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Sonitus, ús, m. (sono), a sound, noise, din.

Sons, tis, adj., guilty, criminal. Sordidus, a, um, adj. (sordes), filthy, dirty, foul, squalid; low, base, mean sordid, niggardly. Sors, tis, f. (sero), a lot; a casting or drawing of lots; fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition.

Sp., an abbreviation of Spurius. Sparus, i, m., a spear, dart, lance; a hunting-spear. Spatium, i, n., a space, distance, interval; a path, course; a space of time, time.

Species, ei, (specio), the outward appearance, outside, exterior; form, figure, appearance; look, show, seeming, semblance, pretence, color, pretext, cloak; an image, likeness.

Spectaculum, i, n. (specto), a sight, show, spectacle; a public show.

Spectātus, a, um, part. and adj. (specto), tried, tested, proved; worthy, esteemed, looked up


Specto, are, avi, ātum, tr. freq. (specio), to look at, behold; to see, observe, watch, regard; to examine, test, try.

Speculator, ōris, m. (specŭlor), a scout, spy; searcher, investiga


Speculor, äri, ātus, dep. (specula),

to spy out, watch, observe, examine, explore.

Spero, are, avi, ātum, tr., to hope, trust; to expect.

Spes, ei, f., hope, expectation. Spinther, ĕris, m., Publius Cornelius Lentulus Spinther, a Roman aedile in B. C. 63. Spiro, are, avi, ātum, intr., to breathe.

Spolio, are, avi, ātum, tr. (spolium), to strip, rob, plunder, pillage, spoil; to deprive, despoil.

Spolium, i, n., the arms or armor

stripped from a defeated enemy; booty, prey, spoil, plunder. Sponsio, onis, f. (spondeo), a

promise, guarantee, agreement. Spurius, i, m., a Roman praenō


Statilius, i, m., Lucius Statilius, confederate with Catiline. Statim, adv. (sto), forthwith, immediately, instantly. Stativus, a, um, adj. (sto), stand

ing, stationary. Stativa castra, a standing or stationary camp. Statuo, ĕre, ui, ūtum, tr. (sto), to set up, raise, build, erect; to put, place, set, station, establish; to conclude, determine. resolve, decide; to appoint, assign, ordain.

Status, ūs, m. (sto), a standing, po

sition; posture, attitude; condition, state, situation; station, rank.

Stimulo, àre, āvi, ātum, tr. (stimulus), to goad, torment, vex, trouble, disturb, to spur on, incite, rouse up, stimulate. Stipator, ōris, m. (stipo), an attendant; plural, a retinue; attendants.

Stipendium, i, n. (stips+pendo), a tax, impost, tribute; the pay of soldiers; military service; a campaign. Stipendia facere, to perform military service. Stipendia emerēri, to serve out one's time.

Stirps, pis, m. and f., a root, stem, stalk, of a tree, plant, etc.; source, origin, foundation; stock, family, race, lineage. Ab stirpe, from the root, utterly. Strenue, adv. (strenuus), strenuously, vigorously, actively, promptly.

Strenuus, a, um, adj., active,

strenuous, energetic, vigorous, prompt. quick, nimble. Strepitus, us, m. (strepo), a clash

ing, rattling, rustling, clattering; a din, clamor, shouting, uproar, noise.

Strepo, ĕre, ui, ĭtum, intr., to | Subsidium, i, n. (subsideo), the

make a noise; to clatter, rattle, rustle, murmur, roar, ring. Strepere voce, to vell, shout. Studěo, ère, ui, - intr., to be eager, zealous; to apply one's self; to be devoted to, to be attached or favorable to, to favor; to desire, aim, strive after. Studium, i, n. (studeo), zeal, ardor, eagerness, fondness, inclination, desire, endeavor; devotion, favor, good-will; pursuit. Studia civilia, civil dissensions. Stultitia, ae, f. (stultus), folly, foolishness, silliness.

Stultus, a, um, adj., foolish, silly. Stuprum, i, n., defilement, disgrace; debauchery, lewdness, unchastity. Stupra facere, to commit acts of lewdness. Suaděo, ĕre, si, sum, tr. and intr., to advise, persuade, exhort, recommend.

