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Moulins, Charles des, Crinoïde tertiaire de la Gironde et Spatangue du miocène supérieur de Saucats. (Extr.) in: Journ. d. Zool. (Gervais.) T. 2. 1873. p. 430. (Original s. unter Spatangidae.)

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Ooster, W. A., Pétrifications remarquables des Alpes suisses. Synopsis des Echinodermes fossiles des Alpes suisses. Avec 29 planches lith. Basel, Georg, 1865. gr. 4. (131 S.) M 32.-. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1866. p. 628-629. Remond, Auguste, Description of Four New Species of Echinodermata, from the Tertiaries of Contra Costa County. in: Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sc. Vol. 3. P. I. 1863. p. 52-54.

Rigaux, E.: 8. Sauvage, E.

Römer, Ferd., Neue Asteriden u. Crinoiden aus devonischem Dachschiefer von Bundenbach bei Birkenfeld. (M. 7 Taf.) in: Palaeontographica. 9. Bd. 1862-64. 4. Lfg. p. 143--152. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1863. p. 382-383. Rofe, John, Notes on some Echinodermata from the Mountain-limestone, etc. (With 1 Pl.) in: Geol. Mag. Vol. 2. 1865. p. 245-252.

Saemann, L., et Aug. Dollfus, Études critiques sur les Échinodermes fossiles du coralrag de Trouville (Calvados). (Avec 1 Pl.) in: Bull. Soc. géol. France. 2. Sér. T. 19. (1861-62.) 1862. p. 168-184.

Sauvage, E., et E. Rigaux, Note sur quelques Échinodermes des étages jurassiques supérieurs de Boulogne-sur-Mer. (Avec 1 Pl.) in: Bull. Soc. géol. France. 3. Sér. T. 1. (1872-73.) 1873. p. 137-142.

Schlüter, Clemens, Fossile Echinodermen des nördlichen Deutschlands. (M. 3 Taf.) in: Verh. d. naturhist. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal. 26. Jhg. (3. F. 6. Jhg.) 1869. p. 225-253.

Fossile Echinodermen des nördlichen Deutschland. 1. Stück. Echinodermen der oberen Kreide. (Auszug von U. Schloenbach.]) in: Verh. d. k. k. geol. Reichsanst. Wien. Jhg. 1869. p. 150. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1870. p. 655-656.

(Aus voranstehendem Originale.)

Schultze, Ludw., Monographie der Echinodermen des Eifler Kalkes. (Mit 13 Taf.) in: Denkschr. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien. Math.-naturwiss. Cl. 26. Bd. 1867. 2. Abth. p. 113-230. Auch separ. Wien, (Gerold's Sohn), 1866. gr. 4. (118 S. u. 13 Bl. Erklärungen mit 13 Steintaf.) M 12.— Auszug von F. v. H[auer.] in: Verh. d. k. k. geol. Reichsanst. Wien. Jhg. 1867. p. 201-202.

Stoliczka, Ferd., The Echinodermata [of the] Cretaceous Fauna of Southern India. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1873. p. 781.

(Palaeont. Indica. Cretaceous Fauna, Vol. IV. 1873. - s. p. 4750.)

Thomson, Wyville, On a New Palaeozoic Group of Echinodermata. (Avec 2 Pl.) in: Edinb. new phil. Journ. N. Ser. Vol. 13. 1861. p. 106-117.

Tournouër, R., Considérations sur les Échinodermes du Calcaire à Astéries. in: Bull. Soc. géol. France. 3. Sér. T. 3. (1874-75.) 1875. p. 484-490.

Recensement des Échinodermes de l'étage du calcaire à Astéries dans le S.-O. de la France. (Avec 3 Pl.) in: Act. Soc. Linn. de Bordeaux. T. 27. (3. Sér. T. 7.) 1869. p. 263-308. (Auszug von T. F.) in: Verh. d. k. k. geol. Reichsanst. Wien. Jhg. 1872. p. 34.

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Whiteaves, J. F., On the Oolitic Echinodermata of the neighbourhood of Oxford. in: Geologist. 1861. p. 174-175.

Worthen, A. H.: s. Meek, F. B.

Wright, Thomas, Contributions to the Palaeontology of Gloucestershire: a description, with figures, of some new species of Echinodermata from the Lias and Oolites. (With 3 Pl.) in: Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Club. Vol. 2. 1860. p. 17-48.

