præ-sēpio. Haurio, hausi, haustum, rarely hausum, to draw out, to empty, to drink. So de-, ex-haurio.

Sentio, sensi, sensum, to feel, to perceive, to think. So as-, con-, dis-, per-, præ-, sub-sentio.

Raucio, rausi, rausum, to be hoarse.

Exc. 4. Sarcio, sarsi, sartum, to mend or repair. So ex-, re-sarcio.

Farcio, farsi, fartum, to cram. So con-fercio; ef-fercio, or ef-farcio; in-fercio, or in-farcio; re-fercio.

Fulcio, fulsi, fultum, to prop or uphold. So con-, ef-, in-, per-, suf-fulcio.

Exc. 5. The compounds of pario have pĕrui, pertum; as, apĕrio, aperui, ăpertum, to open. So opěrio, to shut, to cover. But comperio has compèri, compertum, to know a thing for certain. Repĕrio, reperi, repertum, to find.

Exc. 6. The following verbs want the supine. Cœcutio, cæcutivi, to be dim-sighted. Gestio, gestivi, to show one's joy by the gesture of his body. Glocio, glõcivi, to cluck or cackle as a hen. Dementio, dementivi, to be mad. Ineptio, ineptivi, to play the fool. Prosilio, prosilui, to leap forth. Ferocio, ferocivi, to be fierce.

Ferio, to strike, wants both preterite and supine. So refĕrio, to strike again.


A deponent verb is that which, under a passive form, has an active or neuter signification; as, Loquor, I speak; morior, I die.

A common verb, under a passive form, has either an active or passive signification; as, Criminor, I accuse, or I am accused.

Most deponent verbs of old, were the same with common verbs. They are called Deponent, because they have laid aside the passive sense.

Deponent and common verbs form the participle perfect in the same manner as if they had the active voice; thus, Lætor, lætātus, lætāri, to rejoice; vereor, veritus, věrēri, to fear; fungor, functus, fungi, to discharge an office; potior, põtītus, potiri, to enjoy, to be master of.

The learner should be taught to go through all the parts of deponent and common verbs, by proper examples in the several conjugations; thus, lætor, of the first conjugation, like amor :

Indicative Mode.

Present. Lætor, I rejoice; lætāris, vel -āre, thou rejoicest, &c.
Imperfect. Letabar, I rejoiced, or did rejoice; lætabaris, &c.

Perfect. Lætatus sum vel fui,* I have rejoiced, &c.
Plu-perf. Lætatus eram vel fueram, I had rejoiced, &c.

Lætabor, I shall or will rejoice; lætaběris, or -abĕre, &c.
Lætaturus sum, I am about to rejoice, or I am to rejoice, &c.
Subjunctive Mode.

Present. Later, I may rejoice; lætēris, or -ēre, &c.

Imperfect. Latarer, I might rejoice; lætārēris, or -rēre, &c.
Perfect. Lætatus sim vel fuerim, I may have rejoiced, &c.
Plu-perf. Lætatus essem vel fuissem, I might have rejoiced, &c.
Future. Lætatus fuero, I shall have rejoiced, &c.

Present. Latare vel -ător, rejoice thou: lætator, let him rejoice, &c.

Present. Lætari, to rejoice.



Perfect. Lætatus esse vel fuisse, to have rejoiced.


Lætaturus esse, to be about to rejoice.

Lætaturus fuisse, to have been about to rejoice.

Present. Lætans, rejoicing.

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In like manner conjugate in the First Conjugation,
Gratulor, to rejoice, to wish one

Abôminor, to abhor.
Adulor, to flatter.
Emulor, to vie with, to envy.
Altercor, to dispute, to make a

Apricor, to bask in the sun.
Arbritror, to think.

Aspernor, to despise.

Aversor, to dislike.
Auctionor, to sell by auction.
Aucupor, and -o, to hunt after.
Augŭror, and -0, to forebode, or
presage by augury.
Auspicor, to take an omen, to

Auxilior, to assist.
Bacchor, to rage, to revel, to riot.
Calumnior, to accuse falsely.
Căvillor, to scoff.

Cauponor, to huckster, to retail.
Causor, to plead in excuse, to

Circulor, to meet in companies,

to stroll, to talk.

Comessor, to revel.

Gråvor, to grudge.
Hăriŏlor, to conjecture.
Helluor, to guttle or gormandise,

to waste.

Hortor, to encourage.
Hallucinor, to speak at random,
to err.
Imaginor, to conceive.
Imitor, to imitate.
Indignor, to disdain.
Inficior, to deny.

Insector, to pursue, to inveigh

Insidior, to lie in wait.
Interprětor, to explain.
Jăcălor, to dart.
Jocor, to jest.
Lamentor, to bewail.
Lucror, to gain.
Luctor, to wrestle.
Machinor, to contrive.
Mědicor, to cure.

Měditor, to muse, or ponder.
Mercor, to purchase.

