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How the forces were drawn up for battle. Section 59.

Page 55. § 59. 4. signa canere iubet: 'he ordered the call (to battle) to be sounded.' 6. remōtīs omnium equis: cf. Caesar, B. G. I, xxv: Caesar, prīmum suō, deinde omnium ex cōnspectū remōtīs equis, ut aequātō omnium periculō, spem fugae tolleret, cohortātus suōs proelium commisit. 7. pedes: why short -es?


8. Nam, utī, etc. For as it was a plain lying between mountains on the left and ground rendered rough by rocks on the right'; inter governs both montis and aspera, the latter being in the neuter accusative plural and being equivalent to aspera loca; rūpe, ablative of cause, to be taken with aspera. 10. reliquarum sīgna reliquas cohortis; see signum in Vocab. 14. Faesulānum quendam : perhaps the P. Furius mentioned in 40, 6. 15. calōnibus: common slaves belonging to the soldiers, who were trained so as to be ready to fight in emergencies. 16. aquilam: see note to Cicero, 23, 9.

18. pedibus aeger: Dio Cassius, the historian, says that Antonius pretended to be afflicted with the gout, in order to avoid directing the battle against his old friend Catiline. In this connection it has been suggested that, although Antonius's force was larger than that of Metellus, Catiline chose to join battle with the former, because he hoped that their old time friendship might influence Antonius to let the victory go to him. 19. M. Petrēiō: see Vocab.; in the civil war he sided with Pompey, and was defeated by Caesar in Spain. After the battle of Thapsus he fled with king Juba to Zama. Being denied admittance to the town, they killed each other. 25. amplius: B. 217, 3; A. 247, c; H. 471, 4; G. 296, R.4.

The battle of Pistoria; defeat and death of Catiline. Section 60.

§ 60. It is impossible to estimate the number of those engaged on each side with any accuracy. As to Catiline's force, although at one time he had two full legions, we are told that many deserted him on hearing of the execution of the conspirators at Rome (see 53, 1–5). Dio Cassius declares that Catiline had only 3000 men. The same historian states that Antonius had a larger force than Metellus. As Metellus, according to Sallust, 53, 8, had three legions, Antonius probably had 15,000 to 20,000 men. With forces so unequally matched, the result could not long be in doubt.

Page 56. 1. ferentāriīs: light-armed skirmishers stationed on the wings, who commenced the battle by burling their spears at the enemy. 2. cum infēstīs sīgnīs: 'in a charge' ('literally, with hostile standards'). pīla omittunt: cf. Caesar, B. G. VII, 88, Nostri, omissis pilis, gladiis rem gerunt. 10. cohortem praetōriam: the general's bodyguard, consisting of veteran legionaries on foot, together with equitēs, — both Roman cavalry and men picked from the cavalry of the allies (see praetōrius in Vocab.). 11. eosque, etc.: 'and throwing them into confusion, cut them down, as they offered but a scattered resistance.'

The battlefield after the battle. Section 61.

§ 61. 19. animī vīs: 'valor.'

20. Nam, etc. For in most

cases, the place which each man in fighting had taken when alive,' etc. vīvos: nominative singular. pugnando: see note to Cicero,

10, 5.
dash of the praetorian cohort into their midst.'

21. Pauci, etc.: a few men who had been scattered by the

Page 57. 1. visundi: 'of viewing the battlefield.'


The references are to sections.

Aliēnī appetens, sui profūsus.

Covetous of others' property, lavish with his own.

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Aliud clausum in pectore, aliud in lingua promptum habere. To have one thing hid within the heart, another ready on the tongue. CATILINE, 10.

Alterum alterius auxilio eget.

The one needs the aid of the other.—CATILINE, 1.

Amīcitiās inimīcitiāsque nōn ex rẽ sed ex commodō aestu


To regard friendships and enmities, not at their real worth, but as a matter of personal advantage. CATILINE, 10.

Bono vinci satius est quam malō mōre iniuriam vincere. It is better for a good man to suffer defeat than to use foul means to defeat wrong. -Jugurtha, 42.

Concordia parvae rēs crescunt, discordiā māxumae dīlābuntur.

Through harmony small states grow, through discord the largest fall to pieces. — Jugurtha, 10.

Corporis et fortunae bonōrum ut initium sīc fīnis est.

Blessings of the body and of fortune have an end as well as a

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Cuius rei lubet simulātor ac dissimulātor.

In anything whatsoever, he could feign to be what he was not, or hide what he was. CATILINE, 5.

Dīvitiarum et fōrmae glōria fluxa atque fragilis est, virtūs clara aeternaque habetur.

The fame of wealth and beauty is fleeting and frail, but intellectual superiority is a glorious and eternal possession.

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He preferred to be rather than to seem good. — Catiline, 54.

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Iam pridem equidem nōs vēra vocābula rērum āmīsimus. Verily we have long since lost the real names of things.

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Idem velle atque idem nolle, ea dēmum fīrma amīcitia est. To have the same likes and dislikes, —this after all is what

constitutes firm friendship. — Catiline, 20.

Imitārī quam invidere bonīs mālēbant.

They preferred to imitate rather than to envy the good.

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Imperium facile iis artibus retinetur, quibus initiō partum

est. Power is easily retained by the exercise of those qualities through which it was originally acquired. — CATILINE, 2.

In maxuma fortūnā minuma licentia est.

The higher your fortune, the less your freedom.

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Is demum mihi vivere atque frui animā vidētur, qui aliquō negōtiō intentus praeclarī facinoris aut artis bonae famam quaerit.

He only seems to me to live and enjoy life, who intent upon some task seeks the fame of a glorious deed or of a noble

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Laudis avidi, pecuniae līberālēs.

Greedy of praise, generous with money. —CATIline, 7.

Magis voltum quam ingenium bonum habere.

To have an honest countenance rather than an honest heart.

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Mãiōrum glōria posterīs quasi lūmen est, neque bona neque mala eōrum in occulto patitur.

Distinguished forefathers cast upon their descendants a light which will allow no good or bad deed of theirs to be hidden. — JUGurtha, 85.

Nēmō nisi victor pace bellum mūtāvit.

No one but a victor has changed war for peace.

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Neque cuiquam mortālium iniuriae suae parvae videntur; multī eās gravius aequō habuēre.

No man underestimates his wrongs; many take them more seriously than is reasonable. - CATILINE, 51.

Neque quisquam omnium lubīdinī simul et ūsuī pāruit. No one has ever been guided by passion and his true interests at the same time. CATILINE, 51.

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