On fossil Echinoderms from the Island of Malta; with notes on the stratigraphical distribution of the fossil organisms in the Maltese beds. (With 4 Pl.) i bid. Vol. 2. 1860. p. 55-117.

A Monograph on the British Fossil Echinodermata from the Oolitic Formations. Part IV, containing the Echinolampidae, the Stratigraphical Distribution of the Oolitic Species, the Bibliography of the Echinodermata, and Additional Notes on the Echinoidea. (With 7 Pl.) in: Palaeontogr. Soc. London. Vol. 12. 1860. (Tit., p. 391-468, 1 1.; Pl. XXXVII-XLIII a. 7 1. expl. of Pl.) Titel etc.: Vol. I. The Echinoidea. London, Printed f. the P. Soc., 1857-1878. (Tit., III p. u. [Index:] p. 469-481. ibid. Vol. 32. 1878.

(Part I-III: s. Carus-Engelmann, Bibl. zool. p. 1493.)

Wright, Thomas, Same. Vol. II. Part I. On the Asteroidea. (With 13 Pl. (Pl. I-X, Xa, XI-XII.]) London, printed for the Palaeontographical Society, 1863. in: Palaeontogr. Soc. London. [Vol. 15.] 1862. (Tit., 130 p., 121. expl. of Pl.) — Vol. II. PartII. On the Ophiuroidea. Pages 131-154; Plates XIII-XVIII. ibid. Vol. 18. 1866. (Tit., 6 1. expl. of Pl.) Vol. II. Part III. [Contin.] ibid. Vol. 34. 1880. (Tit., IV p.a. p.155-203; Pl. XIX-XXI; 31. expl. of Pl.) Darin auch der vollst. Titel: Vol. II. The Asteroidea a. Ophiuroidea. London, Printed f. the P. Soc., 1863-1880.

Im letzten Theile dieser Monographie: Appendix I. Summary of the British Liassic a. Oolitic Echinoidea, Asteroidea, and Ophiuroidea, described in Volumes I a. II of the Oolitic Echinodermata [Compiled by T. Wiltshire] p. 171-187. Appendix II. Range in geological time of the British fossil Echinoidea, Asteroidea, a. Ophiuroidea, described. .., p. 189. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1863. p. 876.

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A Monograph on the British Fossil Echinodermata from the Cretaceous Formations. Vol. I. Part I. On the Cidaridae. (With 11 Pl.) ibid. [Vol. 16.] 1864. (Tit., 64 p., 11 1. expl. of Pl.) Part II. On the Cidaridae and Diademadae. Pages 65 -112; Plates IX, X, XII-XXI, XXIA, XXIB. ibid. Vol. 21. 1868. (Tit., 141. expl. of Pl.) Part III. On the Diademadae. Pages 113-136; Plates XXII-XXIX, XX A, XXIX B. ibid. Vol. 23. 1870. (Tit., 10 l. expl. of Pl.) - Part IV. On the Diademidae and Salenidae. Pages 137-160; Pl. XXX-XXXIX. ibid. Vol. 24. 1871. (Tit., 10 1. expl. of Pl.) Part V. On the Salenidae. (Pages 161-184; Plates XL -XLIV.) ibid. Vol. 26. 1872. (Tit., 5 1. expl. of Pl.) Part VI. On the Echinoconidae. Pages 185-224; Plates XLV-LII. ibid. Vol. 27. 1874. (Tit., 8 l. expl. of Pl.) Part VII. On the Echinoconidae, Echinonidae, Echinobrissidae, Echinolampidae, and Spatangidae. Pages 225-264; Plates LIII-LXII. ibid. Vol. 29. 1875. (Tit., 10 1. expl. of Pl.) Part VIII. On the Spatangidae and Echinocoridae. Pages 265-300; Pl. LXII A, LXIII—LXIX. ibid. Vol. 32. 1878. (Tit., 8 l. expl. of Pl.) Young, John, On a Carboniferous Genus of Echinoderms with Overlapping Plates. in: Geol. Mag. Vol. 10. 1873. p. 301–303.

b) Crinoidea.

