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IS THERE NO GOD? best amidst religious villanies and impostures "It is a fact, that there are more Atheists, would not give the snap of my finger for a man who professed atheism simply because he was dis- and Infidels of all kinds, in Roman Catholic gusted with religions villanies. What Atheist states, where religion is so well guarded, than attempts to show reason for disbelief in a god from in England."* Yes, it is a fact, a well the follies and knaveries of religioas-except it be the god connected with any particular religion? known fact, that even in papal Rome, the What has the hideous and anomalous monsters seat and centre of the grand superstition, belonging to most religious systems to do with the there are more Atheists, especially amongst governing principle, power, or being contended for the priesthood, than in any other city in by philo ophers? This latter is what the Atheist loves to battle with."-Oracle, No. 53, p. 272. Simply because the Europe. How is this? THERE is an old saying, rather clumsy to be priests, being behind the scenes are better sure, but very expressive, which says, when acquainted with "the villanies" of super. stition than other men, they are therefore your opponent has got hold of the wrong end of the argument, “give him rope enough disgusted with these vilianies, and conse ne will hang himself." Now, I cannot help quently become Atheists in respect to the god but think that this is the case with some of which they hold up to the people, although our modern Atheists. They have commen- they wink at the imposture because it brings 66 grist to the mill." It by no means follows, ced a very strong attack-upon what? Upon god, to be sure. Well, but god is an however, because they are Atheists to the idea dwelling in the mind of man. The Jehovah of the Jews, that, therefore, they idea of god is a moral and Nor a physical idea. deny the existence of "the governing pris. Suppose the Atheist could prove (which he ciple, power, or being contended for by phi cannot) that there is no such physical exist-losophers." The idea of god with which, we ence in the universe as the being called god what then? Has he proved his case? no; because, as has been said, the idea of god is a moral and not a physical idea.


"No man has seen god at any time." This is true; not because the Jew-Book says so; it is true in itself: no man has had a perfect conception of god at any time. But all men, at all times, have had some conception of god, however inadequate. men of reflecting minds have conceived the existence of a "governing principle, power, or being,' who, or which, rules the universe. This, according to the Oracle, is the idea with which Atheists wish to contend. This Jatter is what the Atheist loves to battle with. Well, as they have chosen the higher ground, let us see how they maintain their position. Before I proceed: it is incumbent upon me to say, that under the present circumstances of persecution, it is very disagreeable to me, I might, indeed, say painful, to attack the opinions advanced in the Oracle.

No man

can deprecate prosecution for mere opinion more severely than I do (although I am very well aware that opinions lead to action), and I am fully convinced that the legal prosecution of atheism is nothing more or less than persecution; and further, I am convinced that the ignorant and bigotted per secutors of atheism are (although ignorantly) the best friends of the doctrine. Atheism is a negative doctrine, it is too cold to live without persecution.

W. C. who writes so elaborately in defence of atheism, says he would not give the snap of his finger for a man who professed atheism simply because he was disgusted with religious villanies. I am afraid if this class be given up there will be very few left. Does not W. C. know that atheism always flourishes

are told, the Atheist loves to battle.

Let us try to understand each other; what idea does W. C. and other writers in the Oracle intend to convey to the mind of the reader by the term Atheist? Does he desire to designate by that term a man who rejects: the notion of the existence of a local of national god, called Jupiter, Jehovah, Budh, Brahma, Allah, or any other merely local of national title? If the man who rejects any one or all of these gods be an Atheist, we shall find in all countries Atheists as plenti But if by the term ful as blackberries. Atheist, it is intended to designate a man who denies the existence of "the governing principle, power, or being contended for by philosophers," we shall find, I think, that the Atheists are few and far between.

If the Atheist loves to battle with the idea of a governing principle, power, or beingor, as it is expressed by Robert Owen, power, or powers which direets the atom and controls the aggregate of nature," then let him keep the philosophic idea of god before his mind's eye, and battle away with it as long as he will; he will find plenty of honest opponents, amongst whom I myself protes to be one; but, if the philosophic idea of god is to be continually mixed up with the Mohamedans, Hindoos, and other local of superstitious notious of Jews, Christians, national notions, until the whole has become so confused and jumbled together that there are no means of knowing distinctly what object or idea the Atheist is attacking, must say that I, for one, have no desire to enter into the rambling sort of controversy that must necessarily arise from such a vague I am ready and indefinite mode of attack. to defend the idea of a governing principle, power, or being, which I would call god, be

cause that name is as good as any other, but I have no desire to take up the cause of the strange character described in the bible under the name of Jehovah. I leave that task to those who worship him. There are plenty of them, both Jews and Christians, As wild as Mohamedans. I should be willing to enter into a friendly controversy with any Atheist who loves to battle with the idea of "the governing principle, power or being contended for by philosophers," and who will keep strictly to that idea without mixing it up with extraneous ideas derived from other sources; but if all the extravagant notions of superstitionists, ancient and modern, foreign and domestic, are to be jumbled together and mixed with the philosophic idea of a governing principle called god, then I would beg to decline entering upon the question, inasmuch, as from the nature of the case, the controversy must end in a inere wrangle, leading to no profitable result.

