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Taylor, Richard, An Account of the First Discovery of Moa [Dinornis] Remains. in:
Trans. and Proc. New Zealand Inst. Vol. 5. (1872.) 1873. p. 97-101.
Thorne, G., Jun., Notes on the Discovery of Moa [Dinornis] and Moa-hunters' Remains
at Pataua River, near Whangarei. (With 3 Pl.) ibid. Vol. 8. (1875.) 1876. p. 83-94.
Travers, W. T. L., Notes on the Extinction of the Moa [Dinornis], with a review of
the discussions on the subject, published in the Transactions of the New Zealand
Institute. ibid. Vol. 8. (1875.) 1876. p. 58-83. Zoologist. 2. Ser. Vol. 11.
1876. p. 5147-5158.
Voy, C. D., On the occurrence of footprints of Dinornis at Poverty Bay, New Zealand.
(With Woodcuts.) in: Amer. Naturalist. Vol. 14. 1880. p. 682-684.

Webber, Hulton J., Reported discovery of the Moa [Dinornis.] in: Zoologist. Vol. 21.
1863. p. 8559.

White, Taylor, Notes on Moa [Dinornis] Caves, etc., in the Wakatipu District. in:
Trans. and Proc. New Zealand Inst. Vol. 8. (1875.) 1876. p. 97–102.
Dinornis giganteus: s. D. novae-zealandiae.

Jäger, Gustav, Bericht über ein fast vollständiges Skelet von Palapteryx ingens [Di-
nornis novae-zealandiae], über dessen Restauration und die davon angefertigten
Gypsabgüsse, mit einigen Bemerkungen über die Aufstellung der Vogelskelete über-
haupt. Wien, Braumüller, 1863. 4. (12 S. mit 2 photogr. Abbild.)

M 6.—

Bericht über einen fast vollständigen Schädel von Palapteryx. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1866. p. 114-115.

(Aus: Paläontol. v. Neu-Seeland. Wien 1864. p. 305-318.)

Neues über den fossilen Vogel Moa (Dinornis giganteus [novae-zealandiae]) in Neuseeland. in: Ausland. 41. Jhg. 1868. p. 216.

(Nach Haast's brieflicher Mitth. an die geolog. Reichsanst. Wien.)

Dallas, W. S., On the Feathers of Dinornis robustus, Owen. in: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3. Ser. Vol. 16. 1865. p. 66-69.

Note sur les plumes des Dinornis robustus. in: Ann. Scienc. nat. 5. Sér. Zool. T. 4. 1865. p. 292.

(Nach voranstehendem Originale.)

Dinornis robustus. Door [Pieter] H[artin]g. in: Album der natuur. 1865. (Wetensch. bijblad.) p. 68.

(Nach Dallas, in: Nat. Hist. Review. 1865. July. p. 445.)

Hutton, F. W., Note on the Number of Cervical Vertebrae in Dinornis robustus. in:
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 5. Ser. Vol. 2. 1878. p. 494.

[Owen, Richard], The Femur of Dinornis struthioides in the British Museum. (In a let-
ter to the editor of the Geological Magazine, No. 112.) in: Popul. Sc. Review.
Vol. 13. 1874. p. 92-93.

Clarke, W. B., On Dromornis Australis (Owen), a new fossil of Australia. in: Journ. and Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales. Vol. 11. (1877.) 1878. p. 41-49.

Edwards, Alphons Milne, Études sur les rapports zoologiques du Gastornis parisiensis. in: Ann. Scienc. nat. 5. Sér. Zool. T. 7. 1867. p. 216-227.

Gastornis parisiensis. Door [Pieter] H[artin]g. in: Album der natuur. 1867. (We-
tensch. bijblad.) p. 82-83.

(Nach A. Milne-Edwards, in: Ann. des sciences nat. Zool. (5.) VII. p. 217.
den Titel.)

8. voranstehen

Haast, Julius von, On Harpagornis (third paper.) (With 1 Pl.) in: Trans. and Proc. New
Zealand Inst. Vol. 13. (1880.) 1881. p. 232-234.