Sub, prep. with the accus. or ablat., under, underneath, beneath, at the foot of; on; at, during; towards, close to, near, by. Subactus, a, um, part. from Subigo.

Subdole, adv. (subdolus), somewhat craftily, cunningly, or deceitfully. Subdŏlus, a, um, adj. (sub +

dolus), somewhat crafty, cunning, sly, subtle or deceitful. Subduco, ĕre, xi, cium, tr. (sub + duco), to draw or haul up; to withdraw, draw off, lead away, remove, steal. Subfodio, ĕre. See Suffodio. Subigo, ĕre, égi, actum, tr. (sub

ago), to break up, dig up, plough; to put down, overcome, conquer, subjugate, subdue, subject; to incite, impel; to force, compel, constrain.

Sublatus, a, um, part. from Tollo. Sublěvo, are, avi, atum, tr. (sub

+levo), to lift up, raise up, support; to assist, aid, sustain; to lighten, alleviate, mitigate,lessen.

troops stationed in reserve, reserve, reinforcement; support, aid, assistance, help, protection. Subvěnio, ire, vēni, ventum, intr. (subvenio). to come up or advance to one's assistance, to help, aid, succor, assist, relieve. Subveniundum est, assistance should be given.

Subverto or Subvorto, ĕre, ti, sum, tr. (subverto). to turn upside-down, upset, overturn; to overthrow, subvert, demolish, destroy, ruin.

Succedo, ère, cessi, cessum, intr. (subcedo), to mount, ascend; to approach, advance, march up; to follow, succeed. Succurro, ĕre, curri, cursum, intr. (subcurro), to run hasten to; to help, aid, assist, succor, relieve. Sudes, is, f., a stake. Sudor, ōris, m., sweat; labor, toil, difficulty, fatigue.


Suffodio, ĕre, fōdi, fossum, tr. (subfodio), to dig under, sap, undermine.

Suffragatio, ōnis, f. (suffragor), a voting for one, interest, favor, support, recommendation. Sui, sibi, se, pers. pron., m. f. and n., of himself, herself, itself, themselves. Accus. and ablat., sese, (i. e. se se). Sulla, ae, m., Publius Cornelius Sulla, who, while consul elect, was convicted of bribery. Suila, ae, m., Servius Cornelius

Sulla, brother of the preceding, confederate with Catiline. Sulla, ae, m., Lucius Cornelius

Sulla, the celebrated Roman dictator and opponent of Marius. Sullanus, a, um, adj. (Sulla), of Sulla, Sulla's, Sullan.

Sulphur or Sulfur, ŭris, n., sulphur, brimstone.

Sum, esse, fui, —, irreg. intr., to be, exist, live, stay, continue.

Summus, a, um, adj. (super. of superus), highest, very high; topmost, uppermost; the last; greatest, supreme; most eminent, illustrious, distinguished. Summum, i, n. (summus), the top. summit.

Sumo, ĕre, sumpsi, sumptum, tr., to take, take up, receive; to assume, maintain; to undertake; to choose, select.

Sumptus, us, m. (sumo), expense, charge, cost. Supellex, lectilis, f., household

utensils, furniture, or goods. Super, prep. with the accus. and ablat., over, above, on, upon, beyond, more than; of, on, about, concerning.


Super, adv., over, above; moreover, besides. Satis superque, enough and more than enough. Superbia, ae, f. (superbus), haughtiness, pride, arrogance. superbiam, haughtily, proudly. Superbus, a, um, adj., proud, haughty, arrogant, insolent. Superior, us, adj. (comp. of supĕrus), upper, higher, superior; preceding, former, past, previ ous; more eminent, illustrious, or distinguished. Supero, are, avi, atum, tr. (super), to surmount, overtop; to be superior, surpass, exceed, outstrip, excel, outdo; to overcome, overpower, conquer, vanquish, subdue; to remain over, abound, be abundant. Supersto, ǎre,,, to stand