• Priestly.

To the Editor of the Oracle of Reason.

IT is time for Christians to abandon the "witch burner" as an authority in matters of religion, if they wish their system to be respected in the nineteenth entury. Certainly no one with a grain of sense will place confidence in Sir Matthew Hale's stateinent, That there is no book like the bible for wisdom, learning, and use." This statement is positively absurd; what portion of modern knowledge has been drawn from the bible? None, absolutely none; on the other hand, it has been the greatest obstacle to the diffusion of knowledge, and is so at the present moment; in the hands of the priests it has ever been the means of keeping the people in a state of ignorance. They well know that as the empire of knowledge extends the empire of faith will decline, and therefore oppose the diffusion of the one to preserve the existence of the other.

The fifth author quoted is that of Boyle; his statement as to the value of the bible may pass for what it is worth; none but a mind religiously insane could have uttered or penned such a sentence, and those who have quoted it in the tract could be but little better, for if they knew anything about the matter they must know that it is absurdly false.

The respectable authority of Locke is next on the list, who informs us that, it has god for its author, Falvation for its end," &c. The law has said in the case of SOUTHWELL that we must not consider it the outponrings of some devil;" it is fortunate for the gospel that the law has said so, or truth might tell a different tale. Had Locke said it had damnation for its end, he would have been much nearer the truth, for the doctrine of dainnation for the majority of the human race, is one of the leading features of the system. If the bible is " truth without any mixture of error," it is somewhat strange that its doctrines have had to struggle with science for so many hundred years; and it is somewhat strange too that Christians have not yet decided what is truth among themselves; after several hundred years of controversy, they have not yet decided what the bible teaches. The understanding of the author of the Essay on the human understanding," must have been in a very sorry state when he could say of the Jew-Book "it is all pure, all sincere, nothing too much, nothing wanting. Christians themselves can

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not believe this, if they have thought upon its co tents. Oh yes, the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Lot, Onan, David, Solomon, and a host of others, are all pure, all sincere!" what dolts Infidels must be not to have discovered the purity of these things before now! Nothing too much, nothing wanting," forsooth! and everyone who understands the subject admitting that the translation is disfigured by blunders from beginning to end, and whilst a new edition of the bible is advertised as containing two thousand emendations, yes, two thousand emendations. This is what ROBERT TAYLOR would call the god-help-me-plight of divine revelation. Locke was a Unitarian, and according to the orthodox creeds is at this moment in hell for his rejection of the trinity; how then can the orthodox quote him as an authority in religious matters? the idea is absurd.

his language should ran thus: I am of opinion that I entirely dissent from the opinion of Sir W. Jones, the volume, independent of its doubtful origin, contains less sublimity, less pure morality, and more than can be found in any book of the same size in unimportant history, and fewer struins of eloquence, whatever language it may have been written. Well might Dr. Watt's write that the major part of the Christian world can scarce give any reason why they believe the bible to b the word of god, except that they always did believe it, and had been taught so from their infancy; well might the poet exclaim:

Many a one owes to his country his religion,
And in another would as strongly grow,
Had but his nurse or mother taught him so.
The priest continues what the nurse began,
And thus the child imposes on the man.

The three authors above quoted are in the right and will be so till human beings dare to think for themselves.

Now, Mr. Editor, if such men as Bacon, Selden, Milton, Hale, Boyle, Locke, and Jones could believe the Christian religion on such slender grounds I have shown they did, what must be the case with the vast majority of that 180,000,000 who are said to believe in the Christian system? The fact is, they know little more of the real origin, history, and evidences of christianity, than the African savages; they know little more of their own system than young children; and not half so much as Infidels generally do, and yet they have the effrontery to talk of the ignorance of the Infidel portion of society of the contents of the bible. Infidels reject the Jew-Book because they have thought on its contents; the Christians believe in it with an unthinking belief It is impossible for any one to read the old book with a philosophic mind, and not discover its gross defects, both in principle and detail, and yet it is taught as containing a system capable of removing all our evils in the present, and protecting us against others in the future; those who oppose it are considered the worst enemies of society, as individuals worthy of any amount of slander and persecution in this world, and in the world which is always to come damnation everlasting. If Christians could prove the truth of their system by argument, they would not resort to the devil to help them out of the dilemma; they ought to know that suggesting motives to the will can never carry conviction to the understanding; that the fear of hell may succeed in crushing the activity of timid minds, but never make them efficient defenders of their system. There is one great consolation for those who oppose Christian theology that its progress in this country has ceased; nay more, that it is in a declining state, Christians themselves being the judges. Let us then, one and all, continue our exertions, and our efforts will be crowned with success; truth is mighty and will prevail. Yours, in the cause, J. C. F.

