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Addo, ĕre, dĭdi, ditum, tr. (ad + do), to add, give, impart, bestow; to gain, acquire; to appoint, assign.

Adduco, ĕre, xi, ctum, tr. (ad + duco), to lead, bring, conduct; to bring to, reduce; to induce, persuade.

Ademptus, a, um, part. from Adimo.

Aděo, adv. (ad +eo), so, so far, to such a degree, insomuch; besides, too; so much; indeed, even, nay even; therefore, accordingly.

Aděo, īre, ii or īvi, ĭtum, intr. (adeo), to go to, approach, come near; to attack; to undertake, to incur.

Adeptus, a, um, part. from Adipiscor.

Aderam, adero. See Adsum.
Adfero. See Affero.
Adfinis. See Affinis.

See Affinitas.

Adiligo. See Affligo.

Adilão. See Affluo. Adfore. See Affore. Adherbal, ǎlis, m., a Numidian prince, son of Micipsa. Adhibĕo, ere, ui, ĭtum, tr. (ad + habeo), to adopt, use, employ; to take, admit, receive; to give, to furnish.

Adhuc, adv. (ad + huc), hitherto,

thus far, as yet, still, even yet. Adigo, ĕre, egi, actum, tr. (ad + ago), to drive, force, impel, oblige, compel. Adjusjurandum adigere= to bind by an oath. Adimo, ĕre, émi, emptum, tr. ademo), to take away, remove, deprive of. Adipiscor, i, adeptus, dep. (ad + apiscor), to obtain, attain, acquire, get, to reach, overtake. Aditus, ūs, m. (adeo), an approach, way or means of approach, access, entrance, avenue. Adjumentum, i, n. (adjuvo), assistance, help, aid.

Adjungo, ĕre, nxi, nctum, tr.

(ad + jungo), to join to, add, annex, unite; to acquire, obtain; to apply to, direct to. Adjutor, ōris, m. (adjuvo), a helper, assistant, aider, abettor. Adjuvo, are, jāvi, jutum, tr. (ad +juvo), to help, aid, assist. Administer, tri, m. (ad + minister), an attendant, waiter, manager; an assistant. Administro, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (administro), to serve, furnish aid; to manage, conduct, guide, administer, execute, accomplish. Admirandus, a, um, part. and adj. from Admiror, admirable, that

should be admiredor wonderedat, wonderful, worthy of admiration. Admiror, āri, ātus, dep. (ad +

miror), to wonder at, admire; to be astonished.

Admitto, ĕre, misi, missum, tr. (admitto), to send to or forward; to admit; to permit, allow; to commit, perpetrate. Admodum, adv.(ad+modus), very, wholly, greatly, much, exceedingly; with numerals, fully, about. Admoneo, ĕre, ui, ĭtum, tr. (ad + moneo), to remind, admonish, warn, advise; to encourage, incite.

Adnitor, i, īsus, and ixus, dep. (ad+nitor), to rest, lean upon; to strive, exert one's self. Adnitente Crasso, Crassus exerting himself in the matter. Adolescens, entis, adj. (adolesco),

young. Noun, c. g., a young man, or woman, a youth. Adolescentia, ae, f. (adolescens), youth, the period of youth. Adolescentulus, i, m.(adolescens), a young man, a youth. Adj., young.

Adolesco, ĕre, adolēvi, adultum,

intr. (adolesco), to grow, grow up, come to maturity; to increase, augment, become greater. Adoptatio, ōnis, f. (adopto), an adopting, adoption.

Adopto, are, avi, ātum, tr. (ad +

See Arrectus.

opto), to choose, select; to adopt. In regnum adoptare, to adopt as one's successor to the kingdom. Adquiro. See Acquiro. Adrectus, a, um. Adrogo. See Arrogo. Adscensus, ūs. See Ascensus. Adscendo. See Ascendo. Adscisco and Ascisco, ĕre, scivi, scitum, tr. (ad+scisco), to take, receive, approve; unite; to gain over. Adsentio. See Assentio. Adsĕquor. See Assĕquor. Adsiděo. See Assideo. Adsido. See Assido. Adsisto. See Assisto. Adstrictus, a, um, part. from Adstringo.