On Harpagornis, an Extinct Genus of Gigantic Raptorial Birds of New Zealand. (With 3 Pl.) (Abstract.) ibid. Vol. 6. (1873.) 1874. p. 62-75.

Sur l'Harpagornis, genre éteint d'Accipitres diurnes de taille gigantesque découvert à la Nouvelle-Zélande. (Extr.) in: Journ, d. Zool. (Gervais.) T. 5. 1876. p. 74. (Aus voranstehendem Originale.)

Reusachtige uitgestorven vogels [Harpagornis.] Door [Pieter] H[artin]g. in: Album der natuur. 1873. (Wetensch. bijblad.) p. 38-39.

(Nach Haast, in: Compt. Rend. LXXV. 1872. p. 1784 Original s. Devic, Marcellc: p. 5406.) Fuller, F., Auffindung eines fossilen Riesenraubvogels auf Neuseeland (Harpagornis Moorei.] Auszug. in: Lotos. 22. Jhg. 1872. p. 158-159.

(Americ. Naturalist. Vol. 6. 1872. p. 312. s. Owen.)

Haast, Julius, Notes on Harpagornis Moorei, an Extinct Gigantic Bird of Prey, containing Description of Femur, Ungual Phalanges, and Rib. (With 2 Pl.) in: Trans. and Proc. New Zealand. Inst. Vol. 4. [1871.) 1872. p. 192-196.

Owen, Richard, Discovery of an Extinct Gigantic Bird of Prey [Harpagornis Moorei] in New Zealand. in: Amer. Naturalist. Vol. 6. 1872. p. 312–313.

(Nach 'The Academy'.)

Bibl. hist.-natur. III.


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Hesperornis s. Ichthyornis. Brauns, D., Ein Vogel der Urzeit [Hesperornis regalis Marsh.] (Mit Abbild. im Text.) in: Monatsschr. d. deutsch. Ver. z. Schutz d. Vogelwelt. 3. Bd. 1878. p. 120-124. Entdeckung eines merkwürdigen fossilen Vogels [Hesperornis regalis.] [Auszug.] in: Naturforscher (Sklarek.) 5. Jhg. 1872. p. 194. Ausland. 45. Jhg. 1872. p. 792. (Nach Marsh, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Vol, 9. - s. unten.)

Hesperornis regalis. Door [Pieter] H[artin]g. in: tensch. bijblad.) p. 79-80.

Album der natuur. 1872. (We

s. unten.)

(Nach Marsh, in: Amer. Journ. Sc. a. Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 3. 1872. no. 17. p. 360. Marsh, O.C., Description of Hesperornis regalis, with notices of four other new Species of Cretaceous Birds. in: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. Ser. Vol. 10. 1872. p. 212–217. (Americ. Journ. Sc. Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 3. 1872. p. 360. - s. unten.)

Discovery of a remarkable Fossil Bird. [Hesperornis regalis.] in: Americ. Journ. Sc. and Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 3. 1872. p. 56-57. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. Ser. Vol. 9. 1872. p. 326.

Preliminary Description of Hesperornis regalis, with Notices of four other new Species of Cretaceous Birds. in: Americ. Journ. Sc. and Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 3. 1872. p. 360-365.

Vorläufige Beschreibung von Hesperornis regalis mit Bemerkungen über 4 andere neue Arten cretaceischer Vögel. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1872. p. 983.

(Nach voranstehendem Originale.)

Noack, Th., Die Bedeutung des Hesperornis regalis Marsh für die Descendenztheorie. in: III. Jahresber. d. Ver. f. Naturwiss. Braunschweig. (1879/80.) 1880. p. 89-90. Professor Marsh's discovery: a new group of fossil birds [Ichthyornithês.] (Abstr.) in: Popul. Sc. Rev. Vol. 12. 1873. p. 210-211.

(Amer. Journ. Sc. a. Arts. Febr. 1873.

