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comrade, partner, associate, as- | Commodum, i, n. (commodus), ad


Cominus, adv. See Commĭnus. Comitatus, ūs, m. (comitor), a train, retinue, company, number of followers. Comitia, ōrum, n. pl. (con +eo), the public assembly of the Roman people for the transaction of business or the election of magistrates; an election. Comitia habere, to hold an election. Commacŭlo, are, āvi, ātum, tr. (con+maculo), to stain, pollute, spot, disgrace, defile. Commeatus, ūs, m. (commeo), a passage; a furlough; a convoy ; provisions, supplies. Commemoro, are, āvi, atum, tr. (con+memoro), to remind, mention, make mention, relate, recount. Commendatio, ōnis, f. (commendo), commendation, praise, rec


Commendo, are, āvi, ātum, tr. (con+mando), to commend, intrust to, commit to the charge of; to recommend. Commercium, i, n. (con + merx), commerce, trade, traffic; commercial intercourse. Commercor, äri, ātus, dep. (con mercor), to buy up, pur

chase. Comminuo, ĕre, ui, ūtum, tr. (con+minuo), to lessen, diminish, weaken, impair; to break into small pieces, crush, shat

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vantage, profit, convenience, in


Commonefacio, ĕre, feci, factum, tr. (commoneo + facio), to call to one's mind, remind, admonish, advise. Commŏror, āri, ātus, dep. (con + moror), to stay, delay, remain, stop, tarry; to retard, detain. Commoveo, ēre, ōvi, ōtum, tr. (con+moveo), to move, shake, stir; to disquiet, trouble, alarm, agitate, excite; to touch, affect,


Communico, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (communis), to communicate, impart, share; to commune, confer; to join, unite, connect. Causam communicare to make com

mon cause.

Communio, ire, ivi, itum, tr. (con

+munio), to fortify, to secure. Communis, e, adj. (con + munus), common, the same, general, universal. Res communis a mutual interest. Commutatio, ōnis, f. (commuto), a change, alteration, changing. Commuto, are, avi, atum, tr. (con+muto), to change, alter; to exchange. Compǎro, are, avi, atum, tr. (con

paro), to procure, furnish, provide, prepare, get ready; to collect; to acquire; to ordain; to compare, connect. Comperio, ire, pěri, pertum, tr., and Comperior, iri, pertus sum, dep. (con + pario), to discover, ascertain, find out, learn, be informed. Complěo, ere, ēvi, ētum, tr. (con pleo), to fill, fill up, complete, finish, perfect. Complexus, ūs, m. (complector), an embrace, embracing, encircling.

Complures, üra, adj. pl. (con + plus), many, a great many. Min Compōno, ĕre, osui, ositum, tr./ (con+pono), to put or place

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Composite, adv. (compositus), sedately, calmly; neatly, handsomely, elegantly, skilfully, in an orderly manner. Compositus, a, um, part. and adj. (compono), put together, arranged, composed; elegant, well arranged, apt, fit; ended, settled. Comprobo, are, avi, ātum, tr. (con

probo), to approve, prove, confirm; to allow, assent to; to make good, verify. Concedo, ĕre, essi, essum, tr. and intr. (concedo), to retire, depart, withdraw, give place, retreat; to submit, yield, concede, grant, allow; to go, repair. In jus atque dicionem concedere, to come under the laws and sway. Concido, ĕre, idi, intr. (con + cado), to fall down; to fall, sink, perish, die.

Concio, onis, f. (concieo), a meeting,assembly: an address, speech, harangue. Pro concione, before an assembly of the people or soldiers, in public. Concito, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (con

cito), to put in motion, stir up to excite, arouse, stimulate, rouse, incite, provoke, irritate. Conclamo, are, avi, atum, intr. (conclamo), to cry out together, to cry out, shout, exelaim.

Concordia, ae, f. (concors), concord, agreement, union, harmony, unanimity; the name of a Roman goddess, Concord. Concubina, ae, f. (concubo), a concubine.

Concupisco, ĕre, pivi, pitum, tr.

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Concutio, ĕre, ussi, ussum, tr. (conquatio), to shake, move violently, agitate; to trouble, disquiet, alarm, terrify; to injure, weaken. Condemno, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (condamno), to condemn. Condicio, onis, f. (condo), a condition, agreement, stipulation, contract, terms; a proposal, proposition; state, situation, condition.

Condĭdi. See Condo.

Conditio, onis, f. See Cordicio. Conditor, ōris, m. (condo), a inaker, builder, founder, inventor, author.

Condo, ĕre, dĭdi, dĭtum, tr. (con

- do) to put together, found, build, make; to lay up, hoard; to hide, conceal, bury; to finish,


Condono, ari, āvi, ātum, tr. (con

dono), to give freely, grant, present, bestow; to pardon, forgive, excuse, overlook; to devote, sacrifice. Alterius lubidini malefacta condonare, to pardon crimes to gratify the lust of another.