Angelin, N. P., Iconographia Crinoideorum in Stratis Sueciae Siluricis Fossilium. Opus posthumum edendum curavit Regia Academia Scientiarum Suecica. Cum Tabulis XXIX. Holmiae, Samson & Wallin; London, Trübner & Co., 1878. Fol. (IV, 64 p.) cart. M 40.(Review. in: Geol. Mag. N. Ser. II. Dec. Vol. 5. 1878. p. 408-410. cfr. auch Roemer.) Beyrich, H. E., On the Base (Pelvis) of the Crinoidea brachiata. [Translated by W. S. Dallas.] (With Woodcuts.) in: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. Ser. Vol. 7. 1871. p. 393 -411.

(Aus nachstehendem Originale.)

Über die Basis der Crinoidea brachiata. (M. Holzschn.) in: Berlin. Monatsber. (1871.) 1872. p. 33-55. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1871. p. 665. Über das Gesetz des symmetrischen Baues bei den Crinoiden mit fünfeckiger Basis. in Ztschr. d. deutsch. Geol. Ges. 16. Bd. 1864. p. 359-360.


Über einen spiralig aufgerollten Crinoidenstengel aus der Grauwacke von Ems. in: Sitzber. d. Ges. naturf. Freunde. Berlin. März 1877. p. 70-71.

Billings, E., On the Crinoideae of the Lower Silurian Rocks of Canada. (With 10 Pl.a. 24 woodcuts.) in: Figures a. Descriptions of Canad. Organic Remains. Dec. IV. 1859. (72 p.)

[-] On the Crinoidea or Stone-Lilies of the Trenton Limestone; with a description of a new species [Glyptocrinus ramulosus]. (With woodcuts.) in: Canad. Naturalist. Vol. 1. 1856. p. 48-57.

Briart, A. s. Cornet, F. L.

Carpenter, P. Herbert, Feather-Stars, recent a. fossil. (With 2 Pl.) in: Popul. Sc. Review. N. Ser. Vol. 4. 1880. p. 193-204.

Casseday, S. A. and S. S. Lyon, Description of two new Genera and eight new Species of Fossil Crinoidea, from the Rocks of Indiana and Kentucky. in: Proc. Americ. Acad. Arts and Sc. Vol. 5. (1860–62.) 1862. p. 16–31.

Cornet, F. L., et A. Briart, Note sur l'existence dans le terrain houillier du Hainaut, de bancs de calcaire à Crinoides. in: Ann. Soc. géol. de Belgique. T. 2. 1875. Mém. p. 52-57. Bull. p. LIX.

J. van Scherpenzeel-Thim, dente.] ibid. Bull. p. LIX-LX.

[Observations sur la communication précé

Crinoids injected by Silicates. in: Amer. Naturalist. Vol. 5. 1871. p. 445–447. (Nach T. Sterry Hunt, Nat. Hist. Soc. Montreal. - s. unten.)

Etheridge, R., Observations on the swollen condition of carboniferous Crinoid stems. (With 2 Pl.) in: Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow. Vol. 4. (1878—80.) P. 1. 1880. p. 19-36.

Grinnell, George Bird, On a new Crinoid from the Cretaceous formation of the West. [Uintacrinus socialis.] (With 1 Pl.) in: Americ. Journ. Sc. and Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 12. 1876. p. 81-84. (Abstr. by R. E[theridge], Jun.) in. Geol. Mag. N. Ser. II. Dec. Vol. 3. 1876. p. 464. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1877. p. 879-880.

Guiscardi, Guglielmo, Sui Crinoidi del periodo terziario. in: Rendic. dell' Accad. Scienz. fisich. e mat. Napoli. Anno XIII. 1874. p. 165-169.

Hall, James, Descriptions of New Species of Crinoidea from the Carboniferous Rocks of the Mississippi Valley. In: Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. Vol. 7. (1859-63.) 1863. p. 261-328.

Descriptions of New Species of Crinoidea, from Investigations of the Iowa Geological Survey. Preliminary Notice. Albany 1861. roy. 8. (19 S.)

Description of new Species of Crinoidea and other Fossils from strata of the age of the Hudson-River Group and Trenton Limestone. (With 3 Pl.) in: 24. Ann. Rep. N. York State Mus. Nat. Hist. 1872. p. 205–224.

Descriptions of some new Species of Crinoidea and other Fossils. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1868. p. 254.

(Rep. on the State Cabinet f. 1866.)

Notice of some remarkable Crinoidal Forms from the lower Helderberg Group. (With 3 Pl.) in: 28. Ann. Rep. N. York State Mus. Nat. Hist. 1879. p. 205-210. On the Occurrence of an internal convoluted plate within the body of certain species of Crinoidea. in: Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. 10. (1864—66.) 1866. p. 33-34.Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3. Ser. Vol. 17. 1866. p. 398–399.