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Fossil birds [Ichthyornis, Hesperornis.] in: Canad. Ornith. Vol. 1. 1873. p. 18. Marsh, O. C., Notice of a new Species of Ichthyornis [celer.] in: Americ. Journ. Sc. a. Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 5. 1873. p. 74.

Ichthyornis dispar, oiseau fossile propre aux terrains crétacés supérieurs du Kansas, États-Unis. (Extr.) in: Journ. d. Zool. (Gervais.) T. 2. 1873. p. 40-41. (Amer. Journ. Sc. a. Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 5. 1873. p. 230. Original: s. p. 5408.)

Notice of a New and Remarkable Fossil Bird. [Ichthyornis dispar.] in: Amer. Journ. Sc. a. Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 4. 1872. p. 344. Amer. Naturalist. Vol. 7. 1873. p. 50. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. Ser. Vol. 11. 1873. p. 80.

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Notice of a new and remarkable fossil bird [Ichthyornis dispar.] (Auszug von T. F.) in: Verh. d. k. k. geol. Reichsanst. Wien. Jhg. 1872. p. 332.

Neuentdeckte fossile Vögel. [Ichthyornis dispar.] in: Ausland. 46. Jhg. 1873. p. 659-660.

(Popular Science Review.)

A new fossil Bird [Ichthyornis dispar.] in: Popul. Sc. Rev. Vol. 12. 1873. p. 97. (The Scientific American, Oct. 26.)

Een nieuwe fossile vogel (Ichthyornis dispar.] in: Album der natuur. 1873. (Wetensch. bijblad.) p. 55.

(Nach Marsh, in: Quart. Journ. of Science. 1873. April. p. 272.) Nehring, A., Fossilfunde von Schneehühnern (Lagopus] in Deutschland. in: Natur. (Müller.) N. F. 5. Bd. 1879. p. 570-572.

Owen, Richard, Evidence of a Species, perhaps extinct, of large Parrot (Psittacus [Lophopsittacus] mauritianus, Owen, contemporary with the Dodo, in the island of Mauritius. (With Woodcuts.) in: Ibis. N. Ser. Vol. 2. 1866. p. 168-171.

Seeley, Harry Govier, On the Tibia of Megalornis, a large Struthious Bird from the London Clay. (With Woodcuts.) in: Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London. Vol. 30. 1874. p. 708-710.

[Marsh, O. C.], New Fossil Turkey. [Meleagris altus.] in: Amer. Naturalist. Vol. 4. 1871. p. 317.

Edwards, Alph. Milne, Mémoire sur un Psittacien fossile [Psittacus (= Necropsittacus) Rodericianus] de l'île Rodriguez. in: Compt. Rend. T. 65. 1867. p. 1121-1125. Mémoire sur un Perroquet fossile de l'île Rodrigues. in: Bull. hebd. Assoc. scientif. de France. T. III. 1868. p. 153-155.


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Le Lori disparu. [Psittacus (= Necropsittacus) Rodericianus.] in: Ann. Soc. imp. d'agricult. Lyon. 4. Sér. T. 1. (1868.) 1869. Proc.-verb. p. LVI-LXIII. [Débris de la Strix nivea (= Nyctea scandiaca) en France.] in: Journ. d. Zool. (Gervais.) T. 6. 1877. p. 66-67.

A Dentigerous Bird (Odontopteryx toliapicus, Owen.) in: Science-Gossip. 1873. (1874.) p. 179–180. Desor, E., Note sur un nouvel oiseau muni de dents (Odontopteryx toliapicus Ow.) de l'argile de Londres. in: Bull. Soc. Sc. nat. Neuchatel. T. 10. [1. cah. 1874.] 1876. p. 35-37.

Oustalet, E., L'oiseau à dents de l'argile de Londres [Odontopteryx toliapicus.] (Avec grav.) in: La Nature. 2. Année. 1874. I. p. 194–196.

