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Now all are gathered round in silence deep,
Heart throbbing maids, (like knots of flowers fair,
That bow unto the moon, whose soft rays sleep
Upon their beauty,) and youths flush'd with care
And keen anxiety, press forward there:
Meanwhile, the little cherub-bride draws nigh,
And from the vessel with her small hand fair,
Brings forth the gem that gladdens some one's eye,
That grants to him or her the gift of prophecy.

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Midsummer Day. There are several interesting notices of usages on this day and midsummer-eve,

in vol. i. from col. 825 to 855. To the account of the "old London watch" there cited, from "Stow's Survey," should be added from Mr. Douce's notes, quoted by Mr. Brand, that the watch "was laid down in the twentieth year of Henry VIII;" and that "the chronicles of Stow and Byddel assign the sweating sickness as a cause for discontinuing the watch." Mr. Douce adds, that "Niccols the says watches on midsummer and St. Peter'seve were laid down by licence from the king,. for that the cittie had then bin charged with the leavie of a muster of 15,000 men.""


Barton Wilford.

"Also that (the feoffees) their heirs or assignes shall lykewise yerelie, for ever, after the deceasse of the said Thomas Oken, distribute, or cause to be distributed, and paide, out of the yerelie revenewes of the forsaid lands and teneme'tes, to and amongest the neyhgboures of the bonfire of the said T. O., w'thin the High payv'ment Warde in the said towne of Warwick, towe shillinges of lawfull of law full englysshe money, to be paid by englysshe money, and thre shillings more equall porcions, to and amongest the neyhboures of the other thre bonfyres, beinge w'thin the said ward of the high Pay'ment, to make merry w't all, at there said bonfyres, yff any be in the vigilles or daies of seynt John Baptist and seynt Peter; and yff they have noe bonfires, that then the same to be ymployed to some other good use or uses, as to them shal be thought metest and convenient.'

The same gentleman quotes and refers to the following illustration of the day :

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"It was the 24 June, (at Lödingen in Norway on the confines of Lapland) the festival of St. John the Baptist; and the people flocked from all quarters to sport the whole night round a blazing fire, kindled on the top of an adjacent hill: a practice common about the time of the solstice, to the whole of the Gothic tribes, being a vestige of that most ancient wor ship of the resplendant image of the divinity, the glorious luminary of day."

Edinburgh Review, October, 1813, Art. Von Buch's Travels in Norway and Hi- Lapland.

A large paper copy of Brand's " Popular Antiquities," with MS. notes upon it by a gentleman of great reputation as an antiquary, and who has publicly distinguished himself by erudite dissertations on certain usages of ancient times, was some time ago most obligingly forwarded by that gentleman to the editor of the Every-Day Book, with permission to use the valuable manuscript additions. therto it happened, from peculiar circumstances, that the advantage has not been available, but this and future sheets will be enriched from that source. The gentleman referred to cites from-" an Indenture of covenant between Thomas Oken of Warwick and his twelve feoffees, dated the 20th of January, 13 Elizabeth," (1571,) the following clause :

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was described to have been represented at that time in the following manner :

The morning is ushered in by the merry peals of the corillons, or bell-playing. The streets are very early lined with soldiers; and, by eight o'clock, every house-top and window is filled with spectators, at least forty thousand exclusive of inhabitants.

About ten o'clock, after high mass at the great church, the show begins, by the the townsmen being classed according to the different trades, walking two and two, each holding a burning wax candle, and at least a yard long, and each dressed not in their best apparel, but in the oldest and oddest fashion of their ancestors.

After the several companies is a pageant containing an emblematical representation of its trade, and this pageant is followed by patron saints, most of which are of solid silver adorned with jewels. Bands of music, vocal and instrumental, attend the companies, the chorusses of which are very solemn.

Then followed the friars and regular clergy, two and two, in the habits of their different orders, slow in their motion, and with the appearance of solemn piety.

Then came the abbot in a most magnificent dress, richly adorned with silver and gold, his train supported by two men in the dress of cardinals. The host was borne before him by an old white-bearded man of a most venerable aspect, surrounded by a great number of boys in white surplices, who strewed frankincense and myrrh under his feet; and four men supported a large canopy of wrought silver, over his head, while four others sustained a large silver lantern, with a light in it at the end of a pole.

They then proceeded to the bottom of the street, where there was elevated a grand altar, ascended by a flight of steps; there the procession stopped, while the abbot came from under his canopy and took the host from the old man: ascending the altar, he held up the host in his elevated hands, and the vast multitude instantly fell on their knees, from the housetops down to the dirt in the streets below. After this solemnity, gaiety in the face of every one appeared, and the procession recommenced.

Other pageants came forth, from the great church, followed by a vast moving machine, consisting of several circular stages to represent Heaven; on the bottom stages appeared many friars and nuns, each holding white lilies in their hands,

and on the uppermost stage but one were two figures, representing Adam and Eve, and several winged angels, in white flowing garments. On the uppermost stage was one figure only, to represent God, on whom all the eyes of the lower figures were directed, with looks of adoration and humility; this machine was drawn by horses.