Conduco, ĕre, xi, ctum, tr. (con

+duco), to bring or lead together, conduct; to collect, assemble; to hire.

Confercio, ire, fersi, fertum, tr. (confarcio), to stuff or cram together, to crowd together; to fill.

Confero, ferre, contuli, collatum, tr. (confero), to bring or car

ry together; to collect, gather, procure. Confertim, adv. (confertus), closely, compactly, in close array, in a compact body. Confertus, a, um, part. and adj. (confercio), crammed, crowded; close, thick, compact, dense, in close array.

Confessus, a, um, part. from confiteor.

Conficio, ĕre, éci, ectum, tr. (con +facio), to make, effect, cause, execute, perform, prepare; to end, finish, accomplish, complete; to weaken, enfeeble, wear out, consume, destroy, overpower; to waste, wear away. Confido, ĕre, fisus sum, half dep. (confido), to confide in, trust to, rely upon, depend upon; to trust, feel confident.

Confinis, e, adj. (con +finis), adjoining, bordering upon, contig

uous, near.

Confirmo, are, ävi, ātum, tr. (con +firmo), to confirm, strengthen, encourage, embolden, animate; to establish, render efficient; to ratify; to prove, show; to affirm, assent, assure, declare; to reas


Confiteor, eri, essus, dep. (con + fateor), to confess, acknowledge, own, avow.

Confligo, ĕre, xi, ctum, tr. and intr. (confligo), to strike, beat or dash together; to strike against; to fight, contend, engage; to conflict.

Conflo, are, ävi, atum, tr. (con + flo), to make up, compound; to raise, excite, create, cause, occasion; to contract. Confião, ĕre, xi,

intr. (con + fluo, to run or flow together; to flock or crowd together. Confŏdio, ĕre, fōdi, fossum, tr. (confodio), to dig; to pierce, stab, wound, thrust through. Confugio, ĕre, fúgi, fugitum, intr. (confugio), to flee to, fly to

for succor or refuge; to have recourse to. Conglobo, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (con

globo), to form into a round body, conglobate; to collect, assemble, crowd together, gather together. Congrědior, i, gressus, dep. (con

gradior), to come together, meet, encounter; to engage, contend, fight; to accost, address, converse with.

Congressus, us, m. (congredior), a coming together, meeting; a conflict, encounter, contest, engagement, battle.

Conjicio, ĕre, jeci, jectum, tr. (con+jacio), to throw together; to throw, cast, hurl, thrust, discharge, impel.

Conjunctus, a, um, part. and adj. (conjungo), connected, united, attached, allied.

Conjungo, ĕre, junxi, junctum, tr. (conjungo), to join together, unite, connect, associate, ally, form.

Conjuratio, onis, f. (conjuro), a swearing together; a confederacy bound by oath; a conspiracy, plot.


Conjurătus, a, um, part. (conjuro), combined, leagued together. As noun, conjurati, ōrum, m., conspirators. Conjuro, are, āvi, ātum, intr. (conjuro), to swear together; to combine, league together; to conspire.

Connubium, i, n. (con nubo), marriage, wedlock; intermarriage.

Conor, āri, atus, dep., to attempt,

endeavor, strive, try, undertake. Conquiro, ère, quisivi, quisitum, tr. (con quaero), to seek, search for; to acquire, get together, obtain, procure, collect. Conscientia, ae, f. (conscio), joint knowledge; consciousness, couscience; consciousness of guilt, guilty conscience.

Conscius, a, um, adj. (conscio), conscious, privy to, witness of; conscious of guilt, guilty. Conscribo, ĕre, scripsi, scriptum, tr. (conscribo), to write together (in a list), write, enroll, enlist, levy, raise. Consecro, are, āvi, ātum, tr. (con sacro), to consecrate, dedicate; to devote to the gods. Consenesco, ĕre, senui, intr. (con

senesco), to grow old; to grow weak, fade, decay, waste; to become obsolete.

Consĕro, ĕre, sēvi, sĭtum, tr. (con

sero), to sow, plant, set. Consěro, ĕre, serui, sertum, tr. (con sero), to join or knit together. Conserere manum, to join battle, fight hand to hand, engage in close combat. Conservo, are, āvi, ātum, tr. (con

servo), to preserve, keep, save, maintain, protect, defend. Considĕro, are, avi, ātum, tr., to consider, meditate, think of, weigh, reflect upon. Consido, ĕre, sēdi, sessum, intr. (consido), to sit down together; to seat one's self; to settle, take up one's abode; to fall, sink; to encamp, halt, station one's self. Consilium, i, n., counsel, advice; deliberation, consultation, consideration, prudence, premeditation; design, intention, measure, aim, plan, purpose, intent; resolution, determination, judgment; wisdom, discretion; a stratagem, artifice; a council. Habere consilium, to hold a council. Consisto, ĕre, stiti, stitum, intr. (consisto), to take one's stand, make a stand, stand, stop. Consitus, a, um, part. from Consĕro.

