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9-10.30 a. m.

Translate any four of the following passages and answer the questions on the passages chosen. The translation should be exact, but in clear and idiomatic English.

1. Miltiades, cum accessisset Lemnum et incolas eius insulae sub potestatem redigere vellet Atheniensium, idque Lemnii sua sponte facerent postulasset: illi irridentes responderunt, tum id se facturos, cum ille, domo navibus proficiscens, vento aquilone venisset Lemnum.-Miltiades, 1.

a) Where is Lemnos ?

b) Account for the mood of facerent.

c) Write the first person singular of all tenses in the subjunctive of volo. d) Decline ille in the neuter singular.

e) Write the other participial forms of proficiscor.

2. Huc cum venisset (Themistocles) et in praesentia rex abesset, quo maiore religione se receptum tueretur, filiam eius parvulam arripuit et cum ea se in sacrarium quod summa colebatur caerimonia coniecit. Inde non prius egressus est quam rex eum data dextra in fidem reciperet.-Themistocles, 8.

a) Account for the case of praesentia.

b) Explain the use of quo.

c) Write the principal parts of tueretur.

d) What is the force of the suffix in sacrarium?

e) Decline fidem.

3. In his (viris) autem cognitum est quanto antestaret eloquentia innocentiae. Quamquam enim adeo excellebat Aristides abstinentia ut unus post hominum memoriam, quem quidem nos audierimus, cognomine Iustus sit appellatus, tamen a Themistocle collabefactus, testula illa exsilio decem annorum multatus est.— Aristides, 1.

a) Account for the case of innocentiae; of quem.

b) Explain the mood of antestaret.

c) If quamquam were changed to cum, what would excellebat become?

d) What meaning of ille is illustrated in this passage ?

4. At ille, post non multo, sua sponte ad exercitum rediit, et ibi non stolida sed dementi ratione cogitata patefecit. Non enim mores patrios solum sed etiam cultum vestitumque mutavit. Apparatu regio utebatur, veste Medica; satellites Medi et Aegyptii sequebantur; epulabatur, more Persarum, luxuriosius quam qui aderant per peti possent.—Pausanias, 3.

a) Account for the case of multo.

b) Write the third person singular of the present and the future indicative passive of patefecit.

c) Decline cultum in the singular.

d) Write the principal parts of perpeti.

5. Nam postquam in Siciliam eum pervenisse crediderunt, absentem quod sacra violasset reum fecerunt. Qua de re cum ei nuntius a magistratu in Siciliam missus esset, ut domum ad causam dicendam rediret, essetque in magna spe provinciae bene administrandae, non parere noluit.-Alcibiades, 4.

a) How did Alcibiades render himself liable to prosecution?

b) What idea is expressed by the mood of violasset?

c) Explain the syntax of dicendam and write an alternative construction for ad causam dicendam.

d) Write the first person singular of the future indicative and of the present subjunctive of rediret.

e) Write the principal parts of parere.

6. Hic uxorem numquam duxit. In quo cum reprehenderetur a Pelopida, qui filium habebat infamem, maleque eum in eo patriae consulere diceret, quod liberos non relinqueret, "Vide," inquit, "ne tu peius consulas, qui talem ex te natum relicturus sis."-Epaminondas, 10.

a) What is the antecedent of quo?

b) Write the superlative of male.

c) Write the principal parts of consulere.

d) Account for the mood of relinqueret; of relicturus sis. e) Decline tu.





9-10.30 a. m.

The translation should be exact; but clear and idiomatic English is required.


Translate one of the following passages and answer the questions on the


I Diviciacus, multis cum lacrimis Caesarem complexus, obsecrare coepit ne quid gravius in fratrem statueret: scire se illa esse vera, nec quemquam ex eo plus quam se doloris capere, propterea quod, cum ipse gratia plurimum domi atque in reliqua Gallia, ille minimum propter adulescentiam posset, per se crevisset; quibus opibus non solum ad minuendam gratiam, sed paene ad perniciem suam uteretur. Sese tamen et amore fraterno et existimatione vulgi commoveri. Quod si quid ei a Caesare gravius accidisset, neminem existimaturum non sua voluntate factum.-I, 20.

Who was the brother referred to in the foregoing passage, and what charge had been brought against him? Compare gravius. Give the syntax of either doloris or opibus. Explain the derivation of aduiescentiam. Explain the composition of either posset or accidisset. Account for the mood and tense of crevisset. Give the active and passive infinitives of commoveri. Restore Quod si . factum to the direct form.

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2 Compluribus expugnatis oppidis Caesar, ubi intellexit frustra tantum. laborem sumi neque hostium fugam captis oppidis reprimi neque iis noceri posse, statuit exspectandam classem. Quae ubi convenit ac primum ab hostibus visa est, circiter ccxx naves eorum paratissimae atque omni genere armorum ornatissimae profectae ex portu nostris adversae constiterunt; neque satis Bruto, qui classi praeerat, vel tribunis militum centurionibusque, quibus singulae naves erant attributae, constabat quid agerent aut quam rationem pugnae insisterent. Rostro enim noceri non posse cognoverant.—III, 14. Give the active and passive participles of captis. Give the active and passive infinitives of reprimi. If ubi were changed to cum, what would visa est become? Express ccxx in words. Give the syntax of Bruto. Translate into Latin: Brutus is in command of (see praeerat) the ship. State briefly the position and duties of the officers referred to in tribunis militum centurionibusque. Either restore quid agerent to the direct form and explain the mood of the verb after the change, or translate into Latin: The enemy cannot be injured (see noceri).

Translate one of the following passages and answer the questions on the


3 Datis etsi non aequum locum videbat suis, tamen fretus numero copiarum suarum confligere cupiebat, eoque magis, quod, priusquam Lacedaemonii subsidio venirent, dimicare utile arbitrabatur. Itaque in aciem peditum centum, equitum decem milia produxit proeliumque commisit. In quo tanto plus virtute valuerunt Athenienses ut decemplicem numerum hostium profligarint, adeoque eos perterruerunt ut Persae non castra, sed naves petierint. Qua pugna nihil adhuc exstitit nobilius; nulla enim umquam tam exigua manus tantas opes prostravit.-Miltiades, 5.

What battle is here described? Where and when was it fought? Why was it so important? Explain the construction of numero, subsidio, tanto. Compare magis, plus. Account for the mood of venirent. Write the genitive and dative singular of nulla.

4 Neque tamen a caritate patriae potuit recedere. Nam cum apud Aegos flumen Philocles, praetor Atheniensium, classem constituisset suam neque longe abesset Lysander, praetor Lacedaemoniorum, qui in eo erat occupatus ut bellum quam diutissime duceret, quod ipsis pecunia a rege suppeditabatur, contra Atheniensibus exhaustis praeter arma et naves nihil erat super, Alcibiades ad exercitum venit Atheniensium ibique praesente vulgo agere coepit: si vellent, se coacturum Lysandrum dimicare aut pacem petere.-Alcibiades, 8. What decisive battle was fought at Aegos flumen? What is the force of the suffix in caritate, praetor? What is a more common meaning of praetor? To what does eo refer? Explain the construction of Atheniensibus. Give all the infinitives of exhaustis.

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