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And not only must we have a lively1, a living, vigorous faith in God's mercy, and stay ourselves and rest upon it as a sure hope, but with it also a thankful2" remembrance of Christ's death, and of the innumerable benefits which by His precious bloodshedding He hath obtained to us."

5. Charity. Moreover, since faith, if it hath not works, is dead in itself, and if it have any living root 3 worketh by love (Gal. v. 6), the third point for selfexamination is, whether we are living in charity1 or

1 Lively living, full of life, vigorous, and a vital faith shows itself by good works. For this use of lively compare (1) Ps. xxxviii. 19, "Mine enemies are lively (where see the margin); (2) Acts vii. 38, "Who received the lively oracles to give unto us;" (3) 1 Pet. i. 3, "a lively hope;" (4) 1 Pet. ii. 5, "lively stones"="a living Stone," 1 Pet. ii. 4. When our Version was made, there was scarcely any distinction between "lively" and "living." Compare

"Lysistratus of Sicyone was the first that represented the shape of a man's visage in a mould from the lively face indeed."-Holland, Pliny, xxxv. 12.

"Was it well done to suffer him, imprisoned in chains, lying in a dark dungeon, to draw his lively breath at the pleasure of the hangman?"-Holland, Livy, p. 228. "That his dear father might interment have,

The young man entered a lively grave."

Massinger's Fatal Dowry, Act II. Sc. I. See Trench's Select Glossary, pp. 120, 121; and the Bible Word-Book, p. 299.

2 On the duty of thankfulness compare the Parable of the Ten Lepers, Lk. xvii. 17, 18; Col. i. 12-14, and see the Exhortation in the Communion Service, "Above all things ye must give most humble and hearty thanks to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, for the redemption of the world by the death and passion of our Saviour Christ." 3 Νεκρά ἐστιν καθ' ἑαυτήν = is dead in itself, not "being as in our English Version.


4 Charity, from the Latin caritas, through the Fr. charité, is now almost confined to almsgiving, but is used in our Authorized Version to translate άɣáπŋ, "a word born within the bosom of revealed religion," which denotes Christian love flowing from a sense of God's love for us. See 1 Cor. xiii. 1,

love with all men. For the Lord's Supper is not only the seal and pledge of God's great love towards us, but an assurance of our union with one another (1 Cor. x. 17), of our being very members incorporate in the mystical Body of His Son, which is the blessed company of all faithful people1. But if we love not our brother, whom we have seen, how can we love God, whom we have not seen? (1 Jn. iv. 20), and how can we partake of that holy Feast, which declares "not only our communion with Christ, but that unity also, wherein they that eat at this table should be knit together?"?

6. Proofs of Charity. This Charity or Christian love will display itself (1) in a readiness to make restitution and satisfaction for all injuries and wrongs done by us to any other3 (Mtt. v. 24); (2) in a willingness to forgive others that have offended us, even as we would have forgiveness for our offences from our heavenly Father (Mtt. vi. 14, 15); (3) in a forwardness to give alms of our substance to supply the wants of our poorer brethren, and to offer up hearty prayer for "all sorts and conditions of men," who are fellow-members with us of the same Body and joint-heirs of the same glorious Kingdom 5.

and compare Wiclif's Version of Rom. viii. 39, "Neither death, neither lyf...neither noon othir creature mai departe us from the charite of God that is in Jesu Christ our Lord." See Trench's Synonyms, p. 43; The Bible Word-Book, p. 97. 1 See the Second Prayer in the Post-Communion Service; Nowell's Catechism.

2 See the Second Part of the Homily Concerning the Sa


3 See above, on the petition in the Lord's Prayer, Forgive us our trespasses, p. 126.

4 Hence the occurrence of the Offertory in the Communion Service, in accordance with the usage of all the ancient Liturgies. Comp. Acts ii. 45, 46; 1 Cor. xvi. 2; Heb. xiii. 16.

5 See above, pp. 117, 118.




Abram, meaning of, 5
Absolution of the Church, 66
Adult baptism, 162
Adultery forbidden, 93
Almighty, meaning of, 21, 22
Amen, meaning of, 138; use in
Scripture, 138, n.
Angels, services of, 122
Apostles' Creed, 14
Apostles, receive the gift of the
Holy Ghost, 51; found the
Christian Church, 55; inculcate
the duty of prayer, 105; are
taught to pray by our Lord,
106; are commanded to baptize
all nations, 140; their teaching
concerning baptism, 160; their
practice, 164

Articles of the Creed, 18
Ascension of our Lord, 40
Athanasian Creed, 15


Baptism, name given in, 5, 6; a
covenant, 7, 8; vows of, 10; re-
mission in, 62, n.; a sacrament,
140; the outward sign in, 145;
of proselytes, 150; of John, 148;
of our Lord, 151; mode of ad-
ministration of, 152; formula of,
153; the grace of, 156; the re-
quirements for, 158; of Infants,
162; of Adults, 162

Benefits of the Lord's Supper, 180
Birth, of our Lord, 27; the new, 154
Blood of Christ shed for us, 167,

171; of the New Testament, 171;
verily received by the faithful in
the Lord's Supper, 179; our souls
strengthened by, 181; shed for
the remission of our sins, 182
Body, burial of our Lord's, 33; re-

surrection of our Lord's, 37; re-
surrection of ours, 69; duty of
keeping in temperance, 95;