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Preliminary notice of some species of Crinoidea from the Waverly Sandstone series of Summit County, Ohio, supposed to be of the age of the Chemung Group of New York. in: 17th Annual Rep. Regents Univ. N. York on Conditions of State Cabinet. 1864. p. 50-60.

Preliminary notice of some of the species of Crinoidea known in the Upper Helderberg and Hamilton Groups of New York. (With 1 Pl.) in: 15th Report on the Cabinet of Natural History of the State of N. Y. 1868. p. 115-152. [Abstract.] in: Americ. Journ. Sc. and Arts. 2. Ser. Vol. 34. 1862. p. 282-283.

and R. P. Whitfield, Descriptions of Crinoidea from the Waverly Group. (With 3 Pl.) in: Palaeontology of Ohio (Newberry). Vol. II. 1875. p. 162–179. Heymann, Herm., Über Jugendzustände von Crinoideen. in: Verh. d. naturhist. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal. 18. Jhg. (N. F. 8. Jhg.) 1861. Sitzber. p. 39-40. Hunt, T. Sterry, On a Mineral Silicate injecting Paleozoic Crinoids. in: Americ. Journ. Sc. and Art. 3. Ser. Vol. 1. 1871. p. 379-380.

Injection of Crinoids by Silica. (Abstr.) in: Popul. Sc. Review. Vol. 11. 1872. p.89. (Nach Sterry Hunt. - s. voranstehenden Titel.)

Koninck, L. de, Sur quelques Crinoïdes paléozoïques nouveaux de l'Angleterre et de l'Écosse. (Avec 1 Pl.) in: Bull. de l'Acad. roy. de Belgique. 2. Sér. T. 4. 1858.

p. 93-108.

Loriol, P. de, Crinoides fossiles de la Suisse. in: Assoc. franç. p. l'avanc. d. sc. C. R. de la 8. Sess. (1879.) 1880. p. 627-636.

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Monographie des Crinoides fossiles de la Suisse. Première Partie. (Avec 8 Pl.) in: Abh. d. Schweiz. paläontol. Ges. Vol. IV. 1877. (Tit., 52 S.) Deuxième Partie. (Avec 6 Pl.) ebd. Vol. V. 1878. (Tit., p. 53-124.) Troisième et derniere Partie. (Avec 7 Pl.) ebd. Vol. VI. 1879. (Tit., p. 125-300.) Dass. auch separ.: Genève, (Basel, Georg. Berlin, Friedländer & Sohn.) 1877-79. gr. 4. (300 S. m. 21 Steintaf.) M 24.- (Auszug von Dames.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1879. p. 730-731.

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Lütken, Chr., Endnu et Par Ord om de gamle Söliliers,,Snabel" og Mund. (Med Afbildning. i text.) in: Videnskab. Meddel. fra d. naturhist. Foren. Kjöbenhavn. (Aaret 1869.) 1870. p. 160-188. Résumé franç.: Encore quelques mots sur la trompe et la bouche des anciens Crinoïdes. p. 11-13.

Lundgren, Bernhard, [Über Säulenglieder von Crinoideen bei Köpinge unweit Ystad.] in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1876. p. 180-182.

Lyon, Sidney S., Remarks on thirteen new species of Crinoidea from the palaeozoic rocks of Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio, and a description of certain peculiarities in the structure of the columns of Dolatocrinus, and their attachment to the body of the animal. (With 2 Pl.) in: Trans. Americ. Philos. Soc. Vol. 13. N. S. P. 3. 1869. p. 443-466.

s. a. Casseday, S. A.

and S. A. Casseday, Description of two new genera and eight new species of fossil Crinoidea. in: Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts a. Sc. (Boston.) Vol. 5. 1860. p. 16-31. Meek, F.B., and A. H. Worthen, Bemerkungen über die Structur einiger paläozoischer Crinoideen. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1871. p. 535.

(Amer. Journ. Sc. a. Arts. 2. Ser. Vol. 48. 1869. p. 23. - s. unten.)

Descriptions of New Crinoidea, etc., from the Carboniferous Rocks of Illinois and some of the adjoining States. in: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1865. p. 155-166.

Descriptions of new species of Crinoidea, etc., from the Palaeozoic rocks of Illinois and some of the adjoining States. ibid. 1865. p. 143-155.