[blocks in formation]

store, to be present; to suffice, be sufficient. Supplementum, i, n. (suppleo), a filing up, supply, supplement; recruits, reinforcements. Supplex, ĭcis, adj. (sub + plico), suppliant, supplicant, entreating, beseeching, submissive, humble. As a noun, a suppliant, supplicant. Supplicium, i, n. (supplex), a public prayer, an act of worship, supplication, sacrifice, offering; an humble entreaty; punishment, penalty, distress, suffering. Supplico, āre, avi, atum, intr. (supplex), to kneel down, to pray or beg humbly, to beseech, implore, supplicate; to worship. Supra, prep. with the accus. (superus), above, over, upon, beyond, more than.

Supra, adv. (supĕrus), above, before, previously; beyond, over, morethan. Supra esse,to surpass. Sura, ae, m. See Lentulus. Susceptus, a, um, purt. from Suscipio.

Suscipio, ĕre, cepi, ceptum, tr. (subcapio), to take, receive; to undertake, assume, incur, enter upon; to undergo, submit to, suffer.

Suspectus, a, um, part. and adj. (suspicio), mistrusted, suspected, exciting suspicion, suspicious. Suspicio, onis, f. (suspicio), mistrust, distrust, suspicion. Suspicio, ĕre, pexi, pectum, tr. (subspecio), to look up or upward; to look up to, admire, regard, esteem; to mistrust, suspect.

Suspicor, āri, ātus, dep. tr. (suspicio), to mistrust, suspect, apprehend, surmise, suppose. Sustento, åre, āvi, atum, tr. freq. (sustineo), to hold up, to uphold, support, sustain, maintain, preserve; to hold out, endure; to defer, delay.

Sustinčo, ére, tinui, tentum, tr. (subteneo), to uphold, bear│ up, support, maintain, sustain; to check, restrain, hold back; to undergo, endure, withstand; to defer, delay.

Sustollo, ĕre, —, ——, tr. (sub + tollo), to lift, raise, or take up; to take away, remove, destroy. Suthul, indecl., n., a town in Nu


Suus, a, um, possess. adj. pron. (sui), his, her, its, their; his own, etc.; hers, theirs. Suum, sua, one's own, one's property, effects, rights. Sui, one's friends, relatives, people, party, soldiers. Syphax, acis, m., a king of Numidia, conquered by Scipio. Syrtis, is, f., a sand-bank in the sea, quicksands, syrtis; particularly two sandy gulfs on the northern coast of Africa, Syrtis major, now Sidra, and Syrtis minor, now Cabes.


T., an abbreviation of Titus. Tabernaculum, i, n. (taberna), a


Tabes, is, f. (tabeo), a wasting away, consumption, corruption; a wasting disease, a plague, pestilence.

Tabesco, ĕre, tabui, ད intr. incho. (tabeo), to melt away; to waste, pine, dwindle away; to decay, Janguish, decline, fade. Tabula, ae, f., a board, plank; à tablet, writing-tablet; a picture, painting. Tabulae, pl.. writings, records, accounts. Tabulae novae, new accounts, an abolition of debts.

Tacĕo, ére, ui, itum, intr., to be silent, hold one's peace, say nothing.

Tacitus, a, um, adj. (taceo), silent,

in silence, still, quiet, mute; unmentioned; concealed, unobserved.


Taeda, ae, f., the pitch-pine tree; a torch, firebrand. Taedet, duit, or taesum est, impers., it disgusts, offends, wearies. Taedet me= I am weary of,

disgusted with. Taedium, i, n. (taedet), weariness, irksomeness, tediousness; loathing, disgust.

Taeter, tra, trum, adj. See Teter. Talis, e, adj., such, of such a kind,

sort, or quality, such-like; so distinguished, great or eminent. Tam, adv., so, so much, so very. Tamen, conj., notwithstanding, nevertheless, for all that, yet, still, however. Tametsi, conj. (tamen + etsi), though, although, notwithstanding that. Tamquam or Tanquam, adv. (tam quam), as if, as, just as, as it were, so to speak.

Tana, ae, m.. a river of Numidia. Tandem, adv. (tam+dem), at length, at last, finally; pray, then.

