Sprachtheorie und angewandte LinguistikWelte Werner Narr, 1982 - 275 pagine |
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Pagina 11
... narrative , the world - creating tendencies of the Orbis Tertius are de- cidedly sinister , and one is reminded of ... narration , and the above discussion is not intended as such a demonstration . It seems sufficient that ...
... narrative , the world - creating tendencies of the Orbis Tertius are de- cidedly sinister , and one is reminded of ... narration , and the above discussion is not intended as such a demonstration . It seems sufficient that ...
Pagina 82
... narrative convention , lack of conative solicitude can be used sensibly or less so . The pronoun without a referent , for instance , makes sense where we are introduced to the thoughts of a person in so - called " figural narrative ...
... narrative convention , lack of conative solicitude can be used sensibly or less so . The pronoun without a referent , for instance , makes sense where we are introduced to the thoughts of a person in so - called " figural narrative ...
Pagina 86
... narrative mode . The writer solicitous of his reader's understanding will avoid a Latinate or abstract diction , will prefer a paratactic syntax , may favour short sentences with a strong sense of continuity . Today's author is perhaps ...
... narrative mode . The writer solicitous of his reader's understanding will avoid a Latinate or abstract diction , will prefer a paratactic syntax , may favour short sentences with a strong sense of continuity . Today's author is perhaps ...
Jon Erickson Köln Saussurean Reflections of the Idealism | 3 |
John Davis Köln Some Observations on the Weak Forms | 17 |
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abduktive Adjektiv Adjektivkomposita Adverbialsatz afrz Analyse analysis Äußerungen Basis Beispiel Bermuda bestimmten case Chomsky COMP comparatives complementizer conative solicitude constituent construction data Deutschen Dictionary discussion Dubois u.a. eaten Elemente English erste Euphemismus example Ezra Pound fact Figuren first following framework Fred Gapping generative generativen Transformationsgrammatik German Gimson given Grammatik Innisfree Italienischen John kausative language läßt Leech Lenerz linguistic Linguistik London make Mary Merkmal Metapher metaphorischen modal Morphem move muß narrative occur Orbis Tertius Phonologie Plett position possible Pragmatik pronoun Quantors reader reference Relation Relationierung Rhetorik rhétorique rhetorischen Figuren rules Sailing to Byzantium same Satz schen schließlich second second-hand seems semantische sentence speaker Sprache sprachlichen stilistische story structure Subjekt subordinate clause syntactic syntaktische Syntax system T.S. Eliot take Text Texttyp theory Thiersch things tion Tlön Todorov Transzendenz Typen Übersetzung unsere Unterschiede verb weak form wǝd White Birds world Wort Yeats