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or Interpretation they may caufe them to be obferved and fulfilled.

In like manner his Britannick Majefty promifes and engages to publish the neceffary Orders, if any be wanting, for reestablishing the Commerce of the Subjects of Spain in all the Countries under his Dominion, on the Foot fpecified by the faid Treaties, and for caufing them to be exactly obferved and fulfilled.


Confequently, all Ships, Merchandize and Effects, which fhall not have been taken or feized on Account of unlawful Commerce, and which shall now be proved by authentick Proofs and Documents to have been detained, feized or confifcated in the Ports of Spain, either in Europe or in the Indies, and namely the Ship Prince Frederick and her Cargo, if they have not been restored already, fhall be immediately restored, in the fame Kind as to those things which shall be found still remaining in that Condition; or in Default thereof, the juft and true Value of them, according to their Valuation, which, if it was not made at the Time,


shall be regulated by the authentick Informations which the Proprietors fhall exhibit to.. the Magiftrates of the Places and Towns where the Seizures were made: His Britannick Majefty promifing the like on his Part, as to all Seizures, Confifcations, or Detentions which may have been made contrary to the Tenour of the faid Treaties: Their faid Britannick and Catholick Majefties agreeing, that with refpect to the like Seizures, Confifcations or Detentions on either Side, the Validity of which may not yet have been fufficiently made out, the Difcuffion and Decifion of them fhall be referred to the Examination of the Commiffaries, to do therein according to Right upon the Foot of the Treaties here above-mentioned.

The present separate Articles shall have the fame Force as if they had been inferted Word for Word in the Treaty concluded and figned this Day. They fhall be ratified in the fame Manner, and the Ratifications of them shall be exchanged at the fame Time as thofe of the faid Treaty.

In Witness whereof we the underwritten Minifters Plenipotentiaries of his Britannick. Majefty

Majefty, of his most Christian Majefty, and of his Catholick Majefty, by Virtue of our Full Powers, have figned the present separate Articles, and caused the Seals of our Arms to be put thereto. Done at Seville the ninth Day of November, One thousand seven hundred twenty nine.

W.Stanhope. Brancas. El Marq. de la Paz.

(L.S.) B. Keene,



D. Jofeph Patino.



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Printed for LAWTON GILLIVER, at Homer's Head against St. Dunstan's Church in FleetStreet. MDCCXXX.

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