[blocks in formation]

Catholic, meaning of, 57; Church, 57
Charity, necessity of, 186; proofs
of, 187

Chastity, duty of, 94
Child of God, 9

Children, duty of, 89; love of
Christ towards little, 164
Christ, members of, 8; our Prophet,
Priest and King, 24; meaning of
the name, 24; Death of, 32; Re-
surrection of, 37; Ascension of,
40; our Judge, 46
Christian name, the, 5
Church, meaning of the word, 56;
derivation of, 54; foundation of
the, 55; spread of the, 55; Holy,
56; Catholic, 57; Militant, 58;
Triumphant, 58

Comforter, the, 52
Commandments, the Ten, 75; their
division, 76; the First, 78; the
Second, 81; the Third, 83; the
Fourth, 85; the Fifth, 88; the
Sixth, 91; the Seventh, 93; the
Eighth, 95; the Ninth, 97; the
Tenth, 99

Communion of saints, the, 59
Confidence in God, 110
Confirmation, 166
Congregation of believers, 56
Contentment, duty of, 101
Covenant, the Mosaic, 7; the Chris-
tian, 8; baptism admits into, 8;
conditions of, 10

Covetousness forbidden, roo
Creation, Sabbath a commemora-
tion of the, 86

Creeds, origin of, 13; the Apostles'
Creed, 14; the Nicene Creed, 14;
the Athanasian Creed, 15
Crucifixion of our Lord, 31


Death of our Lord, 32; a sacrifice,
167; the Lord's Supper a remem-
brance of, 169

Devil, works of the, 11; names of,
II, n.; snares of, 129
Doxology, the, 134-138; wanting
in St Luke, 135; not explained
in the Catechism, 135
Duty of keeping our baptismal
Vows, 16; towards God, 78; to-
wards our neighbour, 88; towards
parents, 89; of purity, 94; of
truth and justice, 97; of keeping
the tongue from lying and slan-
dering, 99; of contentment, 101;
of forgiveness, 126; of prayer,
131; of self-examination, 184

[blocks in formation]

Feast, the Paschal, 171; rites of
the, 172; the Eucharistic, 178
Flesh, lusts of, 12

Forgiveness of others, a duty, 126;
a proof of charity, 187

Forgiveness of sins: an article of
the Creed, 62-66; prayed for
in the Lord's Prayer, 126-130;
promised in baptism, 155


Glory, kingdom of, 118; in Doxo-
logy, 136
God-fathers and mothers, 6
God, the Father, 21; the Son,
25; the right hand of, 41;
the Holy Ghost, 49; command-
ments of, 75; our duty to-
wards, 80; a jealous, 82; Father-
hood of, 109; the name of, 112;
names of, 113; kingdom of, 115
-119; secret will of, 119; re-
vealed will of, 120; forgiveness
of, 126

Grace, need of divine, 17; king-
dom of, 116


Heaven, Maker of, 22, n.; He as-
cended into, 40; Father in, III;
Kingdom of, 115

Hell, meaning of, 35, n.; our Lord's
descent into, 34

Holy Ghost, a Person, 49; pro-
ceedeth from the Father and
Son, 50; is God, 51; the giver
of life, 51; why called Holy, 52;
the Comforter, 52


Ichabod, meaning of, 5

Idolatry forbidden, 78; Egyptian,
81; warnings against, 82
Incarnation of our Lord, 26
Infant Baptism, 162; justified by
the analogy of the old covenant,
163; by the teaching of our Lord,
164; by Apostolic practice, 164;
by custom of the primitive church,
165; propriety of, 165
Isaac, meaning of, 5
Israelites, typical condition of the,
77: commandments addressed to
the, 81

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Paradise, 36

Parents, authority of, 89; to be
honoured, 89

Paschal Feast, the, 171; Lamb, the,

174, 175

Passover, an historical memorial,
170; its rites, 172; a feast upon
a sacrifice, 177

Paul, St, his teaching respecting
the Lord's Supper, 169, 176;
self-examination, 184; repent-
ance, 161; prayer, 105; the
union between Christ and His
Church, 94; obedience to pa-
rents, 90; the joys of heaven,
72; the future judgment, 44, 45
Person, of the Father, 21; of the
Son, 23; of the Holy Ghost, 48
Pilate, Pontius, governor of Ju-
dea, 30; our Lord's sufferings
under, 31

Pomps of the world to be re-
nounced, 12

Praise, ascription of, 137
Prayer, necessity of, 104; taught
by our Lord, 104; by the Apo-
stles, 105

Pride, a work of the devil, 11
Priest, Christ our, 43

Promises of God in Baptism, 155
Proselytes, baptism of, 150; new
life begun by, 156; examination
of Jewish, 158

Purity, duty of, 94


Quick, the, judgment of, 45


Rainbow, the, a sign, 146
Redemption, the promise of, 27;
the Lord's Supper, a Sacrament
of, 178, 185

Refreshment, spiritual, need of,
182; vouchsafed, 182
Regeneration, 157, and notes
Renunciation, 10, 16

Repentance, nature of, 161; re-

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