Commentor, to meditate on, or Mětor, to measure.

Comitor, to accompany.

write what one is to say.

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Minor, to threaten.

Miror, to wonder.

Conspicor, to spy, to see.

Contemplor, to view.

Convivor, to feast.

Morigèror, to humour.
Moror, to delay.

Criminor, to blame.

Mútuor, to borrow.

Cunctor, to delay.

Núgor, to trifle.

Detestor, to abhor.

Dominor, to rule.

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Obtestor, to beseech.

Ŏpěror, to work.

Palpor, or -o, to stroke or soothe.
Pătrocinor, to patronize.
Percontor, to inquire.
Peregrinor, to go abroad.
Periclitor, to be in danger.
Pignĕror, to pledge.
Piscor, to fish.

Populor, and -o, to lay waste.
Prædor, to plunder.
Prælior, to fight.

Præstolor, to wait for.

Prævaricor, to go crooked, to
shuffle or prevaricate.
Precor, to pray.

Deprecor, to entreat, to pray

Procor, to ask, to woo.
Recordor, to remember.

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Scrutor, to search.

Solor, to comfort.

Spǎtior, to walk abroad.

Spěcŭlor, to view, to spy.

Stipulor, to stipulate or agree.

Stomǎchor, to be angry.

Suavior, to kiss.

Suffragor, to vote for one, to favour.

Suspicor, to suspect.

Tergiversor, to boggle, to put off.
Testor, to witness.
Tútor, to defend.

Vădor, to give bail, to force to
give bail.

Vagor, to wander.
Văticiuor, to prophesy.
Velitor, to skirmish.

Věněror, to worship.

Věnor, to hunt.

Versor, to be employed.

Palor, to stroll or straggle.

Vociferor, to brawl.

*Fui, fueram, &c. are seldom joined to the participles of deponent verbs; and not so often to those of passive verbs, as, sum, eram, &c.

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Sortior, to draw or cast lots.
Largior, to give liberally.

Participle Perfect, Blanditus, mentitus, molitus, partitus, sortītus, largītus.

There are no exceptions in the First Conjugation.


Reor, ratus, to think.

Misĕreor, misertus, or not contracted, miseritus, to pity.

Fateor, fassus, to confess. The compounds of fateor have fessus; as, profiteor, professus, to profess. So confiteor, to confess, to own or acknowledge.

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Labor, lapsus, to slide. So al-, col-, de-, di-, e-, il-, inter-, per-, præter-, pro-, re-, sub-, subter-, super-, trans-lābor.

Ulciscor, ultus, to revenge.

Utor, ūsus, to use. So ab-, de-útor.

Loquor, loquutus, or locutus, to speak. So al-, col-, circum-, e-, inter-, ob-, præ-, pro-loquor.

Sequor, sequutus, or secutus, to follow. So as-, con-, ex-, in-, ob-, per-, pro-, re-, sub-sequor.

Queror, questus, to complain. So con-, inter-, præ-queror.
Nitor, nisus, or nixus, to endeavour, to lean upon.

ob-, re-,

sub-nitor: but the compounds have oftener nixus.

Păciscor, pactus, to bargain. So de-peciscor.

So ad-, vel an-, con-, e-, in-,

Grădior, gressus, to go. So ag-, ante-, circum-, con-, de-, di-, e-, in-, intro-, præ-, prætĕr-, pro-, re-, retro-, sug-, super-, trans-gredior.

Proficiscor, profectus, to go a journey.

Nanciscor, nactus, to get.

Patior, passus, to suffer. So per-pětior.

Apiscor, aptus, to get. So adipiscor, adeptus; and indipiscor, indeptus.

Comminiscor, commentus, to devise or invent.

Fruor, fruitus or fructus, to enjoy. So per fruor.

Obliviscor, oblitus, to forget.

Expergiscor, experrectus, to awake.

Morior, mortuus, to die. So com-, de-, e-, im-, inter-, præ-mŏrior.

Nascor, nātus, to be born. So ad-, circum-, de-, e-, in-, inter-, re-, sub-nascor. Orior, ortus, orīri, to rise. So ab-, ad-, co-, ex-, ob-, sub-ōrior.

The three last form the future participle in iturus; thus, moriturus, nascitūrus, ōrĭtūrus.


Mētior, mensus, to measure. So ad-, com-, di-, e-, præ-, re-mētior.

Ordior, orsus, to begin. So ex-, red-ordior.

Experior, expertus, to try.

Opperior, oppertus, to wait or tarry for one.

The following verbs want the participle perfect:

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Ringor, ringi, to grin like a dog.

Prævertor, præverti, to get before, to outrun.
Diffiteor, Diffiteri, to deny.

Divertor, diverti, to turn aside, to take lodging.
Défětiscor, defětisci, to be weary or faint.

The verbs which do not fall under any of the foregoing rules are called Irregular.


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