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8, Holywe l-street, Strand.

THE SUBSCRIPTIONS now proceed with much greater vigour, but have not sufficed to meet the recent heavy expenses; a very slight contribution from each of the friends of the canse, with a little increased exertion from our active supporters will secure an amount adequate to the occasion. It will be recollected that assistance, in order to be effectual, Must be permanent, or continued as long as the occasion shall subsist, or the unjust laws shall continue to operate. We must be fortified against future assaults, by preconcerted measures, not remain unprepared till the moment of attack. With this view the periodical subscriptions were determined on; the collectors organised; and the books, &c. arranged accordingly.

The LONDON COLLECTORS may now have copies

of the address of the Union for distribution.

Those Collectors who are willing to employ themselves actively in other circles than those of their immediate friends, may, by applying at the office, receive the addresses of New Subscribers. If they write, let them send name, address, and district in which they collect, or which best suits their convenience.

Those DESIROUS of ASSISTING by periodical subscriptions, to whom application has not been made, will please to transmit name (or initial) and address to the secretary. They can be called on annually, quarterly, monthly, or weekly, as most convenient, and for any sum as small as a penny a week.

COUNTRY COLLECTORS are requested to remit immediately all sums by post-office order, amounting to 10s. or upwards.

An urgent request is made to the Collectors and all friends of the cause, to remit, without delay all the funds they can command. Now is the time when assistance is most needed. The poor friends of liberty have come forward with alacrity to the extent of their means. The Committee, and indeed the most active working friends have greatly drained their purses. The comfortable advocates of free-discussion, those who approve of us from their easy chairs, are expected to "put themselves about" to the extent of a few remittances. It is too bad for the bold and free both to fight and pay. London.

M. RYALL, Gen. Sec.

NOTICE.-The Collectors are requested to attend at the Rotunda Coffee-room, Blackfriars road, on Sunday evening next, the 21st inst., after the Lecture, to pay in what sums they may have collected. The Secretary and one of the Committee will be in attendance from 8 till 10 o'clock. Those who cannot conveniently attend on Sunday, the 21st, will take notice the same parties will be in attendance at the same time and place on the following Sunday, the 28th inst.


The Author of the "YAHOO" is thanked for his kindness, his wishes shall be complied with. He is also informed that the " additions" to his work have been placed in the hands of the publisher, who will pay every attention to them. Would there be any objection to the "Squib" being published at the end of the "Yahoo?

THETA. The last few months have witnessed changes of so much importance in the society complained of, and the eyes of the blind therein having been opened to the fallibility of parties hitherto considered otherwise, that to attack it as formerly when its disease was at its height, would savour more of malice than love, which latter has hitherto been the ruling principle with us. I have reasons for believing that the heads of the body give us every credit for our efforts-we never expected to convince the multitude, that must be the work of after ages; we shall plough, our children will reap. "Theta," in the following extract, having placed the question of

the disproof of the affirmative in a clear light, I quote it:-"There is or is not a being in the moon formed of cheese, who sometimes doth carry his head under his arm, and at another with it doth play at foot-ball. Mr. Goddite do you believe in the existence of such a being merely because I have said that he exists; and do you, according to the rules of logic, feel bound to prove there is no such being; do you intend taking the first opportunity of a trip to the moon, and placing yourself still further under it influence, to prove the negation? If you do, you are the most wonderful logician, I ever heard of, and quite, I grant you, beyond my comprehension; and if you do not mean to attempt the proof of this ne gation, what effrontery you must have to request me to prove the negation to an affirmative of yours. You can revel amid your syllogisms and sophisms, but pure induction, the only idol an Atheist logician has, is neither with you nor of you."

T. P. in type, shall appear in our next.



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Or, Philosophy Vindicated.



Originally Edited by CHARLES SOUTHWELL, sentenced, on January 15, 1842,

to Twelve Months' Imprisonment in Bristol Gaol, and to pay a fine of £100, DBLE. No. for Blasphemy contained in No. 4.

No. 36.] Now Edited by G. J. HOLYOAKE, sentenced, on August 13, 1842, to Six Months' [PRICE 2d.

Imprisonment in Gloucester Gaol, for Blasphemy, at Cheltenham.



"What inspiration glows in every line; Aby 'gat Iky! isn't that divine? Then Iky begat Jacob; Jacob Joe; And Joe begat-read scripture and you'll know."-YAHOO.

SUCH is a fair summary of no inconsiderable portion of that sacred fustian, which because called divine, inspired, &c. is gulphed down by the unthinking and priestridden multitude as the most sublime and wonderful truth that eye can see, ear hear, or mind


A doctor has been defined as a man who writes prescriptions until the patient either dies or is cured by nature. So of the bible, it supplies rules of thought and conduct until reason sinks, utterly sinks under its influence or rises in rebellion against it.