Owen, (Richard), Description of the Skull of a Dentigerous Bird (Odontopteryx tolia. picus, Ow.) from the London Clay of Sheppey. (With 2 Pl.) in: Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London. Vol. 29. 1873. p. 511-522.

Description du crane d'un oiseau dentigère (Odontopterus toliapica) du LondonClay de Sheppey. (Avec 1 Pl.) in: Journ. d. Zool. (Gervais.) T. 2. 1873. p. 500-510. Beschreibung des Schädels eines gezähnten Vogels (Odontopteryx toliapicus, Ow.) aus dem Londonthon von Sheppey. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1874. p. 439.

(Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London. Vol. 29. p. 511.

8. oben.)

The Huge Fossil Bird [Odontopteryx toliapicus] from Sheppey. (Abstr.) in: Science-Gossip. Vol. 14. 1878. p. 41.

Skull of a dentigerous bird [Odontopteryx toliapicus] from the Isle of Sheppey. in: Popul. Sc. Review. Vol. 12. 1873. p. 431-432.

Journ. Soc. 1873. p. 511.

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Desor, L., June nouvelle sous-classe d'oiseaux fossiles. Odontornithes. in: Bull. Soc.

sc. nat. Neuchatel. T. 9. 1873. p. 435-437.

Marsh, O. C., Caractères des Odontornithes et notice relative à un genre qui s'y rattache. in: Journ. d. Zool. (Gervais.) T. 6. 1877. p. 385-389.

Characters of the Odontornithes with Notice of a new allied genus. (With 1 Pl.) in: Americ. Journ. Sc. a. Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 14. 1877. p. 85-87. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1877. p. 767.

Über eine neue Unterklasse fossiler Vögel (Odontornithes.) (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1873. p. 334.

(Nach nachstehendem Originale.)

On a New Sub-class of Fossil Birds (Odontornithes.) in: Americ. Journ. Sc. a. Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 5. 1873. p. 161–162. Amer. Naturalist. Vol. 7. 1873. p. 115


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Ann. Mag. Nat. Ĥist. 4. Ser. Vol. 11. 1873. p. 233–234. (Abstr.) in: Geol. Mag. Vol. 10. 1873. p. 115-116. (Auszug von E. Bunzel.) in: Verh. d.

k. k. geol. Reichsanst. Wien. Jhg. 1873. p. 92.

Note sur les caractères des Odontornithes et indication d'un nouveau genre de ce groupe. (Extr.) in: Ann. Sc. géol. T. VIII. 1877. art. 3. (2 p.)

(Amer. Journ. Sc. a. Arts. 14. juillet 1877. - s. oben.)

Note sur de nouveaux Odontornithes. in: Journ. d. Zool. (Gervais.) T. 5. 1876. p. 304-306.

(Aus nachstehendem Originale.)

Notice of new Odontornithes. in: Amer. Journ. Sc. a. Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 11. 1876.

p. 509-511. - (Extrait.) in: Arch. Sc. phys. et nat. Genève. Nouv. période. T.56. 1876. p. 373.

(Lestornis crassipes, Hesperornis gracilis, Ichthyornis victor.)

Odontornithes: a Monograph on the Extinct Toothed Birds of North America; with thirthy-four plates and forty woodcuts. Submitted to the Chief of Engineers and published by Order of the Secretary of War under Authority of Congress. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1880. 4. (XV, 201 S. m. 34 Bl. Tafelerkl.) (U. S. Geol. Expl. of the Fortieth Parallel. Clarence King, Geologist-in-charge. Report. Vol. VII.) Auch: Mem. Peabody Museum of Yale College. New Haven.

Vol. 1. 1880. (IX, 201 p.)

