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hands. Mrs. Benson and I took up his case, and today he is going to school. He goes on a wagon; but by spring we will have him walking.

Mrs. Drake: I would like to say to you who are not clearly in the Understanding how to receive help. I was asked to see a lady who had been suffering for years and unable even to go to a neighbor's house. I went to see her and listened to her tale of woe and sorrow. She had prayed and prayed, but, said she, it is God's will that I should suffer. When she had finished, I said, "My dear sister, if it is God's will that you should suffer, why do you employ a physician? Now when you pray, just turn your thought to a word of thankfulness; turn your word God-ward and say, 'I thank thee, O God, that thou hast given me health and strength.' Be still and say these words of thankfulness. The Master says: 'Judge not according to appearance, but judge according to righteous judgment.""

She promised me that she would pray in that way. She afterward sent for me and said, "Now my prayers are answered."

It is God's will for every one of us to be healed. Take that word home, dear friends, and your word will be manifest in the Spirit.

Mrs. Fillmore: I want to speak of this piece of money the sister spoke of awhile ago. On one side is the Goddess of Liberty and on the other the eagle. That dollar carries with it the idea of strength and liberty. Now every coin we take into our hands we can bless and vitalize, and what mind we put in it will be in it. Every coin we send forth, let us send forth vitalized and filled with blessings. We want the one who is touching it to know health manifest, freedom manifest and strength manifest. It is blessed to give, and we can not put it out of one hand faster than it will come into the other. Our thought ushered in today is: I am rich in the consciousness of God as my support and my supply. Let go of all belief in lack.

When I awake in thy likeness I shall be like thee. I am the Substance of things hoped for, because I and the Father are one and the Father manifests through me.

Mrs. Edith Haseltine, leader.

Silent thought: "The love of Jesus Christ pervades my heart and mind and the mind of everyone in this room."

"Though Christ a thousand times in Bethlehem be born, If he is not born in thee, thy soul is all forlorn."

In each one of us is a divine, a perfect Self. Not only are we to recognize and think of this perfect. One, but we are to express it in its fullness. Jesus' purpose was to perfectly manifest the Christ, and give the way by which everyone can do the same. He said: "Be ye perfect," and "I and my Father are one." Every declaration Jesus made, he made for all who would live his principles. He said: "Believe me, I am in the Father and the Father is in me." At another time he said: "At that day ye shall know that I am in the Father and ye in me and I in you." We see that this I AM is the same in the Father, in himself and in you. He refers to the Christ Spirit. What is it that stands between us and the Christ Spirit? The personal self. This personal self must be overcome. Now, overcoming does not mean that we lose our individuality. The difference between personality and individuality is that personality demands and individuality radiates. The violet has no personality, but an individuality that radiates color, beauty and perfume.

Jesus Christ is the perfect manifestation. We may be likewise as we follow his example. The understanding of the two selves, the false and the true, gives the principles of divine healing. The one that is sick, sorrowful and dissatisfied is the false one. The true or Christ Spirit says: "Go tell the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand"-is here, within you. Tell of Goodness as the real presence and

power. "Let that mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus." If we would radiate the Good, we must become selfless. The Good is made visible by the Word. "All things were made by the Word and without the Word was not anything made that was made." We are always speaking, for there are silent words as well as audible words. We must watch the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts that they be acceptable in thy sight, O Christ, our strength and our Redeemer. All are included in the Universal Brotherhood who recognize their divinity. "Whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother." "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God; if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ."

All are

All are in different stages of unfoldment. unfolding toward the same conscious unity with God. The belief in separation is the cause of all man's troubles. We must ever say, "The Lord watch between me and thee, and make me to know that there is no separation in Spirit." Then I can not be separated from the love of God, the life of God, the wisdom of God, only as I think falsely.

As someone has said, "Man's greatest need is to know how to think." When Jesus was asked the rule by which to manifest the perfect One, he said in his great wisdom: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself."

Jesus Christ is with us today. He is still the greatest healer. He still loves all humanity with his boundless love. He told his disciples that unless he went away as a personality, the Comforter or Spirit of Truth would not come. They would not look within. They would not come into recognition of the Christ Spirit within themselves.

Mary E. Baker: Although a stranger to you, dear people, the words spoken by our dear sister struck a chord in my heart and caused a thrill to go

through me. There is no limit to the God within us, to the power within us. This spirit grows up within us and we realize what there is for us. All things are ours. "Ye are Christ's and Christ is God's.” Now all we have to do is to take hold of circumstances.

The scales are falling from our eyes. we who are teachable - we who are going into the Silence and seeking to know our good. In the Scriptures we read, “Then shall we know, if we follow on to know." "Seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you." Those who seek, find what is for them. Let us be more teachable and learners in God's school, for "God is no respecter of persons." He makes his revelations to the ones who become as little children and sit at his feet as learners. It is written, "They shall all be taught of God."

Judge H. H. Benson: We are the happiest people imaginable, and it all comes from having the vision of the Christ. How shall we attain unto that? As I said Sunday night, in the Silence, in the stillness of your soul. When the external senses are all still.

In the Holy of Holies the Christ is conceived in the matrix of the soul. Once we have this vision of the Christ—once the Christ is born within, and it abides with us, nothing can happen to us. We can all attain to it.

Mrs. Jennie H. Croft: In the lesson which Mrs. Hazeltine gave us is one beautiful thought, and that is, that in the heart of everyone, no matter what the external condition or appearance may be, in the heart of everyone is the infinite possibility of the Christ. It may be covered over with the desires of the earth, but in every heart is the Christ, and sometime, somehow and somewhere the bursting of the bonds will be, and that soul come forth into what it will be. That is the goal. That is what we are trying to do. Some are doing it, and it will come up in

a life of beauty and love and then will come the beautiful flower. We put away personality and come into the individuality of the Christ child. Then we will be what we are to be. Then may we say, "1 AM THAT I AM and beside me there is none other."

Mrs. Cora Thomas: The thought came to me of an ocean that is so still it does not mind the tossing of the waves on top. It is so with us if we can look within. I am so glad to know that we can turn to that within and the billows on the outside make no difference to us.

Mrs. Myrtle Fillmore: When our beautiful lesson was being given to us from various ones of our friends, I was thinking about this little commotion that is going on in the back yard. It means change, and this change may symbolize the change that is going on with us. We are putting the old ideas ard the old ways in the background and making room for the new; and this is going on in the external as well as the interior. When Jesus was asked when the Kingdom of Heaven should come, he said: "When the without shall become as the within."

Mr. Moore: I met a man down here in the city today that had, at eighty-five, an X-Ray practitioner to examine his body to find a bullet that was shot in there during the War of the Rebellion. He has been to the best physicians of the country.

I had not seen the man for 30 years until today, and I asked him if he had tried Christian Science. He said, yes, but that he did not have a bit of confidence in it. I said, "If you had spent half the time in finding the Truth that you have in finding the bullet, you would have found that there was no bullet, long ago."

It seemed strange to me that I should come in contact with the man as I did. His wife was taking him down town to find some specialist. If we would find the Truth that makes us free, that heals us from all our infirmities, all we have to do is to accept it— be one with it.

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