Next followed an enormous figure to represent Hell. It was something like an elephant, with a large head and eyes, and a pair of horns, on which several little devils, or rather boys dressed like devils, were sitting; the monster was hollow within, and the lower jaw was movable, by moving of which it frequently exhibited the inward contents, which was filled with full-grown devils, who poured out liquid fire from the "jaws of hell." At the same time, the figure was surrounded by a great number of external devils dressed in crape, with hideous masks and curled tails.

Between the figures which represented "heaven" and "hell," several young ladies passed with wreaths of flowers on their heads, and palms in their hands, riding in elegant carriages. After Hell followed old Lucifer himself, armed with a pitchfork, and leading St. Michael the archangel in chains. Michael and Lucifer were followed by a person dressed in a kind of harlequin's coat hung round with bells, holding a hoop in his hands, through which he frequently jumped, and showed many other feats of activity; but what, or who he represented I cannot say (except it were a fool).

Then came a grand carriage, covered with a superb canopy, from the middle of which hung a little dove; under the dove was a table covered with a carpet, at which were sitting two women dressed in white, with wings, pointing upwards to the dove. They represented the salutation of the Virgin Mary.

Next followed a group of dancing boys surrounding a stable, in which was seen the Virgin Mary again, and the child in the manger. This machine was followed by another fool, like the former, with a hoop of bells.

The next machine was a fish, fifteen feet long, moved by men, on wheels, concealed within; upon its back sat a boy, richly dressed, and playing upon a harp. The gold, silver, and jewels, which decorated this fish, were valued at ten thousand pounds and were finished by the

city merchants, whose sons and daughters were the principal actors in the show. After the fish came another fool, with a hoop, as before.

Then appeared Joseph as flying from Egypt; a woman representing a virgin with a young child upon her lap, and mounted on an ass, which was led by Joseph, who had a basket of tools on his back, and a long staff in his hand. Joseph and his spouse were attended by several devils, who beat off the people that crowded too close upon the procession: these two were followed by a fourth fool, or hoop-dancer.

Then came a large and magnificent carriage, on which sat a person representing the grand monarque sitting on a throne, dressed in his robes, with a crown, ball, and sceptre, lying before him on a table covered with embroidered velvet. His most christian majesty was attended by several devils, hoop-dancers, and banner-bearers.

Then followed another machine bearing the queen in her royal robes, attended by a great many ladies and maids of honour; the jewels of her crown were said to be of vast value; on this stage there was a grand band of music, and many dancers richly attired.

Then followed Bacchus, a large fat figure, dressed in coloured silk, attended by a great number of bacchanals holding goblets up to their mouths as in the act of drinking, with a few more devils and hoop-dancers.

Then followed a kind of a sea triumph, in the front of which appeared Neptune with his trident and crown, in a large shell, surrounded by boys dressed white, who were throwing out and drawing in a deep sea-lead, as sounding for land.


Six men followed in white shirts, with poles twenty-five feet long, decorated with bells and flowers; frequently shaking their poles, or endeavouring to break them; for he who could break one was exempted a whole year from all parish duty.

The pole-bearers were followed by a large ship, representing a ship of war drawn on wheels by horses, with sails spread, colours flying, and brass guns on board fired off very briskly : on the quarter-deck stood the admiral, captain and boatswain, who, when he whistled, brought forth the sailors, some dancing, others

heaving the log, and the tops filled with boys.

The ship was followed by the representation of a large wood, with men in it dressed in green; a green scaly skin was drawn over their own, and their faces were masked to appear as savages, each squirting water at the people from large pewter syringes. This piece of machinery, which was very noble, was the production of the jesuit's college, and caused great jollity among the common people.

The wood was followed by a very tall man, dressed like an infant in a bodycoat, and walking in a go-cart, with a rattle in his hand.

This infant was followed by a man forty-five feet high, with a boy looking out of his pocket, shaking a rattle and calling out." grandpapa! grandpapa!" He was clothed in blue and gold, which reached quite to the ground, and concealed a body of men who moved it and made it dance.

After him followed a figure nearly of the same stature, mounted on a horse of suitable size for the enormous rider, which made a most striking and elegant appearance, both man and horse being executed in a masterly manner. It was made in a moving posture, two of the feet being raised from the ground.

Then followed a woman of equal stature, and not inferior in elegance to those which preceded; she had a watch at her side as large as a warming-pan, and her head and breast richly decorated with jewels; her eyes and head turned very naturally; and as she moved along she frequently danced, and not inelegantly.

"Thus," says its describer, "ended the Cow-mass, a show scarce exceeded by any in the known world."

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This gentleman was remarkable for his skill in that exercise; he trained many of his servants and neighbours to it, and when those manly (though now thought unpolished) diversions were in fashion, he exhibited his pupils in public with no small éclat.

By his will he left a guinea to be wrestled for at Bradmore every midsurn mer-day, and money to the ringers, of whom he also made one. He displayed his learning in several curious iusiptions. Over a seat by the road-side, Hic sedeas, viator si tu defessus es ambulando. The honour of a visit from a judge on the circuit, was commemorated at the horseblock by, Hinc Justiciarius Dormer equum ascendere solebat.


