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4. Find the dispersive power of the given prism, and draw its wave length curve.

5. Find by the optical bench the wave length of yellow light, and apply your result to determine the thickness of a narrow cylinder.

6. Determine the coefficient of expansion of air.

7. Determine the relative humidity of the air of the room, and calculate the weight of one litre thereof.



The Board of Examiners.

1. Determine the earth's magnetic intensity.

2. Find the rate of variation with temperature of the specific resistance of German silver.

3. Determine absolutely the capacity of a condenser.

4. Investigate the magnetisation curve for the given specimen of iron.

5. Investigate the constants and behaviour of a compound dynamo.

6. Test the insulation resistance of the given material.


PAPER No. 1.

The Board of Examiners.

1. How is the truth of Grecian mythical narratives to be estimated?

2. What in early times was the position of a daughter, with reference to the paternal power?

3. Shew that in early Greece the means of defence were generally superior to the means of attack, and that consequences important to civilization resulted.

4. What is the explanation of the remarkable influence which the Homeric poems have always retained over the human mind?

5. Shew how the character and history of the Grecian people were influenced by the physical geography of their country.

6. What appears to be the true explanation of the anti-monarchical sentiment which gradually developed in early Greece ?

7. Shew that the growth of Grecian art tended to promote Hellenic union?


8. Did the legislation of Lycurgus provide for an equal partition of lands?

9. Discuss the historical reality of the so-called peace of Cimon.

10. What were the advantages supposed to be obtained from the large number of persons in the Athenian dikasteries?

11. How might an Athenian have justified the condemnation of Socrates?

12. Explain and illustrate from history the custom of the three descents.

PAPER No. 2.

The Board of Examiners.

1. Discuss the main characteristics of the common law of early Rome.

2. Shew the influence of Etruria upon the customs and institutions of early Rome.

3. Give, briefly, the history of the changes in the military organization of Rome.

4. Describe, shortly, the origin and functions of the several Comitia at Rome, and notice their condition and powers under Augustus and Tiberius respectively.

5. Sketch the history of the Equites, pointing out how they became an ordo in the State.

6. Consider the political value of the Tribunate.

7. Give some account of the provincial organization of Spain.

8. How did the need of special organization in Egypt arise? How was it met?

9. Trace, briefly, the history of the relations between Rome and the Jews.

10. Shew that the transition from Domitian to Nerva marks an important epoch. What parallel in English history may be instituted?

11. Discuss the influence of Justinian's reign on the moral and political condition of the Empire.

12. What year would you fix as marking the termination of the Roman Empire in the East, and for what reasons?

PAPER No. 3.

The Board of Examiners.

1. Sketch the political condition of England in the time of Edgar.

2. Trace the history of the Ceorl to the close of the Norman period.

3 Describe concisely the state of Ireland at the time of Henry the Second's landing.

4. Explain the feudal incident of Marriage. In the Kingdom of Jerusalem a remarkable law on this subject prevailed. What was it? Where and what was the Kingdom of Jerusalem ?

5. On what grounds may it be held that the Despensers rendered valuable services in framing the constitution of England?

6. What was Tallage? What was Scutage? When and why were they discontinued?

7. How would you formulate the principles of the party which supported the prerogative claimed by Richard the Second?

8. How would you formulate the principles of the party which opposed the prerogative claimed by Richard the Second?

9. Explain the phrase "the three Estates of the Realm." What is meant by an Estate?

10. Trace the history of the distinction between the ordinary and the extraordinary revenue of the Crown.

11. State and explain the cause of the fall of Henry the Sixth.

12. Trace briefly the history of the right to alienate land in England, down to the reign of Henry the Eighth.

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