SaleAnderson Galleries, 1904 |
DICKENS CHARLES Works of Charles Dickens With Life by John Forster Portraits and illusts by J | 25 |
Language Literature and Contents including the Biblical | 23 |
Maeder Edited by Douglas Taylor Illust with portraits | 15 |
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12 pieces 50 pieces 8vo and smaller Abraham Lincoln Allen American autograph Biographical Books Bost Bust Catalogue Charles circa colored copies printed crimson crushed Crown 8vo Cruikshank Earl Edited Edmond de Goncourt Edwin Booth English entirely uncut etched EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED facsimiles folio foxed French front full polished calf George gilt edges gilt extra gilt tops half calf half cloth half morocco half roan Henry History india paper india proof inlaid issued James John Large folio Large Paper levant Lincoln Line engraving lithograph Lond Lord maps Memoirs Mezzotint morocco gilt Numerous illusts Oblong folio old calf open letter proof original cloth original impression oval Paris Phil plates Poems portraits and illusts post 8vo rare Richard Robert royal 8vo Sale Scarce Sketches slightly rubbed Small 4to Small folio stipple Thick 8vo Thomas three-quarter calf three-quarter morocco Transl uncut vellum views vols Washington William York