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erant." Denique saepius fatigatus, leniter et ex voluntate Sullae omnia se facturum promittit. Ceterum ad simulandam pacem, cujus Numida, defessus bello, avidissumus, quae utilia visa, constituunt. Ita, composito dolo, digrediuntur.

CXII. AT rex postero die Asparem, Jugurthae legatum adpellat :" sibi per Dabarem ex Sulla cognitum, posse conditionibus bellum zponi : quamobrem regis sui sententiam exquireret." Ille laetus in castra Jugurthae venit. Deinde ab illo cuncta edoctus, properato itinere, post diem octavum redit ad Bocchum, et ei nunciat, "Jugurtham cupere omnia, quae imperarentur, faccre; sed Mario parum confidere: saepe antea cum imperatoribus Romanis pacem conventam frustra fuisse. Ceterum si ambobus consultum, et ratam pacem vellet, daret operam, ut una ab omnibus, quasi de pace, in colloquium veniretur, ibique sibi Sullam traderet: cum talem virum "in potestatem haberet, fore, uti jussu senatus atque populi Romani foedus fieret: neque hominem nobilem, non sua bignavia, sed ob rempublicam in hostium potestate, relictum iri."

CXIII. HAEC Maurus secum ipse diu volvens tandem promisit; ceterum dolo, an vere, parum comperimus. Sed plerumque regiae voluntates, ut vehementes, sic mobiles, saepe dipsae sibi advorsae. Postea tempore et loco constituto, [in colloquium uti de pace veniretur] Bocchus Sullam

y Sibi. Dicit understood; in some editions it is expressed. z Poni. For componi, the simple for the compound.

a In potestatem. In with the sense of intra In good authors in is sometimes used indiscriminately with the accusative or ablative, without being regulated by the commonly received principles of motion or rest.

b Ignavia. Cowardice, indolence.

c Dolo, an vere. Deceitfully, or sincerely. Vere is in some editions followed by cunctatus.

d Ipsa sibi advorsa. Self-contradictory.

modo, modo Jugurthae legatum adpellare, benigne habere, idem ambobus polliceri. İlli pariter laeti, ac spei bonae pleni. Sed nocte ea, quae proxuma fuit ante diem colloquio decretum, Maurus, adhibitis amicis, ac statim immutata voluntate remotis, dicitur secum ipse multa agitavisse, foltu corporis pariter, atque animo varius: quae scilicet, tacente ipso, occulta spectoris patefecisse. Tamen postremo Sullam arcessiri jubet, et ex ejus sententia Numidae insidias tendit. Deinde, ubi dies advenit, et ei nunciatum est, Jugurtham haud procul abesse, cum paucis amicis et quaestore nostro, quasi obvius honoris caussa, procedit in tumulum, facillumum visu insidiantibus. Eodem Numida cum plerisque necessariis suis, inermus, ut dictum, accedit; ac statim, signo dato, undique simul ex insidiis invaditur. Ceteri obtruncati: Jugurtha Sullae vinctus traditur, et ab eo ad Marium deductus.

CXIV. PER idem tempus advorsum Gallos ab ducibus nostris, Q. Caepione et M. Manlio, male pugnatum; quo metu Italia omnis contremuerat.. Illique et, inde ad nostram memoriam, Romani sic habuere; alia omnia virtuti suae prona esse; cum Gallis pro salute, non pro gloria 'certare. Sed,

e Remotis. Here refers to amicis, and is contrasted with adhibitis. In othér editions remotis is followed by cæteris.

f Voltu, &c. In some editions vultu, colore, et motu corporis; but voltu corporis is a pleonastical mode of expression, which has several parallels in our author; as timor animi, virtus animi, &c. &c.

g Pectoris patefecisse. In some editions pectoris, oris immutatione patefecisse.

h Gallos. These tribes here and elsewhere called Galli, were originally Germans. They were the Cimbri, Teutones, and Tigurini, and were a very numerous people.

i Illique. The order of this sentence is illique Romani, et Romani inde ad nostrum, &c. Both the Romans of that day, and thence downwards even to our time.

k Inde. In some editions usque.
1 Certare. In some editions certari.


postquam bellum in Numidia confectum, et Jugurtham vinctum adduci Romam nunciatum est, Marius consul "absens factus, et ei decreta provincia Gallia isque "Kalendis Januariis magna gloria consul triumphavit. Ea tempestate spes atque opes civitatis in illo sitae.

m Absens. This was a violation of law. No person was allowed to be a candidate, unless he was at Rome.

n Kalendis Januariis. The first of January, the time when the consul entered on his office.


EXAMPLES of the ancient orthography, which are very frequent in Sallust, have been generally pointed out in the preceding notes. The principal of these are: the use of an o for an e, as vorto for verto; of u for i, as optumus for optimus; of e for i, as intellego for intelligo; of u for e, as referundum for referendum; of is for es in the plural accusatives of nouns, as partis for partes; of e for e, as ceteri for cæteri; of ss for 8, as caussa for causa; of ll for 1, as paullo for paulo; of an m for an n, as umquam for unquam; the omission of p in some words, as sumtus for sumptus, &c.

In other authors the last letter of the preposition, when annexed to the verb, is, in particular cases, for the sound's sake, changed into the first letter of the verb; in Sallust the preposition, when annexed to the verb, in most of these cases, remains unchanged: hence we find him constantly using adfero for affero, adgredior for aggredior, ecferens for efferens, &c. In this last case, the original form of the preposition, as derived from the Greek x, is retained. When the preposition ex in composition precedes s, the s in other authors is commonly omitted; in Sallust, it is retained; as exsequor for exequor, exstruo for extruo.

There are several other peculiarities in Sallust, adverted to in the notes; as the use of the frequentative for the simple verb, which occurs in almost every page; and of the infinitive mood for the perfect, or imperfect of the indicative, especially for the latter; a practice more common in this author than in any of the classics. Some words also, which, in other au

thors, always appear in a contracted form, in Sallust are somelength, as tamen etsi for tametsi, animum ad

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times written
vorto for animadverto.

The reader will recollect, when reviewing the geographical notes, that the boundaries of countries were frequently altered by conquest, partition, &c. and became, of course, very different in different ages. The design of the notes did not admit a particular enumeration of the various changes that took place from time to time in each country.


Some of the variations between the text of Cortius, and that exhibited in other editions, are also marked in the notes. detail of them all would have swelled the book to an inconve. nient size.

The same, or similar notes, will be found sometimes repeated. This repetition was often intended, to confirm observations previously made; in other cases it was unintentional, but unavoidable; when the editor had not access to the sheets already printed off.

Notwithstanding all the pains that have been taken to preserve accuracy, errors may have been overlooked, which the liberality of the reader will pardon.


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