Part I. Odontoclae. (Chapter I-VIII: Hesperornis.)-Part II. Odontotormae. (Chap. IX-XVII: Ichthyornis and Apatornis.) Appendix: Synopsis of American Cretaceous Birds. (Apatornis celer Marsh; Baptornis advenus, Marsh; Graculavus velox, Marsh; Graculavus pumilus, Marsh; Hesperornis regalis, Marsh; H. crassipes, Marsh; H. gracilis, Marsh; Ichthyornis dispar, Marsh; Ich. agilis, Marsh; Ich. anceps, Marsh; Ich. lentus, Marsh; Ich. tener, Marsh; Ich. validus, Marsh; Ich. victor, Marsh; Laornis Edvardsianus, Marsh; Palaeotringa littoralis, Marsh; P. vagans, Marsh; P. vetus, Marsh; Telmatornis priscus, Marsh; T. affinis, Marsh.

Odontornithes: a Monograph of the Extinct Toothed Birds of North America. (Abstr.) in: Geol. Mag. N. Ser. II. Dec. Vol. 7. 1880. p. 522–526.

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On the Odontornithes, or Birds with Teeth. (With 2 Pl.) in: Americ. Journ. Sc. and Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 10. 1875. p. 403-408. Americ. Naturalist. Vol. 9. 1875. p. 625-631. Same. (With 1 Pl.) in: Geol. Mag. N. Ser. II. Dec. Vol. 3. 1876. p. 49-53.

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Marsh, O. C., Sur les Odontornithes ou oiseaux pourvus de dents. (Avec 1 Pl.) in:
Journ. de Zool. (Gervais.) T. 4. 1875. p. 494-502.

Sur les Odontornithes ou oiseaux à dents. (Extr. par V. Raulin.) in: Bull. hebd.
Assoc. scientif. de France. T. XVII. (1875-76.) 1875. p. 154–157.

Odontornithes of vogels met tanden. Door [Pieter] Hartin]g. in: Album der
natuur. 1876. (Wetensch. bijblad.) p. 96.

(Nach C. O. Mar ah, in: Americ. Jonrn. Sc. a. Arts. 1875. Nov. p. 403. Journ. de Zool. IV. p. 494.)
Nehring, A., Fossile Trappen [Otis.] in: Ausland. 50. Jhg. 1877. p. 539-540.
Hector, James, Further Notice of Bones of a Fossil Penguin (Palaeeudyptes antarcticus,
Huxley.) in: Trans. and Proc. New Zealand Inst. Vol. 5. (1872.) 1873. p. 438-439.
Preliminary Notes on the bones of a fossil Penguin. ibid. Vol. 2. (1869.) 1870.
p. 403.

On the Remains of a Gigantic Penguin (Palaeeudyptes antarcticus, Huxley) from
the Tertiary Rocks on the West Coast of Nelson. (With 2 Pl.) ibid. Vol. 4. (1871.)
1872. p. 341-346.

Allen, J. A., Description of a fossil Passerine Bird [Palaeospiza bella] from the Insectbearing shales of Colorado. (With 1 Pl.) in: Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Survey of the Territ. Vol. 4. 1878. p. 443-445. Same. (With Woodcuts.) in: Americ. Journ. Sc. and Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 15. 1878. p. 381-384. (Auszug.) in: Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1878. p. 779.

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A Fossil Bird [Palaeospiza bella.] (Abstr.) in: Science-Gossip. Vol. 14. 1878. p. 189.

-] A Fossil Passerine Bird from Colorado [Palaeospiza bella.] (Abstr.) in: Popul. Sc. Review. N. Ser. Vol. 2. 1878. p. 321-322.

(Americ. Journ. Sc. a. Arts. 3. Ser. Vol. 15. 1878. - s. oben.)

-] A new fossil bird. [Palaeospiza bella.] in: Zoologist. 3. Ser. Vol. 2. 1878. p. 256.
A fossil Sparrow-like Bird. [Palaeospiza bella.] (With Woodcuts.) in: Nature. Vol. 18.
1878. p. 204-205.

Ein neuer fossiler Vogel. [Palaeospiza bella.] (Mit Abbild. im Text.) in: Natur. (Müller.)
N. F. 4. Bd. 1878. p. 584.

(Nach La Nature.)