Note in relation to a genus of Crinoids [Philocrinus] from the Coalmeasures of Illinois and Nebraska, proposed by them on p. 174 of the last number of this Journal. in: Americ. Journ. Sc. and Arts. 2. Ser. Vol. 39. 1865. p. 350-353.

Notes on some points in the Structure and Habits of the Palaeozoic Crinoidea. in: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1868. p. 323–334. Canad. Naturalist and Quart. Journ. Sc. New Ser. Vol. 4. 1869. p. 434-452. Americ. Journ. Sc. and Arts. 2. Ser. Vol. 48. 1869. p. 23-40.

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Remarks on some types of Carboniferous Crinoidea, with descriptions of new Genera and Species of the same, and of one Echinoid. in: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1868. p. 335-359.

Meneghini, G., I Crinoidi terziarii. in: Atti Soc. Tosc. Sc. nat. Pisa. Vol. 2. 1876. p. 36-59. (Auszug von Lö.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1877. p. 218–219. (Auszug von Th. Fuchs.) ebd. Jhg. 1879. p. 729.

Meneghini, G., [Nuove osservazioni sui Crinoidi terziari.] in: Atti Soc. Tosc. Sc. nat. Pisa. Proc. verb. Vol. I. 1879. (8 luglio 1878.) p. XXXI-XXXII.

Miller, S. A., The square Crinoid column. in: Cincinnati Quart. Journ. Scienc. Vol. 2. 1875. p. 378-379.

Moore, Charles, On the Presence of the Genera Plicato crinus, Cotyloderma and Solanocrinus in British Strata. in: Geol. Mag. N. Ser. II. Dec. Vol. 2. 1875. p. 626-627. Morière, J., Crinoides des terrains jurassiques du Calvados. (20 Note.) (Avec 2 Pl.) in: Bull. Soc. Linn. de Normandie. 3. Sér. Vol. 4. (1879-80.) 1880. p. 329–348. (Voraus geht der nachstehende Artikel.)

Note sur les Crinoides des terrains jurassiques du Calvados. ibid. 3. Sér. Vol. 3. (1878-79.) 1879. p. 323-331.

Notes and observations of adventitious structures on Crinoid stems. By a corresponding member. Communicated by John Young. (Third paper.) in: Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow. Vol. 4. (1878-80.) P. 1. 1880. p. 73–77.

Oehlert, D., Description de deux nouveaux genres du Crinoides du terrain dévonien de la Mayenne. (Avec 2 Pl.) in: Bull. Soc. géol. France. 3. Sér. T. 7. (1878-79.) 1879. p. 6-10. (Auszug von Dames.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1880.

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II. Bd. Ref. p. 401.
(Thylacocrinus vannioti; Clonocrinus bigsbyi.)

Owen, D. D., and B. F. Shumard, Descriptions of fifteen new species of Crinoidea from the Subcarboniferous Limestones of Iowa, collected during the U. St. Geological Survey of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota in the years 1848-49. (With 1 Pl.) in: Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 2. Ser. Vol. 2. 1850. p. 57-70.

Descriptions of seven new species of Crinoidea from the Subcarboniferous Limestone of Iowa and Illinois. (With 1 Pl.) ibid. 2. Ser. Vol. 2. 1852. p. 89-94. Descriptions of one new genus and twenty-two new species of Crinoidea, from the Subcarboniferous Limestones of Iowa. (With 2 Pl.) in: Owen's Geol. Rep. of Wisconsin, Iowa, a. Minnesota. 1852. p. 587-598.

Palaeozoic Crinoids. in: Nature. Vol. 4. 1871. p. 72.

Paläozoische Krinoiden. [Auszug.] in: Naturforscher (Sklarek). 4. Jhg. 1871. p. 226-227.

(Aus Nature, nach Hunt.)

Pratt, Arthur, Notes on Crinoids from Inverteil, Fifeshire. in: Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow. Vol. VI. Part I. 1879. p. 25-26.

Römer, Ferd., [,,Iconographia Crinoideorum in stratis Sueciae siluricis fossilium auct. N. P. Angelin".] in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1878. p. 637-639.

Rofe, J., Bemerkungen über Crinoideen. (Auszug.) ebd. Jhg. 1871. p. 961.

(Geol. Mag. VIII. 1871. p. 241. - s. unten.)

