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primitive faculties, SENSE, UNDErstanding, ReaSONwith their specific elements —2 Receptivities, TIME and SPACE, 12 Categories of Understanding, 6 Ideas of Reason-making in all TWENTY ELEMENTS* is called


Thus ends our protracted and explanatory Preface, in which we promised to atone for the fault of conciseness, with which we were so justly charged in our first edition. Here, indeed, we have supplied the premises which furnished that string of conclusions that constitutes the "Introduction" to the former work. We sincerely hope that this desideratum is so effectually accomplished, that the individual is not to be found who can say that we have entirely missed our aim in the glorious undertaking of DIVARICATING the "Holy Scriptures"- thus separating for ever those pure precepts-which alone constitute the "Word of GOD," and are rules to guide our conduct here below,

This "SCIENCE OF MIND" is formally displayed in a work which I published about ten years ago, entitled "PRINCIPLES OF TRANSCENDENTAL PHILOSOPHY," and which has been dignified by the epithet of the "BRITISH EUCLID," from its close reasoning and strictly logical deductions. I have just put forth a Second Edition in English and


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and principles to secure the salvation of the soul in the Kingdom to Come"-from all doubtful and equivocal HISTORY, which must be called the "WORD OF MAN;" being a record of facts and traditions that have glided down the stream of time from the remotest periods; and which furnish neither rules for mundane affairs nor principles for spiritual regeneration. Too often, indeed, is the page of HISTORY tarnished in recording the cruel acts of despots, sullied by the vile designs of the wicked, and stained with the blood and gore of the honest, upright, and virtuous-who have become martyrs to the truth. God forbid that such recitals should be considered as patterns for imitation, or that such horrid atrocities should any longer be resorted to for settling scientific questions and differences of opinion!

Now, because similar recitals disfigure the "Holy Book," mistaken man imagines them to be the "WORD OF GOD," when the slightest reflection will prove them to be narratives of the wicked designs of the cruel and ambitious literally, the mere "WORD OF MAN." Herod, the tetrarch, put John the Baptist in prison, because he freely gave his opinion on the subject of his marrying Herodias, his brother's wife; indeed, he would

have put him to death, but he feared the vengeance of the multitude-who considered John a prophet. When the daughter of Herodias fascinated Herod with her graceful and beautiful dancing, in the extacy of the moment he made a vow to present her with whatever she asked. Her designing mother, in order to satiate her revenge for John's opinion, instructed the daughter what to ask for:"Give me John Baptist's head in a charger." -This recital occurs in the "Holy Book," but it surely is never intended to mark out a line of conduct for imitation, but most certainly conduct to be abhorred and avoided for its atrocious cruelty. Can any thing be more human, nay, even disgraceful to humanity, than conduct such as this! -This the "WORD OF GOD!"-God forbid that humanity should be constrained to obey commandments such as these! Lamentable, indeed, is it to find such conduct recorded in the "HOLY BOOK." When this account of vice and folly is transferred to the historic page—the true record of human actions - we perceive clearly that it is the mere "WORD OF MAN."

If we have really been successful in the execution of our task, the following momentous results — which constitute the vital essence of the Christian Religion—

not only compelling the conviction of every rational creature, but assuring him of their ever-during truth




Rationality of the Athanasian Creed,




Established for ever on the solid basis of REASON.

We now trust that we have so fully argued our case, and so firmly established our "Mental Theory," that the most fastidious Critic will be compelled to acknowledge that there is not a single sentence vainly introduced merely for the object of display none most certainly to deceive though we have often been regaled by minor critics with expressions like these: "This work is intended to mislead the unwary under the garb of Christianity, which it in fact undermines." "We doubt the honesty of the author's motive."- Of that let God be the judge!"This work must destroy Christianity altogether." The very contrary is its intent!" It is a blasphemous book, and the author writes with a wicked intention."-To this charge I plead Not Guilty, and throw myself on God and my Country! In my own conscience I stand acquitted!

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We suppose these learned critics have either not taken the pains or possessed the ability to comprehend

the principle of the work, which is fully to prove



consequently, by establishing the one we prove the other. Need more be done for "Primitive Christianity!" Critics, we fear, are sometimes employed merely to be bookmakers-to write to live, not for truth alone. When, however, truth only forms the foundation of the work, castigation is mere waste of time-much better would it suit the purpose of the author to seek an interview, and discuss the disputed principle; for it has already been too often reiterated that a disputed principle is a nonentity. In this manner a hidden error might be detected, and sound sense substituted for subtile nonsense.

To leave the petty affairs of this nether world, and once more ascend into that region of never-ending bliss heaven! let us see how the critics and contemporaries of the "SON OF GOD" comported themselves towards that holy person, who revealed to them nothing but God's pure and everlasting truth given in the form of "COMMANDMENTS."-Put him to death!-Crucify

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