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which I hold in my hand is a damask rose. The cluster of sensations which constitute the INTUITION

only becomes knowledge, by being placed under the CONCEPTION, rose in general. Thus does the indefinite comprehend the finite.

-What can be so powerful as the impression offered to SENSE in the aeriform state of matter, for illustrating the third and highest mental act - IDEA ! Since every attempt to give a form to fluid matter has proved vain, how much less practicable is it then to give decided and definite form to that elastic fluid, the air, which every where surrounds us, and is so essential to the support of life, yet is both impalpable and invisible ! Now, what says the divine Jesus? "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. The wind bloweth whither it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth; so is every one that is born of the spirit." The wind, being invisible, is known only by its effects; what a happy illustration is this of the spirit, which is known only by its effects in regenerated man! If that vital fluid, air, is of such importance for the preservation of the body, how much more so is that pure spirit, REASON, for the salvation of the soul!

Without this faculty we could form no idea of the infinite, much less of the "GREAT INFINITE REASON" himself. Then, indeed, we should be mere machines -instruments in His hands-acting according to INSTINCT, but not free agents-rational beings-acting according to the great law of God, the "MORAL Law”

-grounded in the very nature of REASON itself, and revealed to us by Jesus Christ. This law makes man the judge of his own conduct, through the medium of CONSCIENCE. So that man either acquits or condemns the action, according to the purity of the motive; and in this manner he renders himself worthy to be a partaker of "that kingdom of everlasting bliss," promised by our Redeemer as a full and complete reward to the virtuous.

How powerful has God's unerring law of INSTINCT been in raising the Soul to aspirations like these, merely from contemplating the Great Book - "Nature" — in its unvaried and eternal round of the three states of matter solid, fluid, aëriform or, which is the same thing, dwelling on the specific differences of the three original acts of mind—INTUITION, CONCEPTION, IDEA! In fact we have no other way to sensualize IDEAS but personification. Thus we say, "God the

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Father," meaning the great Creator of ALL"God the Son," the λóyos, the word, the REASON, that dwells in us and is the law of God-" God the Holy Ghost," the connexion necessarily subsisting between these two holy personified principles, who is our advocate, monitor, and comforter; "even the Spirit of Truth,' whom the world cannot receive, because it see'th him not, neither knoweth him; but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you for ever." This "Spirit of Truth" sent from our Heavenly Father to CONSCIENCE remain with us for ever is the only

ground by which we can conduct ourselves morally, and the immediate connexion between the FINITE and the INFINITE REASON, through which spiritual link alone can we hope to attain "the kingdom of everlasting bliss."

Thus we perceive that the three states of matter are powerful evidences of the three mental operations, INTUITION, CONCEPTION, IDEA, and produce the most positive and splendid confirmation of the truth of the System, which alone can work out our salvation -"CHRISTIANITY"-and which must endure for ever, for it is already in ETERNITY. We have stated that the finite is comprehended in the indefinite; but we shall

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= Intuition.



+Indefinite + Connexion
Aëriform Infinite + Connexion = Idea.

The great laboratory-nature-has been, from its first creation, operating by its instinctive powers on matter, by sublimation, dissolution, and fixation, so as to produce the never-ending round of the three kingdoms, animal, vegetable, and mineral. Here, then, end the operations of matter. Not so with spirit, which is not only free from all action of matter, in its pure and exalted state, but even now in its state of probation evinces a power which far surpasses instinct in its ultimate aim approximation to Divinity. This power-" REASON"-acknowledged by consciousness, guided by syllogism, and wholly denied to brutes, makes MAN the ultimate aim and "SCOPE OF CREATION."

On the Divine Revelation.

We have repeatedly asserted that the revealed "WORD OF GOD" can be addressed only to the REASON of man. As unanimity on this vital point of Religion is of the utmost consequence, we feel it an imperative duty

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fully to establish this important doctrine: otherwise, whatever concord and agreement we may have produced on the "DIVARICATION of the Scriptures"on the "Trinity of the Divine Essence" -on the "divinity of the precepts taught by our Saviour ”— are not complete, while the mode of conveying this moral instruction to the mind is susceptible of controversy. This proves that something is still wanting -"the one thing needful" - perfect unanimity, and absolute uniformity of opinion on the revealed "WORD OF GOD."

When we reflect seriously on the purpose and intent of a "Divine Revelation," we shall instantly perceive that its whole object is to improve the moral part of man-his immortal soul. We shall perceive also that administering to the instincts of the body, even to the very highest consummation of our earthly happiness, does not necessarily improve the moral state of the soul; nay, it is often found that severe trials induce a more rigid self-examination and are more favourable to virtue than a total abandonment to luxury and enjoyment. All that regards the soul is the affair of PRACTICAL REASON; all that concerns the body is the gratification of SENSE,

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