Further Notes on Crinoidea. (With 1 Pl.) in: Geol. Mag. Vol. 10. 1873. p. 262-267. Note on the Cause and Nature of the Enlargement on some Crinoidal Columns. ibid. Vol. 6. 1869. p. 351--353.

Notes on the Crinoidea. (With 1 Pl.) ibid. Vol. 8. 1871. p. 241–247.

-] The Structure of Crinoids. (Abstr.) in: Popul. Sc. Rev. Vol. 12. 1873. p. 434. (Aus Geol. Magazin.)

Schlüter, Clemens, Über einige astylide Crinoiden. (M. 4 Taf.) in: Ztschr. d. deutsch. geol. Ges. 30. Bd. 1878. p. 28-66. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg.

1878. p. 973-974.

[Über einen aufgewachsenen Crinoiden von Spilecco.] in: Ztschr. d. deutsch. geol. Ges. 26. Bd. 1874. p. 956-957.

Shumard, B. F.: s. Owen, D. D.

Springer, Frank: s. Wachsmuth, Charles.

Stelzner, A. W., Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Versteinerungs-Zustandes der Crinoideenreste. (M. 1 Taf.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1864. p. 565-579. Thomson, Wyville, On the Structure of the Palaeozoic Crinoids. (Abstract.) in: Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. Vol. 7. (1869-72.) 1872. p. 415–418. Nature. Vol. 4. 1871. p. 496-497. Trautschold, H., Einige Crinoideen u. andere Thierreste des jüngeren Bergkalkes im Gouvern. Moskau. (Mit 5 Taf. u. Holzschn.) in: Bull. Soc. imp. des natur. Moscou. T. 40. P. 2. 1867. p.1-49. Dass. auch separ.: Moskau; (Berlin, H. Müller), 1867. gr. 8. (49 S. mit 5 Steintaf. in 8. u. 4 u. eingedr. Holzschn.) M4.50. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1869. p. 255-256.

Troost, Gerard, List of the fossil Crinoids of Tennessee. in: Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sc. Vol. 2. 1850. p. 59-64.

(Remarks of Professor Hull and Agassiz upon the same. ibid.)

Vorweltliches aus der neuen Welt. [Crinoideen.] (M. Abbild. im Texte.) in: Aus d. Heimath. (Rossmässler.) 2. Jhg. 1860. p. 103-108.

Wachsmuth, Charles, Notes on the internal and external structure of Paleozoic Crinoids. in: Americ. Journ. Sc. and Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 14. 1877. p. 115-127: 181-191. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 5. Ser. Vol. 1. 1878. p. 379–392; 453-463.

and Frank Springer, Revision of the Palaeocrinoidea. (With 3 Pl.) in: Journ. de l'Anat. et de la Physiol. 1879. (1880.) p. 226-378.

Transition Forms in Crinoids, and Description of Five New Species. in: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1878. (1879.) p. 224-266. Wetherby, A. G., Descriptions of Crinoids from the Upper Subcarboniferous of Pulaski County, Ky. in: Journ. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. 3. 1880. p. 324-330.

Descriptions of new Crinoids from the Cincinnati Group of the Lower Silurian a. the Subcarboniferous of Kentucky. (With Figg.) ibid. Vol. 2. 1879. p. 245-253. Descriptions of new species of Crinoids, from the Kaskaskia Group of the Subcarboniferous. (With Figg.) ibid. Vol. 2. 1879. p. 134-140. Whitfield, R. P.: s. Hall, James.

Worthen, A. H.: s. Meek, F. B.

c) Cystoidea und Blastoidea.

Billings, E., On the Cystideae of the Lower Silurian Rocks of Canada. (With 7 Pl. a. engravings.) in: Figures a. Descriptions of Canada Organic Remains. Dec. III. 1858. p. 9-74.

Note on the Blastoidea. in: Canad. Naturalist. New Ser. Vol. 4. 1869. p. 89-90. Note on the structure of the Blastoidea. in: Americ. Journ. Sc. and Arts. 2. Ser. Vol. 47. 1869. p. 353. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. Ser. Vol. 4. 1869. p. 76. Eichwald, Ed. d', Sur un crinoïde blastoïde découvert près de Poulkova. (Avec grav.) in: Bull. Soc. géol. France. 2. Sér. T. 19. (1861–62.) 1862. p. 62-64.

(Asteroblastus stellatus.)

« IndietroContinua »