If without common-place hyperbole one circumstance may be called more extravagant than another in these godly times, it is that all sorts of men join in eulogising this book as a paragon of, truly, "god knows what," for unless he does no one else can tell. Is it from policy, to hold the vulgar in priestly chains? Is it from expediency, to curry favor with respectables? Is it from cant, to cover guilt? Can it be from the intrinsic excellence of this ever-blessed Jew-Book? Take the following, as a small minute fractional, doubly diluted, diminished, refined, and distilled specimen of the intellectual and invaluable facts evolved from it by that sagacious genius the Bishop of Alexandria :

[blocks in formation]

For which piece of practical information, the lord in his mercy be praised.

Please to remember that Arius was

guilty of blasphemy for denying this, as likely enough I am for doubting it.

Is the book loved for its morality? Its moral teaching? Its salutary advice to the young? I venture to say, and hope the attorney-general will not dispute it with me, that "Jolly Nose was a saint to Solomon, and "Nix my dolly pals fake away," a moral composition compared with his songs.

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I can understand why bishops call this holy; can comprehend why lawyers affect a sacred reverence for its contents; and why Socialists sometimes talk of the true christianity it contains; but why such a man as W. J. Fox, who reasons so peerlessly on human sentiments and character, who profoundly analyses the springs of the loftiest morality, and stands alone the "Socrates of his age," how such a man can call the bible a "glorious book," I never could comprehend. Such ways to me, like the almighty's, are past finding out.

But has not the time arrived when the matter touching this said book may be duly investigated, and its heavenly beauties fairly revelled in? The ancient Gnostics were, history records, as free in their strictures on

the bible as the modern Infidels. I quitted on the ground of Wooler and believe we are much inferior to the Hone. To the judge and jury I do Gnostics in our comments on the ko- not impute any other vice than that ran of the Christians." of their religion. In that their vice The bible is said to be incorpora- was strong. They were precisely ted into our common-law-the law such men as the evangelist described can be discussed, ergo, the bible can. exclaiming to the saviour, " He hath Mr. SOUTHWELL called the bible a spoken blasphemy! he is worthy of revoltingly odious Jew production-death-away with him, crucify him!" the idol of all sorts of blockheads, the In Holyoake I saw the saviour before glory of knaves, the disgust of wise the judgment seat of Pilate the Archer: men, and some other things equally Bartram, the witness, was Judas Iscajust and equally true. Priests cried riot; Erskine, the judge, Pilate, more out this is all mere assertion, and next bigoted, less reasoning, and less hutook care to lodge him in gaol to mane than the Roman governor; the prevent him adducing the proof. jury, with the wigged counsellor at their head, were the Jews, infuriately crying in ignorance of the truth and virtue of the saviour, Away with such a pestilent fellow, crucify him!

I hope to remedy this necessary deficiency, and proceed with an inquiry into the grounds on which Mr. S. asserted what we have seen. In the mean time, for the consolation of I am proud of calling Holyoake my the godly, for whom I own a daily increasing affection, I admit that the bible is "a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths," but as Cowper says

'Tis such a light as putrefaction breeds
In fly-blown flesh, whereon the magot feeds;
Shines in the dark, but ushered into day,
The stench remains, the lustre dies away.
G. J. H.

To the Editor of the Oracle of Reason.

friend, and of ranking among his friends. His imprisonment for six months will be his honour, and the queen's disgrace. Willingly would I have his imprisonment, to carry out the good he has done. Agitate I will this neighbourhood for some time to come, and proclaim and prove Holyoake the Christian and his persecutors the Infidels. This is my gain in knowledge of the principles of trath as laid down in the bible. I have discovered in the understanding of those truths that such men as Holyoake and myself have been the Christians, and our persecutors vile Infidels of the most vicious and worst description of character- idolators without reason: Atheists without the true god; politicians without righteous principle; professing moralists without morals!

Gloucester, Aug. 16, 1842. SIR.-I was present in the court, yesterday, to witness what I shall describe as the mock trial of GEORGE JACOB HOLYOAKE. He was heard to the full in his truly Christian defence; both judge and jury would, if they could, have suppressed every word of it. They listened with evident pain to the beautiful strain and I every day feel that I have made flow of his noble and ennobling sen- myself a tower of strength against timents, through nine hours. It was the enemy of man in adopting this a proud day in the record of my life. course. I sacrifice no principles of I heard WOOLER and HONE defend my past life; I carry them out only themselves successfully, in 1817; with the truer nomenclature of my but I would prefer to be declared ignorant enemies; I giving a reason guilty with Holyoake to being ac- for so doing in history and the ety

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