Een nieuwe fossile vogel [Palaeospiza bella.] Door [D.] L[u bach.] in: Album der
natuur. 1878. (Wetensch. bijblad.) p. 71.

(Nach J. A. Allen, in: The Academy. 1878. June 1. p. 491.)

A Remarkable Fossil Bird [Palaeospiza bella, Allen.] (With Woodcut.) in: Pacific
Rural Press (newspaper.) Vol. XV. Ño. 17. April 27, 1878. p. 257.

Edwards, Alphonse Milne, On the former Existence of a large Pelican (Pelecanus) in
the English Fens. [Translated from Annal. d. Sciences.] in: Ibis. N. Ser. Vol. 4.
1868. p. 363-370.

Note sur l'existence d'un Pelican de grande taille dans les turbières d'Angleterre.
in: Compt. Rend. T. 66. 1868. p. 1242-1244. Même. (Avec 1 Pl.) in: Ann. Scienc.
nat. 5. Ser. Zool. T. 8. 1867. p. 285-293.

Note on the Existence of a large Pelican in the Turbaries of England. in: Ann.
Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. Ser. Vol. 2. 1868. p. 165–166.

Newton, Alfred, [Remarks on the Humerus of a Pelikan (= Pelecanus) from the Felt-
well Fen, Norfolk.] in: Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871. p. 702-703.

Een Pelikaan [Pelecanus] uit de veenen van Engeland. Door [Pieter] H[artin]g. in:
Album der natuur. 1868. (Wetensch. bijblad.) p. 82.

(Nach A. Milne-Edwards, in: Ann. Science nat. Zool. (5.) VIII. p. 285. - s. oben.)

Ein Riesenpelikan [Pelecanus] im englischen Torfmoor: in: Naturforscher (Sklarek.) 1. Jhg. 1868. p. 277.

(Nach A. Milne Edward s.)

Ein sehr grosser fossiler Pelikan [Pelecanus] der englischen Torfablagerungen. in :
Ausland. 11. Jhg. 1868. p. 888.

(Nach Alph. Milne-Edwards, Pariser Akademie Wiss. 22. Juni 1868.)

Vorkommen eines grossen Pelikans [Pelecanus] in den Torfmooren Englands. in:
Aus d. Natur. 46. Bd. (N. F. 34- Bd.) 1868. p. 670–671.

Gebeine des Einsiedlers (Pezophaps [solitarius]) auf Rodriguez. in: Ausland. 39. Jhg.
1866. p. 1246.

Newton, Alfred, Über einige neuerdings entdeckte Knochen der grössten bekannten
Art des Dodo, Didus nazarenus Bartlett [Pezophaps solitarius]. (Auszug.) in: Neues
Jahrb. f. Mineral. Jhg. 1866. p. 247.

(Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3. Ser. Vol. 16. 1865. p. 61.

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Newton, Alfred, On the osteology of the Solitaire or Didine Bird of the Island of Rodriguez, Pezophaps solitaria (Gmel.) (With 10 Pl.) in: Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London. Vol. 159. 1869. P. 1. p. 327–362.

Osteology of the Solitaire. in: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. Ser. Vol. 9. 1872. p. 168 -169; 321.

Owen, Rich., [Reply:] Osteology of the Solitaire. ibid. p. 241–242.

- Remarks upon a stone supposed to be from the gizzard of Pezophaps solitaria. in: Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1878. p. 291-292.

On some recently discovered Bones of the largest known species of Dodo (Didus Nazarenus, Bartlett.) (With 1 Pl.) ibid. 1865. p. 199-201. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3. Ser. Vol. 16. 1865. p. 61-63.

and Edward Newton, On the Osteology of the Solitaire or Didine Bird of the Island of Rodriguez, Pezophaps solitaria (Gmel.) (Abstract.) in: Proc. Roy. Soc. London. Vol. 16. (1867–68.) 1868. p. 428-433. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. Ser. Vol. 2. 1868. p. 159-165.