Conspectus, us, m. (conspicio), seeing, sight, view, observation.

Conspicio, ĕre, spexi, spectum, tr. (conspecio), to see, view,


behold, observe, perceive, discern, look at. Conspicor, ări, ātus, dep. (con + specio), to see, perceive, descry, behold.

Constanter, adv.(constans), firmly, steadily, uniformly, evenly. Constantia, ae, f. (constans), firmness, steadiness, constancy, consistency, perseverance. Consterno, ère, stravi, stratum, tr. (consterno), to strew or

cover over.

Constituo, ĕre, ui, ūtum, tr. (con

statuo), to place, station; to set up, erect; to found, build; to dispose, arrange, post; to stop, to halt; to establish, fix, settle, assign, appoint; to determine, resolve, decide, decree, ordain, agree upon.

Consto, are, stiti, stātum, intr. (con+sto), to stand together, be established; to be consistent, correspond. Constat, impers., it is evident, manifest, clear. Constrātus, a, um, part. from Consterno.

Construo, ĕre, uxi, uctum, tr. (construo), to put together, construct, build, form, fabricate. Consuefacio, ĕre, feci, factum, tr. (consuesco+facio), to accustom, inure, habituate. Consuesco, ĕre, suēvi, suētum, intr. (consuesco), to become accustomed, accustom one's self; to accustom, inure. Consuetudo, inis, f. (consuesco), custom, habit, usage; intercourse, intimacy. Stupri consuetudo a criminal intercourse. Consuētus, a, um, part. and adj. (consuesco), accustomed, habituated, inured; customary, usual, ordinary, wonted.

Consul, ulis, m. (consulo), a consul, one of the two chief magistrates of Rome, elected annually. Consul designatus, consul elect. Consulāris, e, adj. (consul), of or belonging to a consul, consular.

As a noun, a consular, an exconsul.

Consulātus, ūs, m. (consul), the office of consul, the consulship or consulate. Consulo, ĕre, ului, ultum, tr. and intr., to consult, deliberate, discuss, take counsel; to judge, consider, ask advice. With the dative, to provide for, consult for, take care of, look to, regard, respect. Mihi consultum est= my interests have been consulted. Male consulereto adopt bad


Consultatio, onis, f. (consulto), a consultation, deliberation. Consulto, adv., designedly, on purpose, deliberately, purposely. Properly ablat. of cause. Consulto, ǎre, āvi, ātum, tr. and intr. freq. (consulo), to consult, deliberate, to advise; to take care of, provide for, look to, consult for.

Consultor, ōris, m. (consulo), one who gives advice or counsel, a counsellor, adviser; one who asks advice or counsel, a client. Consultum, i, n. (consulo), deliberation, consideration; a decree, resolution, ordinance; a measure, design, plan; a question (for deliberation). Consultus, ūs, m. (consulo), a decree, resolution, ordinance, sta


Cousumo, ĕre, sumpsi, sumptum, tr. (consumo), to consume, devour, destroy, kill, slay; to waste, spend, squander, exhaust, employ, use up. Consumptus, a, um, part. from Consumo.

Contagio, onis, f. (contingo), contact, touch; contagion, infection, disease.

Contemno, ĕre, tempsi, temptum, tr. (contemno), to contemn, despise, slight, treat with contempt.

Contemptor, ōris, m. (contemno),

a contemner, despiser. As an adj., disdainful, haughty. Contemptus, a, um, part. and adj. (contemno), contemned, despised; contemptible, despicable, vile.

Contendo, ĕre, di, tum, tr. and intr. (contendo), to stretch; strain, exert, put forth; to strive, endeavor, attempt; to seek for, solicit; to strive to reach, hasten; to compare; to contend, dispute, fight, engage.

Contentio, onis, f. (contendo), a contention, contest, dispute, controversy; a straining, effort, exertion, endeavor. Contěro, ĕre, trivi, tritum, tr. (contero), to wear away, waste, consume, spend; to wear out, break to pieces. Continentia, ae, f. (contineo), a checking, restraining; self-control, moderation, continence, temperance, abstinence. Continĕo, ère, tinui, tentum, tr. (con+teneo), to hold or keep together; to contain; to hold, keep, retain; to restrain, curb, check; to hem in, bound. Continuo, are, avi, ātum, tr. (continuus), to continuc, prolong; to join together, unite, connect. Contio, onis, f. See Concio. Contra, prep. with the ассив.,

against, contrary to, in opposition to; to, in reply to. Contra, adv., on the contrary, on the other hand, in return, in opposition, against. Contra ferire, to strike back. Contrǎho, ĕre, xi, ctum, tr. (con +traho), to draw together, assemble, collect, unite. Contrěmo, ĕre, ui, -, intr. (con

tremo), to tremble greatly, quake; to be greatly agitated. Controversia, ae, f. (controversus), a controversy, debate, dispute. Contubernium, i, n. (contaberna), tent-companionship, &

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