Tantum, adv. (tantus), only, alone, merely; so, so much, so long, so greatly, to such a degree. Tantummodo or Tantum modo, adv. (tantummodo), only,

alone, merely. Tantus, a, um, adj., so great, so

much, so many, such. Tanto, ablat., by so much, the. Tarde, adv. (tardus), slowly, tardily.

Tardus, a, um, adj., slow, tardy, sluggish; dull, stupid. Tarquinius, i, m., Lucius Tarquinius, confederate with Catiline.

Tectum, i, n. (tego), a roof, house,
dwelling, abode, shelter.
Tectus, a, um, part from Tego.
Tego, ĕre, texi, tectum, tr., to

cover, hide, conceal, cloak, disguise; to defend, protect, shelter. Telum, i, n., a missile, weapon; a dart, spear, javelin; a dagger, poniard, sword.

Teměre, adv., by chance, at random. without design, intent, or purpose; casually, fortuitously, rashly, thoughtlessly, inconsiderately.

Temeritas, atis, f. (temĕre), te

merity, rashness, heedlessness, thoughtlessness, foolhardiness. Temperantia, ae, f. (tempero), moderation, temperance, sobriety, discreetness.

Tempĕro, are, āvi, ātum, tr. and intr. (tempus), to temper, mix in due proportion; to mitigate, soften, regulate, moderate; to set bounds to, restrain; to be moderate.

Tempestas, atis, f. (tempus), time, an occasion, season, period; a storm, tempest; commotion, disturbance, calamity, misfortune. Templum, i, n, a temple; a consecrated or sacred place, a sanctuary.

Tempto, are, āvi, ātum, tr. freq. (tendo), to attack, assail, make an attempt upon; to try, examine, prove, put to the test; to attempt, essay; to urge, incite; to tempt, sound, tamper with. Tempus, oris, n., time; an occasion, season, opportunity. In tempore or ad tempus, in time, at the right time, seasonably. Tendo, ĕre, tetendi, tensum or tentum, tr. and intr., to stretch out, spread out, extend; to go, march, travel, direct one's course; to exert one's self, contend, endeavor, strive, aim at, tend. Tenebrae, ārum, f. pl., darkness, gloom, obscurity. Teneo, ere, ui, tentum, tr., to hold, keep, possess, occupy; to detain, delay; to restrain, abstain, refrain; to guard, defend, maintain; to reach, attain, obtain; to hold out, last, endure, continue; to grasp, compre


Tento, āre, avi, atum. See Temp


Terentius, i, m., Cnaeus Terentius, a Roman senator. Tergum, i, n., the back. A (ab) tergo, from behind, behind, in the rear.

Terra, ae, f., the earth, the land; a

country. Orbis terrae (terrarum), the earth, the whole world. Terracinensis, is, m., a Terracinian, an inhabitant of Terracina.

Terreo, ere, ui, ĭtum, tr., to terrify, affright, alarm, frighten. Terribilis, e, adj. (terreo), frightful, terrible, dreadful, shocking.

Terror, ōris, m. (terreo), terror,

affright, dread, alarm, dismay. Tertius, a, um, num. adj. (ter),

the third.

Testamentum, i, n. (testor), a testament, a last will. Testis, is, m. and f., a witness. Testor, äri, ātus, dep. (testis), to testify, witness, bear witness, attest; to show, prove, declare, aver; to call to witness, appeal


Testudo, inis, f., a tortoise; a testudo, a covering formed of the shields of the soldiers held over their heads; also, a movable shed under which besiegers worked.

Teter, tra, trum, adj., foul, offensive, noisome, hideous, loath


Tetrarches, ae, m., a tetrarch, ruler of the fourth part of a country.

Thala, ae, f., a town in Numidia. Theraei, ōrum or on, m. pl., the

Theraeans, the inhabitants of Thera, an island near Crete. Thesaurus, i, m., a hoard, store; a treasure; a treasury, treasurechamber, magazine, repository, store-house.

Thirmida, ae, f., a town in Numi


Thrax, acis, adj., Thracian. A. a noun, a Thracian.

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