Adstringo. See Astringo. Adsum, adesse, adfui, intr. (ad+ sum), to be present, be at hand; to stand by, assist, aid, help; to come, be near.

Adsumo. See Assümo. Adulter, ĕri, m., an adulterer. Adulterinus, a, um, adj. (adulter), adulterous, spurious, adulterated, forged, false. Adultus, a, um, part. and adj. from Adolesco, grown up, full grown, adult, mature, ripe. Advectitius or Advecticius, a, um, adj. (adveho), foreign, imported.

Advěho, ĕre, exi, ectum, tr. (ad + veho), to conduct, carry to; to import, convey, bring. Advenio, ire, eni, entum, intr. (ad

+venio) to come,come to, arrive. Advento, are, avi, atum, intr. freq. (advenio), to come frequently; to come, approach, arrive at.

Adventus, ûs, m. (advenio), a com

ing, approach, arrival. Adversarius, i, m. (adversus), an adversary, enemy, rival. Adversor, äri, ātus, dep. (adversus), to oppose, resist, thwart. Adversus, a, um, part. and adj. from Adverto,opposite, fronting,


over against, in front. advers, wounds in front; adverse, hostile, contrary; unfavorable, disadvantageous; inconsistent, at variance with. In adversa mutari, to be changed to the opposites. Adverso colle evadere, to ascend the hill in front. Adversis equis concurrere, to charge straight forward. Adversus, i, m. (adverto), an adversary, enemy, opponent. Adversus and Adversum, adv. and prep. with accus. (adverto), against, in front of, opposite to, facing, over against; towards; in opposition to.

Adverto, ĕre, ti, sum, tr. (ad + verto), to turn to or towards, to advert to. Animum advertere animadvertere, to turn one's mind to, to heed, notice, observe, perceive.

Advoco, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (ad + voco), to call, to call to; to summon, employ, use. Advorsor. See Adversor. Advorsum. See Adversum. Advorto. See Adverto.

Aedes, ium, and Aedis, is, f., in the sing., a room, chamber, apartment; a temple; in the plu., a house, dwelling; temples. Aedificium, i, n. (aedifico), an edifice, structure, building. Aedifico, are, avi, ātum, tr.

(aedesfacio), to build, erect, rear, construct.

Aedilis, is, m. (aedes), an aedile; a Roman magistrate who superintended the repairs of temples and other public buildings, regulated the markets, the expense of funerals, etc. Aeger, gra, grum, adj., weak, sick,

infirm, diseased, corrupted; sorrowful, unhappy, desponding, afflicted.

Aegre, adv., comp. Aegrius, sup. Aegerrime and Aegerrüme (aeger), hardly, scarcely, with difficulty; unwillingly, discon

tentedly, with displeasure. Aegre ferre, to bear with displeasure, take it ill.

Aegritudo, inis, f. (aeger), illness, sickness; sorrow, grief; solicitude, care, affliction, trouble. Nimis molliter aegritudinem pati, to bear affliction too sensitively. Aegyptus, i, f., Egypt; by some of the ancients accounted a part of Asia.

Aemilius, i, m., a Roman name

belonging to the Aemilian gens. Aemŭlus, a, um, adj., emulous, envious; as a noun, a rival, emulator, imitator.

Aeneas, ae, m., Aeneas, the son of Venus and Anchises, who, after the fall of Troy, is said to have led a colony of Trojans into Italy, and to have laid the foundations of the Roman State. Aequabilis, e, adj. (aequo), equal,

equable, uniform; consistent; equitable, just, right. Aequabiliter, adv., comp. Aequabilius (aequabilis), equally, evenly, uniformly, equably. Aequalis, e, adj. (aequus), equal, like, similar; even, level, plain, flat; coeval, contemporary. As a noun, a contemporary; one equal in years, of the same age. Aequaliter, adv. (aequalis), equally, uniformly, equably; proportionally.

Aeque, adv. (aequus), equally, in like manner, alike, as much as, similarly.

Aequitas, ātis, f. (aequus), equality, evenness, equity, justice; calmness, equanimity, tranquillity of mind; moderation. Aequum, i, n. (aequus), equity, justice.