1340. On the twenty-fourth of June, Edward III. fought a great naval battle off Sluys on the coast of Flanders, and gained a complete victory over the French. Edward's force did not exceed two hundred and forty sail; the French had four hundred sail, and forty thousand men. The English took two hundred and thirty of the ships, and killed thirty thousand Frenchmen, and two of their admirals. Edward's presence animated his archers, who were as invincible then, as they were six years afterwards on the plains of Cressy.

NATURALISTS' CALENDAR. Mean Temperature... 59 - 57.

June 25.

1826.—The first Sunday after Midsummer Day.


Mr. Brand says, "It is the duty of the rector of St. Mary at Hill, in which parish Billingsgate is situated, to preach a sermon every year, on the first Sunday after midsummer-day, before the society of Fellowship Porters, exhorting them to be charitable towards their old decayed brethren, and to bear one another's burthens.""

It is remarkable that Mr.Brand, who was the rector of this church, and who quotes largely from the churchwardens' accounts of that parish, in illustration of manifold customs whereon he treats, says nothing further respecting his "duty," as rector, towards the Fellowship Porters: he does not even subjoin how long the annual sermon appeared to have been preached, nor does he say so much as a recent compiler who notices the custom as follows:

"Annually on the Sunday after mid3ammer-day, according to ancient custon, the fraternity of Fellowship Porters of the city of London repair to the church of St. Mary at Hill in the morning, where, during the reading of the psalms, they reverently approach the altar, two and two, on the rails of which are placed two basins, and into these they put their respective offerings. They are generally followed by the congregation, and the money offered is distributed among the aged poor and inferior members of that fraternity.*

The birds now begin to be very active in devouring the fruits, and cherryclacks are set up to drive them away; the perpetual flapping of which, in the light breezes by night, are too well-known to the student by the nightly lamp.

The Cherryclack.
The lamplight student wan and pale,

In his chamber sits at ease,
And tries to read without avail;

For every moment the light breeze
Springs up and nestles in the trees.

Lambert's Hist. of London, vol. ii. p. 46.

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The harvest in Provence begins about midsummer; the process of gathering it in is very different from ours. It is cut, bound up in sheaves, and carried away immediately to the thrashing-floor, where it is stacked up. The thrashing-floor, or aire, (to give it the name by which it is called in the country,) is out in the open field; it is of a circular form, and paved sometimes with stone, sometimes with a stiff clay beaten down till it becomes nearly as hard as stone. In the parts near the aire, while one man cuts the corn and binds the sheaves, another takes them upon his back, two or three at a time, and carries them away to the aire; when the distance is somewhat greater, the sheaves are loaded upon an ass or mule; and when the distance is considerable, then a cart is employed, provided the ground be not too steep to admit of it, which happens not unfrequently. In no case is the corn left standing where it is cut, but carried away immediately.

When all is in this manner collected at the aire, it is spread out thick upon it, and one or two horses or mules blindfolded, with a man standing in the middle and holding the reins, are made to run round and round, till the corn is separated from the straw; after which the one is put into sacks and stored up in the granary, and the other put into a loft for winter food for the cattle. No such thing

Dr. Forster's Perennial Calendar.

as a barn is to be seen, at least in the southern parts of Province.

Rain during harvest is so very unusual, that this whole process may be carried on without fear of interruption from wet, or of the corn being injured for want of shelter. to

The scripture injunction, not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn," is explained by seeing this mode of thrashing. It is said both to be a more expeditious and effectual process than the flail; but it appears very hard work to the animals, especially being performed under the influence of such a burning sun. Our mode of thrashing is, perhaps, equally hard work to mankind.

During the time of harvest, which is considered as lasting till the corn is all thrashed and laid up, the peasant makes the cornstack his bed: he sleeps upon it, attended by his dog, as a precaution against nocturnal depredators; and the air and ground are both so dry, that he has nothing to apprehend from damps.*


On the twenty-sixth of June, 1752, died cardinal Julius Alberoni. He was born in 1664; his father, a gardener near Parma, who obtained for him a small post in the cathedral where he took priests orders, was enabled by the fortune of war to serve Campistron, the French poet, who was secretary to the duke of Vendome, and who introduced him to that warrior, to whom Alberoni betrayed the granaries of his countrymen. Vendome perceived his talent for political intrigue, and in reward of this treason, appointed him to conduct a correspondence with the princess d'Ursins who governed the affairs of Spain. In quality of agent to the duke of Parma, Alberoni was settled at the Spanish court, and contrived_to marry the princess to Philip V. The new queen gave him her confidence, and obtained for him a cardinal's hat; he was made a grandee of Spain, and became prime minister, in which capacity he endeavoured to excite the Turks against the emperor, attempted the restoration of the pretender to the throne of England, aimed at dispossessing the duke of Orleans from the regency of France, and securing it for Philip V., and by these and other ambitious endeavours, raised a host of

Miss Plumptre.

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