Newton, Edward, and John Willis Clark, On the Osteology of the Solitaire (Pezophaps solitaria, Gmel.) (With 7 Pl.) in: Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London. Vol. 168. 1879. p. 438-551.

Owen, R.,' On the Solitaire (Didus solitarius, Gm., Pezophaps solitarius, Strkl.) (With 2 Pl.) in: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 5. Ser. Vol. 1. 1878. p. 87-98.

Edwards, Alph. Milne, Mémoire sur un Psittacien fossile de l'île Roderigues. in: Rev. et Mag. zool. 2. Sér. T. 20. 1868. p. 7-11. Même. (Avec 2 Pl.) in: Ann. Scienc. nat. 5. Sér. Zool. T. 8. 1867. p. 145-156.


Grey, G., Description of the Extinct Gigantic Bird of Prey Hokioi [Raptatores], by a Maori. in Trans. and Proc. New Zealand Inst. Vol. 5. (1872.) 1873. p. 435.

Fossile struisvogels in Indië [Struthionidae.] Door [Pieter] H[artin]g. in: Album der natuur. 1880. (Wetensch. bijblad.) p. 36.

(Nach Lydekker, in: The Academy. 1880. Jan. 17. p. 50.)

Owen, Richard, The Earliest discovered Evidence of Extinct Struthious [Struthionidae] Birds in New Zealand. in: Geol. Mag. Vol. 10. 1873. p. 478.

Davies, William, Fossil Asiatic Ostriches [Struthio asiaticus.] (Abstr.) in: Ibis. 4. Ser. Vol. 4. 1880. p. 251-252.

Fossile Strausse [Struthio asiaticus) in Asien. in: Mitth. Ornith. Ver. Wien. 4. Jhg. 1880. p. 77-78.

(Nach Wm. Davies. in: Geol. Mag. N. Ser. II. Dec. Vol. 7. 1880 p. 18. - s. p. 5406.)

R[eichenow], A., Fossile Strausse [Struthio asiaticus] in Asien. in: Ornith. Centralbl. 5. Jhg. 1880. p. 187.

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Struisachtige vogels in Azië [Megaloscelornis sivalensis (= Struthio asiaticus.] Door [Pieter] H[artin]g. in: Album der natuur. 1880. (Wetensch. bijblad.) p. 79. (Nach Lydekker, in: Record Geol. Surv. India. XII. p. 56. Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. 1880. p. 117.)

Struisvogels in Azie. in: Album der natuur. 1871. (Wetensch. bijblad.) p. 6. (Nach G. Hartlaub u. O. Trusch, in: v. d. Deckens Reise n. Ost-Afrika.)

Groot fossil vogel-ei [Struthio chersonensis.] Door [Pieter] H[arting. in: Album der natuur. 1873. (Wetensch. bijblad.) p. 71-72.

(Nach A. Brandt, in: Mélanges biolog. St. Pétersb. VIII. p. 730.)

Nehring, A., Über das Vorkommen von fossilen Auerhühnern, Birkhühnern u. Schneehühnern (Tetraonidae] im-Diluvium Deutschlands. in: Sitzber. d. Ver. f. Naturwiss. Braunschweig v. 18. Dec. 1879. (Braunschweig.'Anzeigen v. 23. Dec. 1879.) — [1.] Jahrber. dess. Ver. f. 1879/80.) 1880. p. 42—46.— (Nebst Discussion.)

6. Mammalia.

a) Allgemeines und Vermischtes.

Acconci, L., [Resti di mammiferi fossili di Cucigliana nel Monte pisano.] in: Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat. Pisa. Proc. verb. Vol. I. 1879. (5 maggio 1878.) p. XX-XXI. Adams, A. Leith, Ancient and extinct British Quadrupeds. in: Zoologist. 3. Ser. Vol. 1. 1877. p. 121-149.

Extinct and Recent Irish Mammals. in: Nature, Vol. 18. 1878. p. 140-141. Dawkins, W. Boyd, [On the same subject.] ibid. p. 169.

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