Aequus, a, um, adj., level, smooth, even, plain, equal; like, similar; favorable, advantageous; just, equitable, fair, upright; reasonable, right; calm, unmoved. In jurias gravius aequo habere, to feel injuries toe deeply. Aequa

manu discedere, to come off on equal terms. Aerarium, i, n. (aes), the treasury, exchequer; the public money, national revenue.

Aerumna. ae, f., toil, hardship, distress, calamity, trouble, misery, adversity.

Aes, aeris, n., copper, brass, bronze; anything made of copper, etc.; money, coin. A es alienum, another's money, i. e. debt. Aes mutuum, a loan, money

borrowed or lent.

he wan

Aestas, ātis, (aestus), the summer, summer air, summer heat.a Aestimo, āre, ävi, ātum, tr. (aes), to estimate, value, regard, appreciate; to rate; to think, judge, believe, deem, consider.

Aestivus, a, um, adj. (aestus), re-
lating to summer, summer. Aes-
tiva castra, or simply aestiva,
ōrum, n. pl., summer quarters, a
stationary summer camp; a cam-

Aestŭmo. See Aestimo.
Aestuo, āre, āvi, ātum, intr. (aes-
tus), to boil up; to heave; to
rage, burn, be inflamed; to be
undecided, to vacillate, waver.
Aestus, ūs, m., heat, fire, glow; hot
weather; a boiling or bubbling
up; the tide; force, ardor; doubt,
uncertainty, perplexity. Aestu
secundo, the tide being favorable,
Aetas, atis, f. (for aevitas, from
aevum), age, time of life; life;

time. Aetatem agere or habere, to pass one's life, to live. Aeternus, a, um, adj. (for aevi

ternus, from aevum), eternal,

everlasting, immortal, perpetual. Aethiops, opis, m., an Ethiopian. Aevum, i, n., time, life, age, duration.

Afer, fra, frum, adj., African.

Afri,ōrum, m.plu., the Africans.
Affătim, adv. (ad + fatim), abun-

dantly, sufficiently, copiously,
largely, in abundance.

Affecto, are, āvi, ātum, tr. (affi,

cio), to seek after, strive for, aim at; to covet, solicit, aspire to, try to gain over. Affero, afferre, attuli, allātum, tr. irr. (ad + fero), to bring, take, carry to; to cause, produce, occasion; to report, an


Affinis, e, adj. (ad + finis), contiguous, adjoining, adjacent; related by marriage. As a noun, a relation by marriage. Affinitas, ātis, f. (affinis), relationship by marriage; affinity, union, connection.

Afflicto, are, avi, ātum, tr. freq. (affligo), to disquiet, agitate, toss; to trouble, afflict, injure, harass, torment, vex. Afflictus, a, um,part. and adj.,from affligo, troubled, afflicted, bowed down, miserable; damaged, shattered, disordered, ruined; dejected, cast down, desponding. Affligo, ĕre, ixi, ictum, tr. (ad + fligo), to dash against, throw down, overthrow, prostrate; to distress, vex; to shatter, impair,


Afflão, ĕre, uxi, uxum, intr. (ad +fluo), to flow to or toward; to run or flock towards; to abound in, be abundant.

Affore, intr. def. (ad + fore), fut. inf., to be about to be present; with a subject accus., would be present, would assist. Africa, ae, f., Africa. It is sometimes put for the Roman province in Africa. Africanus, a, um, adj. (Africa), African. Africanus, i, m., the agnomen of the two Scipios, given to them on account of their conquests in Africa. Africus, a, um, adj. (Africa), African. Mare Africum, the Mediterranean Sea. Agendus, a, um, part. from ago. Ager, gri, m., a field, farm; land, soil; territory, country. Agger, ĕris, m. (aggĕro), a heap,

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pile, mound; a rampart, dam, mole, dike; a mound erected before the walls of a besieged city, for the purpose of sustaining the battering engines, and which was gradually advanced nearer and nearer to the town; the mound raised for the protection of a camp before the intrenchment (fossa), and from the earth dug from it. Aggredior, i, essus, dep. (ad + gradior), to go to, approach; to accost, address; to undertake; to attack, assail.

Agito, àre, avi, ātum, tr. (ago), to drive, impel; to agitate, toss, disturb, perplex; to carry on, prosecute, perform, administer; to disquiet, vex, trouble, torment, torture; to incite, stimulate; to pass, spend; to keep, hold, celebrate; to revolve in one's mind, meditate, discuss, debate: to manifest, display. In general, the meaning of this verb must be decided by the context. Agmen, inis, n. (ago), an army on the march; the march of an army; an army, band, line. Ago, ĕre, ēgi, actum, tr., to drive, lead, conduct, direct; to do, make, perform; to treat, transact; to pass, spend. Aetatem agere, to pass one's life. Sese agere, to conduct one's self. Gratias agere, to thank, give thanks. Agitur, imp., the question is, the business is.

Agrestis, e, adj. (ager), rustic, rural; unpolished, rude, wild, boorish, clownish. As a noun, a peasant, rustic, countryman. Aio, ais, ait, defect. verb, to say, speak, declare, assert, affirm. Pronounced A'-yo.

Ala, ae, f., a wing; the wing of the army, commonly composed of the Roman cavalry and the troops of the allies, especially their horsemen.

Alăcer, cris, cre, adj., lively, brisk,

ready, | Aliquot, indecl. adj. pl. (alius + quot), some, several, a few. Aliter, adv. (alius), otherwise, in a different manner; in any other way, else; moreover.

quick, eager, active, prompt; cheerful, glad. Albinus, i, m., a Roman surname of the Postumian gens. Spurius Postumius Albinus, a Roman consul in B. C. 110.

Algor, ōris, m. (algeo), cold, cold


Alias, adv. (alius), otherwise, in another way; at another time; sometimes.

Alibi, adv. (alius + ibi), elsewhere, in another place. Alios alibi, some in one place, others in other places.

Alieno, are, avi, atum, tr. (alienus), to alienate, estrange; to separate, remove, transfer; to cast off.

Aliēnus, a, um, adj. (alius), belonging to another, another's, foreign; unsuitable, inconsistent; unfavorable, adverse, inimical. Alieni appetens, greedy of what belongs to another. Aes alienum, another's money= = debt. noun, alienus, i, m., a stran


As a

Alio, adv. (alius), to another purpose, place, or subject. Alius alio, one to one place, another to another; one hither another thither.

Aliquamdiu, adv. (aliquis + diu), for some time.

Aliquando, adv. (alius + quando),

sometimes, sometime, at some time; at length, now at last; formerly.

Aliquanto, adv. with comparatives (properly ablat. of aliquantus), considerably, somewhat. Aliquantum, adv. (prop. accus. of aliquantus), somewhat, some, considerably, a little, rather. Aliquantus, a, um, adj. (alius+ quantus), some, somewhat, considerable. Aliquis,qua,quod, and quid, indef. pron. (alius quis), some, any; somebody, something, anything; some one, any one.

Alius, a, ud, adj., other, another, different. Alius alius, oneanother. Alii alii, someothers. Alii-pars or partim, some- others. Alius ab alia parte, one from one direction, another from another. Alius ab alioone after another. Aliud, anything else, something else; with a negative, nothing else, no other thing.

Allatus, a, um part. from affĕro. Allěvo, are, avi, atum, tr. (ad +

levo), to lift up, raise up, support, lighten, alleviate. Allicio, ĕre, lexi, lectum, tr. (ad + lacio), to attract, allure, entice, decoy, inveigle.

Allobrox, ŏgis, Allobroges,ögum, m. A people of Gaul, whose chief city was Vienna, near the Rhone.

Alo, ĕre, alui, alitum or altum,

tr., to nourish, support, feed, maintain.

Alte, adv. (altus). on high, high, highly deeply, low, far.


Alter, ĕra, ĕrum, gen. alterius, adj., one of two - the other. Al- alter, the one- - the other. Unus et alter, one and the other, some, several. It is also used to express reciprocal action, as, alteri alteros sauciant, they wound one another.

Altitudo, inis, f. (altus), height, altitude, depth.

Altus, a, um, part. from alo. Altus, a um, adj. (alo), high. tall,

lofty, deep, profound, great. Alveus, i, m., the channel or bed of a river; a trough; the hold, hull, or body of a ship. Ambio,ire, ii and ivi,itum,tr. and intr. (amb + eo), to go around; to surround, encompass, invest; to go about soliciting votes, to

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